Shen Lang likes gossip, so he naturally knows a little bit about the person in front of him. There is doubt that Chen Zihan is talking about his fans. It can only be said that he is trying to build relationships. It is normal.

"Ah, is it true, Shen Lang, I especially like your girlhood, your songs, and your movies and TV series.

Sorry, it’s not your girlhood, it’s my girlhood. No, I’m sorry, I’m so excited to see you. "Ying'er said, feeling a little anxious.

"It's okay, I understand." Shen Lang complained in his heart. This was a bit too pretentious. You talked about your girlhood and deliberately said it wrong. That's okay.

But for celebrities, even if you know their names, there is no such thing as a simple one. Not to mention, it is a bit useful. After all, she is a beautiful woman. This is also the reason why women have an advantage in social interaction.

As for Chen Zihan, he withdrew after an introduction. This was about social distance and maintaining a good stop. Shen Lang actually felt that Chen Zihan was quite mature.

Coming back to the present, whether Ying'er is pretending, or really, uh, no, or, 100% pretending, if this is a man, there is a high probability that this man will not be able to withstand big things, but in a woman, he is just a little cute.

There is nothing I can do about it. I have been taught since I was a child to let girls go, so I will naturally be tolerant of women.

"Then can we take a photo together?" Yinger asked.

"No problem, uh." Ying'er was very quick, taking out her phone to take a selfie. Shen Lang calmly took a step back, and Ying'er leaned on her shoulder to hide for a while.

It's not that Shen Lang minded the other party approaching him, he just couldn't stand the fact that he didn't do anything and it was all about scandals.

Don't think about it, the other party is responsible for not posting this picture on Weibo. If the other party's team is marketing it, it will be a scandal again.

Shen Lang doesn't mind scandals, he doesn't mind fake scandals. He can't stand it if people say it even though he didn't do anything.

Shen Lang suddenly thought about what Yang Mi would think if he saw a photo of himself and Ying'er.

Okay, I think too much. It has nothing to do with me. It’s strange to have thoughts. Sometimes Shen Lang feels that he also has regrets. Sister Mi got married a little early, and she still has more attractive attributes now. Shen Lang quickly put away his distracting thoughts. Eliminate, it is not good to have no object, and it is easy to have random thoughts.

"Thank you." Ying'er bowed. She is really obsessed with girls. Although this method is obvious, it does make people feel vain.

"You're welcome, you and Sister Zihan are quite familiar." When you don't know what to talk about, just talk about people you know in common.

"Well, when we were filming before, Sister Zihan took good care of me." Shen Lang got to know her a little bit, and she really knew something.

The two of them have collaborated in a drama called "Nezha and Yang Jian", starring Wang Zulan. He really doesn't have this memory and has never seen it on the Internet. He probably didn't invest much in it.

That’s right, although he is often on trending searches, and I often see a lot of movies and TV dramas being trending, but most of them are projects that are not popular, starring Wang Zulan. Although he is popular through "Running Man", his popularity is basically At the bottom, it shouldn’t be a big project.

"Shen Lang, sister Ying'er, it's been a long time." Xiao Tao appeared before we even exchanged a few words.

"Xiao Tao, I haven't seen you for a while. You guys are busy first, I'm meeting a friend." Ying'er was very colorful and withdrew directly. Although she was a little dissatisfied and didn't add friends, forget it, it won't be the next time we meet. It’s your first time, don’t be in a hurry.

It’s not that you have to achieve something every time you meet someone. It’s not that simple and easy.

"Sister Xiaotao, you guys know each other, what's wrong?" Shen Lang asked.

"It's okay, I just saw you guys chatting. Come and interrupt me. This Ying'er has a partner." Xiao Tao said.

"That's it, that's not right. What's wrong with having a partner? Sister Xiaotao, what kind of person do you think I am?" Shen Lang said.

"I'm just telling you, Ying'er is not a simple person, and it's for your own good. Aren't you afraid that Senior Sister will be angry with you?" Xiao Tao deliberately mentioned Senior Master Liu.

She knew that Shen Lang and Liu Shishi were together, and she also knew that there was something wrong between the two of them during this period. The main reason was that on the day they finally separated, neither of them paid attention to the other, thinking that there was a conflict.

Xiaotao didn't know Shen Lang's views on love, but she had a feeling that they had broken up again.

She didn't know the inside story of each of Shen Lang's relationships, but she knew that Shen Lang's relationships didn't last long. Could it be that the same was true for Liu Shishi?

She is actually quite optimistic about Liu Shishi and Shen Lang, after all, both of them are her benefactors.

"What do you mean, what does it have to do with Shishi?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

"Ying'er signed with Tangren Film and Television for a period of time two years ago. When I celebrated my senior sister's birthday, she happened to be involved in a plastic surgery scandal. The pictures she posted on Weibo to celebrate her birthday were the most controversial," Xiao Tao said.

"Uh." Shen Lang really doesn't know this. The main reason is that this gossip is not as popular as the one with Yang Mi. That's right, unless Master Liu speaks out himself, but that's impossible. Shen Lang has never heard of this news, so he can only say that it is not very popular.

The reason why she and Yang Mi got into trouble was because Yang Mi's studio directly came out to criticize her, because they didn't know her or something.

As for why Xiao Tao knew, it must be because she was still following Master Liu at that time, and she must pay attention to these things.

"I know." Shen Lang said. He had never thought about revenge. There was no way to retaliate. He couldn't just find a way to stab her. Then she wouldn't have succeeded.

Xiaotao also talked about some things about Ying'er. She has a lot of controversies. Last year, she had an affair with the father of Pace Wu's children.

Shen Lang also knew about her new scandal, and Xiao Tao was talking about someone who was her famous husband in her previous life. She had been excluded, but he didn't admit it.

Shen Lang came here after hearing the gossip, which was indeed interesting. He also knew that her current contract manager was Jia Shikai, who also came from the Tang Dynasty. He arrived in Huanrui and then established his own business.

Shen Lang heard Xiao Tao talk about him, but it was just him. He didn't say Ying'er at that time, but Yang Yang. Jia Shikai took him and Ying'er away.

It has to be said that the Tang people are indeed full of talents, but they have not kept up with the trend of capital. It can only be said that one step is wrong and the other is wrong.

"If you have nothing to do, let's go. We still have some time, but let's go back and rest." Xiao Tao said.

"Okay, let me say hello to Da Tiantian." Shen Lang didn't care.

"Be careful and don't give people random nicknames." Xiao Tao said.

"I understand." Of course Shen Lang would not say this in front of Da Tiantian. Although she might not care, how could she add such a big character at will.

"Xiao Tao, I saw you here." Shen Lang and Xiao Tao saw a young woman and a tall woman in a red velvet suit. Although they didn't say hello, they knew who it was, Song Qian.

Speaking of which, this woman has a good figure, but she looks a bit bulky in this outfit.

"Sister Zhang, are you here too?" Xiao Tao greeted her with a smile.

"Yes, I saw you here and came over to say hello. By the way, this is Song Qian, I just want to meet you," the woman said.

Xiao Tao complained in her heart that this was intentional. If she hadn't stood with Shen Lang, she would have done something wrong.

Shen Lang listened to their chat next and realized that this person was also from Tangren Film and Television before, but he left with Jia Shikai. Yes, Song Qian was also an artist of Jia Shikai and came with Ying'er. I'll go.

But after the two said hello, Shen Lang left directly. He had no objection to them, but he couldn't do anything, so why not leave.

"Sister Tiantian, I'm leaving first. I'll chat on WeChat later."

"Not having a meal."


I also chatted with Huang Bo for a few words, saying that there was an opportunity to cooperate, and also chatted with Wang Zhi for a few words, but within five minutes, he had already withdrawn.

Back at the hotel, Shen Lang looked at today's news. Yes, "Detective Chinatown" was a hit.

Shen Lang looked at it and found it quite interesting. The person doing the most marketing was Zhang Dada. Many marketing accounts posted the same copywriting. Zhang Dada hosted the event and was constantly amusing.


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