China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 84 Don't Make a Wedding Dress

"Oh, I understand. The box office is too uncertain. The way to pay back now is the subsidy after the release, and some bonuses." Shen Lang fully understood.

"Yes, you are Xiao Zhang's friend, and I will not hide it from you. To be honest, the income that can be seen now has been confirmed. It is the subsidy after the release, which is one million.

For those bonuses, you have to take the film to participate in some awards, and there may be a profit of more than 100,000 to 200,000 yuan. "

Okay, 2.5 million is still the most perfect state. According to him, more than 2.1 million is normal.

Wu Jun didn't want to go into such details, but he also knew that if Shen Lang wanted to know about these things, he would definitely know.

Subsidies are all policies on the surface, but it's just to see if they can apply for it.

There is also the award income of more than 100,000 to 200,000 yuan, and one award is 30,000 to 20,000 yuan. This still requires long-term participation, and it may take half a year to earn back. It is impossible to judge awards every day.

In the end, the total income was more than 2.1 million. In terms of expenditure, 1 million was spent on filming, investors invested 800,000, and the director himself was paid 150,000 for filming.

The 150,000 yuan is not included in the 1.8 million yuan. This is the income that the director can apply for subsidies, and he has connections in the system.

That's 1.95 million, and the investor earns only 50,000 yuan. Of course, there are more than 100,000 yuan in bonuses, and it is too difficult to carry a movie around to participate in the award selection.

If you can earn only 50,000 yuan and invest 800,000 yuan, the time is fine, but the one million subsidy after the release can only come down after the movie is completely offline.

The time is too long. The funds invested at the beginning of the year are expected to be released next year, at least one and a half years. The investment time is too long, and the investors have run away.

And there may be losses after the subsidy, some money, you have to manage it, and your last chance to make money is to go around with movies to win prizes.

The money is said to be there, but who can guarantee it? The investor is not happy because of this. If there is no expansion of investment, if it is only 500,000 yuan, he can stick to it.

After all, a subsidy of 2 million yuan is certain. If you spend 1.5 million yuan, you will have 500,000 yuan left. If you give the director 150,000 yuan, you will have 350,000 yuan left.

It is not unacceptable to earn 250,000 a year for 350,000 and then lose tens of thousands, even if it loses 100,000. If the time is longer, it will be longer.

But this additional investment, forget it, it's too difficult, and the investors didn't pay attention to the bonuses Wu Jun said.

Why do you let you get an award for nothing, you are not allowed to play, and now the investors mean that I don't expect to make money anymore.

You are my friend, so if you invest, you invest, and you don't expect to make money anymore, and Wu Jun can't help it.

Don’t feel that you are self-sufficient in your investment profits and losses. This kind of movie that obviously doesn’t look good just wants to earn subsidies. When the subsidies are difficult to cover the expenses, I will run away.

To be honest, after Shen Lang knew the situation, he didn't want to participate anymore, but think about it, if it weren't for this kind of crew, he wouldn't be able to participate in the investment.

Shen Lang also felt very unreal, watching the news and investing tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars in a movie was too much, and suddenly opened an investment of one or two million, hundreds of thousands, really speechless.

"Shen Lang, in fact, low-budget movies are not without prospects. Last year, "Kung Fu Fighter" won a box office of more than one million, and the box office revenue was also three to four hundred thousand."

The subsidy unit is a film studio in this province. This "Kung Fu Fighter" is also a subsidized film, but after its release, it has a box office of more than one million.

Wu Jun's meaning is obvious, he can gamble on the box office, even though he doesn't believe in himself, there are a few familiar faces in his movie.

He can't help the problem. Now this is the only way to invest. Obviously, the subsidy is not much money.

Tell him not to subsidize, even to investors. After a year of hard work, he must earn some money.

This is also the condition that Shen Lang values. If the movie sells well, he can also make money, and he has points.

He doesn't expect subsidies either, but he can't tell Wu Jun that what he expects is the bonus to him after the box office of the movie is completed, as well as the return on investment.

That's right, the box office proceeds are entirely from the investors. As for the subsidies given above, they are not considered investment, and this is also an encouragement for you to make movies.

It's just that most people only want to earn subsidies, and don't think much about box office sales, including Wu Jun.

It can be seen from his casting, there is no familiar face, there is really no one.

"Mr. Wu, I'll go back and think about this. Don't worry, I'm not making excuses. I will definitely give you news within a day, and I won't delay." Shen Lang said.

"Okay." Wu Jun felt that his arrival was in vain.

Of course, he himself didn't have much hope. If there was a star, it would be different, and he is not convincing now.

He didn't even think about defrauding Shen Lang of investing, the main reason is that he couldn't. Shen Lang contacted his crew through Xin Yukun.

He himself is also a member of the circle, and it is impossible to understand some routines.


"I'm going back to the dormitory, aren't you coming back?" Shen Lang called Huang Mengying.

"Two more days." Huang Mengying said.

"Well, wait for you."

Watching Shen Lang hang up the video, Huang Mengying said that this man is too realistic.

Long time no see, although it is not visible on the surface, it has completely cooled down the relationship.

Huang Mengying was very dissatisfied. When Shen Lang was chasing her back then, during filming breaks, he went to work tomorrow and had to rush back to BJ in the evening.

This worked, and he hadn't seen her for nearly two months, and it's not like he didn't have a rest, but he never said he would go find her.

What, she went to look for Shen Lang, what was she thinking, you chased me, you were cold, and you want me to beg you in turn.

Since she grew up, she has never taken the initiative in a relationship, there is no need to take the initiative, a bunch of people lick it.

She had a feeling that Shen Lang didn't seem to like her that much either, he was simply greedy for her body.

Of course, if Shen Lang and her get together again for a period of time, and the relationship passes through this cold period, they will have passed the first hurdle of the love period.

Falling in love has to go through hurdles, breaking up and reuniting, quarreling and so on are all very normal, and the relationship in the past has deepened.

The question is that Shen Lang can't. It's interesting to say that he has never had a fight in this life when he was in a relationship. Everyone looks good at each other during the love period.

Once the love period was over, he ran away, and there was no soil for quarreling, which was good.

This is also the reason why ex-girlfriends never forget him. Being with him is full of beautiful memories of love. When they quarrel with the current one, they immediately think of him.

Shen Lang's running is quite appropriate, he has reservations when it comes to love.


"Ms. Wu, I can invest the remaining 300,000 yuan, but I have to talk about the specifics. By the way, can you give me a chance to meet another investor?"

Shen Lang decided to invest, but he had to find a way to get back the investment share from another investor.

He knew that this movie had a guaranteed box office of 10 million, and he didn't want to make wedding dresses for others.

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