"Do You Want to Dance?" is a promotional song prepared by Shen Lang for "Sewing Machine Band".

Anyway, I still remember this song. If I don’t show it now, it will fit in with it later. He will basically never make a rock movie in the future.

He is not very fond of rock music. What he likes is pop and folk songs, such as songs by Joker Xue, Lao Fan next door, and Mao Buyi. Rock music is very popular, but he really doesn't like it.

"Aren't you kidding?" Brother Xiaosha said, you have nothing to do with "The Legend of Wukong", so you are so positive.

"Of course, who doesn't know that my idol is Wukong, right?" The latter asked Tang Yan. Tang Yan nodded and gave her a Wukong doll as a gift.

It has to be said that Shen Lang has a way of not neglecting Tang Yan at all when talking to Brother Xiaosha. This attitude is indeed unparalleled.

"The main reason is that I also like the book "The Legend of Wukong". The words in it are very domineering. I hope that this day will never cover my eyes again." Shen Lang said.

"Okay, I'll show you, but it's just the beginning. Jin Hezai and I often discuss how to write lyrics, and you can also be a consultant."

"Well, let me take a look. Sister Tang Yan, you can also come and take a look. It's convenient." Yes, Shen Lang can really help. In his previous life, he was very popular with two songs of "Sewing Machine Band". They were complete, not like in the movie. Yes, they are "Choose C" and "The Legend of Wukong".

The latter was out of curiosity as to why the band in this movie sang for "The Legend of Monkey King".

Of course, these two songs have one thing in common, which is also what he has in common with many songs. He can't remember them all, but he can hum them and see familiar words, and he may remember some of them.

"You have said it. If there is any inconvenience, let me write it for you. We didn't talk much. Mainly during this period, we only thought about our movie." This handsome brother did not tell lies. After all, " "The Legend of Wukong" is just a song invitation, but for "Sewing Machine Band", he is the music director, which is different.

"These are all words from novels. I wish you could no longer cover my eyes. You wrote these yourself. Who am I? Why do I live alone? Every night, I have to go back and forth like this." Shen Lang Looking at the messy words.

"Yeah, it's quite messy. What do you think?" Zhao Yingjun didn't expect Shen Lang. Although "Choose C" was surprising, Shen Lang told him that he had been prepared. Songwriting does not take a day and a half. of.

It’s not that writing lyrics is difficult. There are dozens of words piled up every day, but to be able to complete a song, you have to be very serious. At the very least, it should fit the movie.

"I really do. Look, in this paragraph, I made a mistake and I need to bear it. You are planning to expand it and change it directly to make it seem like I have made some kind of unforgivable mistake. I always feel that there is something that I have to bear. "

In fact, a song is repeated twice, and there are not that many words. Shen Lang just can't remember so many things in his mind, but as long as he is reminded, many things will come out naturally.

Especially in his previous life, he liked "The Legend of Wukong". There are quite a lot of classic lines in it. Once you go there, you will never come back. It's so awesome.

"Okay." Zhao Yingjun was not too surprised. This is how songwriting is, and the inspiration came to him in a flash.

"I think this is the book I have read the most in my life. This word is very good, but it is a bit popular." Shen Lang was still discussing it with Brother Xiaosha.

Although Jin Hezai and Brother Xiaosha also chatted a lot, it is really not as good as chatting with Shen Lang about lyrics this time. After all, in the final analysis, Jin Hezai's contribution is those few classic words, which is also why he was the lyricist in his previous life. reason.

Although Tang Yan doesn't know how to write songs, she does know how to work. Shen Lang is not just pretending to pick up girls, this is serious work.

"Tangtang, do you think it's better to keep the gift you left on your pillow, or the loneliness you left on your pillow?" Shen Lang asked Tang Yan.

"I don't understand this. I think it's all good." Tang Yan was very honest.

"I think the gift is better. It is connected with the book I have read the most." Brother Xiaosha said.

"What do you think?" Shen Lang continued to ask Tang Yan.

"I think so." Tang Yan was a little shy. After all, she didn't understand, but Zhao Yingjun did.

"Well, it's true. Brother Xiaosa, I'll write a song for Tangtang later. I can't let others work in vain." Shen Lang said.

"No problem." Brother Xiaosha didn't care. Even if he saw that Shen Lang was picking up girls, it didn't matter. After all, Shen Lang did help.

Although he is a professional musician, he is far behind in terms of popularity. If word gets out that he and Shen Lang composed these songs today, it will be helpful to his career. It’s just so fucked up. .

Brother Xiaosha is not angry either. Shen Lang contributed a lot. Shen Lang changed the lyrics of "Everyone Choose C" a little bit, but the composition is basically Shen Lang's. "The Legend of Wukong" is a work that he has not put any effort into, except where is the present? The original words, plus some of his words, Shen Lang contributed more words than him in just this moment.

"No, this really won't work. I have no contribution." Tang Yan is self-aware. If she dares to write, a bunch of opponents will definitely laugh at her to death. She is not 456. They are 456 in the music industry. She can't even rhyme. Can't tell the difference.

She is different from Shen Lang. Shen Lang's family has published works. This is the difference.

"Then write a thank you." Shen Lang didn't take it seriously on such a trivial matter.

"If it weren't for you, this song wouldn't have come out so easily. I, Brother Lang, have hidden it so deeply." Brother Xiaosha said to Tang Yan.

"There's nothing wrong with that. If it weren't for Tangtang, I wouldn't have thought of doing this. I haven't written a song for a long time. Alas, I also have a melody. I'll hum it and you can compose the music."

Brother Xiaosha is not too surprised. Many people compose music by humming songs. Maybe many of them are not professional, but they all have their own ways.

"It's amazing. In ancient times, Cao Zhi composed a poem in seven steps, and now Shen Lang composes music in seven minutes."

"Don't be kidding, this tune has been around before, and it goes well with this song." Shen Lang didn't make it too exaggerated, it didn't make any sense.

Although she said this, Tang Yan felt that Shen Lang was more real. I have to say that if people see you as comfortable, then whatever you do is right.

"That's it for today. By the way, I'll send you a file later. Two songs. During this time, you can help teach the band. I'll use them in the movie. I'll just get them out before they're finalized. I'm sorry to bother you."

"The Legend of Wukong" has basically taken shape, and it's still the same as before. Brother Xiaosha finished the show, and Shen Lang planned to withdraw. Before leaving, he told Brother Xiaosha his plan.

One is "Do You Want to Dance?" This one doesn't require anyone's cooperation. Shen Lang has already applied for the copyright, and the other one is an Easter egg.

"Okay, leave it to me."

"Tangtang, please excuse me. You must be very bored." After leaving the recording studio, Shen Lang and Tang Yan walked for a while. People need to communicate.

The harvest tonight is not small. At the very least, it’s natural to call her Tangtang.

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