
"What's wrong?" You see, after shouting too much, he stopped saying anything.

"It's okay, I just wanted to see you."

"You're so disgusting, you've done it several times."

The above conversation occurred while Shen Lang was driving back to the hotel. Judging from Tang Yan's answer, it was not the first time it occurred.

Shen Lang said, I am also very helpless. My brother always prescribes the right medicine. When you say this, your face bursts into laughter. I still don’t understand what to do.

"Aren't I afraid that you won't believe me? If you go to bed and deny it tomorrow, how unjust I would be." Shen Lang responded.

"You think too much." Tang Yan said.

"That's not right, you don't answer according to the routine." Shen Lang said, are you in love? We are all together anyway, so it's okay to talk softly.

Yes, we have already been in contact with each other. In the car just now, Shen Lang and Tang Yan had an affair and then kissed, which was very engaging. If Shen Lang hadn't been able to control his hands and made Tang Yan wake up, we would have set off now. There is no other way to say it.

"Then how should I answer?" Tang Yan said.

"You should ask me, what should I do? I can follow your words and I will accompany you tonight." Shen Lang, don't be afraid that if the relationship just progresses, this will offend the other party. You have to take the initiative. Anyway, you have the right to speak. , can be maneuvered.

"What bad things are you thinking about? Don't even think about it. Besides, what do I recognize?" Tang Yan said with a smile, is it love? Both parties have to pay for it. One-sided love is not called love.

"Who wants to do something bad? What are you thinking? It's not healthy at all. I'm thinking that the first person you see tomorrow will be me. If you forget by then, I have to find a way to make you think of it. ." Shen Lang said.

"What do you think of that I don't understand?" Tang Yan also knows how to play.

"Okay, here we are, I'll let you recall." Shen Lang parked the car and immediately put his arms around Tang Yan and kissed her.

Be quick, be timely, and don't hesitate too much for things you have already done. Tang Yan was naughty at first, but soon she slapped Shen Lang on the back, and she couldn't breathe.

"Do you admit it? Forget it, asking in vain, I must let you remember me." Shen Lang was such a dog, he didn't even wait for Tang Yan to answer, and came directly.

"Recognize it or not, forget it, it's better to deepen your memory."

"Tangtang, are you okay?"

Tang Yan is really speechless. You are sick. Such a wonderful thing, but you can't do it forever. Also, please let me say something.

"I admit it, just accept it." Tang Yan took advantage of her escape from the clutches of the devil and said quickly, and then, Shen Lang came again.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I just acted out of habit. What did you say? Forget it, am I hallucinating?" Shen Lang, the super dog, is here again.

"I admit it, I admit it, can you let me say something?" Tang Yan said quickly, stopping Shen Lang from continuing. She could even see Shen Lang's regret, but she immediately felt that something was wrong. Why are you here again.

"Isn't it okay to admit it?" Tang Yan said.

"What do you recognize?" Shen Lang pretended to be stupid.

"You have to say it, don't say it." Tang Yan said, I also have moral integrity, and then ten minutes later.

"Wake up, whatever you say, I can do it, okay?" Tang Yan said.

"Okay, after all, you are my girlfriend, I'd better listen to you." Shen Lang said.

"Just listen to me and pause. I have work tomorrow and my lips feel swollen." Tang Yan said.

"Okay, let's go up. Do you want me to carry you up?" Shen Lang opened the door for Tang Yan in a very gentlemanly manner.

"Don't." Tang Yan was startled. Didn't you already know this? After all, it was her first time falling in love with Shen Lang, so she didn't know that he was completely different from other people.

"Why do you look at me like that?" In the elevator, Tang Yan watched Shen Lang staring at her and asked. She was still a little panicked. Isn't it because of the makeup? Women only care about their appearance to please themselves.

"You look good, haha. The main reason is that I didn't expect that we would have the opportunity to be together. It feels like a dream come true." Shen Lang said.

In fact, these words are a bit inappropriate. After all, Shen Lang has more than one love partner. Tang Yan also knows that, at least Liu Tianxian and Liu Shishi know about it.

Would she have thought that Shen Lang had also said this to these two people, especially the well-known Liu Tianxian, who was Shen Lang's idol, and it would be a dream come true to be together.

However, Shen Lang said this on purpose. There are some things that cannot be escaped. They had to take advantage of the fact that they were just together tonight. Tang Yan was not very quiet in her heart, and she subtly made her classify this idea into unimportant categories.

"Who knows how many people you've said this to?" was the unexpected answer.

"Well, did you smell something? It's so sour." Although not everything can be solved with a joke.

But on this issue, it's really okay. Tang Yan's coming this time means that Shen Lang won't understand. If she had no intention and was particularly concerned about Shen Lang's ex, she wouldn't have given this excuse at all.

So, sometimes don't think too much, although Shen Lang may have made mistakes himself, yes, it was Liu Shishi.

He clearly knew what Liu Shishi was concerned about, so he should actually let her know about Liu Tianxian from the beginning.

"Who are you saying is jealous?" Tang Yan subconsciously took a picture. You see, some people are self-taught, so there is no big problem.

However, Tang Yan stopped talking about this, just as Shen Lang thought, it had already happened. Figure it out for yourself. After Liu Shishi's experience, Shen Lang noticed a mistake of his own. He had never made it before. Who knew Liu Shishi had made it here? Just don't care too much about what the other person thinks. Just think about it if you can figure it out. If you can't figure it out, forget it. Don't think too much here, it's useless.

"Okay, I'm jealous. I'm jealous. I feel unhappy when I think that you still have many suitors. When you go back to filming, they will pursue you again," Shen Lang said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who can chase me?" Tang Yan said this a bit too much.

"Are you questioning my vision? No one is chasing you. Do you want to hear this for yourself?" Shen Lang said.

"It's like you have no one to chase you." Tang Yan also complained about Shen Lang. The profession of celebrity is different from that of ordinary people. Ordinary women have no shortage of people to chase them, but ordinary men are miserable.

But when they reach the level of celebrities, some things are no longer representative of them, especially celebrities with good looks like Shen Lang.

"You really can't accuse me wrongly. It's just some fans. I have basically no communication with them. As for other people, I always keep a distance." This Shen Lang told the truth. He does not lack people to chase him, but other people have no chance to contact him. Him.

"Hey, you still don't believe it. How about I post it on Weibo now? We might as well make it public." Shen Lang said.

"Are you serious? Aren't you afraid?" Tang Yan looked at Shen Lang and turned away. She originally thought he was teasing her, but why did he look so dangerous? She hurriedly said.

"Falling in love with you is not a shameful thing, why should I be afraid?" Shen Lang said.

"No, wait until I discuss it with the team. You're going too fast." Tang Yan stopped her, not because she had other ideas, but mainly because Shen Lang was unique in terms of courage.

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