China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 879 Show off your power

"Hello, long time no see." Seeing Shen Lang's outstretched hand, Liu Tianxian was calm on the surface, but his heart was already turbulent.

She saw the exchange between Shen Lang and Tang Yan just now. Although she didn't know what was said, there must be something to it. When did Tang Yan have such a good relationship with Shen Lang?

She knew that Shen Lang had collaborated with Tang Yan twice, once when she was also present. At that time, Shen Lang and Tang Yan didn't have much communication, in "The Beauty of Dew".

The first time was "Why Shengxiaomo", and the collaboration lasted less than a week, and there was basically nothing to cultivate friendship in the follow-up.

But Tang Yan traveled thousands of miles to visit Shen Lang, plus Shen Lang's sudden arrival, and most importantly, the change in the signature last night, it felt like something had happened.

She had already positioned the relationship between the two people in her heart, so when she heard the occasional whisper just now, she felt particularly embarrassed.

It's not that everyone is gossiping about Shen Lang and Tang Yan, it's her and Shen Lang who are gossiping. Yes, Shen Lang's sudden appearance, everyone thought it was for her.

Everyone knows that Shen Lang’s idol is Liu Tianxian, and everyone also knows that Shen Lang was kicked by Liu Tianxian. In addition, these two people can now be regarded as the most valuable and popular regret CPs in the entertainment industry. , suddenly reality intersects, it would be strange if everyone didn’t think more about it.

Not to mention other people, even Liu Tianxian herself would have misunderstood that Shen Lang came to see her if she hadn't guessed something about Shen Lang and Tang Yan.

"Excuse me, I came unexpectedly today, but I agreed to deliver Tangtang today, and I just happened to be busy with my work. Come and pick her up, so I won't have to run back and forth." Shen Lang just turned on the loudspeaker, okay, Tangtang isn't here. Around him, Shen Lang couldn't say that, but now, whether it was to deliberately stimulate his idol or to reassure Tangtang, he must show something.

"Ahem." Tang Yan started to cough. It was too sudden for you.

"Tangtang, what's wrong with you?" Shen Lang wanted to laugh.

"It's okay, it's okay." Tang Yan didn't dare to look at Liu Tianxian, after all, she was the person involved.

"Who are you?" Liu Tianxian didn't want to ask at first, but since he said it so clearly, he was sure it wasn't a big problem.

"Obviously, well, forget it, she won't let her talk." Shen Lang felt Tang Yan's resistance, and pulled him directly regardless of Liu Tianxian's gaze. There were some things that he didn't want to say explicitly.

"Don't get me wrong, Shen Lang prefers to joke, you should know that." Tang Yan felt that her words had become dry.

"Haha, just kidding, we are friends, Sister Fei, how was the filming?" Shen Lang started to say polite words.

"It went very smoothly." Liu Tianxian was not an ordinary person. Although he felt quite unhappy with Shen Lang in his heart, he could not show it on the surface and seemed to care.

"That's right. What I'm asking is nonsense. Xianxia dramas are Sister Fei's ruling circle. Zhao Ling'er is the most classic character in my mind until now." Shen Lang dared to say this in front of Tang Yan.

In other words, he did this on purpose. When everyone knows that you like this thing, don't avoid it in front of your girlfriend. The more you avoid it, the more you seem to care. To put it bluntly, your girlfriend may not take it too seriously.

"Don't say that." Even if Liu Tianxian thought Shen Lang was hypocritical, he would still be happy to be praised.

"This is really not nonsense. Everyone knows it, right, Tangtang." Shen Lang began to cue Tang Yan. Tang Yan was originally thinking about how to handle her future relationship with Liu Tianxian, but suddenly she was cueed that you are here Is it okay to embarrass me?

"Yes." What could Tang Yan say? Just as Shen Lang thought, the more Shen Lang said it, the less Tang Yan cared about it. Shen Lang understood it under the dark light.

Of course, it's not that Tang Yan is a fool, it's that Shen Lang gave Tang Yan a sense of security.

"Tangtang, you are like this too." Liu Tianxian said.

"I can't help it. Tangtang is definitely facing me now. Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore. Besides, Tangtang should ignore me." Shen Lang said deliberately.

"Hey, Sister Fei, I didn't expect that there are acquaintances on the set. I'm going to say hello. Tangtang, you guys chat first, but I suggest you go with me. You're a woman." Shen Lang doesn't plan to chat with Liu Tianxian anymore. , just a few words will be enough. If you talk too much and run out of topics, it will be more embarrassing.

Of course, this is also intentional. You can't talk too much with Liu Tianxian. It's mainly for Tang Yan. Now she doesn't react. If she talks too much with Liu Tianxian, she won't feel comfortable if she thinks about it more when she goes back. Now. It's good so far.

Liu Tianxian watched Shen Lang and Tang Yan leave, feeling angry. She was a little too passive, but there was nothing she could do about it. Shen Lang was obviously prepared, and she had no way of fighting back.

In the simple conversation just now, she seemed to have been raped by Shen Lang again. Shen Lang showed off Tangtang in front of her. He was her good friend. He was so weird.

In fact, her personality has always been very peaceful, mainly because she became famous at a young age and is used to being hacked. But when it comes to Shen Lang, her mentality is indeed easy to change.

I was dumped the first time, the second time, and now I can't even fight back against Shen Lang. It's so embarrassing.

There was nothing she could do about it. She suffered because Shen Lang came prepared and was shocked by the news that Shen Lang and Tang Yan were indeed together.

Another reason is that she is not as thick-skinned as Shen Lang. With just a few words, she was still digesting the new girlfriend information brought by Shen Lang and had no chance to respond.

This is just like a quarrel. Many people regret it later and beat the wall. Why didn't they say so at the time?

Liu Tianxian had this mentality. She had thought about the scene when she met Shen Lang. Shen Lang had always wanted to invite her to participate in "Zhu Xian", and she originally thought about whether he would ask for help.

But she didn't expect that the meeting would be like this. Shen Lang came over and showed off his power. She always felt that Shen Lang did this on purpose.

And it's not just a blind guess. The way Shen Lang looked at him just now was that of a villain who has succeeded.

Shen Lang did make it very obvious that in order to reassure Tang Yan, he could do something and use his idol as a tool.

But subconsciously, he still wanted to have a follow-up with Liu Tianxian, and her mission was not completed yet.

Although he said he was single-minded during the relationship, he has seen through himself. He doesn't know if he will change, but at least now, his love mentality has not changed. On the contrary, because of what happened to Liu Shishi, he may believe that his previous behavior was right. .

He just gave in a little and was dumped. How could this make Shen Lang happy?

"It has nothing to do with me." Tang Yan was not angry. Instead, Shen Lang authenticated herself in front of his idol, which proved that the two of them really had nothing to do with each other.

But after all, it still has to be done with face. Shen Lang said that his friend was a woman, and his subconscious thought was that if you don't mind, she must not care.

This is people's subconscious behavior. If you do something openly, many people will not think you have anything wrong with you.

But to be honest, this really doesn't mean anything. After all, it is Shen Lang's first time to be paired with a group besides the big fight.

That's right, Shen Lang really doesn't know about the pure one in Bao Yubu Chun's group in this crew, but it won't be too late.

We haven't contacted each other for a while. They had just separated before, and Shen Lang had a lot of contact with them. However, since they were dating each other and there was no chance to meet, they faded away.

(There is another chapter to be coded in the afternoon or evening)

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