"Hello, hello." Xin Daiyu was quite enthusiastic, and Shen Lang was a little proud. This was the correct reaction for a star to see him.

It's not like Liu Tianxian or people like Naza who don't take him at ease at all. Of course, he himself knows that the situation is different. The relationship is there. If you have been a girlfriend or a good friend, you It's so boring to want them to be like the people they just met.

But to be honest, only on this occasion can Shen Lang feel that his status has significantly improved.

You can't usually feel it in the crew, because his status in the crew is not lower than that of others. Only in this kind of occasion where many people socialize freely can you feel everyone's enthusiasm.

But that was it. Shen Lang guessed in his mind that the two people were probably still together, and Shen Lang had also seen their gossip.

Regarding Lin Genxin's overtures of kindness, he remained the same as before and had no intention of having a close friendship. He had not forgotten Zhang Yuxi at all.

"We have time to play together." Lin Genxin was still sensible and could not keep dragging Shen Lang to chat, otherwise he would not be able to achieve his current position.

In fact, he still felt a little regretful. If he could have a better relationship with Shen Lang, his network of contacts could be expanded.

People outside the circle don't know, and he still doesn't know that Shen Lang doesn't show off his talents, but he is actually half a capital.

Most of his best-selling movies were his own investments, and he is now able to make his own pie based on his own popularity.

Of course, many people can imitate Shen Lang's behavior, and the team he works with is not a team that everyone is optimistic about, most of them are novices.

The resources stars want are those of a better production team or director. There is no shortage of resources for newcomers, but they don't have Shen Lang's confidence.

However, after so many proofs, Shen Lang proved himself that he can lead the team with his own traffic, which is amazing.

Lin Genxin left with the others, and Shen Lang continued to socialize. He didn't like drinking with people, but it was annoying if a group of people fawned over them, but it was okay to come once in a while.

"Lang, let me introduce you. This is our leader, Mr. Zeng." Shen Lang and Lin Genxin separated, and Chen Sicheng took Shen Lang to introduce him to a big boss.

That's right, the boss, Zeng Maojun, a senior executive of Wanda Film and Television, is also one of the investors behind "Detective Chinatown".

"Sicheng is so joking. Hello, I have wanted to meet you for a long time. I was filming in Thailand before and I wanted to visit you, but I never had time.

Now it’s come true. Speaking of which, you and our Wanda are quite destined and have collaborated more than once. "Zeng Maojun is also very enthusiastic.

Although he is also a spokesman for capital and generally does not pay attention to celebrities, he still respects people like Shen Lang who can directly bring benefits.

Today's Wanda is indeed unique in terms of theaters and distribution, but it is really not that good in content production.

Only in 2011 did we officially start to participate in the production of "Close Enemies" as a small investor. The entertainment industry is very exclusive. Even Wanda cannot come in and do whatever they want.

In 2012, he began to gradually invest in various films, but most of them were co-investors and distributors. Yang Mi's "Hollow Love" has already begun to take control.

In 2013, Da Tiantian appointed Uncle Long to collaborate on "Police Story 2013" and "Gongsuo Agarwood", which gained a little more buzz this year.

The year after that, I met Chen Sicheng, and "BJ Love Story" was released, and then there were "One Life to Live" and "Hypnosis Master".

The results are pretty good, but from a director's point of view, both Chen Sicheng and Zou Xian are new directors. Zou Xian used to be a producer and later changed careers. "One Life to Live" is his debut.

At this stage, it can be fully explained that Wanda is lacking in content production and cannot cooperate with a good team.

Later, it became more impressive. Wanda Cinema Line officially launched its efforts. In 2015 alone, it released four blockbusters in a row and officially took off.

These four blockbusters must include "Detective Chinatown" which is still in theaters, as well as "The Secret of the Dragon", "Charlotte" and "Pancake Man".

That's right, among these movies, except for "Charlotte", which belongs to a small producer, the remaining few are all controlled by the main producer.

Zeng Maojun said that Shen Lang and Wanda are destined, which is really not nonsense. In 2015, Shen Lang collaborated on several Wanda movies. Although he was not directed at Wanda, he was invested in it, so it can be said that .

Of these four hit movies, Shen Lang participated in three of them, and he had guest appearances in "Pancake Man" and "Charlotte Trouble".

In addition, there are also "Get Out" controlled by Wanda, in which Shen Lang is the second and third male lead, and the movie "Running Brothers", in which Wanda is the largest producer other than Huayi, and is also the largest investor.

There is also a relatively unpopular one, "Surprises along the way" that Shen Lang himself didn't pay much attention to. The box office was very low, but Shen Lang also made a guest appearance because of Zhao Xiaogu.

Shen Lang collaborated with Wanda more or less six times a year, which is a lot. You know, in 2015, Wanda only produced and invested in nine works, except for "Equator" and "The Secret of the Dragon" He did not participate in "My Adolescence", but participated in the rest.

As for the distribution of works, there is no need to talk about it. It has nothing to do with Wanda's own content production, which relies on the capabilities of the theater chain.

Anyway, in terms of this frequency, Shen Lang cooperates more frequently than Chen Sicheng, a direct descendant of Wanda.

Of course, this is not a comparison. Chen Sicheng's cooperation is a direct content cooperation with benefits, while Shen Lang's is a pure cooperation.

"This is indeed a special fate." Shen Lang also knew this. Although he said he didn't care who the investor was, it was not a big problem if he had a little understanding during the filming. Wanda did not hide its investment.

"Many colleagues like you very much and want to cooperate with you. I hope to have this opportunity in the future." Zeng Maojun took the opportunity to say.

This goal is somewhat clear. Although Shen Lang has cooperated with Wanda a lot in terms of quantity, the quality is not interesting.

Shen Lang's own movies, "The Winner" beat "Pancake Man" head-on, "Shouting the Mountain" and "My Girlhood", which are the most eye-catching works, have nothing to do with Wanda.

Wanda is also greedy. These works of Shen Lang focus on low investment and high returns, which are quite tempting. Who doesn't want to cooperate, but they can't get involved. Shen Lang has no shortage of investment.

"There will definitely be a sequel to "Detective Chinatown," right?" Shen Langxiao made a joke.

"Haha, in this movie, you, Bao Qiang, and Sicheng are the iron triangle, each one is indispensable." Zeng Maojun laughed.

This is the truth. Nowadays, it depends on how much benefit it gives to Shen Lang. This is the most important thing. The first part is so good, the sequel must be made with the original cast.

While chatting with Zeng Maojun, another person came, Ye Ning, now the real head of Wanda Film and Television. With Shen Lang's current status, even the CEO of the film and television company must support him.

Under normal circumstances, investors are sure to be bullish, but when faced with celebrities who have no substitutes, they still respect them very much.

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