When Yang Mi heard Shen Lang's answer, he always felt like he was being led away. He always left a question word for himself.

The main reason is that she wants to seize the initiative, otherwise, she will feel uncomfortable. If she has a special trick, she must open it directly and come from a direction that Shen Lang did not expect.

"Then can I rush to the first place?" Yang Mi's sudden words made Shen Lang almost miss him, and the look in her eyes said, "Sister, your acting skills are more realistic."

Speaking of which, this look in her eyes was so familiar. She was criticized for looking at the other person with special attention, which could easily be misunderstood.

This is not the trap I dug for you. I obviously have a girlfriend, why would I add a future? He never hides it, just to dig a trap.

But I didn't expect Sister Mi to be so brave and directly use herself to attack Shen Lang. Of course, she was also sure of it. She didn't say that she had to be a girlfriend to get the first place. You are overthinking this. Both of them know this trick. .

"Then you can try harder and work harder." Shen Lang knew that he couldn't avoid this question now. If he changed the subject, it meant that Yang Mi was suppressing him at this moment.

Besides, you have ignored me saying that my first priority is my girlfriend. I can ignore it myself.

Of course, Yang Mi's mentality was not to ignore, but to think of ways to advance, attack, retreat, or defend. Everyone knew that she was deliberately creating an atmosphere, but she didn't say it out loud. There was too much room for maneuver.

"Then what's the benefit of my hard work?" Yang Mi also followed Shen Lang's words and decided to take this route. Of course, she had to persist. Finally, she felt that she had some initiative, and her eyes began to become erratic, pretending to be embarrassed on purpose. look.

This is also a pun. This benefit can be resources, or it can be a reward, the kind of reward between men and women.

This was another test of hers. She still didn't believe that he could really stand up to such a beautiful woman like herself in front of him.

Don't call me a gentleman. A gentleman is not without ideas, but he can restrain himself. Her purpose is not to take down Shen Lang, she wants to show Shen Lang that he is a normal man, so that she can take the initiative.

The communication between the two people does not mean that one can overwhelm the other at once, but they make it look like they are negotiating partners, well, actually it is almost the same, in this atmosphere anyway.

She still couldn't accept what Shen Lang had done to her before. At this age, she had never had the experience of being a part of the other person's love play.

Shen Lang and Liu Shishi showed affection and offered sacrifices to their mother. Forget it if you don't want to do it normally. Now you are still fighting against me and think of other things. It is normal to do so.

"If you just want to get benefits, then you don't have to waste your energy. You will only make me feel that my heart has been wrongly paid." Shen Lang said one sentence, and Yang Mi was indeed a little unable to resist, and He also behaved quite pitifully. They are all actors. Anyone who doesn't know how to do this is just misleading.

Yang Mi didn't know how to respond. Could you please not add the last sentence? I created an ambiguous atmosphere. What do you mean by this? Has it become clear?

She felt a little frustrated. This sentence sounded like Shen Lang was interested in her, and this was her ultimate goal, but Shen Lang said it too simply, well, it was a bit too fake.

This is actually pulling. You deliberately use unclear language to guide me. I will do the same. There is a lot of room for maneuver. Shen Lang didn't say what his intention was.

Yang Mi couldn't ask yet. Experts know how to predict. Maybe Shen Lang was waiting for her to ask. When she asked, even if it was jokingly, she said, "You don't like me?" It seems to be self-indulgent, which is very difficult.

This is Shen Lang guiding her to chat in order to expose her sense of need. Even if she doesn't have it, it's easy to fall for it in her words.

"I didn't mean that. Don't be like this. I'm just teasing you." Yang Mi couldn't help it. She couldn't change the topic yet, which seemed guilty. Shen Lang's change of topic was based on the fact that there was no follow-up on this issue. It was normal. She was now Transfer, Shen Lang can definitely show that you are scared.

What could Yang Mi do? She could only take one step at a time and hold on. She was quite curious, how many people had this man seduced without falling into any traps?

Of course, even if she replied, she also dug a hole and deliberately said don't be like this. Both of them understood what Shen Lang meant. They couldn't say it explicitly, but they could poke it secretly.

"You're teasing me, my good mood for the day suddenly disappeared. Tell me, how can you compensate me?" Shen Lang, of course, took advantage of the victory and pursued it.

Anyway, it is impossible for Yang Mi to directly say that she is creating an ambiguous atmosphere. Now Shen Lang has greatly increased his chances of winning through a misunderstanding. He can just hide this route. It is Chinese that is easy for people to misunderstand. In fact, the core of the two people is They have all been confronted.

The good mood in the front was chasing, and the compensation in the back was said with a smile, leaving room for maneuver for himself. Yang Mi couldn't even take it seriously. What can you do if someone just makes a joke?

"Well, didn't you call me Boss Yang? You also said you wanted me to take care of you. Just in time, there is a role for you. Do you want it? Is it interesting? A lot of people grabbed it. This is not a bad compensation. You are very considerate." Yang Mi said: She didn't know how to respond, but she had a trick up her sleeve and wanted to pull a trick.

It just so happens that she also wants to have a relationship with Shen Lang. All her actions tonight are because of this. I will directly ask you to cooperate and see if you can do it.

This is actually a bit emotional. What kind of celebrity is Shen Lang? He must have more resources than Yang Mi. Of course, it is the film industry, but this is not the circle that stars want to enter the most.

Although Yang Mi has a high box office, she is indeed a bit useless in the film industry. She is afraid that she will affect her reputation in good projects, but she does not want to be involved in bad projects. It is really a contradiction.

Yang Mi's response was that she could advance, retreat or defend. Although it was a bit rough and she was at a disadvantage in terms of pulling, but in this way, it can be regarded as her wisdom.

I can't talk to you. How about I just talk about the project? What if Shen Lang doesn't agree? It's best that way. The initiative can be regained. It's not that I won't give you compensation. You don't want it.

If Shen Lang agrees, she won't suffer any loss. If she can cooperate, the popularity will rise again. She needs this.

Of course, Shen Lang couldn't pass this up in a vague way, because then Yang Mi would also have the initiative, and he could advance, attack, retreat or defend.

"I don't want it, it's not enough." Shen Lang's response made Yang Mi wonder. Did you answer so simply? She had thought of rejecting it, but what did she mean by saying it was not enough?

But that's fine, she planned to continue, after all, it wasn't that I didn't give, she wanted to regain the initiative.

"They say time is money, I want a few days of your time." Shen Lang was actually a little bit attacked by Yang Mi unexpectedly.

But when the other party acted like this, she also came up with an idea, should reciprocity be reciprocated.

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