China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 929 Small official announcement

"Tell me, these "Three Lives Three Worlds", "Liang Liang" and "Peach Blossom" were all written for her goddess's project."

"Probably, Shen Lang is quite a licker. He is really telling others not to be a licker, and he will do it himself."

"There is no way, he can say it, please, it's Liu Yifei's licking magic words, you can imagine it."

"Stuck." Shen Lang stopped shouting. Although the lines were like this, in front of me, your conversation was a bit too serious.

In fact, he regrets it a bit. After all, these easter eggs are cool tricks he came up with when he was single. I'll cue you to death. There are still things I haven't got yet.

He actually doesn't mind others calling him a licker. After all, he is the only one who knows that he is not, and others can't stop him. He dumped Liu Tianxian twice.

But now that he is in love after all, this might not be appropriate. He is taking advantage of public opinion, and it is not a big problem to laugh at himself.

"Thank you everyone, feel free to eat whatever you want today." Shen Lang said to the guests.

"Then you're welcome." Although they are very gossipy, they will not ask directly without emotional intelligence.

As for what Shen Lang revealed about "Zhu Xian" and so many songs, some people may have thought of it, but most people still regarded it as the plot.

However, Shen Lang also knows that after the New Year, the news will no longer be hidden from others. Nowadays, the amusement park built by "Zhu Xian" has not been widely known, just because it is during the Chinese New Year, and the construction has just started.

It will gradually ferment. If you don’t tell them, the local people will take the initiative to promote it. There is no way to do this.

After Shen Teng and the others left, the work had to continue, and the next step was to wait for the final big scene.

This is a test for the entire crew. It is also the first time for Shen Lang to control so many actors, and everyone has to be taken care of.

But it's not a big problem. He doesn't know anyone anyway, so he can just be an ordinary actor. He has no feelings for rock music.

Of course, although I have never filmed such a big scene, but how can I say, with the director's ability, he can just look at the red light and solve it. It is organized and not messy at all. The main thing is that he can find the crux. This makes many The staff admired him even more.

"Teacher Cui Jian, you are so brilliant."

"Teacher Ye, Teacher Huang." This is Ye Shirong and Huang Guanzhong. As for Huang Jiaqiang, he still hasn't come. Some people don't think you can invite them here if you have money.

Dapeng from the previous life was not invited over. This was a personal conflict. It was the feeling that he was there but I wasn’t going. In the end, the number of people won.

"Teacher Liang Long, I really like your songs." The second-hand roses are here. Shen Lang is not just saying polite words. In their previous life, they were quite popular in the Douyin era.

Except for some more important people, we just had a meal together and got to know each other. It’s impossible to say that everyone has to get to know each other carefully. It’s not necessary. Some people leave for money, some for fame. It’s a win-win situation. There’s no need to fawn over. Whose, just respect each other.

Then came the two-day shooting. During these two days, the extras had a great time. They listened to the music festival for two days, although there were only two songs.

It definitely needs to be rehearsed. Although it can be done in post-production, it is best to unify it during filming. Everyone knows the melody, mainly for the sake of unification.

After two days, the effect was still good, especially at night. Shen Lang also had to turn on the camera to shoot. He was worried that the rhythm would be uneven during the official shooting. Then he would directly edit. This is technology.

"Oh, you come with me right now." As the melody slowly fell, Shen Lang went to see his Qu Cai.

"We're done, thank you teachers." After enough material, Shen Lang signaled to Li Wei.

"Teacher Cui Jian, thank you very much for coming." In the hotel, no one was invited alone. Although reputations vary, the remuneration is not reflected in it. If you directly invite the famous ones into the private room in front of so many rock bands, , they can directly change the world.

"It should be." Cui Jian is still relatively taciturn and not very active in private, but he can still say polite words.

Shen Lang said a few polite words and had a good time chatting with everyone. There were quite a few people who came to propose a toast. The rock singer also had to eat.

These were all invited by him, and Shen Lang was also quite polite. He just didn't like to participate in drinking parties, but that didn't mean he wouldn't.

Of course, I still haven’t drank the wine. Anyway, there are people who insist on drinking a glass of Sprite or plain water in the cup.

Even if someone was causing trouble, he was unprepared and after drinking two or three glasses of liquor, he knew who it was. If someone was tricking him, he must let him know, otherwise it would not be a waste of time.

One was meatballs, and she secretly got a cup for Shen Lang at first. They were similar to each other, but there were more of them, and there was nothing Shen Lang could do about it. He was his first love, an old classmate, and he couldn't afford to offend anyone, so let's leave it like that.

"Sister Zhixi, that's it. I'll leave first. Please help greet everyone and don't let anything happen." Shen Lang said.

"Okay, leave it to me. Have you been drinking? Didn't I change it to water?" Chen Zhixi said.

"Maybe I got the wrong cup, sorry to trouble you." Shen Lang withdrew.

Chen Zhixi didn't care either. She didn't think this was a troublesome matter. This was the place where connections could be exchanged. If she made another rock-related movie in the future, it would be all about connections.

Speaking of which, Dapeng also had this idea and told Chen Zhixi, but after Shen Lang had just filmed it, he gave up the idea.

By the way, Dapeng also came over and didn't talk much with Shen Lang. He came to see his idol. He knew that he was going to sing "No More Hesitation" and participated in it. As we all know, his idol is Huang Jiaju.

In the hotel.

"Honey, I brought you something to eat. Where are you?" Shen Lang said when he returned to the room.

"I'm packing your things. Come and help me." Tangtang's voice sounded.

"I said let others do it, you are so tired." Shen Lang entered the bedroom and saw Tang Yan who was loading clothes into the suitcase.

"Idle time is also idle." Tang Yan raised her head and smiled at Shen Lang. She found it quite interesting.

Shen Lang took a look at the bedroom, and actually felt a little disgusted. Tang Yan saw that her bedroom was in a hotel style, and once she came here, she changed it into a style that Tang Yan liked.

In fact, it only took a few days. Shen Lang felt that it was unnecessary, but you can't explain such a sense of ritual.

It's like cooking and cleaning together. The result is not important. What's important is doing it together.

"I'll do it." Shen Lang took action himself.

"Together." Actually, it even means something. It's boring, but it's just a girlfriend. Just have fun with it if you like.

"How many days do you have for the New Year's holiday?" Shen Lang asked casually.

"Oh, I have to go to work on the third day of junior high school and go home at the age of thirty. It's so pitiful." Tang Yan said pitifully.

In fact, this is a very normal schedule. As long as the phone is turned on, it cannot be stopped for too long, and it will cost money every day.

It's just that when it comes to a big day like the Chinese New Year, you have to be more considerate and take a day off no matter what. Of course, many people don't even take a day off.

Tang Yan was able to have two days off for "The Young Lady". In her own words, she adjusted some filming.

Okay, in fact, I gave her a vacation because she was a big star. I wanted to give her some adjustments. Even such a big star only had two days.

"Well, my wife is so wronged." Shen Lang said.

"What about you? When will you go home? Is the filming finished?" Tang Yan asked nonchalantly.

"Of course I'm accompanying my wife. We'll go back to our respective homes when we're thirty. You won't think it's troublesome for me." Of course Shen Lang knew what Tang Yan was thinking.

Well, he is not too anxious to go home. The filming of "Sewing Machine Band" has been completed. The dubbing is a later process. The editing will be done after the year, so it will not be a big problem.

By the way, there was an abnormality in the director's ability book. After the filming was completed today, the director's ability book suddenly turned into a tape. Shen Lang understood immediately that this was the finished product edited by the system. Shen Lang even took the time to read it, even if he had preconceived ideas. , I didn’t even make a scene, it was quite smooth.

Now there are two options, either to come up with the finished product directly, or to continue to work backwards from the results based on the finished product.

Shen Lang discovered something very interesting. The Director's Competency Book was for direct post-production after filming. If he had other projects, especially those science fiction blockbusters, what could the system be like?

However, Shen Lang has not yet determined whether this director's ability book will definitely appear if he invests more than one billion points to become a director himself, or there is a chance. This is quite important.

However, no matter how he chooses, the problem in the later stage will not be too big. Shen Lang was a little confused at first. This function is too powerful, but it is better to think of redeeming points.

Shen Lang is no longer willing to investigate the function of the system. This kind of thing is good for him, and you don't have the ability to think too much, so your enjoyment is over.

As for post-editing, Shen Lang still plans to find someone to do it. Anyway, he has the finished product, and he can just look at the finished product and direct it.

This is actually very meaningful. Although it seems that the plot is almost the same as the original version, just with a different face, it is actually very important. At least you don’t have to watch the original version and then think about how to edit it now, so that it is not abrupt.

It is also because of this that Shen Lang can accompany Tang Yan, otherwise, he really has to sort out his thoughts.

There is about a week left before the Chinese New Year, and there is nothing much I can do, so it would be interesting to do something I like.

In Shanghai, at the hotel where the crew of "Dear Translator" worked, Yang Mi went to work for a day, checked her circle of friends, and discovered something.

Shen Lang: "The sun is just right."

Shen Lang's WeChat Moments was unclear, and many people couldn't understand it at first, but when Tang Yan also posted a WeChat Moments, even if there was no interaction, a lot of things could be understood.

As Yang Mi, who has two private WeChat accounts, she naturally saw that although her relationship with Tang Yan had changed, she had not yet deleted her friends.

Tang Yan: "The trees have become a forest."

This is obviously a secret show of affection. It should be a sentence, what, why are the two people connected just because of the circle of friends.

Because the same address, the same time, and the same four-character WeChat message are sent, do you think you will think more about it? The positioning is all the same address.

Yang Mi had actually heard some scandals, but she didn't expect them to be true.

(Isn’t Bustling very beautiful? I plan to watch it, but I haven’t started watching it yet)

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