China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 969: Immortal Killing Miscellaneous Affairs

Tang Yan did have this gossip. Shen Lang and Tang Yan were not together at the time. If you have seen it, this TT is not her, but someone who became famous in later generations, the best heroine of a certain Magnolia.

The two of them were flirting and flirting, which made Tang Yan feel very happy after a busy day. They also agreed on Shen Lang's visit time and adjusted it. They would stay two days longer than originally planned. Shen Lang was fine anyway, so Can.

This time is very important. I went to visit Tang Yan's class, and then the two of them went back to BJ together. "Dream Partner" was about to premiere.

The playback volume of "Twinkle Twinkle Star" on the Internet is not low, but it doesn't seem to be too high, it can be regarded as average.

The online platforms for "Twinkle Twinkle Star" are Tencent Youku and LeTV. Of course, now it is only broadcast online and the copyright has not been sold yet.

It’s not that you can only sell it if you have the copyright. You can still sell the broadcast rights for a sum. Of course, because you are not selling the copyright and it is not exclusive, the price is not that high.

This is a choice that few people make. Usually, the rights are sold exclusively to a certain platform for a few years, and the remaining online platforms buy and broadcast them. This is safer, and today's online platforms are also willing to spend money.

After all, if a TV series becomes popular, it’s easy to say, but if it fails, people will not pay the same price as before.

Several online platforms are currently in the stage of frantically burning money to grab users, and they are also the ones who jack up the salaries of celebrities.

However, the number of episodes of "Twinkle Twinkle Star" is too small. The two TV stations combined only have about 4 million, and the video platform can only provide exclusive copyrights of about 3 million. Well, the total number for a single episode is more than 7 million.

In fact, it is not too low. After all, the price of a single episode of "The Legend of Mi Yue" is only 5 million. Of course, that was the price last year. It is more now, but it is impossible to break through the sky.

In other words, the market still respects Shen Lang and Liu Shishi, and the single episode copyright fee is 7 million. Shen Lang is because of "Twinkle Twinkle Star", but he knows that Hu Ge's "The Hunting Ground", um , is his new work, with a single episode only exceeding 6 million.

In fact, after all calculations, the exclusive broadcast price given by Mango TV is relatively high. One satellite TV has more broadcasts than the two satellite TVs combined, and the ratings are definitely higher than those given to two TV stations under normal conditions without diversion.

Of course, in the end, the pure income will definitely be higher than that of exclusive broadcasting, and independent broadcasting will not have subsequent second and third rounds of copyright.

In fact, this comparison is a bit unfair. Although "The Hunting Ground" was filmed after Hu Ge's "Nirvana in Fire", in fact, the copyright fee was sold before "Nirvana in Fire" was released, that is, last year, and the price is still reasonable. .

This is also the reason why everyone's salary has skyrocketed in the past two years. As long as there are big stars and the video platform is optimistic about it, the TV series will be repaid directly without filming. It's so arrogant.

In fact, there is not much difference between Shen Lang and Liu Shishi, and the single episode price is actually given. This is mainly because the number of episodes is small and the total price is not high. The number of episodes has been simplified a bit, and it has reached twenty-four episodes, which is Say it's over 200 million.

Shen Lang was not in a hurry. He used all the points and took his time. This situation is normal now. TV dramas are different from movies. Movies can be watched in one day. TV dramas rely on fermentation.

"Hi, Shen Lang." A sweet voice came, and Shen Lang looked up at the beautiful woman.

"Hi, long time no see." Shen Lang was also very enthusiastic towards Lin Zhilin in front of him, mainly because he invited him here.

There is a host in "Sewing Machine Band", the host Tiantian whose voice does not match his face. This is also a joke.

For dubbing, Shen Lang directly called Lin Zhilin, and the original version was her voice, well, it was like no one else.

They have met before, although they are not very familiar with each other, but it does not affect Shen Lang from finding her to do the dubbing.

Well, her coming is not a big deal in itself. It can be regarded as a job. Although the income cannot be too high, it does not require money for everything.

In her previous life, she came because she had participated in "Diaosi Men" and had collaborated with Dapeng. In addition, Dapeng was a new director, so she would naturally give him face.

The same goes for Shen Lang. Although he has never worked together before, Shen Lang is more powerful than Dapeng at that time. Although it is his debut, it does not affect that he is a very successful star. Maybe he will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.

"I'm particularly honored to be able to participate in Director Shen's work." Lin Zhilin's voice is very charming. It seems that her words are an invitation, and there is also a bit of teasing. She knows how to seduce, no, how to communicate with men. .

"Sister Zhiling is too polite. I'm sorry to trouble you this time." Shen Lang said, without too much greetings. He worked first. Both of them knew the main purpose of this meeting.

"Invincible, so lonely." Lin Zhilin's dubbing was a bit different from what Shen Lang heard, so he adjusted it directly.

"Use Loneliness for a moment, Loneliness for the second time, oh, that's right." Shen Lang said, this is so tempting.

"Haha, you will get scolded if you do this." Lin Zhilin laughed.

"Come on, come on, come on." Both Shen Lang and the dubbing artist of Lin Zhilin laughed. This is normal. After all, the game is all about contrast. Look at the rich woman in the video, and then look at Lin Chiling.

Lin Zhilin pouted, looked at Shen Lang, and gently waved his fist several times. That is to say, Shen Lang's current position also did this, and it was not very deliberate, it was really sweet. Shen Lang was really a little confused. Woolen cloth.

Tang Yan and Shen Lang get along very sweetly. Lin Zhilin's behavior is actually a bit contrived, but that's right. Shen Lang and Tang Yan are really sweet. Lin Zhilin's social skills are of course different.

"Thank you, Sister Zhilin, for coming to help this time." The dubbing ended in about three hours. Originally, Tiantian didn't have many scenes. What even consumed the time was the various settings of the dubbing artist, or just a few sentences. Just say it and that's it.

"I am also very honored. I have been thinking about when I will have the opportunity to collaborate with you. I like your work so much that I immediately agreed to your invitation. You are my idol." Lin Zhilin said in a clip. .

"Sister Zhiling said that I'm a little embarrassed." Shen Lang said.

"I'm sincere." In fact, Shen Lang was still a little unaccustomed to the jingle sound, but forget it. He suddenly thought of Guo Biting. She also had this tendency. It wasn't just pretending. That's what Wanwan said over there.

Lin Zhilin also tried every means to connect with Shen Lang. After all, she was also in the entertainment industry. Shen Lang was so successful. If she could cooperate with Shen Lang like she did with Huang Bo before, her career would be even more successful.

No one would have too few connections. Shen Lang was warm and polite. After all, this was considered a favor. Lin Zhilin had achieved his goal, and they would meet again in the future.

"Teacher Huang, the environment here is nice." Lin Zhilin had lunch and left after recording. Yes, the recording took place in the morning.

In the afternoon, Shen Lang went directly to Huang Lei's house. He wasn't just hanging out at BJ. After Liu Shishi was confirmed to participate in "Zhu Xian", the actors were already confirmed. No, he took the time to come.

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