Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 12 12. Newspaper serial (Part 2)

Holding "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp", Liu Yuan's mind was full of thoughts.

It is said that the conditions proposed by Zhou Aiguo are really good. Real estate developers are the boss these days, and the advertising fees they invest in printed books and periodicals every year are definitely a key part of the income of these newspapers and magazines.

He really felt lucky that this pie could hit Liu Yuanyuan, not to mention that the thing Zhou Aiguo asked him to do made him also feel it was an opportunity.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuan couldn't help lowering his head and looking at the novel in his hand.

Although he had only read tens of thousands of words in this novel, the creativity between the lines had really attracted his attention. He had never thought that the story of tomb robbing would be so interesting and fascinating, as if there was a kind of magic that attracted him. You, let you continue reading. In Liu Yuan's opinion, it is not that difficult for such a good novel to get to the stage of publication. Zhou Aiguo left it to him mostly for convenience.

But for some reason, Liu Yuan always felt unwilling to do so. He seemed to feel that handing over this novel to the publishing house would be a huge loss to him.

Liu Yuan soon figured out the reason.

If you want to maximize your own interests with this novel, then the best way is not to publish it, but to serialize it in a newspaper! ! !

At that time, "Ming Pao" was well-known in Nanyang because of Mr. Jin's martial arts novels, and its sales were unparalleled for a while. However, later there was a gap in literary works in this area, and the lack of attention from mainland newspapers, which resulted in the status of serialized novels in newspapers and periodicals. It has continued to decline and is now rarely seen.

But what if another wonderful work comes along?

Thinking of this, Liu Yuan's heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, as if he felt that an unprecedented opportunity was waving towards him again.

"Editor Liu, what do you think of my proposal?" Zhou Aiguo, who was opposite, saw Liu Yuan's sudden silence and couldn't help asking again.

This sentence also brought Liu Yuan back to reality. It was obvious that if he wanted to take this path, he had to persuade the big boss in front of him.

"Mr. Zhou, the conditions you promised are very good. I am very excited, but in the face of such an excellent work, I feel that publishing is not enough." After organizing the language, Liu Yuan decided to strive for a bigger win for himself. Benefit.

"Tell me about it." When Zhou Aiguo heard this, he raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.

"A publishing house needs to go through many layers of review before publishing a work. Even if it is recommended by me, these steps are indispensable, especially since this novel also involves the theme of 'tomb robbing'. Although the country does not clearly stipulate this, after all, this The activity is illegal, suspected of instigation, and it is likely to be blocked after approval, but it will be different if it is serialized in our newspaper." At the end, Liu Yuan finally came up with a solution.

"Newspaper serialization?" Zhou Aiguo's eyes suddenly stared at Liu Yuan. The latter's hair stood up as if he had been seen through his heart. However, thinking of the infinitely bright future in the future, Liu Yuan still managed to calm down and continued to explain.

"I'm not saying to give up on publishing. After all, novel publishing is the right way. However, during the publishing house's approval period, it can be serialized in newspapers. First, we can complete the review of newspaper articles internally. I got the manuscript today. It will be published in newspapers tomorrow, and secondly, it can build momentum for the novel before it is published. As long as the response is good, I believe the publishing bureau will take this factor into consideration.”

Zhou Aiguo also frowned slightly when Liu Yuan said this. Liu Yuan, who was looking at him, was worried, fearing that he would be rejected by Zhou Aiguo.

After a while, Zhou Aiguo stood up.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call." After saying that, Zhou Aiguo walked into the lounge nearby, leaving Liu Yuan alone outside to wait for the results.

Entering the lounge, Zhou Aiguo immediately called Nie Wei, told Nie Wei Liu Yuan's thoughts, and then let him make his own decision.

After hearing Zhou Aiguo's words, Nie Wei on the other end of the phone frowned and thought about it, and soon became happy.

Because he had already heard the true purpose of Editor Liu from these words, but this was just as Nie Wei wished. There is still a lack of a formal literary promotion platform these days, so newspaper serialization may not be a good method.

What's more, this was proposed by Liu Yuan, so if the novel is handed over to the other party, the editor will do his best to promote the work.

"Uncle Zhou, promise him, the conditions are arbitrary. The only requirement is that the newspaper should be reported as soon as possible, and the publicity must be in place." Since Nie Wei wanted to understand the other party's thoughts, he naturally made a decision quickly.

"I know, I will try my best to help you get the best conditions." Zhou Aiguo promised with a smile.

Zhou Aiguo's phone call didn't take long, only five minutes, but these five minutes were quite painful for Liu Yuan. Liu Yuan was worried about gains and losses, making Liu Yuan restless. On the one hand, he was afraid of Zhou Aiguo's rejection, and more importantly, he was afraid that Zhou Aiguo would treat him as a result. If you are dissatisfied, you will even withdraw your initial promise.

Fortunately, Zhou Aiguo didn't let him suffer for too long, and gave a positive answer after walking out of the lounge.

Holding the nearly 250,000-word novel "Jingjue Ancient City", the first part of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", Liu Yuan walked out of the company door in a daze. It wasn't until the cold wind of late autumn made him shiver that he gradually came back to his senses. God comes.

As he woke up, the excitement in Liu Yuan's heart could no longer be suppressed. In excitement, he punched the air in front of him several times. Even though his stretched arms hurt, he could not hide the excitement in his heart.

Liu Yuan's strange behavior naturally attracted the attention of passers-by, but the deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper, who usually paid the most attention to his appearance, didn't care about the eyes of others at this moment, because he knew that the turning point of his life might be coming soon.

He had already experienced the charm of "Ghost Blowing the Light", which was an intoxicating charm. Such a good book, as long as it was promoted effectively, was bound to make the newspaper that serialized it also advance by leaps and bounds. Although it might not reach the level of Ming Pao in the past, it was a sure thing to make Yanshan Wenbao advance further.

By then, would his position as deputy editor-in-chief be able to move up again?

Thinking of this, Liu Yuan's smile on his face became brighter.

"Return to the newspaper!!!" He exhaled a big breath and calmed down his inner excitement. Liu Yuan's first thought was to return to the newspaper immediately, because he couldn't wait to enjoy the fruits of this victory.

Let’s not talk about how Liu Yuan prepared his big plan after returning to the newspaper. Nie Wei just signed the contract sent by Zhou Aiguo and stopped thinking about the novel for the time being, because the crew had already sent a notice that the first crew gathering would come in three days.

(Thanks to the encouragement of several friends in the book review area. If I can sign the contract smoothly, I will definitely keep writing.)

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