Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 2 2. A strange yet familiar call

Nie Wei took out his cell phone and looked at the string of numbers on the display. It was obvious that this number had not been noted by the original owner.

But he knew very well that this number was not a strange call. It could even be said that it had a very special relationship with the original owner, because the owner of this number was Nie Wei's prospective stepfather Zhou Aiguo.

Seeing that it was his call, Nie Wei did not ignore it and hang up like his predecessor did. He pressed the call button when the next ring sounded.

"Xiao Wei, don't hang up in a hurry. Uncle really brought you good news this time." Almost as soon as Nie Wei picked up the phone, Zhou Aiguo on the other end of the phone spoke a long string of words like a machine gun.

Listening to the anxious voice on the other side, Nie Wei's mind instantly flashed countless memories about the original relationship between Nie Wei and Zhou Aiguo, as if he had seen a story of a naughty child making trouble, which made Nie Wei almost laugh out loud. It was obvious that Nie Wei had too many criminal records before. No wonder Zhou Aiguo, a big boss, would talk to him like this.

Zhou Aiguo is a capable man. His parents died in a mining accident. As a result, he dropped out of school at the age of 18 and went home to follow his father's footsteps. He worked in the Kaiyuan Coal Mine in the northeast for three years.

And although he is young, he is very motivated and has been a model worker in the mine every year.

In the third year, the leaders of the mine were ready to promote Zhou Aiguo. Unexpectedly, he abandoned this seemingly secure iron rice bowl and took all his belongings to start a private mine despite everyone's opposition.

With his precise vision and good luck, Zhou Aiguo quickly became very successful in this industry, earning millions a year, which was a miracle of wealth in their place at that time.

But such achievements still did not satisfy him. With his excellent business sense, Zhou Aiguo discovered business opportunities in the real estate industry. In the early 1990s, he sold all his coal mines to everyone's surprise, gathered all the funds on hand, and plunged into the real estate circle.

Now more than ten years have passed, and Zhou Aiguo has transformed himself and become the leader of a real estate company with a market value of billions.

But no matter how rich Zhou Aiguo is, in the eyes of the original Nie Wei, he is still a bumpkin and a nouveau riche.

You should know that Nie Wei's deceased father was a famous talent in Kyoto, an expert in new energy, and made great contributions to the development of many new energy sources in China. His mother is also amazingly knowledgeable. She is a professor at the Huaxia Academy of Fine Arts and an expert in cultural relics restoration. She has participated in the restoration of cultural relics in the Forbidden City.

The family can be described as a scholarly family. Nie Wei, who was raised in such an environment, naturally looked down on Zhou Aiguo, who only had a junior high school education, not to mention that Zhou Aiguo also had a burden, a six-year-old daughter.

So no matter how much Zhou Aiguo is worth, Nie Wei feels that he is not worthy of his mother.

So a year ago, when his mother asked Nie Wei for advice and wanted to be with Zhou Aiguo, Nie Wei completely exploded.

At that time, Nie Wei, who got the news, was like a little lion whose territory was invaded, and his hair exploded instantly.

However, Nie Wei's resistance was also very interesting. He would not directly curse Zhou Aiguo, but would ignore Zhou Aiguo with a cold and violent means, and then guard everything around his mother Su Qing, and even threatened to drop out of school.

This approach is not radical, and it is quite effective. At least Zhou Aiguo would rather Nie Wei curse him in person than ignore his existence completely. This would make Zhou Aiguo feel that he was simply fighting against a piece of strong rolling meat. It didn't hurt people on the surface, but it could disgust people secretly.

This struggle lasted until Nie Wei dropped out of school and left home, and Zhou Aiguo also failed to marry Su Qing.

But it must be said that the rough experience since childhood has made Zhou Aiguo very resilient. In the past year, Zhou Aiguo has never broken off the contact between Su Qing and Nie Wei.

Especially for Nie Wei, Zhou Aiguo gave him all kinds of 3C products, famous cars and watches that boys like, and asked about his well-being. Although the other party never appreciated it, he did not give up. A big boss was willing to stand under the scorching sun for two hours in the dog days of summer, and his whole body was smoky, just to install an air conditioner for the small house rented by Nie Wei.

Thinking of this, even the cat who now carries Nie Wei's identity feels that the other party is really very considerate.

Because of recalling the memory, Nie Wei did not reply at first, but the silence here made Zhou Aiguo on the other side feel uneasy, thinking that this little ancestor was going to hang up the phone again.

Just when Zhou Aiguo was about to say a few words to explain the matter as soon as possible, Nie Wei came back to his senses and spoke.

"What's the matter?"

"Ah? Yes, yes, yes, there is such a thing." Zhou Aiguo was obviously caught off guard by Nie Wei's sudden response, and the hand holding the phone could not help shaking.

But when he came to his senses the next second and realized that Nie Wei was communicating with him, his whole body suddenly became full of energy and his face was flushed.

"I have a friend's dinner here, and I happened to know a director. When we chatted, I learned that they have a new movie to shoot and are selecting actors. I heard this and recommended you privately. Now they are all arranging to see you. I am calling you to listen to your suggestions." Zhou Aiguo said like he was offering a treasure.

"Okay, where is it?" Nie Wei agreed immediately without hesitation. After all, he is not the same person as before, and he doesn't have so many concerns.

"Yellow River Hotel, Cuiwei Pavilion."

"Got it, I'll get there as soon as possible." Nie Wei wrote down the address and replied.

"Don't worry, safety first, and the banquet has just started, I'm here, don't worry." After hearing Nie Wei's answer, Zhou Aiguo hurriedly said,

Listening to the other side's promise, Zhou Aiguo didn't take the phone away from his ear until Nie Wei hung up the phone.

The next second, he who usually calls himself a tough guy suddenly had tears in his eyes.

A year, a whole year, Zhou Aiguo has been working hard, hoping to influence Nie Wei and let him loose on his love with Su Qing. Only he knows the ups and downs of this persistence. Now he finally sees Nie Wei's softening attitude. This is really a hard-won tonic for Zhou Aiguo. Maybe Nie Wei won't let go for a while, but this also makes Zhou Aiguo see hope, and a feeling of "finally getting through" instantly surges into his heart.

He wiped away his tears quietly, but with this brilliant smile on his face, he silently and firmly chanted "Come on!" in his heart, and Zhou Aiguo strode towards the box.

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