Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 26 26. Public Opinion War (Part 2) [Second update]

"Boss, what are you doing today?" Lin Xiaoming couldn't help but asked, curious.

"Haha, you don't understand this." After hearing this, the boss smiled and explained: "You see, this half is dedicated to criticizing "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", and this half is dedicated to defending "Ghost Blowing Lamp" "Whatever you like, buy whichever one you like."

The reason why the boss thought of doing this was because he was completely shocked by the newspaper he got today.

You must know that there are nearly thirty newspapers on his newsstand every day, and today seems to be getting better. More or less, they all publish reports involving "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", some of which criticize and some of which defend. Yes, the two sides were so quarreling that the boss simply 'classified' the newspapers for them.

After hearing the boss's explanation, Lin Xiaoming nodded clearly, indicating that he understood.

"What's the matter, which side do you want?" the boss asked.

"Of course it's the newspaper here." Lin Xiaoming pointed to the side that supported "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" without hesitation, gritted his teeth and said, "Give me a copy of each."

"Okay!" As soon as he heard that the 'big business' was coming to his door, the newsstand owner burst into laughter.

This situation also happened in front of major newsstands in Kyoto. Many people also chose one or more newspapers. Some even bought newspapers from both sides of the quarrel, just to watch the excitement.

After all, it's been a long time since I've seen so many newspapers in Kyoto get into a quarrel over one incident. Such a lively incident naturally attracts the attention of the general public.

It can be said that the public opinion war surrounding "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" has basically swept across Kyoto. Now everyone is discussing the pros and cons of the book "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" on and off work. Some support and some oppose it, but no matter Whether you support or oppose it, it is undeniable that the popularity of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" has also surged due to this public opinion war.

The most intuitive reaction is that the sales volume of "Yanshan Wenbao" directly exceeded 160,000, and Liu Chuang's traffic station's radio program about "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" also officially exceeded the 30% listening rate.

However, the improvement in performance did not reassure Liu Yuan and others, but made them more and more anxious.

Because this result is too insecure, it is completely based on controversy, and controversy often has to come to a conclusion in the end, so is this conclusion good or bad?

No one is sure.

One day has passed, two days have passed, and until the third day, this public opinion war has not come to a conclusion. Both sides are now trying their best to attack each other, and even more, they have invited a lot of foreign aid, what so-and-so University professors, experts in certain fields, etc. It can be said that both sides have had a real fight and will not give up until the other party is defeated.

But in this whirlpool of public opinion, Nie Wei, who is at the core, is leisurely drinking tea and writing novels at home. His life is not to mention relaxed and pleasant.

When Liu Yuan came to the door, he almost fainted from Nie Wei's leisurely life in front of him.

"Little Ancestor, are you still in the mood to write and drink tea now? There's a lot of noise outside because of your book. At least you can come up with some ideas." Liu Yuan said anxiously as soon as he entered the room.

It can be said that the recent public opinion war has consumed all Liu Yuan's energy. He cannot relax at any time. In less than a week, white hair has grown on his head. His mouth is so angry that he has ulcers. Not good either.

"What's the hurry? Have a sip of tea to relieve the heat." Facing the anxious Liu Yuan, Nie Wei responded calmly and gave him a cup of tea.

"Can I not be in a hurry?" Liu Yuan took the tea cup and put it on the table without taking a sip, and said anxiously: "You are too young and don't know the risks involved. Now we are looking at the scenery and have to issue more newspapers every day. But the dangers here are huge. You have to know that the bigger this thing gets, the worse it will be for us. If the other side proves their reasons, you won’t be able to continue writing your book. !”

At the end of his speech, Liu Yuan even stood up excitedly and slammed the table hard, as if to show how harmful this matter was with his actions.

Facing Liu Yuan who was impatient, Nie Wei just took a sip of tea with a calm expression.

"Do you know Su Yizhi?"


"I said, do you know Mr. Su Yizhi?" Nie Wei repeated.

Liu Yuan was stunned for a moment, then he sat down and frowned, thinking hard. Soon an idea flashed across his face, and his expression brightened.

"Are you talking about Mr. Su, the national treasure-level master of history in our country? Yes, he is a master of archeology. If he comes out to endorse you, it will definitely have weight, and the battle may be decided in an instant. Ah." Liu Yuan said to himself excitedly, but soon his brows became tangled again. The reason was simple. He couldn't talk to the old gentleman at all.

"Nie Wei, if you can think of him, is there any way?" After a moment of distress, Liu Yuan looked at Nie Wei hopefully, hoping to get a positive answer.

Naturally, Nie Wei would not disappoint him and nodded directly.

"Of course, he is my grandfather."

Hoo————! ! !

Hearing Nie Wei's words, Liu Yuan felt a buzzing sound in his head, and his whole body went numb instantly. When he reacted again, his first feeling was disbelief and he confirmed again to Nie Wei: " What...what did you say?"

"I said, my grandpa is Su Yizhi, and Su Yizhi is my grandpa." Nie Wei sat up straight and replied, his eyes bright and serious.

When he heard this answer again, Liu Yuan felt that his heart suddenly started beating wildly at this moment, as if it was about to jump out of his chest. The energy made his face turn blood red, and his lips trembled. This sudden surprise was really too shocking.

At this moment, a smile finally appeared on Liu Yuan's face. He chuckled and laughed without restraint. Liu Yuan indulged his inner excitement and rushed to Nie Wei's side. He pressed his hands on his shoulders and shouted loudly: "Are you ready for it a long time ago? Are you, are you?!"

Nie Wei smiled and nodded.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier? Do you know how worried I am!?" Liu Yuan shouted.

"If I told you earlier, there would be no public opinion war during this period?" Pushing away Liu Yuan's hand, Nie Wei stood up, put his hands in his pockets and looked out the window, saying: "So I told you that you should thank every opponent. Without those people, how could "Ghost Blowing Light" be so popular now?"

Looking at Nie Wei's back, Liu Yuan's smile stopped abruptly when he heard this.

He suddenly realized that the 17-year-old boy in front of him was so meticulous that he was afraid that the public opinion war that everyone in Kyoto knew about was completely in his hands. It was terrible, really terrible.

"Editor-in-chief Liu, I think you should apply to the headquarters for the preparation of the national edition? After all, the market of "Yanshan Wenbao" in Kyoto is already saturated." Ignoring Liu Yuan's mood at the moment, Nie Wei finally revealed his ultimate goal.

(Thanks to Leng Mou 丿 blooming flowers, Oppose Smashing, Nao Nao is not good 0, flfjedcw for the reward.)

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