When Nie Wei and Teacher Song walked out of the classroom with Zheng Shuang again, the atmosphere in the classroom was completely boiling.

"It's that stinky girl!"

"Why is she with Nie Wei? What are they doing out there?"

"Isn't this girl some distant relative of Nie Wei?"

"What are you talking about? Could it be that Nie Wei asked her to act in a drama?"

"You're talking nonsense. It's just a little girl's film, why does Nie Wei come to invite her in person? Stop teasing, okay? Let Nie Wei appear in person. It should be at the level of Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li."

Everyone in the classroom has no intention of doing self-study. This thing is really weird. You must know that Zheng Shuang is the most inconspicuous little girl in this class. She doesn't have any amazing performance on weekdays, and she is always bullied. , many people look down on this boring gourd, how can they be connected with Nie Wei?

Especially the girls who had bullied Zheng Shuang just now were confused and a little worried at the same time.

"Is Zheng Shuang going to complain to Nie Wei and Teacher Song?" one of them said, with a look of anxiety on his face.

Although this group of people are very arrogant among the students, they are obviously bullying and afraid of the strong, and they are also very afraid that teachers and adults will know that they bully their classmates.

"Impossible, we haven't bullied her once or twice, and she didn't dare to complain even if we had the courage to do so. I just think this is strange, and I haven't heard of any relationship between her and Nie Wei. Could it be that Are they really distant relatives?”

"Zheng Shuang is from the Northeast. I remember that Nie Wei's stepfather seems to be from the Northeast as well. Maybe they are really related." A girl who obviously knew Nie Wei in detail broke the news.

This sentence made the girls around me feel as if they had found the answer. You and I all said it in hindsight, saying that they had long thought that this answer should be this way to explain it clearly.

Of course, some people think it's nonsense, and some people think that Zheng Shuang might be asked to play a role in some drama. However, there are only a few people who believe these opinions, because most of them don't think that the bully in the class will get it. Favored by big stars like Nie Wei.

But what they thought was impossible turned out to be true.

At this time, the three of them were in Teacher Song's office, and Teacher Song had already called Zheng Shuang's father.

The call was quickly connected. As Zheng Shuang said, her parents had not rested yet and were watching TV series. They were surprised to receive a call from Teacher Song and asked if Zheng Shuang was causing trouble.

Because the speakerphone was on, all three people present heard this. Nie Wei immediately gave Zheng Shuang a funny look, which made the little girl's cheeks sparkle. She was mainly embarrassed because she was embarrassed by Nie Wei's joke. .

"Dad, how can I cause trouble?" Zheng Shuang immediately interrupted with dissatisfaction. His father was too cheating. Isn't this slandering his image in Nie Wei's eyes? You must know that he is a good baby and does not cause trouble.

Teacher Song also quickly confirmed that Zheng Shuang was indeed not causing trouble and was a good child in the class.

"As long as you're not causing trouble, what's the reason for calling you, Mr. Song?" Zheng's father smiled coquettishly, and then asked, thinking about whether there would be any more fees. After all, those who study art should In this way, there are many places to spend money.

"Mr. Zheng, it's like this. Mr. Nie Wei from Huayi Group has taken a fancy to your daughter Zheng Shuang and wants to invite her to star in a TV series, so we would like to ask for your opinion. If possible, would you like to It’s convenient to come to Kyoto,” Teacher Song said.

Father Zheng on the other side of the phone was stunned for a long time, confused. His daughter had only been in Kyoto for less than a month, and a film crew had spotted her?

There is also Huayi Group, which sounds very familiar. If you think about it carefully, isn’t this the super famous entertainment company?

And Nie Wei, no need to think about it. When Zheng's father mentioned this name, a young man who was so handsome that he thought was too handsome popped into his mind.

Why are they so familiar? Isn’t it because the little princess in his family always talks about how handsome Nie Wei is in front of him? How can Father Zheng not be jealous? So he took pictures of himself when he was young and Nie Wei’s portraits more than once She compared it to Zheng Shuang and said that she was no worse than Nie Wei when she was young. Unfortunately, Zheng Shuang rolled her eyes every time.

Of course, in his heart, Father Zheng is still impressed by Nie Wei's handsomeness. Although he was very handsome when he was young, there is still a slight gap between him and Nie Wei, really just a tiny bit.

Teacher Song mentioned himself, and Nie Wei finally spoke: "Uncle Zheng, I am Nie Wei."

"Ah, hello, hello." Father Zheng didn't think Teacher Song would lie, but he just thought this was a surprise.

"Your Zheng Shuang echoes one of the characters in a play of our company. The play is called "My Love from the Star". I wonder if you have heard of it. The investment is very large, about 50 million. There are many well-known actors in it, such as Fan Binbin and Brother Hu. I guarantee that Zheng Shuang will gain a lot of experience when she joins the crew, which she can't learn in the acting class." Nie Wei had already thought of the words, and she was confused at this time. Tell Father Zheng to listen.

Teacher Song on the side also echoed. Nie Wei's words did not make her feel that she was belittling her acting training class, because there were indeed many things that could not be learned in the classroom. This matter would be the same even if Zheng Shuang entered Jingdian in the future. This is also the reason why teachers encourage students to get in touch with good theater groups. Learning is one aspect, and practice is also indispensable.

"If you are interested, our company is willing to provide you with all the round-trip expenses. Please go to the crew in person to take a look. I believe you will not be disappointed." Nie Wei continued to persuade.

Zheng's father on the other end of the phone listened very seriously. He also felt Nie Wei's sincerity. He was actually willing to do this. The child was willing to perform and had the opportunity to join the crew. It was a good thing no matter how you looked at it.

Zheng Shuang's mother was also listening to the phone. Before Zheng's father answered, Zheng Shuang's mother had already agreed.

Seeing that his wife had agreed, Zheng's father naturally had no suggestions, and then nodded and agreed. Nie Wei said on the phone that he would help them arrange air tickets, accommodation, etc.

Zheng Shuang's parents declined for a while, but Nie Wei insisted and they accepted it.

The time is two days later. Zheng Shuang's parents will rush to Kyoto. On the one hand, they will help Zheng Shuang look at the role and the crew environment again, and on the other hand, they are indispensable for signing the contract.

After hanging up the phone, Nie Wei reached out and clapped his hands with Zheng Shuang. It was obvious that the girl was very excited about being able to join the crew.

"Zheng Shuang, go back to the classroom first. I have something to talk to Teacher Song about." Nie Wei sent Zheng Shuang out of the office, turned back to face the somewhat puzzled Teacher Song, and said: "Teacher Song, when I met Zheng Shuang just now, she was being bullied by some classmates in the class, and she was in a very bad mood."

Then Nie Wei simply told what happened just now, without any artistic processing, because the facts were enough to prove the seriousness of the matter.

Teacher Song was also surprised. She did not expect that the classmates in the class would not only reject Zheng Shuang, but also bully her and even blackmail her, especially when it was said through Nie Wei's mouth at this time, which made her feel even more embarrassed. It was too embarrassing, because this matter was completely caused by her dereliction of duty as a teacher.

Nie Wei actually didn't mean to blame Teacher Song. Some regular teachers on campus could hardly manage these things. It was normal for teachers in training classes like this not to notice them. However, Nie Wei couldn't just watch Zheng Shuang continue to be bullied in the class, so he had to let Teacher Song pay attention to this matter.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't expect there would be such a student in our class. Don't worry, I will deal with this matter immediately and will definitely protect Zheng Shuang." Teacher Song smiled bitterly and assured Nie Wei.

Zheng Shuang is now a first-level key protected person in Teacher Song's mind. She is the future golden signboard of her acting class. She will definitely not allow the situation Nie Wei said to happen to Zheng Shuang again.

After instructing Teacher Song, Nie Wei walked out of the office and saw that Zheng Shuang was still in the corridor and did not return to the classroom.

Nie Wei quickly figured out the reason. This girl was probably resisting that classroom.

"Teacher Song, please go to the classroom first. I will take Zheng Shuang back to the classroom later."

"Okay." Teacher Song originally wanted to ask Zheng Shuang about being bullied in detail, but when she saw that Nie Wei had something to say to Zheng Shuang, she was not in a hurry.

"Nie Wei, if I join the crew, will I just follow the crew and not have to come to class?" Zheng Shuang was waiting in the corridor. On the one hand, she didn't want to go back to the classroom to see those who bullied her, and on the other hand, she also had something to ask Nie Wei.

Nie Wei knew what this girl was up to as soon as she heard it.

"Of course, you don't have many scenes, but you have to follow the crew, and you will eat and live in the crew." Nie Wei's answer made zs smile very happily. Nie Wei could see that this smile was completely from zs's heart.

This is normal. After being bullied, children either fight back or escape, and zs obviously chose to escape.

"I'll take you back to the classroom." Nie Wei said with a smile. zs nodded and followed Nie Wei, which made her feel very safe.

It took them only a few seconds to reach the door of the classroom, and Nie Wei took the lead in pushing open the door.

"Go in." Nie Wei motioned to ZS to enter the classroom, but he did not follow her in, and waved to her. ZS also waved to Nie Wei reluctantly, thinking that he was saying goodbye to her.

Nie Wei did turn around and leave, causing the children in the classroom to shout in disappointment. They finally saw such a big star, but they didn't even say a word, let alone autograph and take photos. It was too disappointing for everyone.

Teacher Song looked at Zheng Shuang standing at the door, and didn't say anything, asking her to go back to her seat first. As for the matter of Zheng Shuang being bullied, she would talk to Zheng Shuang alone after class, and let Zheng Shuang point out the people, and then she would deal with these naughty children one by one.

After Nie Wei walked out of the small factory, he was immediately surrounded by many other students who came after hearing the news. Nie Wei was not in a hurry and asked an excited student beside him: "Is there a small store or something like that nearby?"

"Yes, it's over there. Can I take you there?" The girl who was asked by Nie Wei was so excited that she almost cried. Nie Wei talked to her. At this moment, she was so happy that she was going crazy.

"Thank you, then I'll trouble you." Nie Wei replied with a smile, and the girl almost fainted with joy.

While thinking that Nie Wei said thank you to her, she took Nie Wei to the small store. The girl walked a little slowly because she wanted to stay with Nie Wei for a while. A group of students also followed Nie Wei to the small store. The owner of the small store was really shocked to see a lot of people rushing over. Later, he saw that it was Nie Wei who was leading the way and understood.

Of course he knew Nie Wei, a big star, and it was an honor for him to come to his own store to buy things.

In the store, Nie Wei picked a bunch of snacks and drinks at random, and then went to the boss to pay the bill. As a result, the boss did not want money, but wanted Nie Wei's autograph, saying that his daughter's birthday was coming soon, and his daughter liked Nie Wei the most.

Nie Wei had no choice but to ask the store owner's daughter's name, and then wrote a simple birthday blessing.

"Nie Wei, your handwriting is really beautiful, the most beautiful handwriting I have ever seen." After receiving Nie Wei's birthday wishes and autograph, the store owner was very happy, and praised Nie Wei's handwriting, which made the students outside the door envious.

"Nie Wei, please sign for me too."

"Nie Wei, please sign for me, I like you so much."

"Nie Wei, my birthday is coming soon, can you please write me a birthday greeting?"

Of course, birthday greetings cannot be written. If this is the case, Nie Wei may not be able to go home tonight. He took a few students' notebooks and signed his name, and then Nie Wei returned the same way.

When he arrived at the factory door where Teacher Song was holding a class, Nie Wei stopped the team that followed him. They were all students and were quite easy to talk to. Although he felt a little regretful, he still listened to Nie Wei and did not follow him in.

And Nie Wei carried a bag of snacks into the corridor and went straight to the classroom.

At this time in the classroom, Zheng Shuang was still sitting in the corner, burying her head and seemingly reading, but in fact, she was thinking about Nie Wei and the upcoming play, thinking about the role, thinking about escaping from this classroom, and never having to see the faces of those hateful people again.

Just when she was thinking about something, a paper ball suddenly hit her head. When she looked up, she saw one of the people who had bullied her just now staring at her and motioning her to pick up the paper ball.

Zheng Shuang ignored them and kicked the paper ball aside. She couldn't resist, but she didn't want to pay attention to them.

"This guy actually dared to resist!?" Seeing the paper ball kicked aside by Zheng Shuang, the girl who threw the paper ball immediately got angry, as if her dignity was offended.

Just as she winked at her classmates and thought about how to deal with Zheng Shuang after class, the door of the classroom was knocked again, and then under the gaze of everyone, Nie Wei walked into the classroom with a bag of things, greeted Teacher Song, and went straight to Zheng Shuang.

"This is the food I bought for you. I will come to see you in two days. Study hard." Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Nie Wei walked to Zheng Shuang's side, first handed the things to Zheng Shuang who was confused, and then instructed like an older brother.

The children in the classroom were still surprised, so they were very quiet. Everyone heard what Nie Wei said, and the way they looked at Zheng Shuang changed dramatically.

Thanks to Qiu Ye Liang Yue, Xiao Guang Tou A, and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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