Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 535 535. The only one?

Li Shuang is a loyal viewer of "Infinite Challenge" and a loyal fan of Nie Wei, so after knowing that Nie Wei participated in the recording of "Infinite Challenge", he has been looking forward to the arrival of this episode.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, he finally arrived at this issue, and the content did not disappoint him. The books on the wall and the charming and vigorous calligraphy. The most exciting thing to read was Nie Wei. The part created on the spot.

In the blog fan circle run by Nie Wei for two years, Li Shuang also discussed the content of the show with like-minded friends after watching the show, especially the content of Nie Wei's section.

"Today's segment on my brother is definitely the highlight of this episode. I can guarantee that the highest ratings in this episode will be on my segment on my brother."

"Needless to say, I must be too envious of brother Nie Wei's musical talent."

"One song lasts half an hour, and it sounds pretty good. To change the style of a song ten minutes later is even more exaggerated."

"My dad is a music professor, and he thinks Nie Wei's musical talent is really strong."

Looking at these words, Li Shuang felt that everyone had a common language. He also thought the same when watching the show. Just when she was about to follow everyone and publish a post praising Nie Wei, suddenly the title of a post attracted him attention.

"Have you ever carefully looked at the calligraphy hanging on the wall in Nie Wei's office? It's scary to think about it."

"What kind of headline is this? Isn't it a fan of brother Nie Wei?" When he saw this title, he even used the exaggerated word "thinking about it carefully" to describe it. Li Shuang immediately felt that this guy was just trying to get click-through rates. , maybe even a black fan or something like that.

With thoughts of shock and curiosity, Li Shuang quickly clicked on the post, preparing to see what this guy said before the administrator deleted it.

The Internet speed at Li Shuang's home was good, and the post opened instantly. Li Shuang did not read the content first, but took a look at the poster's level.

You won’t know until you see it, but you will be shocked when you see it!

At first, Li Shuang thought that this 'suspected anti-fan' must be a first- and second-level trumpet like before, but after taking a look, he discovered that the poster's level was at least level 15, which was even higher than that of his 'old fan' Much higher.

Such senior fans must be veterans. As for whether they are black fans, there is basically no need to judge. Accounts that can survive to this level must not be Nie Wei's black fans. After all, Nie Wei's fan circle administrator is Known for being conscientious and responsible, it is basically difficult for those unreasonable black fans to survive beyond level five.

So what does the title of this post mean? Li Shuang is going to take a serious look.

"Today's issue of "Infinite Challenge" exposed Brother Nie Wei's office. The camera once showed a close-up of a calligraphy for a few seconds. I wonder if you have noticed that this close-up of calligraphy is actually a poem! "

"The name of this poem is Jiang Chengzi. Young people have their own youthful madness. They despise Kunlun and laugh at Luliang. They have been sharpening their swords for several years, and today they show their sharpness..."

This poster also specially wrote the entire poem, and there are praises at the bottom. The lyrics are very well written, and the heroic ambition of the young man is fully expressed. The spirit of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers is very powerful. .

Some people don't take it seriously, thinking it's just a poem and it's easy to read, but obviously Brother Nie Wei's calligraphy is better.

There are also some who urge the poster to quickly talk about the key points...

"The key point, the key point will come soon!" The poster seemed to realize that he was a little off topic, and quickly brought the topic back to the 'key point' that the audience wanted to hear.

"This poem was published in Yanshan Wenhua Newspaper in January 2002, and the author of this poem is also quite famous in the literary circle. Although he has not many works, every one of them is worth reading. , listed out five, I believe many readers who like novels will be able to guess the author’s name.”

"First of all, the author of this poem wrote a novel about tomb robbing, which was regarded as the bible of tomb robbing. It set off a craze of tomb robbing novels, and the title of this book is "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"."

"Then he also published a fairy tale novel, which is called the Post-Jin Yong Martial Arts Bible. It is one of the three most amazing books on the Internet. I think many people have just discovered the title. It is called "Zhu Xian"."

"With the first two books, I believe that everyone knows that this last one is a novel of alternate history. It is still regarded as a benchmark work of alternate history. Its content involves the art of war, battles, and tactics. The struggle, the loyalty of brothers, and the love between children all make readers marvel. The name of this book is "Nirvana in Fire".

"These three novels are all written by the same author. We don't know the author's real name, but I believe many people know his name!"

"The only great god!"

"How could I forget that although the only master has not written a new book for a long time, "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is my favorite."

"The only big bastard, give me back Baguio!"

"The poster dares to brag about the only bastard here, my Mei Changsu, give me back my Mei Changsu!"

Li Shuang also shouted with the crowd when he saw this. He was once a fan of the only great god. "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" scared him so much that he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night. As a result, he watched the lantern and watched "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" all night. , catching up on sleep during the day, and being too scared to sleep at night to read it again. During that time, the biological clock was disrupted by this book.

There is also "Zhu Xian". Looking at the beginning, I thought the protagonist would be a powerful character like Long Aotian, but the more I read, the more I was impressed by the delicate writing. In the end, I was fascinated by the various emotional entanglements in it, especially the scene where Bi Yao used the love spell to block the sword of Zhu Xian for Zhang Xiaofan and sacrificed her life. Li Shuang cried all night while holding the novel.

Even if he didn't go back to look for the novel, Li Shuang could recite the love spell word for word at this moment.

"Nine netherworld spirits, gods and demons of the heavens, I sacrifice my blood and body, and fall into hell for three lives and seven lifetimes, just for love, I will never regret it even if I die..."

A few dozen simple words are so unforgettable, just like the poem of the fairy sword: If you don't look back, why don't you forget, if there is no fate, why do you need to swear... It makes every fan who has read this novel unknowingly engraved in their hearts, and they will never forget it for a lifetime.

As for Langya Bang, it is not to mention that in Li Shuang's opinion, it is simply a masterpiece of the only great god. The whole novel is magnificent, covering family hatred, national hatred, brotherhood, and love between children. The text is more concise, but the content is delicate and more vivid.

Li Shuang also admires the characterization of the characters. In just a few sentences, the image of Mei Changsu is vividly written on paper.

"I know the heroes of the world, and I look down to the Jiangzuo where Mei Lang is."

"Jiangzuo Mei Lang is a talent of unicorns. If you get him, you can get the world."

A few comments, a collection of Jianghu leaders like Chen Jinnan and Three Kingdoms strategist Zhuge Liang, were deeply imprinted in Li Shuang's mind. The subsequent ups and downs of the plot and Mei Changsu's book of political schemes like ghosts and gods also made these comments more deeply rooted in Li Shuang's heart. In addition, there are Jing Wang Xiao Jingyan, the little guard Fei Liu, and the female hero Princess Nihuang. Each of these characters seems to live in the hearts of readers when reading.

And this novel also won the top spot on the best-selling list of Chinese novels that year, and also pushed the pen name of Weiyi to a brilliant level.

Just when everyone thought that Weiyi should stand in front of the stage, no one expected that this would be Weiyi's last novel.

Since this novel, Weiyi's blog has never been updated, and he has not written any works again, let alone a novel, or even a short poem.

At that time, there were more than 100,000 messages under Weiyi's blog, hoping that he could make a comeback, but none of them received any response. Even the cooperating Yanshan Wenhua Newspaper could not give a reason, but only said that Weiyi teacher would stop writing indefinitely, and the specific date of his comeback was unknown.

As time passed, this name gradually hid in the corner of every reader's heart and was forgotten for a while, but when he was mentioned again, the response he received was indeed extraordinary, just like now.

The host mentioned the titles of these three books, which completely ignited everyone's enthusiasm. Li Shuang then realized that there were so many Nie Wei fans around him, and they were also Weiyi's book fans.

"Of course we know about the jerk Weiwei. I know you want to say that Nie Wei is also a fan of Weiwei, right?"

"It turns out that my brother and I have the same hobby. I'm so happy."

"Although Weiwei is a bit of an jerk, his writing is really good. What a pity."

"Stop, everyone is off topic. This is not what I want to talk about." Seeing that the topic was getting more and more off topic, the host quickly stood up and called for a stop.

"Don't you find that the meaning of Weiwei's pen name is very interesting? Nie Wei, Weiwei, don't you have any associations?" The host finally got to the point.

As the host's question came out, the hotly discussed post suddenly fell silent. Originally, there were more than ten posts per second, but now more than ten seconds have passed, and there is no post, as if our professor used the static ability.

There are no aliens in reality, so superpowers are naturally impossible.

Everyone was just surprised by the news revealed by the host, mainly because this is indeed too influential.

The host is still struggling. It was just an appetizer just now, and now he is going to serve the main course.

"After I said this, everyone might say that this is all coincidence, but sometimes, coincidences can indeed happen, but if the number of times increases, is it a coincidence every time?"

"Haven't you noticed? The time when Weiyi wrote novels often coincides with Nie Wei's rest time, just like the song Jiangchengzi he wrote, which was also the first time Nie Wei filmed "The Golden Age", which was considered the first step into the entertainment industry..."

This host must be a Virgo, who actually compiled a simple table to compare the creation time of each book with Nie Wei's schedule at the time. These things cannot be made up, because Nie Wei's fan circle has a special Nie Wei schedule record table, which has existed for a long time, and these can all be checked.

"Because time is urgent, I can only find these roughly for the time being, but if you all give me a day, I can make a more detailed comparison. Anyway, I think that Nie Wei's brother is Weiyi, so this can explain why Weiyi no longer writes novels. First, Nie Wei's brother was more popular and busier at that time, and Nie Wei also began to try to write scripts, so naturally he would not write novels!"

"Of course, the above is just my guess!"

Some fans said it was a guess, but at the same time, many fans of Nie Wei said they really believed it, because they felt that the various signs listed by the host showed that their brother Nie Wei was very likely to be the only teacher!

Oh my god, this news is too shocking, we want Jing Jing!!!

Among this group of fans who believed it was Li Shuang, who shouted Jing Jing while quickly reposting this guess on the Internet.

Because this matter really made them too excited, our idol is awesome!

The power of fans is really strong, especially some passionate fans, that power is even stronger. In line with the idea that promoting idols is to satisfy themselves, Li Shuang and others first reposted this post in the celebrity fan circle that "established diplomatic relations" with Nie Wei's fan circle.

Soon, fans of many celebrities such as Shu Chang and Lin Yifei were encouraged to participate in this matter.

Because of the huge number of people, a large number of people believed the speculation in the post and really joined the team of Li Shuang and others. The scope of publicity was not limited to the fan circle, but began to expand to the entire blog and even some other social platforms. Many people also tagged some media reporters and bloggers.

This matter is very interesting, and the media reporters and bloggers who were "harassed" also became excited.

They found the original post and read the content carefully. They really felt that this matter was reliable. Moreover, there is often a team behind them, which is much more active than the poster of this post. Soon more evidence was found, and all these evidences pointed to one result, Weiyi is Nie Wei!!!

Big news!!!

When the results became clearer and clearer, these people also went crazy.

This time, they really dug up super big news.

Nie Wei turned out to be the legendary figure Weiyi in the novel world? The Weiyi whose identity has always been a mystery? Is there any news that can be more explosive than this recently?

No! This is the most explosive! ! !

After the media got involved, the matter really began to enter a rapidly expanding group. This group of media has hundreds of thousands of fans, and as many as millions or even tens of millions of fans. When they publish a message, countless users will see the content in the blog. The speed of this spread is much faster than the spontaneous behavior of fans.

At the same time, the media are also actively contacting Huayi Company and Nie Wei, scrambling to be the first to get the confirmed news.

Thanks to Qiuyeliangyue and 0773 for their reward support!

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