Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 55 54. Nameless? Famous?

"Brother, look at me." Shu Chang shouted to Nie Wei. When he saw Nie Wei's helpless eyes directed at him, Shu Chang immediately held his cheek with his hands, then winked and shouted to Nie Wei: " Flowers, hahaha.”

The little girl was really cute when she did this action, but in Nie Wei's eyes, Shu Chang's action coupled with that hateful laughter made him feel a little itchy in his fist.

"Are you annoyed? I've already told you that I'm afraid of damaging my makeup." Nie Wei explained. This was the explanation he had given countless times during this short journey.

What does it mean to make one mistake lead to eternal hatred, and what does it mean to ruin a lifetime of fame in one moment? Nie Wei now feels that she can completely interpret these words. How could it be such a coincidence that she was stupid for just a moment, and the result was seen by the two girls.

Although Dong Jie didn't say a word, looking at her suppressed smile, Nie Wei couldn't guess what she was thinking.

"You haven't said why you suddenly came to the set. I remember you were out of action today, and how did you and Sister Dong meet." Wanting to quickly change the awkward topic, Nie Wei quickly asked Xiang Shuchang.

"Feifei and his mother had something to do and asked for leave to go back to Kyoto. I was bored in the room by myself and came out."

"We met at the door. Just after saying hello, I saw you... haha." Dong Jie also explained, but she seemed to think of Nie Wei's silly scene again, and she couldn't help but feel happy, although The laughter was far less loud than Shu Chang's, but Nie Wei still felt a blush after hearing it.

"elder brother."

"Shu Chang!" Hearing Shu Chang call herself again, Nie Wei turned her head silently and stared at her expressionlessly.

"Brother, don't be angry." As soon as he heard Nie Wei call him by his name and looked at his expression at this moment, Shu Chang knew that Nie Wei was really going to deal with him, so he immediately begged for mercy.

It wasn't over yet. Shu Chang, who had just finished saying sorry, hurriedly came to Nie Wei's side, hugged Nie Wei's arm, shook it and coaxed: "I didn't follow my brother's action because he saw it was too cute. Brother, you If you don’t like it, then I won’t learn it. I promise, brother, don’t be angry, be good, touch your hair and smile.”

While talking, Shu Chang wanted to touch Nie Wei's hair, but was swatted away by Nie Wei's quick eyes and hands.

"Damn girl, I see you are really itchy, let me discipline you for your parents." Nie Wei deliberately put on a vicious look and grabbed Shu Chang's arm as he spoke.

Nie Wei originally thought that Shu Chang would definitely run away, but what he didn't expect was that his hand unexpectedly grabbed Shu Chang's slender arm surprisingly smoothly. The little girl didn't even resist, and her expression was weird.

This made Nie Wei realize that something was wrong.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Nie Wei asked with concern, which also aroused Dong Jie's curiosity.

The girl's expression was indeed a bit strange at the moment.

"'s nothing. Brother, the bad guy you played was so similar that it scared me all of a sudden." Shu Chang breathed a long sigh of relief and made a scared expression. Dong Jie believed it was true, but he couldn't hide it from Nie Wei's eyes.

However, Shu Chang was unwilling to tell the reason, and Nie Wei did not press for further questioning.

The accident just now seemed to be just an accident. The next second, Shu Chang's face became bright again, and he kept chattering around Nie Wei.

"Brother, you know, I discovered something interesting when Sissi and I were having dinner two days ago. Guess what Sissi's favorite dish is? You won't be able to guess it. Let me tell you, it turns out to be mustard. Wheat noodles and farmhouse music, haha, when she took me to the farmhouse restaurant that day, I was dumbfounded. How could a person from Xianer eat so down-to-earth? "

"Moreover, you don't know who else I met this morning. You can't even guess it. Let me tell you. I met Qiao Zhenyu. You said this person is really nothing. He even came to the crew to report on it. If you say give us a call or something, it doesn’t count as a friend.”

"And there's more..."

There seemed to be endless topics in Shu Chang's mouth, including Lin Yifei's, her own, unfamiliar and familiar, belonging to many, many people. I don't know where this girl heard so much gossip.

Dong Jie on the side thought that Nie Wei would be impatient. After all, according to her observation, Nie Wei is actually a quiet person by nature, and the little girl's topics are actually more or less childish. This should not be considered mature. What the steady Nie Wei likes.

But what surprised Dong Jie was that Nie Weifei didn't show a trace of impatience, but actually listened with great interest. From time to time, he would reply to Shu Chang with a sentence or two, always touching on the sensitive points of Shu Chang's topics and letting the girl talk. The desire to go down became even stronger.

"What a man...who is really incomprehensible?" Dong Jie couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

The three of them walked to the set listening to the gossip. After entering the set, Shu Chang went to greet the director first. After all, she came uninvited and had to report it.

"You love your sister very much. You don't look like someone who likes to listen to gossip, but you still pretend to like her so much for her." Dong Jie, who had been following Nie Wei, suddenly spoke.

Nie Weiwei was stunned. Dong Jie's words were very interesting.

Thinking of this, Nie Wei suddenly remembered an old saying.

"You are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish?" Nie Wei regretted it as soon as she said this. Wasn't she a little too pretentious? Dong Jie was stunned when she didn't look at the expression on the other side.

"Hahaha, just kidding. Actually, I like gossip. Besides, Shu Chang is very good at speaking. It's very fun to listen to her stories." Nie Wei added.

After listening to Nie Wei's explanation, Dong Jie didn't ask any more questions. Although she didn't believe what Nie Wei said from the bottom of her heart, she was more and more curious about this man who was too difficult to understand.

At this time, You Jianming suddenly came over, and Dong Jie found an excuse to leave.

Nie Wei was also very curious about what this elusive producer wanted to talk to him about. As a result, as soon as he said hello, he saw You Jianming took out a stack of business cards from his pocket and handed them to Nie Wei.

"What are these?" Nie Wei took the business cards curiously. He didn't believe that You Jianming would stuff a bunch of business cards for him for no reason.

"Some business cards of agents. You know what I mean. You have been spotted by many agencies." You Jianming explained.

Hearing this, Nie Wei finally came to his senses. Compared with his unknown reputation in the outside world, it was obvious that he had been targeted by some people in this small studio.

"Uncle You, can you tell me more about it?" Thinking of the agent and the agency behind them, Nie Wei also became interested.

You Jianming readily agreed to Nie Wei's request.

(Thanks to Ma Shengtao for his generous reward, and the book friends who helped me send red envelopes on the mobile phone and encouraged me in the book review area. Thank you for your support.)

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