Time goes back to one day ago, which was the assessment day of the second week.

The five teenagers performed their prepared talents in turn and accepted the judges' scores.

As a judge, Wang Zhonglei looked at the five big boys standing in front of him. He could see that these children were a little nervous. After all, the following scores would directly affect who of them would stay and who would be eliminated.

"Pubajia." Wang Zhonglei was the first to think of Pubajia, whom he admired most, and said with a serious expression: "Are you satisfied with your performance just now?"

This question made Pubajia very flustered. He hesitated and couldn't come up with an answer for a long time.

Please be satisfied with the answer. What if the reviewer is not satisfied?

I'm not satisfied with the answer, and it seems like I'm not confident.

Wang Zhonglei sighed, but did not try to embarrass him to death. He directly announced: "Compared with last week, your dancing and singing skills have not made any obvious progress. The few problems that the teacher told you need to be corrected will be corrected in the future." It also appeared in your performance this week..."

Purbajia's heart dropped when he heard this. Was he going to give himself the lowest score?

Just when Poubajia was envisioning the worst-case scenario for himself, Wang Zhonglei changed the topic and said: "But the acting teacher gave you a very good evaluation and thinks that you are by far the most suitable among the five people to develop in the actor's field. Based on your strength, we will give you a B grade this week. Please continue to work hard, and don’t be too introverted. Practice hard by yourself. If you have any questions, ask the teacher for help, so that you can correct your mistakes!”

Perhaps out of liking, after reading out the scores, Wang Zhonglei taught Pu Bajia some sincere words.

In his opinion, this Pubajia's appearance and quality as an artist are very good, but his only shortcoming is that he is too introverted and does not ask the teacher for help when he has problems, as if he is afraid of troublesome others, but Huayi invites Isn’t the teacher just there to guide them?

This kind of practice is all about practicing hard by yourself. It seems like hard work, but most of what you do is actually useless. Wang Zhonglei hopes that Pu Bajia can relax a little and be more confident.

Asking Pu Bajia to return to the team, Wang Zhonglei called out Zhang Dianfei.

"Let's talk about the ratings first. You are the only member in the audience who received an A rating today." Wang Zhonglei looked at Zhang Dianfei and said.

When Zhang Dianfei heard that he was the only one to get an A rating, he couldn't restrain his joy. The corners of his mouth raised, showing a very bright smile, and he did not forget to thank Wang Zhonglei and the judges.

"Do you want to listen to the evaluations given by the teachers?"

"Of course you have to listen." Zhang Dianfei replied immediately.

"First of all, the dance teacher and music teacher think that you have improved the most among the five this week, especially in singing. You are very spiritual, your voice is very special, and you are also the most recognizable among the five, but you have improved the most. It does not mean that you are the best. In terms of dancing, you are not as good as Zhang Xiaochen, and in terms of singing skills, you are not as good as Fu Xinbo. You are better in terms of overall strength and improvement. In addition, the teacher in the acting class thinks that you are okay. You You have the talent for acting, but you have to work harder.”

"Thank you teachers, I will definitely work harder." Zhang Dianfei thanked the judges again before returning to the team, acting generous and polite throughout the process.

Wang Zhonglei nodded secretly, and was very satisfied with Zhang Dianfei's performance during the evaluation. Since Nie Wei said that this boy was more suitable to be the captain, Wang Zhonglei also paid some attention to this big boy, and during this period of attention Among them, this big boy is indeed very good. Although his overall quality is not as good as Pubajia, he has a big heart and dares to take responsibility at critical moments.

On the contrary, these are what Pu Bajia lacks. If you really want to choose a captain, maybe this Zhang Dianfei is really more suitable.

Wang Zhonglei then commented on Fu Xinbo and Zhang Xiaochen. Both of them received B-level evaluations. Both of them belong to the type with obvious advantages but also obvious shortcomings.

After evaluating these two people, the only one left is Zhang Chao.

Wang Zhonglei saw that this boy's nervous lips turned white. He sighed helplessly and announced: "Zhang Chao, grade C, singing skills are not bad, dancing is not satisfactory, and acting is mediocre. I hope you can continue." Work hard and catch up.”

In just over ten seconds, Wang Zhonglei hurriedly announced the final score of Zhang Chao, and then directly announced the disbandment.

The judging teachers left first, and the big boys who had just performed all relaxed a lot.

"After dancing and standing for a long time, I'm already hungry. Who will accompany me to the cafeteria for dinner?" Zhang Xiaochen asked.

"I won't go. Yesterday I was two kilograms overweight when I weighed myself. The physical fitness engineer has warned me not to eat after three o'clock in the afternoon." Fu Xinbo shook his head and said that he could not eat.

"It's good to eat some vegetable salad, otherwise you'll be hungry and flustered when you go to bed at night. The worst is to run on the treadmill for an extra twenty minutes tomorrow." Zhang Dianfei patted Fu Xinbo on the shoulder and advised. When Fu Xinbo heard this, he also He didn't insist anymore, after all, he was really hungry.

Pu Bajia silently packed his backpack in the corner, thinking about what Wang Zhonglei said to him today. He didn't come back to his senses until Zhang Dianfei came to ask him to eat.

The last person Zhang Dianfei called was Zhang Chao.

"No, I have something else to do, you go and eat." Zhang Chao refused Zhang Dianfei's invitation. How could he have any intention of eating at this time.

Zhang Dianfei didn't force it. He patted Zhang Chao's shoulder to encourage and comfort him, then winked at the other people and left the practice room together.

When the door was closed, Zhang Chao couldn't help but burst into tears.

In the second week, he got another C. Now his score is the lowest among the five people. It can be said that he is the most likely to be eliminated among the five.

Thinking that he is most likely to be eliminated, the huge pressure is almost suffocating him. What makes him feel even colder is that Wang Zhong's last attitude made him feel that he is not valued from the bottom of his heart.

Zhang Chao felt that he was really standing on the edge of the cliff. It is very likely that he will not be able to hold on for even three months and will be eliminated.

He returned to the dormitory in a daze. As soon as he opened the door, he heard someone greet him.

He looked up and saw that it was Li Yifeng, whom he hadn't seen for more than two months.

"Why are you back here?" Zhang Chao asked subconsciously. He felt something was wrong when he said it. After all, Li Yifeng was once a member of this dormitory.

"The crew is on holiday for two days, I came back to see you, haven't you eaten yet, come on, I'll treat you to hot pot." Li Yifeng didn't care about Zhang Chao's words, but took the initiative to invite him. His initiative made Zhang Chao think that Li Yifeng in front of him had a different soul. You know, when they lived together before, Li Yifeng was the one who spoke the least and was the least proactive among them.

Now more than two months have passed, Li Yifeng has a more confident temperament, and has become much more proactive. He is like two different people from before.

And this change in Li Yifeng even made Zhang Chao unable to say the refusal that was on his lips, and he was pulled out of the dormitory by Li Yifeng.

The hot pot restaurant is not far from the accommodation. They used to come here often to consume. Zhang Chao ate this meal in a daze, and he might not even remember what dish he put into his mouth, but what impressed him most was Li Yifeng's change. The longer he was in contact with him, the more he felt the difference between Li Yifeng from the outside to the inside.

Let's talk about appearance first. First of all, Li Yifeng's hairstyle has changed. It can be seen that it was designed by a very high-level barber specifically for Li Yifeng, which fits his face shape very well.

In addition, Li Yifeng's dressing style has also changed. In the past, everyone wore T-shirts and jeans, but this time Li Yifeng came back and wore a casual suit, which made him look much more energetic. It also made Zhang Chao, who was walking next to him, feel inferior in front of his friends for the first time.

Moreover, when eating, Zhang Chao also found that Li Yifeng actually put on light makeup. Is this still the Li Yifeng who only had a bottle of facial cleanser?

If the external changes can be attributed to Li Yifeng's image requirements as an actor, but the internal changes surprised Zhang Chao.

The big boy who is usually introverted, reserved and taciturn has become confident, loves to laugh, and will take the initiative to tell jokes, as if he really looks like a big star.

It has to be said that Zhang Chao is really envious of Li Yifeng's change, and he suddenly feels a desire from the bottom of his heart. Zhang Chao is sure that Li Yifeng's change is all because he was selected into the crew and was cultivated by the company, so he received these dazzling lights.

Then what about himself? Is he really willing to fail like this?

Zhang Chao gave himself a positive answer, absolutely not! From the beginning of the talent show to entering Huayi Company, he has been exposed to all kinds of people in the entertainment industry. Zhang Chao has long been unwilling to become ordinary. He longs to stand on that stage and get the same change as Li Yifeng. He longs to accept the cheers of tens of thousands of audiences, and it is his own name that he longs for. There are many more things he longs for, and to realize these desires, the most direct way in front of him is to debut with the group.

Zhang Chao, who used to get up at five in the morning to practice, once again set his alarm clock to four in the morning. Everyone suddenly found that Zhang Chao no longer liked to chat during practice. He spent all his free time around the teacher, asking questions. No one knew why he suddenly had so many questions.

But soon everyone had the answer. In another review a week later, Zhang Chao finally got rid of the C rating and got a B rating for the first time.

Wang Zhonglei's comment was very simple, which was to work hard and make progress. These four short words fully explained Zhang Chao's efforts in recent times.

And Zhang Chao's efforts also stimulated the other five people. The next morning, when Zhang Chao got up at four o'clock and came to the company's practice room, he found that there were already two people practicing inside, one was Zhang Dianfei and the other was Pubajia.

Zhang Chao was a little surprised, and at the same time, he secretly made up his mind and decided to practice more at night. After all, people who are more talented than you are working harder. If you don't work hard, won't you be left behind?

The three of them contacted silently, and no one wasted time chatting. More than half an hour later, Fu Xinbo and Zhang Xiaochen also came to the practice room. Obviously, the two of them also got up earlier, but they didn't expect that someone would be more diligent than them.

Early in the morning, the five people spent their time in silent competition.

And this change also turned into a report, which was handed to Wang Zhonglei's desk as soon as possible.

Wang Zhonglei read the report carefully, and then called the temporary agent of the five people at the moment.

"It's a good thing to work hard, but you also have to ensure your health. If you are eliminated because of the most serious injury in contact, it's not worth it. Tell those children that everything should be done in moderation, and you must take good care of your body as a prerequisite."

"I understand, Mr. Wang. I will supervise these kids." The temporary agent promised.

"By the way, tell them that there will be a crew following them tomorrow. Everyone should show their best spirit. These filmed contents may be broadcast on TV." Wang Zhonglei told the agent about the debut record plan that he had prepared for a long time, and it was also to stimulate those boys.

After all, for these big boys who have not yet debuted, being on TV is undoubtedly a very tempting move. The key is to shoot such a debut record, which can also help these big boys attract a wave of fans, get to know these big boys through this program, and then like these big boys.

Didn't Alan attract the first batch of fans before his debut? This time, Wang Zhonglei felt that he could do it again.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Zhonglei called Nie Wei again and talked to him about shooting the debut record.

"I think it can actually be more exciting." Hearing Wang Zhonglei's words, Nie Wei replied with a smile.

"More exciting? How do you say that?" Wang Zhonglei asked with curiosity. He always attached great importance to Nie Wei's ideas.

"Don't you score them every week? Why not tell them that every four weeks, which is a month, select the best one, and then this best member can get the company's publicity resources in advance, such as station advertisements, such as commercial center advertising screens playing his personal information in a loop, or investing some recommendation resources for him online, or launching a new song, or playing a cameo role in a movie, etc.

Anyway, these are the publicity expenses that must be spent. Why not turn them into their rewards in advance? Wouldn't it also make them more motivated to move forward?"

After Nie Wei finished speaking, Wang Zhonglei was full of admiration, thinking that feelings could be played like this.

But he still had a worry: "Nie Wei, if a certain member keeps winning, wouldn't all the resources be occupied by him, and the other three members would have no exposure."

Hearing this, Nie Wei smiled and gave an answer that stunned Wang Zhonglei.

Thanks to Qiuyeliangyue and 0773 for their generous rewards. I’m sorry that the name was written wrong in the previous chapter... It was Song Zuer, not Joey Yung. Also, I don’t know if any book friends have noticed that I sometimes type the name Noda Kumaichi as Nobi Nobita o(╯□╰)o.

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