Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 703 703. The Path to Grandmaster (Part 1)

After more than 20 days, Wang Jiawei finally sent a letter, asking Nie Wei to wait in Kyoto, saying that the first stop of the "Master's Road" they were going to take was Tongcheng near Kyoto.

After receiving the call, Nie Wei started to pack his luggage, but soon, this job became a leisurely one, and Nie Wei could only help out on the side.

"The weather has been getting a little cold recently, so I'll bring you two more coats."

"You'll be out for half a month this time, so I've brought you 20 pairs of underwear. Remember to change them every day. You don't have to wash the dirty ones. Put them in a box and bring them back. I'll wash them for you when the time comes."

"By the way, I'll also bring you the Cordyceps sinensis that Binbin gave me last time. I heard that it's good for your health. Remember to eat one every day. When you feel better, come back and tell me. I'll ask Binbin, and we can buy more."

"I see." Listening to Shu Chang's caring nagging, Nie Wei smiled and replied. As soon as he finished speaking, Shu Chang immediately turned around and glared at him, complaining dissatisfiedly: "You said you practiced at home on weekdays, but now you're going to visit some master with others. I really don't understand why you men are so obsessed with kung fu."

Nie Wei smiled embarrassedly, without refutation, nor did he reason with Shu Chang, saying how important this trip was to him.

Because Nie Wei understood very well that this was actually because the two of them looked at things from different angles, and naturally their understandings were also different. Moreover, although Shu Chang complained, she never stopped him from going, and now she helped him pack his luggage and carefully considered his trip. Such a girlfriend can be called considerate. If he didn't let her complain, it would be too unreasonable.

"Coat, underwear, nutritional supplements, kettle, tea, flashlight, multi-functional gadgets, and medical kit. By the way, I'll get you a few buckets of instant noodles. You can soak them in the hotel when you are hungry at night. Do you need to get you some ham sausage?"

"I want beef sausage."

"That's perfect. Lao Li from the company cafeteria sent a lot of beef sausage a while ago. I'll get it for you."

Shu Chang took the sausage out of the refrigerator, then wrapped it with layers of oil-absorbing paper and plastic bags, and then put it in Nie Wei's suitcase. He held his waist and straightened up. Shu Chang counted the suitcase while hammering his waist. Finally, he counted it back and forth twice, nodded with satisfaction, and closed the box.

"Let me massage you." Nie Wei watched Shu Chang hammering her waist from the side, feeling distressed. When the girl was done, he quickly helped Shu Chang to the sofa, let Shu Chang lie on his legs, and he massaged her.

"Do you think I've gained weight? Last time I packed my luggage, I didn't feel so tired in my waist." Lying on Nie Wei's legs, Shu Chang was enjoying her boyfriend's massage happily. Suddenly, she thought of something and immediately asked Nie Wei with a horrified expression.

Nie Wei was also at a loss for words. He glanced at Shu Chang's expression and replied, "It shouldn't be. I don't think you've changed much. It may be because you've been squatting for a long time. Don't think about it."

"No, I'll weigh you. I haven't weighed myself for almost a month. I must have gained weight, I must have gained weight." Shu Chang hurriedly got up and ran to find a scale. After a while, Nie Wei heard a scream from the bedroom. He hurried over and saw Shu Chang looking at the scale at his feet with an expression of disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Nie Wei asked. Shu Chang came back to her senses from her shocked expression when she heard Nie Wei's voice. The first thing she thought of was not to answer Nie Wei, but to jump off the scale immediately.

"No... nothing."

"Oh." Nie Wei glanced at Shu Chang, whose face was flushed, and did not continue to ask.

It was soon time for dinner. Looking at the four dishes ordered by Nie Wei on the table, Shu Chang's eyes were full of desire, because they were all her favorites, but when she thought of the numbers on the scale just now, she suddenly woke up from the temptation of food, silently ran to the kitchen, and took out the salad bowl that had been sealed for a month.

After a while, Shu Chang held a small bowl of vegetable salad and ate the leaves with the aroma of the food on the table.

Nie Wei wanted to pick up a shrimp for Shu Chang, but Shu Chang saw the shrimp as if it was poison, and immediately pushed Nie Wei's hand away to refuse.

"I ordered the dishes specially for you, and they were made by Master Liu himself. Don't you like these dishes made by Master Liu the most?" Nie Wei asked puzzledly.

"Nothing, I've been eating too well recently, and I want to eat some vegetables to clean my intestines." Shu Chang found a random excuse to evade Nie Wei. She would not tell Nie Wei that her weight exceeded 100 pounds and she had to lose weight.

Shu Chang was thinking about how to hide this fact, and Nie Wei suddenly said: "It's just 102 pounds, I think your height is normal for this weight."

Shu Chang was dumbfounded, because Nie Wei actually called out her current weight accurately, so...

"You saw it, right? You must have seen it."

"That's right, I saw it when I entered the door, but I didn't mention it because I was afraid you would be embarrassed."

"Then why are you still talking about it now?" Shu Chang almost cried, feeling so embarrassed. A female actress actually weighed over 100 pounds. How could she face people if she told others about it.

"I said that just because I see you don't eat well. Really, baby, you don't look fat at all now. Your weight is just right, which means you are very healthy." Nie Wei smiled and comforted Shu Chang. In his opinion, it is completely unscientific for actresses to have a standard weight of 90 kilograms, or even to pursue a perfect weight of 80 kilograms.

You know, Shu Chang is 1.63 meters tall. Isn't it normal to weigh a hundred kilograms for this height?

"It's all your fault. It's just because I've been eating with you recently that I've gained weight. Otherwise, my weight would be very standard, and it wouldn't exceed ninety-five pounds at most." Nie Wei's words Shu Chang didn't want to hear. She was now thinking about being raped. After thinking about how to blame Nie Wei for exposing her, she finally thought about it and could only blame Nie Wei for feeding her too well recently.

"Okay, blame me, blame me, but the food still has to be delicious. We won't eat staple food, we can always eat some vegetables."

"That's just a little bit, just one bite." Shu Chang hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food.

It was said that he wanted to take a bite, but at the beginning, he basically couldn't stop the brakes. In the end, most of the fried shrimps and cherry meat went into Shu Chang's stomach. After eating, Shu Chang regretted it. In the end, it was Nie Wei who coaxed him. After taking her out for a walk, the girl felt mentally comforted. She felt that the food she just ate had been basically digested after walking for so long.

But is it possible? Early the next morning, when Shu Chang stood on the scale, he almost burst into tears because he had gained another half a pound.

This time, Nie Wei's advice didn't work. Shu Chang had already decided to compete with vegetable salad before his weight dropped to ninety-five pounds.

At 3:30 p.m. the next day, Nie Wei carried his suitcase and said goodbye to Shu Chang at the door of his home. Wang Jiawei had arrived in Kyoto an hour ago, and the group of people were waiting for Nie Wei at the door in the bus they had rented. .

"Be careful on the road, and be polite when visiting the teacher. I don't understand how you people in the martial arts communicate, but don't fight, okay?" Shu Chang told Nie Wei like he was coaxing a child.

"Understood, I understand. We are just discussing how to do it, and we are not going to play in the gym." Nie Wei replied with a smile. Although Shu Chang's idea was quite childish, Nie Wei was very touched by his concern for himself.

No longer reluctant to leave, Nie Wei got on the bus to Tong County. Shu Chang watched the bus disappear from his sight before turning and walking home.

"Is that your girlfriend just now?" Wang Jiawei asked curiously.

"Her name is Shu Chang, and she is also an actor." Nie Wei introduced.

Wang Jiawei smiled and said, "I know this little girl. She is also very famous in Hong Kong."

Nie Wei couldn't help but smile when her girlfriend was praised.

"Nie Wei, I haven't told you why I made this movie yet." Maybe he was a little idle, so Wang Jiawei, who was sitting next to Nie Wei, asked Nie Wei to talk about the reason why he created this movie.

"It was back in 1996 when I was filming "Happy Together" and I saw a magazine in a train station in Argentina. The cover character was Li Xiaolong. I was curious and bought the magazine and found out It was still the latest date, so I took the magazine and asked the boss, do you know this person? "

"The newsstand owner excitedly told me on the spot that this was Bruce Lee and showed me his moves."

"Li Xiaolong was very popular and famous, and I liked him very much, but he had been dead for more than 20 years at that time, and I wondered why he still had such great charm after so long."

"At that time, I was thinking about making a movie about him, but at that time, many movies and TV series about him had been made, and I didn't want to make any more, because there were too many stories about him. If you think you can’t come up with anything new, it’s better not to take pictures.”

"Then you thought of his master?" Nie Wei asked.

"That's right." Wang Jiawei smiled and continued: "I was just wondering what kind of person could teach a world-class star like Li Xiaolong, and the more I studied this great master, the more I felt that he He was very charming, so I became interested in the martial arts masters of the Republic of China generation. The more I studied, the more ideas came into my mind, and then I came up with this script. "

"This is the charm of Chinese martial arts. It is not only that he can defend himself and kill enemies and strengthen his body, but also the story behind him and the people of that generation." Nie Wei said with emotion. When the old man taught him martial arts, he was often criticized. He pestered and told many stories about the martial arts masters of that era.

What Nie Wei loved most was hearing about the heroic deeds of these great masters, and he also imagined how he would use all his skills to protect his family and country in that era.

Just chatting like this, nearly an hour passed unknowingly, and the bus also arrived at the county seat of Tongcheng.

Nie Wei originally thought that she would go directly to visit the old master who was good at Baguazhang, but she didn't expect that the bus stopped at the entrance of a hotel, and then she saw a group of people coming out to greet him.

"This is director Wang Jiawei, and this, I believe everyone knows, is the pride of Kyoto, Mr. Nie Wei."

"Hello, hello, this is our leader, and this is the president of our local martial arts association."

After shaking hands with a group of leaders with various titles, Nie Wei realized that he was not going to visit the old master directly. He had to have a meal first and then everyone went there together.

Nie Wei originally wanted to keep a low profile, but he did not expect that several leaders in Tongcheng and the president of the martial arts association were more enthusiastic towards him than towards Wang Jiawei, the protagonist of this trip.

After the meal, Nie Wei's mind was full of how good Tongcheng was, how suitable it was for investment, etc., which really made Nie Wei laugh and cry, and also made him secretly decide that when he arrived at the next stop, he would never participate in such greetings. At that time, he would either visit the local master directly or wait in the hotel. Anyway, he really didn't want to participate in such dinners.

Tongcheng County was not where the master lived. The master lived in a village around the county. After leaving the scene, the bus turned into a small road under the command of the president of the local martial arts association, and then it was bumpy all the way. It took more than an hour to reach the entrance of the village, which was not far away.

Because some roads in the village could not pass the bus, Nie Wei had to walk a few hundred meters on foot to reach the door of the master surnamed Cheng.

Although the village was remote, the master's home was not bad.

There are three red brick houses and a very spacious yard. There is also a small vegetable garden behind the house. Because it is the autumn fruiting season, it is full of tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, beans, pumpkins and the like. They look colorful and delicious.

When Nie Wei was in the car, he saw the president of the martial arts association making a phone call. He guessed that he called this family. Sure enough, when they arrived, the old man’s sons were standing at the door waiting for them. Seeing Nie Wei and his group coming, one of the youngest-looking boys hurried into the house, obviously to inform his elders.

"This old man is the descendant of the great master Cheng Lao." After a round of greetings, Nie Wei and others were invited into the gate and saw an old man who looked to be in his sixties or seventies walking out. Seeing this, the president of the martial arts association hurriedly introduced him to Nie Wei and Wang Jiawei.

"Hello, old man." Wang Jiawei hurriedly shook the old man's hand and greeted him.

Nie Wei on the side did not come forward to shake hands, but formally performed a fist-clasping salute. When Mr. Cheng saw this, his eyes lit up and he also returned a fist-clasping salute.

"Which school did this young friend learn from?" After greeting, Mr. Cheng immediately asked Nie Wei curiously.

"I also practice Baguazhang, but my master's surname is Zhang." Nie Wei replied. When the old man taught him this skill, he told him that his master should be Mr. Zhang Zhankui, a martial arts master in the Republic of China. This is why Nie Wei practiced Bagua and Xingyi at the same time, because this master was good at Xingyi Bagua.

When Nie Wei reported his master, Mr. Cheng was also surprised and happy. Although the two had different masters, they were both from the Bagua school in the end, and they immediately felt a lot closer. However, Mr. Cheng did not notice that his sons showed eager expressions on their faces when they heard that Nie Wei had also practiced Baguazhang.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise for the generous reward.

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