Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 755 755. Incredible acting skills (Merry Christmas, fellow book lovers!)

An hour later, Tang Zhanpeng, who still hadn't received any positive response from Nie Wei, had no choice but to leave the teahouse.

The moment he stepped out of the door, Tang Zhanpeng looked back, his face full of disappointment, he knew that today's conversation was obviously a failure.

Nie Wei didn't give a clear reply, but in fact he had already given him the answer. Obviously, the remaining 1% of the shares, not only the Qingshan Group behind him, but also the other three major investment companies, had no direct chance to get.

"Mr. Tang, where are we going now?" Seeing Tang Zhanpeng walk out of the teahouse door, the secretary who had been waiting for a long time immediately trotted over a thousand steps, bowed slightly and asked.

"Go back to the hotel, and help me book the next flight to Kyoto, as long as there is a seat." Tang Zhanpeng ordered.

He was unwilling to accept it, because he knew that this 1% of the shares not only represented etiquette, but also might determine how many director seats Qingshan Capital could take when Fanxing Blog reorganized its board of directors in the future, and the number of director seats represented how much influence Qingshan Capital would maintain on Fanxing Blog.

As an investment company, although Qingshan Capital will not intervene in the specific operation of Fanxing Podcast, it pays great attention to the influence of the investment company itself on this enterprise. Maintaining such influence can make the actual operators of the company maintain a good attitude towards the investment company, and it is also the key to increase the soft power of the investment company itself.

Especially for social networking platforms like Fanxing Blog, it can be said to be the king of media in China now. The power contained in its company is definitely what Qingshan Capital wants to fight for.

"Since they are not going to sell it directly to our Qingshan Capital, then I will wait until those small investment companies take over the shares, and then I will buy them at a premium. In short, I will not let go of this 1% of shares easily." Sitting in the car on the way back to the company, Tang Zhanpeng thought to himself.

Don't look at only 1% of the shares. You must know that so far, Qingshan Group has only taken 6% of the total shares of Fanxing Blog. Nie Wei's caution in financing is beyond their imagination.

And the more this is the case, the more optimistic they are about the future of Fanxing Blog. Even Nie Wei is reluctant to take out more shares for financing, doesn't it show that this share is precious?

While Tang Zhanpeng was rushing back to the company to arrange work, Nie Wei still stayed in the tea room, tasting the rare and exquisite Zhuyeqing. As for what Tang Zhanpeng would do next, Nie Wei could actually guess 80% of it.

But don't treat the other small investment companies as fools. If a company like Fanxing Blog, which is clearly going to make a lot of money after listing, can get the qualification for financing, which company would be willing to give up the interests in its hands?

Obviously, this is not something that can be done with simple money. It may also involve a lot of interests, but Nie Wei can't control these. With the completion of this last round of financing, Nie Wei will still have 65% of the shares in his hands. Counting the part that needs to be taken out for listing, Nie Wei can still maintain absolute control of the company, which is enough.

Nie Wei pays more attention to the newly launched Weibo function, and the user experience is the key.

Anyway, so far, the number of users who have started to actively use this function is less than one million, which is not a very high proportion compared with the tens of millions of active users of Fanxing Blog every day, but Nie Wei is not panicking. He knows very well that a person's inertia is difficult to change instantly, and it takes time for users to adapt.

At least he understood that the change of Weibo was definitely a beneficial direction, especially at this stage when smartphones were about to enter the Chinese market. It would give users an adaptation period. When smartphones began to become popular in China, this change would bring another boom to Fanxing Blog.

After drinking the last cup of tea, Nie Wei got up and left the teahouse. This was his last schedule for the day. Starting tomorrow, "Assassin's League" would officially start filming.

April is the rainy season in Mingzhu City, but it seems that God is very kind to Nie Wei. Five days into the filming, although it was cloudy, there was not a drop of rain.

The progress of the filming was also very smooth. The previous month of intensive training was not in vain. Several actors had excellent acting skills. Now that they have made up for their shortcomings, they are naturally handy in playing roles.

In addition to filming during this period, the crew was also addicted to Mingzhu cuisine.

Like Li Binbin, since she ate the pan-fried buns brought back by Nie Wei once, she completely fell in love with this food. According to her, she didn't even have the energy to act if she didn't eat two pan-fried buns every morning.

Nie Wei himself prefers Mingzhu's local dishes, such as braised pork in red sauce and sweet and sour spareribs. Although restaurants across the country basically cook these two dishes, Nie Wei feels that the local restaurants in Mingzhu still cook them more to his taste.

There are also people like Chen Daoming, who likes the local vegetarian duck, and Zhang Hanyu prefers to eat Nanxiang's steamed dumplings.

Every day, one of the assistants of several big stars has to run around Mingzhu City to help their artists buy delicious food. When it's time to eat, the leading actors always get together to share their own food, taste each other, and sometimes have to rank them. For this reason, Nie Wei, as the director and leading actor of the crew, is always pulled by a group of people to be the judge.

Although Nie Wei always refuses, he will eventually be persuaded by them to select the first place among the dishes bought by several people, and every time he can give reasons that convince everyone.

Nie Wei was happy to see the actors playing like this during their breaks. After all, everyone communicated through eating, and the relationship improved. The atmosphere of the crew would also improve. When the atmosphere improved, the environment became relaxed, and everyone would not have too much pressure when filming. Especially for actors with less experience, such an atmosphere would make them less nervous.

After arriving at the crew in the morning, while everyone was still setting up the scene, Nie Wei opened the schedule and checked the scenes that needed to be filmed today.

In one row, Nie Wei saw the scene he needed to appear in. It was a scene in the company where Nie Wei was scolded and insulted by the fat female boss. This was also the first time that the male protagonist's superpowers appeared. Of course, at this time, the male protagonist did not understand that this was his superpower that was different from ordinary people. He just thought it was an anxiety disorder and took tranquilizers for a long time to control this anxiety disorder. Of course, the effect was not good. After all, this was not an anxiety disorder, but a unique talent of the male protagonist.

"Du Heng, come here!" Seeing this, Nie Wei shouted to a man who was talking to a photographer not far away. Hearing Nie Wei's call, the man hurriedly told the photographer a few words, and then hurried to Nie Wei's side.

This man looked about 30 years old, with natural curls and a pair of black-framed glasses. He looked a little sloppy, but all the people working behind the scenes of the crew were like this. After all, a grown man working hard outside sometimes doesn't care about his appearance. Du Heng was considered good, at least his clothes were clean.

And this man named Du Heng was one of the directors recruited by Huayi half a year ago. In that recruitment, more than 300 people came to apply for the director position of Huayi, and only three people were finally selected, including Du Heng. These three directors can be said to be one in a hundred.

And Du Heng was recruited by Nie Wei himself.

In Nie Wei's eyes, Du Heng is a person who is very sensitive to light and color. He is very good at using light and shade and some colors to express the environment and characters, give the audience psychological hints, highlight the story plot, and strengthen the character's personality.

However, his shortcomings are also obvious. One is the lack of experience. He is a director major. He studied for four years in college. After graduation, he was directly admitted to graduate school. Three years have passed. If he hadn't been hired by Huayi this time, I'm afraid he would have to continue to take the exam.

Years of learning experience have given him rich theoretical knowledge, but his study career in school has given him few opportunities to practice. Practical experience is what he lacks most at present. Moreover, due to the lack of practical experience, Du Heng, who is full of knowledge, has not formed his own unique directing style.

So after recruiting him into the company, Nie Wei began to arrange various jobs for him.

Like commercial advertisements, public service advertisements, celebrity documentaries, and even went to local counties and cities to shoot promotional films. There are so many types, just to let him practice the knowledge in his mind and turn the knowledge that is only in his mind into the knowledge he really masters.

And this time, for "Assassin's Alliance", Nie Wei appointed him as the first assistant director of the crew. When Nie Wei needs to act, he is the leader of the crew sitting in front of the monitor.

When this news was announced, many people questioned it. After all, Du Heng has only been in the company for half a year. Even if he has good talent, can he bear the pressure of sitting in such an important position rashly?

Even Wang Zhonglei has approached Nie Wei and asked him whether he wants to change to a more experienced director for assistance. Wang Zhonglei even stated that those directors who have tasks in hand can stop their work and immediately recruit the "Assassin's Alliance" crew as long as Nie Wei takes a fancy to them.

However, Nie Wei insisted and still chose Du Heng as his first assistant director, which made Du Heng particularly grateful to Nie Wei.

After all, he also knew very well that this was a rare opportunity. As long as he could successfully complete the task and wait for the future when "Assassin's Alliance" was popular in China, it would also be his day to come to the fore.

Nie Wei called Du Heng to his side and told him some things to pay attention to during filming. Du Heng listened very carefully because he knew very well that everything Nie Wei said was not a trivial matter. For him, a new director, it was also invaluable knowledge.

After instructing Du Heng, Nie Wei went to check the props again.

"What's in this medicine box?" Because there will be a scene of taking medicine, Nie Wei focused on checking these pills.

"Director Nie, it contains vitamin tablets. Do you think it's okay? If not, we can change to something else." The staff member on the side heard Nie Wei's question and answered immediately.

"Oh, it's okay, vitamins are good." Nie Wei nodded, indicating that the staff didn't need to bother.

Then Nie Wei carefully looked at his desk again, then motioned the staff to come over, pointed at the folders in the desktop file basket, and said: "These folders are too new, change them to older ones, and they are too neatly arranged, you can arrange them like your own desktop folders in the company, so that they are more natural."

"Got it, we will change it now." The staff immediately took note of this matter after hearing Nie Wei's instructions.

Nie Wei looked around again, and also looked at the places that the camera might shoot around, and then talked about the few places he was not satisfied with. After confirming that they were correct, he asked the staff to make corrections immediately.

Taking advantage of this time, Nie Wei found a corner and continued to read the script. He did not have any lines in this scene, but the performance was not easy because he had to express the feeling of an anxiety attack on the spot.

With his eyes closed, Nie Wei thought about how to perform better. Before he knew it, twenty minutes had passed. The scene had already been adjusted according to Nie Wei's requirements, and several actors were already in place. Du Heng When he felt that he was ready, he sent staff to 'wake up' Nie Wei.

There was no one around Nie Wei at this moment, because when they saw Nie Wei lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, everyone thought that Nie Wei was asleep, so they were afraid of waking up Nie Wei when passing by, even if they had to pass by Nie Wei. , all of them unconsciously relaxed their hands and feet.

"Director Nie?" The staff member who walked up to Nie Wei called out softly, as if calling a baby, his voice was extremely soft.

"Are you all ready?" The staff member realized that his voice might be a little soft, and when he was about to raise his voice, Nie Wei suddenly opened his eyes, which shocked the staff member.

The little girl's eyes widened slightly and she looked at Nie Wei in surprise.

"Thank you." Nie Wei turned around and thanked the surprised girl, then stood up and walked towards the set. In fact, although he kept his eyes closed, he did not fall asleep. I mentally envisioned the details of the performance over and over again.

The place where Nie Wei rested was just a few steps away from the filming location. It didn't take ten seconds for Nie Wei to get up and walk to his seat. After saying hello to several actors, Nie Wei sat down where he should sit, and immediately stood aside. The stylist came up to help Nie Wei tidy up her hair and clothes.

After confirming that everything was ready, Nie Wei made a gesture to Du Heng, who immediately understood and shouted "get ready".

With this preparation, several actors, including Nie Wei, were adjusting their state. After the last few countdowns, everyone will become another character, a character living in the movie.

Soon, the moment the countdown ended and started to ring, the actor who played the male protagonist, the fat boss, showed a slightly ferocious face and started spewing rubbish at Nie Wei, who was sitting on the chair.

"You are worthless. I regret hiring a guy like you..."

The performance in the studio was still going on. Du Heng was looking at Nie Wei on the monitor. From the moment he started shooting, the whole state of Nie Wei, who had always been calm and calm in the camera, suddenly changed. Faced with the reprimand of the fat boss , the change in Nie Wei's expression made Du Heng say it was wonderful.

Especially as the camera progressed, Du Heng's eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen something incredible.

I saw Nie Wei in the camera, and there was a layer of fine sweat on his head at this moment. Du Heng can guarantee that before turning on the camera, Nie Wei's face was absolutely fresh, and this layer of fine sweat at this moment is obviously the result of the short period just now. During the performance, Nie Wei did it.

But how did he do it? Du Heng couldn't understand, he just knew that the thin layer of sweat on Nie Wei's forehead was just right. This close-up vividly demonstrated the actor's suspected anxiety.

Thanks to Fantasy Park and Qiuye Liangyue for their generous reward. Today is Christmas. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a happy breakup for singles and continued happiness as a couple.

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