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"Feng Yuxiu! I thought you didn't dare to come."

Master Iai Zhan narrowed his eyes and spoke in a cold voice.

Five hours of waiting made Master Iai Zhan feel irritable and angry.

"This person is really arrogant. Since the God of War Feng Yuxiu has accepted the challenge, why would he not dare to come?"

Many people have gathered below the Jing Tower.

Nowadays, the Japanese occupy the vast majority.

After all, this is in Japan, and it will take time for the Xia people to rush to this place.

"I'm sorry, we don't have a coffin of your size, so I can only make one now, which takes a little time."

Wang Fan's voice was hoarse, and he shook his body, and a coffin fell down.

"Feng Yuxiu!"

Looking at the coffin falling to the ground, Master Iai Slash's anger was so intense that he could not restrain his anger.

"Is this because he is worried that he will have no place to live in the future, so he bought it to shelter himself from the wind and rain?"

Grandmaster Iai Slash looked at Wang Fan. After all, he was the strongest grandmaster in Japan. He knew that the battle was about to begin, so he couldn't be angry.

Emotions were impacted, and there would be flaws in the moves. In a battle at his level, a flaw would cost him his life!

When he arrived in Xia Country, he successively accepted Xia people's grandmasters as disciples and humiliated Xia Country, just to make Wang Fan angry.

But now, Wang Fan has turned the tables on him.

"The coffin is naturally bought for you!"

At this time, a large group of Xia people arrived.

When they heard the words of the Grandmaster of Iai Slash, they directly retorted from below.

"Who do you think you are?"

The heart of the master of Iai Slash, which had finally calmed down, suddenly exploded again.

Wang Fan was his opponent, but the one below was just a novice in Chinese martial arts who had a superficial understanding of Chinese martial arts.

Now, even if they dared to speak to him like this?

You know, in Japan, he is a local emperor.

""I'll count you as my father!"

During the five hours that Wang Fan spent buying the coffin, many Xia people arrived.

The Xia people had no fear of the fierce and evil Master Iai Slash.

They arrived at the Jing Tower quickly because they respected Wang Fan. They felt that Master Iai Slash was just a dog.


Wang Fan threw the coffin out, and three hidden weapons appeared on it.

"Master, attacking ordinary people is too shameless."

Wang Fan sneered. This master of Iai Slash actually attacked the people watching the battle below.

"You deserve to be killed for speaking such arrogant words!"

Grandmaster Iai Slash said coldly


The crowd below, seeing the Grandmaster of Iai Slash making his move, showed no fear, but instead shouted in unison:

"The junior Feng Yuxiu is here to ask for advice. It’s a matter of both strength and weakness, and life and death!"

Wang Fan’s temperament changed, and his hoarse voice appeared.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense to the Grandmaster of Iai Slash, and he took action directly.

""God of War, he has weapons, be careful!"

Wang Fan was on the top of the Jing Tower, with his bare hands.

Behind the Grandmaster of Iai Slash, there was a samurai sword that could cut through even a copper wall.

"The God of War is the biggest samurai sword. In the eyes of the God of War, it is nothing!"

Everyone below has seen Wang Fan fight many times.

Even when weapons attack Wang Fan, there is the sound of golden swords colliding.

Wang Fan's body is already extremely strong.

It has reached the extreme of being invulnerable to swords and guns!


The Grandmaster of Iai Slash didn't take out his samurai sword right away.

After all, Wang Fan was unarmed. If he took out a weapon right away, it would make him look weak.


Since the Grandmaster of Iai Slash attacked with his fists, I, Wang Fan, would counter with my fists.

The Grandmaster of Iai Slash's fists were just like his swordsmanship.

Iai Slash emphasizes one sword, and one sword can solve everything.

And his fists were also open and closed. One punch carried a force of ten thousand kilograms, and one punch would smash everything.


Everyone seemed to hear a tiger roar as Wang Fan performed Xingyiquan.

Wang Fan's boxing skills collided with the Iai Slash Grandmaster's boxing skills, but he did not retreat.

Wang Fan and Xingyiquan seemed to merge, and in an instant, he had collided with the Iai Slash Grandmaster's boxing skills hundreds of times.

""Is the fight between the God of War and the Grandmaster of Iai Slash a fight with bullets?"

Someone below couldn't help but ask.

The two punches were too fast!

Everyone could only see the bodies of Wang Fan and the Grandmaster of Iai Slash.

As for their arms, they couldn't be seen by the naked eye.

"The speed of their punches is even faster than bullets!"

Some careful people, in order to better analyze Wang Fan's martial arts, specially brought professional cameras to slow down Wang Fan's movements.


Grandmaster Iai Slash was inferior to him in boxing. After countless boxing collisions, he was hit in the ribs by Wang Fan's punch!

He also paid great attention to physical training. He didn't suffer much damage from this punch.

You know, if the Grandmaster of the Nine Kingdoms was hit by this punch, he would fall to the ground and lose his ability to fight.

But even so, he took several steps back, his face changed.

"It seems that your best skill is your mouth."

Wang Fan raised his head, his eyes met with the master of Iai Slash, and he spoke coldly.

"Humph, I was just warming up with you."

Grandmaster Iai Slash heard Wang Fan's ridicule and naturally didn't want to be at a disadvantage.

"Tsk, no means no, you've already been hit, why are you still being stubborn?"

Under the Jing Tower, Xia Ren spoke

"That's right, a bad player is a bad player, why bother with warming up."

When the master of Iai Slash spoke, many people curled their lips.

They couldn't afford to lose.


Below the Jing Tower, the people watching the battle were not only from Xia country, but also about half of them were from Japan.

Unlike the Iai Slash Grandmaster who had been communicating in Xia country's language, most of them did not understand Xia country's language.

However, there were a small number of people who could understand the meaning.

"Who are you talking about?"

Under the Jing Tower, it turned out to be���The situation was tense!

At this time, in a hall in Japan, several people were sitting in

"General, Xia Guo Feng Yuxiu killed many warriors of our Dongying Society, which was extremely rampant. Why did you order not to arrest him for the time being! If he escapes, we..."

A general spoke in great confusion.

"He killed so many warriors of the Dongying Society with just one person?"

The Dongying general director asked

"According to the investigation, it is indeed the case."

The general nodded. This question really made him ashamed.

After all, the Dongying Society, which brought together many Dongying masters, was overthrown by one person, and all the masters were killed by him alone.

"Then let me ask you, did he also destroy the Iaizumi clan alone?"

The director continued to ask

"This... is indeed the case."

The general nodded again. After Wang Fan had killed many of the samurai masters of the Dongying Society, he also killed the entire Iaizumi family in a very short period of time.

"Now, he is fighting alone against the master of Iai Slash?"

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