After all, everything is difficult at the beginning. If they can injure Wang Fan, it means they have the ability to kill him.

But now they can only think about it. After all, a team of the US army was just killed by Wang Fan. Now their morale has plummeted. Even the general director has a feeling of despair.

""For this matter, block all the news and don't let anyone know, understand?"

The director spoke again. If this video was seen by the American people, it would not only cause a drop in morale. Even if a large sum of money was offered, no one would dare to take this mission.

No master would be willing to be a target and accept such a suicidal behavior.

But now, they can only try to hurt Wang Fan through this method.

"He is in the dark, and we are in the light. Even if we set up a trap, it may not be so effective. Now divide all the troops into two parts, the light and the dark!"

The general director continued to speak. He quickly analyzed that after all, those who can reach this position are not simple people.


The subordinate continued to nod.

"Remember, all the surrounding troops must be dispersed, and do not hesitate! As long as you see Feng Yuxiu, no matter where he is, just shoot him!"

After the general commander gave the order, he waved his hand, indicating that his men could leave. The subordinates nodded and made arrangements quickly.

"Feng Yuxiu is really strong. He actually took the initiative to fight against the army. After all, he killed all of them without any damage!"

Li Xuan watched the video and couldn't help but sigh.

The US army is well-trained, and each of them is a tough guy who has undergone hard training.

Now in Wang Fan's hands, they are not even as good as children!

Because children, at least, have the ability to react.

And when they face Wang Fan, they can only die quickly.

"This time, the United States has learned a good lesson."

Li Xuan laughed, feeling relieved.

Now he didn't ask for any explanation, because he knew that the United States would only compromise in the end.

Among the Japanese!

"Feng Yuxiu is still so perverted, but this time, it is the United States that suffers."

The Japanese director also has a video of Wang Fan fighting.

"No matter what, the best thing for us now is for the United States to kill Feng Yuxiu! After all, this involves the fate of our country."

An old man on the side said, although the United States suffered, they felt a little more balanced in their hearts.

But they also knew what was best for them.

Once Wang Fan died, the disasters that they were suffering in Japan would slowly return to peace.

At this time, in the national conference room of the United States

"Director, let's compromise."

Beside the director, an elder said

"Compromise! Impossible!"

The director frowned and rejected the proposal.

"But now, we have once again lost a team of elite troops!"

The elder naturally knew that doing so was a great shame.

After all, for a country to compromise with one person, this matter would be a joke if it got out.

"No matter what, Feng Yuxiu is in our American territory, we must do our best to kill him, instead of compromising!"

The director frowned and said

"Yes, I understand."

The elder was also hesitant, so at this time, he just nodded.

""Add more people, kill him!"

The director roared.

At this time, Wang Fan was drinking tea calmly.

There were so many people outside searching for Wang Fan, and even on Wang Fan's side, there was a team of soldiers.

But they couldn't find Wang Fan at all.

Because Wang Fan used the identity card, which was Huo Yuanjia's identity card obtained after winning the battle with the master of Iai Zhan.

Now he activated Huo Yuanjia's identity, and no one knew that this appearance and body shape were Feng Yuxiu!

In this way, Wang Fan spent three days freely.

It's not that he didn't dare to take action during these three days.

But through this method, he made the United States more frightened.

This approach will make the United States think that Wang Fan is everywhere.

"Director, Feng Yuxiu seems to have left the United States. There has been no information about him in the past three days!

After three days and three nights of patrols, the US military and others did not find any trace of Wang Fan.

Even if Wang Fan was standing in front of them, they would not have thought that Huo Yuanjia and Feng Yuxiu were the same person.

"Left the United States? Really?"

The US director stood up. Now that he knew this information, he was relieved unconsciously, instead of blaming the US police and army for their poor search.

"There has indeed been no news about Feng Yuxiu in the past three days."

The subordinate nodded.

"Continue the search. After all, Feng Yuxiu is different from ordinary people. You can't look at him from an ordinary perspective."

The director was scared by Wang Fan and is still very cautious.


The subordinate nodded, agreeing with what the general director said.

This is not different from ordinary people at all, this is not a human at all!

Just like this, everyone in the United States was extremely alert, and two more days passed. During these five days, the United States had no information about Wang Fan at all.

And during these five days, Wang Fan was also very relaxed and comfortable.

Every day he watched the tense atmosphere of the troops coming and going, and every day he saw his portraits appearing in various places in the United States.

"Director, Feng Yuxiu is indeed missing."

These five days have allowed everyone in the United States to confirm that Wang Fan has left the United States.

After all, this is an era of high technology and big data. Even though Wang Fan is different from ordinary people, in five days, information can be found.

During these five days, there was no news at all.


The US general director let out a breath unconsciously.

Has this evildoer finally left the US?

Although Wang Fan had done so many evil things in the US, they were not able to kill him, or even hurt him.

But as long as they didn't really compromise with Wang Fan, they were not a laughing stock now!

"But how did he leave? Is there any information or record about this?"

At this time, the director suddenly thought of something.

If Wang Fan left, there should be a record!

"This... no!"

This subordinate also responded quickly.

At this time,

"Did Feng Yuxiu really disappear in the United States for five days?"

The Japanese also have spies in the United States, and they are in very high positions.


The spy conveyed the information and directly cut off the connection here.

"There is indeed something in the United States. Feng Yuxiu has been missing in the United States for five days!"

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