Uremia is the final stage of kidney failure and is currently incurable. Life is usually maintained by dialysis or a healthy kidney transplant.

When transplanting a kidney, first of all, it is difficult to wait for a kidney source. In addition, even if you undergo a transplant, you still need to take rejection drugs for a long time, which will cause a lot of burden on the body and increase the risk of tumors and other diseases.

The most critical thing is that there is no guarantee that the transplanted kidney will not have problems and will remain normal for life. In other words, this disease can be said to be incurable.

In his medical career, Xu Yang has treated quite a lot of kidney damage and nephritis, but when it reaches the stage of uremia, he doesn't treat so much. He usually tries to control the deterioration and ensure the quality of life. .

However, Xu Yang has encountered very few patients suffering from uremia in his entire medical career. The first time I followed the teacher and the third time I followed the teacher were both in Beijing. It is a big city, and critical and severe cases are not treated by traditional Chinese medicine.

Moreover, Xu Yang was only a young man at that time and would not be involved in such a critical illness. When he was in Lingshi, which was the longest period, he also came into contact with many critical illnesses in the vast countryside.

But he has not set foot outside the county town for decades, so there are really no people who are dying of uremia. It is just that he encountered a serious person before, and he was rescued at least.

To be honest, this dying patient's condition was very dangerous, and the medicine Xu Yang used was even more dangerous. To be honest, the good thing is that in the hospital, there are various security systems and leadership care.

If it were in a clinic outside, oh, if I could save people with this medicine, that would be okay. If you can't be saved, clean your own butt and prepare to be sued and have your license revoked.

As for whether he could rescue the person, Xu Yang was not particularly sure.

This is all in danger, so only gods dare to say that they are sure! Didn't you see that he was discharged from the top tertiary hospital there? It's the same thing here in Xu Yang.

So it's no wonder Du Yueming is worried.

Xu Yang could only smile and didn't say much. It was just a doctor's duty to do his best.

It's just that Du Yueming is still a little worried, and he doesn't know if recruiting this family is a wrong decision.

But at that time, there were so many people watching, so many mobile phones taking pictures, and they were still kneeling on the ground. If I didn't agree, I don't know what the news would be like. Neither did he.

Du Yueming walked away with a headache.

After Xu Yang packed up his things, he went home.

Gao Lao made tea at home and drank Pu'er.

"I'm back." Gao Lao said calmly.

"Back." Xu Yang raised his eyes and looked at Gao Lao. During this period, Gao Lao had been angry with him for a long time because of the old farmer's affairs. Who told him to trick Gao Lao.

Mr. Gao said: "I heard that you received a dying patient with uremia today?"

Xu Yang nodded: "Yes."

Gao Lao said again: "I think the prescription you prescribed is going to be sentenced?"

Xu Yang was suddenly stunned, what he said...

Xu Yang scratched his head and said helplessly: "Do you think there is something wrong with the prescription I prescribed, or is there a mistake in the treatment idea?"

Mr. Gao snorted and said angrily: "You are amazing. Your Xu Yang medical skills are so superb. No one in the world can compare with you. Even I will be fooled by you."

Xu Yang said: "How can I do that? I have to hold your banner to persuade Teacher Qi to come over. Without you, this talent would be gone."

Gao Lao sneered: "Don't do this, you have not yet settled the matter of cheating me. I don't dare to see him even now."

Sun Tzu Yi and Yao Bing couldn't help but laugh after hearing this.

Xu Yang said with a smile: "I owe it first, keep accounts and keep accounts!"

Mr. Gao shook his head and said, "Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. I understand your prescription and the patient's condition. To be honest, although your treatment idea is very bold, it is also reasonable and correct. It is not diarrhea." The law is not enough to resolve this crisis."

"But after all, the patient is already dying now. It's like a thin poisonous snake is wrapped around the patient's body. The most everyone can use is a knife to kill the poisonous snake. It's better for you to just raise the mountain axe."

Xu Yang explained: "I have no choice but to use a knife to cut. I'm afraid if I don't kill the venomous snake, the snake will kill the patient. In troubled times, heavy code should be used. If you don't use a mountain ax, you can't kill it in the shortest time." This snake."

Mr. Gao looked at Xu Yang and said earnestly: "But you also have to consider yourself before other patients and their families. If you do this, the risk is already very high."

"Let alone this family. If they were reasonable people, they wouldn't have done something like that before. If something really happened, don't expect them to recognize the signing. You , we must learn to protect ourselves.”

Xu Yang was silent.

Sun Tzu Yi also looked at Xu Yang.

Even Yao Bing, who was pretending to read, looked over.

Xu Yang lowered his head and was silent for a while before saying, "Okay, I... remember."

The three of them all stared at Xu Yang, and then all shook their heads.

next day

Xu Yang's family got up very early, Xu Yang had already gotten up, and Gao Lao got up even earlier. He said, "Wash your face, and then go have breakfast."

Xu Yang was startled: "Did you go buy breakfast?"

Mr. Gao said, "I ordered takeout by phone. I copied down the phone number of the breakfast shop owner opposite the community."

Xu Yang smiled: "He is quite positive. Now is the busiest time for them. The business of their store is quite good. Now is the least time, isn't it? I didn't expect that there are still takeaways now. It seems that business is really difficult. It’s easy.”

Mr. Gao glanced at Xu Yang and said, "People don't deliver takeaways themselves. The boss delivers takeaways, but we are the only ones here."

"Ah?" Xu Yang was stunned and asked puzzledly: "Why? We didn't buy much, so it won't be a problem!"

Gao Lao said: "The reason is very simple, because of you."

"Me?" Xu Yang was even more puzzled.

Mr. Gao smiled kindly: "Because I told the boss that as long as he brings you breakfast, if he feels sick in the future, he can go directly to your home for treatment without registering."

Xu Yang was confused: "Huh?"

Mr. Gao walked towards the dining table, and when he passed Xu Yang, he whispered to him: "I don't like keeping accounts, now we are even."

Xu Yang couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, what's the matter?

There were still a lot of things going on at the hospital, and Gao Lao had given him this trouble. He really had to pay back the money he came out to fool around with.

After breakfast, Xu Yang hurried to the hospital. He wanted to know the patient's condition as soon as possible.

At the entrance of the hospital, Xu Yang met Du Yueming, who looked gloomy and sleepy.

Xu Yang couldn't help but laugh.

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