Chinese medicine doctor Xu Yang

Chapter 499 The King of Brainstorming

Xu Yang felt that Liu Xuanbo was a little weird, why was he suddenly fine again.

But since Liu Xuanbo wanted to tell him something, Xu Yang stopped calling his number. He turned around and looked at Liu Xuanbo and asked, "Teacher Liu, don't you have something to do with me? What is it?"

Liu Xuanbo's lips trembled slightly, and then he asked with some uncertainty: " changed your style?"

"What?" Xu Yang didn't understand.

Liu Xuanbo raised his chin and said, "This is the medicine for patients with shortness of breath."

Xu Yang said: "He just has some blood stasis, and it's not serious. You can use Panax notoginseng alone to remove blood stasis. Panax notoginseng is a holy medicine for stopping bleeding and resolving blood congestion."

"His pulse is a bit weak, plus he has been ill for a long time and is thin, so he is not suitable for aggressive treatment with large prescriptions, so he can just take a small amount of Panax notoginseng powder."

Liu Xuanbo frowned and stopped talking, his eyes still suspicious.

Xu Yang then told the intern doctors next to him: "As for malt, it was originally used for digestion, just like Jiao Sanxian, Jiao Malt, Jiao Hawthorn and Jiao Shenqu, which are used to dissipate accumulated food."

"When malt is boiled and taken raw, it has the effect of soothing liver qi. It also has the effect of removing blood stasis. It has the function of soothing the liver, regulating qi and dispersing stagnation, so it can be used to make soup and take Panax notoginseng."

Others quickly took notes.

Liu Xuanbo is also an old Chinese medicine practitioner at the level of a great national expert. His level is among the best in the world today. As soon as Xu Yang opened his mouth, he analyzed it.

Even though Xu Yang's prescription only contained these two ingredients, it was very concise, the power of the medicine was very focused, and the key dosage was very light.

He came here today just to talk to Xu Yang about his medication. Liu Xuanbo planned to pass on his skills as a teacher. As a result, as soon as he came up, Xu Yang came to him like this.

Liu Xuanbo's face suddenly darkened. He was wondering if Xu Yang did it on purpose, otherwise why would he suddenly change his style? A mature doctor has his own style of practicing medicine and will not change it casually.

Liu Xuanbo looked sideways at Xu Yang, suspicious in his heart, what is this kid doing?

Xu Yang ignored Liu Xuanbo and said to the others: "You should pay special attention to Panax notoginseng. We have always said that Chinese medicine is biased, and when we use Chinese medicine to treat diseases, we use Correct deviations. Restore the balance of yin and yang to the human body, and you will be healthy."

"This is exactly the case, so Chinese medicine is not suitable for long-term use. Long-term use will disrupt the internal balance of the body and lead to deviations. Even if you are not sick, you will get sick if you take it. Therefore, if you want to prolong your life by taking Chinese medicine, this is impossible."

"But in traditional Chinese medicine, Panax notoginseng is a very rare and wonderful medicine, because this medicine can be effective as long as it is used alone, without the need for compatibility."

"Furthermore, Panax notoginseng can be taken for a long time and will not have any adverse effects on the human body. It is a very magical medicine. It is good at removing blood congestion and can remove blood congestion without damaging new blood. It is very mysterious."

"In addition to treating diseases, health maintenance is also possible. Taking 2g of Panax notoginseng powder every day can clear the meridians and blood vessels, and can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular infarction diseases to a large extent. It will also have certain effects on three high diseases such as hyperlipidemia. Effective, but long-term use.”

The other boys took notes honestly.

Liu Xuanbo raised his eyebrows at Xu Yang, keeping in good health?

Liu Xuanbo has been a health care doctor beside the leader for many years, and he is still very authoritative in terms of health care. Liu Xuanbo looked at Xu Yang and asked if he wanted to provide guidance on health and wellness related issues.

Liu Xuanbo pondered this issue.

After all, Elder Gao accepted Xu Yang as his disciple, and he made an exception and reopened the mountain gate to accept him. Everyone in the world knew it, so this was no small matter. Their requirements for Xu Yang were definitely not as simple and polite as a registered disciple.

To be honest, when Xu Yang goes out to do things from now on, he will always be under the banner of Gao Lao. But now Old Man Gao is gone, and there is no one to guide Xu Yang.

So Liu Xuanbo came. Of course, he came to Mingxin Branch mainly to inherit Gao Lao's legacy. At the same time, it is also necessary to pass on skills on behalf of teachers. Who would have thought that as soon as he came here, Xu Yang would give him such a sap, deliberately prescribing clever prescriptions.

Liu Xuanbo thought to himself: "Is this guy implying that he refuses his teaching?

Liu Xuanbo frowned.

Xu Yang finished talking to the young men about the main points, and then looked at Liu Xuanbo, because until now, Liu Xuanbo hadn't said what he wanted to do.

Seeing that Xu Yang was also looking at him, Liu Xuanbo decided to confirm again and said: "I want to say... why is your medication style suddenly different from before? Didn't you use it in a big way before?"

Speaking of this, Xu Yang himself became silent. He has had three teachers in the system. Mr. Li's style is to open up and close up with great force.

However, Pu Lao and Qian Lao pay attention to the gentle use of medicine, with small prescriptions and specific strength. With the force of four ounces and a thousand catties, the disease can be reversed by gently stirring.

So to be honest, Xu Yang is a bit divided now, and he often shows two completely opposite styles.

Gao Lao also discovered this problem. Gao Lao knows that these two are not completely in conflict. As long as you can adjust the fusion, it will be of great benefit to improve your own medicine use.

Gao Lao once judged that as long as Xu Yang combined the two experiences, he would be able to fully enter the ranks of great players, and he would definitely be one of the top players in the ranks.

But Gao Lao passed away in a hurry before he could help Xu Yang adjust properly.

Seeing that Xu Yang stopped talking, Liu Xuanbo frowned again, what's going on with this little brother? Why don't you take care of yourself? Is it another silent resistance?

Liu Xuanbo frowned a little more.

I am a great national player and want to teach him, but he actually refuses!

Liu Xuanbo's eyes became a little sharp.

"I..." Xu Yang didn't know what to say, because it was impossible for a normal person to have such a completely opposite situation, and it was also difficult to explain the key to traveling back in time to study medicine with his teacher.

When Liu Xuanbo saw Xu Yang hesitating, he became even more displeased. He asked solemnly, "So you refused, right?"

"Ah?" Xu Yang was stunned, what, what did I refuse? You fucking asked!

"How dare you pretend to be stupid, huh!" Liu Xuanbo snorted coldly and walked out angrily.

Others were also stunned. What did Teacher Xu Yang refuse? What did you ask for? Why don't they understand it at all?

They looked at Xu Yang again, but Xu Yang himself was still confused.

"Hey, Teacher Liu!" Zhang Sanqian was anxious. His daughter hadn't said anything about it yet.

Who knew that Liu Xuanbo's steps were very fast, and he turned around in two steps.

"Ouch!" Zhang Sanqian patted his head with his hand, then pointed at Xu Yang: "You... Oops!"

Zhang Sanqian stamped his foot again.

Xu Yang scratched his head. What on earth did Teacher Liu ask just now?

Unexpectedly, Liu Xuanbo, who had just left the house, came back. When he entered, he said to Zhang Ke: "My master has decreed that I will be responsible for your health care in the future."

Everyone in the room was stunned.

Zhang Sanqian's mouth opened wide.

Liu Xuanbo turned his head and glanced sideways at Xu Yang. Seeing Xu Yang also staying there, he snorted again: "Humph!"

Sure enough, I am not willing to give him another chance!

(PS, Jingzhe is about to get Jingzhe, and the drug store has started to trick Jingzhe into taking Angong Niuhuang Pills to prevent stroke. Don’t believe it. The reason has been mentioned before, so I won’t go into details. In addition, if you feel uncomfortable again, go to the hospital immediately)

(ps2, Panax notoginseng has endless magical effects. Taking a small amount for a long time can play a certain preventive and improvement role. If you already have a disease, you should still go to a doctor and don’t try to solve it yourself)

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