Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 448 The Dark Lord is about to rule the world?

"There are no cowards in the Weasley family!"

The smiles on the audience's faces gradually disappeared, and they watched in silence as the little wizard behind the curtain clenched his fists and said those words loudly.

When they broke away from the perspective of watching the excitement, they seemed to suddenly understand how remarkable the decision made by the little wizard was.

The three people in the curtain didn't know that this was a show, and they didn't know that it was arranged. They really thought that they were in a desperate situation at this moment.

So Ron's decision shines brightly at this moment, he is like the most dazzling gem, he is shining!

Mrs. Weasley could no longer hold back her tears, and she cried bitterly in her husband's arms.

Mr. Arthur's eyes were also red. He held his wife's shoulders and pursed his lips tightly, with an expression of pain and self-blame.

Both husband and wife know that what Ron said is right. They love their children equally, but there is only so much time and attention. Some people have less and some have more.

Bill and Charlie looked at each other and saw the helplessness and sadness on each other's faces, and they could only sigh deeply.

The place was silent, with Mrs. Weasley's sobs echoing faintly.

Dumbledore suddenly stood up and applauded gently. Zhang Xiao in the lounge also applauded, sparsely at first, then like a violent storm.

The thunderous applause was louder than ever.

"No - no! No!" Harry shook his head desperately. He only felt that his nose was so sore and he didn't know how to dissuade Ron:

"No, Ron, I can't watch you die here, and then I escape. If this is the case, I will feel even worse than death!"

After Ron made his decision, he seemed to be relieved. He just calmly said the facts he was facing now:

"Harry, don't do this again, we need to act as soon as possible, Neville, Cedric and Hermione are still waiting for us to move reinforcements, if someone is destined to die here.

Then I am the best choice! "

"Ron--" Harry wanted to say something more, but Ron suddenly struck out. No matter how inconsistent Ron usually was, he persisted in all the training at the Duel Club, not once!

【Quick Petrochemical】

His shots were highly concealed and incredibly fast. Harry was caught off guard and was directly fixed in place.

Ron put down his wand, took a deep breath, forced a smile and said to Malfoy:

"If it's you, you must be able to understand that this is the best choice. Don't delay it any longer!"

Malfoy bit his mouth, closed his eyes in pain, and then squeezed out a hoarse cry from his throat:


He turned around suddenly, pulled out his wand, and used the levitation spell to levitate Harry, just like he had done in the first year, and rushed towards the door with his head lowered.

Ron smiled again. He dragged his injured leg and limped to the edge of the altar. The short few steps felt like a lifetime.

From notes to school, from ignorance to youth, the Philosopher's Stone, the Chamber of Secrets, the Goblin Prison, and the Goblet of Fire.

He realized that he had experienced so much in just four years.

After struggling to climb the steps and picking up the sacrificial stone knife, Ron grinned.

Goodbye, friends, step over my body and move on!

He raised the stone knife high and without any hesitation, he slashed hard on his arm.

"Rumble" The huge stone door opened, and Malfoy looked back. Ron, holding the knife motionless, looked like a statue.

He quickly lowered his head and wiped his tears with his sleeve, trying hard not to cry, and pulled Harry towards the door.

"I will bring people back to save you! You don't want to die!"

As Ron's vision gradually blurred, Malfoy took Harry away, finally relaxed, and fell softly to the ground.

Zhang Xiao sighed softly. When he was in the first grade, Professor McGonagall's chessboard was broken by a difficult computer that he was not using as a human being.

But Ron is Ron after all, and when faced with similar choices, he will still make the decision to sacrifice himself.

Just when Zhang Xiao lamented that his life felt like he had grown up a lot, a silver Fox flew in, which was Dumbledore's patron saint.

Fox opened his mouth and heard Dumbledore's voice:

"Zhang, I saw the message you sent. If your health is still good, I think we can go back to Hogwarts first."

"No problem, I feel pretty good -"

The silver Fawkes nodded slightly and disappeared. After a while, Dumbledore opened the door and walked in briskly.

Zhang Xiao had already packed up his things. He pointed at the curtain and asked:

“Professor, the game is not over yet—can you just leave like this?”

Dumbledore smiled and said gently:

"Zhang, if you want to say that Hogwarts is not finished yet and you want to see the ending, I can tell you directly."

He simply revealed the answer:

"It's over. When Mr. Weasley chose to sacrifice himself with his courage far beyond ordinary people, and when his blood flowed to the altar, the lighthouse was already lit."

Dumbledore said meaningfully:

"Courage is the beacon for mankind to explore the unknown. It will always light the way forward for the brave."

It turns out that this is the case. Zhang Xiao suddenly realized that it was a bit unbelievable, but when he thought about it carefully, it was very reasonable.

Like himself, Dumbledore probably set up different ways to pass each level. For example, if he chose to face the Colossus in the first level, he would no longer have to fight the Guards in the third level.

Naturally, there are different ways to clear the second level of the underwater maze, but if you choose to sacrifice yourself like Ron, you can directly complete the third level.

Sure enough, ginger is still spicy!

I am always thinking about how to teach the little wizard.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said crisply:

"I'm fine Professor."

"Then let's set off. I'm also curious about what happened!"

Dumbledore held out his arm, knowing it would be like this I hate Apparating!

Zhang Xiao sighed and put his hand on Dumbledore's shoulder.

Everything seemed darkened;

Something was pressing towards him from all sides;

Zhang Xiao felt like he couldn't breathe at all, as if there was a steel plate on his chest; his eyes and eardrums seemed to be squeezed into his head.

To put it simply, it was like the whole person turned into a ball of slime, and then was forcefully stuffed into a rubber pipe, and squeezed from one end to the other.

When the cool air filled his lungs again, he realized that he was standing in front of the gate of Hogwarts.

"I think you should adapt to apparation as soon as possible. This is a very convenient and useful magic."

Dumbledore was in a good mood and joked with Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"But this feeling is too uncomfortable -" Zhang Xiao complained: "I think the Standard Spell Committee should focus on optimizing the apparation spell, instead of meeting all day long to discuss trivial matters."

He imitated the newspaper reports and shouted matter-of-factly: "The hand gesture for releasing the levitating spell should be turned a quarter of a scale more!"

Dumbledore was amused, and he said cheerfully:

"It's so lifelike! It's exactly the same as during the meeting!"

He looked at Zhang Xiao narrowly and blinked:

"You know, the principal has some small privileges, such as writing a warrant to let you learn to apparate in advance——"


Zhang Xiao's waist straightened up instantly, and he said righteously:

"I have always thought that Apparition is the greatest invention in the entire wizarding world!"

Hey, Apparating is so delicious!

As they spoke, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the auditorium. Dumbledore's smile gradually disappeared. He sighed softly. The moment the door opened, the originally bustling and bustling auditorium suddenly became quiet.

That was the power of magic. All the little wizards fell into a sweet dream at the same second. Professor McGonagall at the teacher's desk felt her scalp numb. She and Flitwick immediately pulled out their wands.

Until he saw two figures, one tall and one short, at the gate, Mag breathed a sigh of relief and hurried over:

"Albus, this—"

Dumbledore shook his head, looking a little sad and sad, and explained something to McGonagall in a low voice.

Zhang Xiao saw Professor McGonagall's eyes gradually widen, and finally shouted loudly:

"How dare he?"

"Obviously he has lost more and more of his human nature." The sequelae of the Horcrux were gradually getting stronger. Dumbledore could not say anything, but just sighed softly and brought Astoria out of her sleep.

"Zhang is involved in this whole thing, so I need to work with Zhang to find out some things I don't know, Minerva."

Mag's thin lips formed a straight line, and she nodded vigorously. Then she looked at herself, with a slight curve in the corners of her lips.

"I haven't congratulated you yet, Zhang. I have been paying attention to the whole game. You have performed well and you deserve the first place."

"Thanks for the compliment, Professor."

Zhang Xiao politely thanked him.

The back figures of the two people and a petite body suspended in the air gradually disappeared at the corner of the corridor, and the door of the auditorium was closed again.

At the moment when they were completely closed, everyone woke up at the same time, and the entire auditorium seemed to come alive in an instant.

But they'll never know what just happened.

In the circular principal's room, the portraits gathered together and whispered, and the silverware quietly exhaled smoke.

Zhang Xiao watched Astoria sleeping in the armchair, her face becoming more and more delicate under the light.

Both he and Dumbledore had some vague suspicions, but they hadn't verified them yet.

As time passed, Astoria suddenly changed. Her body stretched, and her originally gentle face changed slightly.

Although equally beautiful, there is a disgusting meanness between her eyebrows.

This is a face that is definitely familiar to Zhang Xiao.

"Daphne Greengrass?"

Zhang Xiao was a little surprised. Astoria was most likely transformed by someone else drinking polyjuice potion. Both he and Dumbledore had guessed it.

But I never thought it was Daphne because she was too young, only 15 years old.

He carefully recalled the situation about Daphne, but in the end he could only helplessly shake his head, it was too little.

Ever since she used black magic on herself in public in the first grade, she was expelled from the school and disappeared from everyone's sight, never to be seen again.

The Greengrass family has always been very low-key, and there are rumors that their family's bloodline has been cursed, and children often die young.

Therefore, they rarely appear in public. The original novel seems to vaguely mention that Astoria died not long after marrying Malfoy. The reason for her death was precisely because of the curse in her blood.

Will Voldemort give such an important task to Daphne? The pony in the original book was not commanded until he was 17 years old.

In the wizarding world, 17 is considered an adult.

Unless the task isn't important?

"Daphne?" Dumbledore nodded: "Excluding age, it is indeed very suitable."

Zhang Xiao also nodded and had to admit that except for the age factor, Daphne was indeed very suitable.

Astoria is his biological sister, so Daphne is naturally very familiar with her, so the role is effortless and there will be no mistakes.

But it doesn't matter now. Zhang Xiao is more concerned about why she sneaked into the Room of Requirement than this.

"Professor Dumbledore, how do we get her to reveal information? Veritaserum?"

"Veritaserum? No" Dumbledore shook his head and sighed: "Indeed, Veritaserum is a very reasonable choice, but I can't use Veritaserum on the little wizard."

This is very Dumbledore, Zhang Xiao complained silently, if you can't use it, then give me the truth serum. I can use it, and there will be no psychological burden.

Dumbledore was silent for a while: "Thanks to the experience of traveling around the world when I was young, I have other ways."

He took out the Elder Wand, lightly touched Daphne's forehead, and muttered something silently.

Abruptly, Daphne suddenly opened her eyes and turned them up slightly, looking like she was going crazy with epilepsy, which actually startled Zhang Xiao.

"Can I ask directly?"

"Not yet, I wonder if you know about Muggle hypnosis?" Dumbledore explained in a low voice: "This is similar to Muggle hypnosis, and Gypsies like to use this kind of ecstasy spell.

I followed their caravan for a month before the old gypsy witch finally decided to give me the spell, and of course I paid a large sum of gold galleons.

It's really interesting, but unfortunately I never found the opportunity to use it, after all, Veritaserum does work better.

Compared with Veritaserum, it cannot directly ask some very direct questions, which may trigger her subconscious resistance, so we need to ask more gently and sideways. "

Hypnosis? Zhang Xiao nodded clearly, no longer talking, just watching quietly.

"Can you hear me?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

Daphne's eyelids kept twitching

"You can hear me," she whispered.

"I wish you would tell us—" Dumbledore said gently, "your name?"

Well, telling the name is the simplest question. Basically, people will not resist this question, so it is most suitable to use it as a breakthrough.

Zhang Xiao analyzed silently.

"Daphne Greengrass."

Her voice was very soft, like murmuring in her sleep.

"Okay, Daphne, can you tell me how happy you are now?"

A sickly smile suddenly appeared on Daphne's face, which was particularly dazzling compared to her slightly childish face.


The corners of her mouth raised and she giggled:

"The Dark Lord is about to rule the world! The great pure-blood era is coming!"


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