Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 455 The Wind Rises

Longhu Mountain

Zhang Chengdao hurried towards the main hall. He was still confused. Just now, that boy Zhang Xiao contacted him again.

It’s actually a ginseng doll!

Not only the ginseng dolls, but also the exchange of speeches!

This fact strongly shocked Zhang Chengdao's three views. No, why should it be a century-old ginseng?

Even if your magic is unreasonable, you can't be so unreasonable, right?

As soon as he entered the hall, he couldn't wait to shout:


The old Heavenly Master was wearing a white Taoist robe and came out from behind with his hands behind his back. The expression on his face was extremely disgusting:

"Why are you coming here to me if you don't sleep at night?"

"Dad, something big happened. Xiaoxiao sent two century-old ginseng from Changbai Mountain to their herbal medicine professor two years ago.

Unexpectedly, I was suddenly told today that this ginseng has become essence! Became a ginseng doll!

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, Dad. "

Zhang Chengdao said nonchalantly:

"Do you think there is some dirty thing over there that is holding this ginseng, turning into a demon, and deceiving my son?"

The old Heavenly Master stared for a moment, and raised his long white eyebrows:

"Dirty thing? Who do you think Xiaoxiao is? Are you a vegetarian?"

After finishing speaking, he sat on the Grand Master's chair, his face was calm, his eyes were restrained, and he looked quietly at the night sky outside the gate.

The stars are so bright that even the Milky Way is faintly visible. The stars are densely packed, like diamonds inlaid on the curtain, shining in the night sky.

After a long time, he said calmly:


Zhang Chengdao simply sat down and said:

"Hey, Dad, I'm listening."

"There are some things that you cannot understand or know unless you become a heavenly master."

"I know."

"It's good to know. Go back. Don't worry too much. You have to trust Xiaoxiao."

Zhang Chengdao did not answer, but remained silent for a while before nodding:


He stood up and bowed respectfully, and then walked towards the outside of the main hall. On the top of the mountain at night, the cold wind was like a knife, making Zhang Chengdao's Taoist robe make a "fierce" sound.

Zhang Chengdao looked back at the main hall. His excellent eyesight allowed him to still see a thin figure sitting on a chair behind the main hall.

Like an old pine, with a strong sense of loneliness.

Suddenly, a sentence emerged, which I had seen in some ancient book.

"The Heavenly Master is a solitary person"

Is the Heavenly Master lonely? Bearing a heavy responsibility that others cannot understand?

Zhang Chengdao turned around and walked down the mountain step by step.

Zhang Xiao was lying on the bed with his hands behind his head. When he talked to his father on the phone, his shocked voice still seemed to be echoing in his ears.

Although I also thought it was weird that ginseng suddenly turned into a ginseng doll, my father seemed more surprised than me.

So why?

Did Professor Sprout look forward to the ginseng doll too much, which led to the explosion of idealistic power, and then the ginseng doll actually appeared?

I thought I could grow ginseng dolls, so I grew them.

But this is too outrageous.

Yes, the wizard's ability is indeed unreasonable. Zhang Xiao suddenly thought of Mr. Arthur's classic car.

This car has spawned something akin to a machine soul.

In Zhang Xiao's opinion, it was already an extremely incredible thing, but what happened now was even more outrageous.

Ginseng turns into a ginseng doll, which is equivalent to turning a classic car into a Transformer!

This is a leap in the level of life!

If magic could really achieve this level, it would almost be a true god.

But if it wasn't Professor Sprout, then what was it?

"We can feel it day and night, and about a month ago we saw a light."

"The light is very bright, just like the sun, golden and warm, just like your golden light!"

"A voice woke us up!"

"Yes, it was a female voice. What she said was unclear, in a foreign language!"

This sentence popped up in Zhang Xiao's mind again. This was what the ginseng doll saw when he woke up.

I originally thought that the female voice spoken by the ginseng doll was Sprout's voice, but after asking the professor, the professor said that he had been in the auditorium all day, watching the game with the little wizards.

So the reason why ginseng can turn into a doll has something to do with that light? Who is the foreign female voice?

Alas, it's a pity that I was sleeping that day, and Zhang Xiao looked a little annoyed. If I wasn't sleeping, I would definitely have found some clues.

However, Zhang Xiao carefully recalled what happened that day. Although the water of life and death was said to provide a dreamless, deep sleep, there did seem to be something different that day.

Just recalling it, there is a vague feeling of warmth.

Could it be that I actually felt it that day?

Pony's gentle snoring could be heard from the bed next to her, reminding her that the night was already deep.

Zhang Xiao waved his hand and extinguished the soft light inside the curtain. Since he can't understand it, he shouldn't think about it and go to sleep first!

"Dudley, how many did you kill this time?"

"That's awesome, Dudley!"

"Well done Dudley, cleansing this filthy residue!"

Dudley's face was still stained with splatters of blood. He greeted the others with a stiff smile, but the blood stains made him look a little more fierce.

Fortunately, there were not many people here. After everyone praised him, they quickly went about their own business.

He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved that he didn't have to deal with interpersonal relationships.

After looking around, there happened to be a chopped tree stump nearby. Dudley didn't care and simply sat on it.

He opened the small suitcase he had brought with him. The pure cotton towel inside was stained with a little water, and he carefully wiped the blood on the long sword.

After wiping it clean, he took out another piece of deerskin, wiped it again, and finally used cotton gauze to stick a little sword oil on the sword body evenly.

These were obviously extremely boring tasks of maintaining the sword, but Dudley did it meticulously and enjoyed it a bit.

Only then will Dudley feel that there are no worries and there are not so many messy things.

Guessing that the time was almost up, he took out the cotton gauze and wiped it vigorously back and forth for about 2-3 quarters of an hour. When he felt that the blade was already warm, he stopped, looked at it, and poured a little from the leather bag to wipe the sword. Powder, continue polishing slowly and unhurriedly.

Ever since that bloody Christmas, Dudley had never thought that he would be involved in battles so frequently.

Over the past few months, I actually can't remember how many battles I participated in. Was it ten times, twenty times, or thirty times?

Fight vampires, fight werewolves, fight all that shit

Not bad, at least better than fighting humans.

Thinking of this, Dudley pursed his lips. He didn't dare to recall those scenes, even if he did nothing but act as a guard.

How wonderful it would be if every time was like today.

Dudley inserted the well-maintained long sword into the scabbard, stood up, and watched the Vatican's aftermath personnel carrying the unconscious girl out of the villa.

This is Romania, and many vampires are hiding here. After they obtain human girls through various means, they will hold such parties.

He heard from his cousin that there seemed to be a Ministry of Magic in the wizarding world, but why didn't the Romanian Ministry of Magic care?

Just let these vampires kill people?

Dudley thought for a while and could only shake his head. He couldn't understand the question.

"What are you thinking about?" Edward walked out from the side. This handsome old man was also wearing combat attire. The pure black priest's robe was open and he looked extremely chic.

"It's nothing, I just thought that my mother was alone at home and I had to go back early."

Dudley took the wet handkerchief handed over by Edward and wiped the blood off his face. Looking at the large areas of blush, he raised his voice:

"I'll clean it when I go back and give it back to you."

"Huh, you kid -" Edward smiled and said comfortingly: "It's okay, the school has issued a formal notice of study tour, it's only for two days, don't worry."

Seeing that Dudley's mood was still a little low, Edward clicked his tongue. He didn't expect that the disciple he accepted on a whim would actually perform so well.

His fighting instincts were so keen that he stood out among this group of candidates in just a few months.

"Teacher -" Dudley looked at Edward and finally asked the doubt in his heart: "Are we going to keep killing like this?"

The smile on Edward's face disappeared. He looked at Dudley and said seriously:

"Dudley, as long as these things exist, our fight will not stop. You have also seen what these disgusting dark creatures have done.


"Unless what?"

Edward shook his head and did not continue. He thought about it and decided to use another piece of news to cover it up.

"Dudley, your outstanding performance has been recognized by the Holy See, and there happens to be a very good opportunity to appoint you as the captain of a small team. How about it? Are you happy?

You know, it took me two years to become the team leader! "

Dudley opened his mouth and looked at him in disbelief:

"Squad captain, me?"

Edward nodded and said with a smile:

"Yes, the 113th Demon Hunting Team, Captain Dudley Dursley."

Umbridge sat on the soft sofa with a steaming cup of coffee in front of her.

Even though she once held a high position in the Ministry of Magic, Umbridge had to admit that Muggles seemed to enjoy things far beyond her imagination.

She looked at the place where she was. It was a huge hall. The floor was paved with top-quality marble imported from Italy. Each piece was carefully selected and polished, and was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the bright light of the chandelier.

On the ceiling, complex golden decorative lines outline one delicate pattern after another. The central crystal chandelier is composed of hundreds of crystal clear crystals. They sway in the air, as if the entire hall is lit up.

Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the well-tended gardens and distant sea views.

Umbridge bet that those curtains were made of the finest silk, soft to the touch, and embroidered with exquisite patterns.

There are exquisite porcelain tea sets and flowers on the coffee table, exuding a faint fragrance.

Umbridge raised her hand, and the valet waiting aside immediately bowed slightly:


"I'd like a glass of wine, do you have any here?"

The manservant had a confident smile on his face, but his voice was still respectful:

"Madam, you can drink all the wine in the world in this manor."

Umbridge raised her eyebrows and said in her unique, sweet throat-squeaking voice:

"Then bring me a glass of sherry."

It seemed that in just the blink of an eye, a glass of sherry was placed in front of Umbridge, and even the temperature was perfect for drinking.

The rich fruity taste of sherry made Umbridge feel better.

She recalled her mission and thought that as a noble wizard, it would be an easy task for her to deal with humble creatures like Muggles.

But in front of Muggle dignitaries, the Imperius Curse that she was proud of failed to work. The person opposite even pretended to be under the Imperius Curse and in turn tried to catch her.

I could only escape in utter embarrassment by apparating, and I had to spend a lot of energy to delete this memory.

At this point, Umbridge finally began to look squarely at Muggles for the first time, exploring bit by bit with the cautious attitude she had when she first entered the Ministry of Magic.

The power of the wizard was finally fully demonstrated at this moment. In less than half a year, she was like a fish in water, and finally figured out the operating rules of this country, which was known as the most powerful among Muggles.

Until today, she began to try to complete the tasks assigned to her by her master.


Outside the huge room, a motorcade stopped in the open space outside the hall. Umbridge was no longer the wizard who knew nothing about Muggles.

On the contrary, she recognized the fleet outside at a glance. They were quite luxurious cars among humans, and they were also the top brand produced in Britain, Rolls-Royce.

Umbridge had ridden in one several times and it was so comfortable that she just got one for herself.

Bang bang bang, a series of car door closing sounds, many people in black suits surrounded two tall white old men.

Umbridge sat up straight, her sweet smile appearing on her face again, waiting, but with the strongest disdain in her heart.

Just wait, once the master's plan is completed, the whole world will crawl at his feet!

By then, she will be one of the most powerful people in the world. As for these Muggles, being a servant is pretty good.

Umbridge licked her lips in excitement, a flash of fanaticism in her eyes.

The door was opened, and two old men walked in expressionlessly. They looked down at Umbridge who was sitting on the sofa, and they were even a little curious.

Because there are not many people in the world who can see them without standing up to greet them.

Perhaps their looks were too strange, but Umbridge still stood up and greeted in her sweet voice:

"Hello, distinguished Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Morgan."


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

Ah, I thought everyone saw that the transformation of ginseng into a ginseng doll was related to the ball of light that Ms. Glove stuffed into Zhang Xiao's body. Didn't you realize that?

That means there is something wrong with what I wrote. This hole will be filled.

ps: To be cautious, the situation in the United States is very complicated. It is difficult to tell who is really controlling it. The military-industrial complex and major consortiums should be said to have jointly compiled a huge network.

So don't worry about who is the master of the United States, this is a novel.

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