Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 993 Don't Act Too Hard

Chinese people more or less have a "first" feeling. They often only pay attention to the first place for things with rankings and rankings, and they will also leave special memories of the "first time" that happened to them.

比如第一次恋爱,第一次挨揍,第一次获得殊荣等等,总会让人记忆犹新。 By analogy, the first supermarket in a city will also leave a strange feeling for the citizens.

After Chang Jianming and Zhang Chao finished their market research in Fengtian, the survey report was faxed back to Nanguo Retail, and it was soon in the hands of President Gao Hongzhuan.

Gao Hong’s ancestors, counting from his grandparents, at least seven or eight generations have been merchants, and they were also merchants in the grocery store business. After liberation, his family’s grocery store entered into a public-private partnership, and his grandfather became the manager of the grocery store. His father joined the supply and marketing cooperative, and later married Gao's mother in the same unit.

Ever since Gao Hongzhuan came into the world, Gao's mother liked to take him to work in the unit. When he was still in his infancy, he was educated in the planned economy and business in the supply and marketing cooperative. grew up in an atmosphere.

As an adult, he went to study in the UK and studied sales management. After graduation, he entered Selfridges on Oxford Street to work. Because of his outstanding work, he was headhunted to a retail store. After the establishment of the cloud supermarket, he left from a retail store and joined the cloud store Supermarket, as the president of Nanguo Retail.

After Gao Hongzhuan read the investigation report, he called Chang Jianming to confirm some things. Then he ordered a few soldiers and flew to Fengtian quickly, preparing to quickly seize the "first place" in this urban area with a permanent population of more than five million. The first supermarket” title, but also to make the supermarket a landmark.

Fengtian, Nanyi, Shennong Nanliang, Reclamation Group, and Master Fan have been here. Gao Hongzhuan has five or six Fengtian market research reports of different dimensions in his hand, and has been in Fengtian city for two days. , then circled a few locations suitable for opening a supermarket.

Of course, the location he delineated is only selected from the perspective of whether the location and building are suitable for opening a supermarket, and the more complicated secondary screening has not yet been carried out.

The Summer Palace, a large-scale entertainment complex, is the largest span arch building in Asia and the largest fully enclosed indoor air-conditioned water park in Asia. It is said that it invested 23 million US dollars. After it was completed and opened last year, it became the most popular place for children in Fengtian The place I like to come to, the brackets, the family is not short of money, the brackets are over.

At the entrance of the Summer Palace, Dagang parked his car on the side of the road, took two quick steps to enter the Summer Palace, bought a visit ticket for three yuan in the reception hall, walked left and right to the independent thatched hot spring pool—independent soaking In the bathing pool, the hot water comes from the boiler, and there is a thatched pavilion on the top of the head.

"Sister Liu, I've already found out."

Wearing earphones, Liu Xin, who was closing her eyes to enjoy the warmth of her skin wrapped in hot water, opened her eyes, stretched her catkins to the side, and gracefully picked up a cup of Coca Cola transported by express freight train from a distant city in Bincheng. The secret Adam's apple squirmed, and a liquid that was frozen like blood passed through the lips and reached the depths of the soul.

Da Gang looked at the cup in Liu Xin's hand and licked his lips involuntarily. After running outside for a long time, he was thirsty.

The outside is warm and the inside is cold, water and milk blend together, and Liu Xin, whose body and spirit are fully relaxed, puts down the cup and said softly, "Let's listen."

"Sister Liu, the Zhonghua Mall was contracted by Liu Xiangdong in February this year, and now it has been changed to an electrical appliance mall."

"I know this, just say I don't know."

Da Gang pursed his lips, "I found a person from the Labor Bureau through an acquaintance, and that person told me that Liu Xiangdong's contract fee is very low, only 550,000 a year."

Liu Xin sneered in her heart. According to the evaluation of Nanguo Retail, as long as the annual rent of Zhonghua Mall does not exceed 1.2 million, there is no need to bargain.

"Do you know how Liu Xiangdong contracted it?"

"Liu Xiangdong seems to be Fang Ruomei's godmother."

"Understood, you wait for me in the car." Liu Xin said, she stood up from the water, picked up the bath towel beside her and put it on her body, then walked slowly towards the shower room .

More than half an hour later, Liu Xin arrived at the Rose Hotel, Gao Hongzhuan's room.

"Mr. Gao, I have reason to suspect that Liu Xiangdong won the contracting rights of Zhonghua Mall through improper means. It is rumored that Fang Ruomei, the deputy director of the Labor Bureau, is Liu Xiangdong's godmother."

"Where's Director Ling Mingxian?"

"The Zhonghua Mall is the only tertiary industry of the Labor Bureau, and the only source of income other than financial appropriation. Without Ling Mingxian's nod, Fang Ruomei has no right to directly contract it out."

Gao Hongzhuan pondered for a while, then said: "Miss Liu, tell me more about Liu Xiangdong's information."

"Liu Xiangdong, according to the data, he was born in 1960. In fact, he should have been born in 1962. He changed his age in order to participate in competitions when he was young. Liu's father was a judicial policeman. , before my mother retired, she was an ordinary cadre at the grassroots level.

He loved sports since he was a child, and his parents also spent a lot of effort to train him. When he was seven or eight years old, he was sent to a sports school to learn swimming. He specialized in backstroke and achieved very good results. , Later, due to Liu Xiangdong's illness, he bid farewell to the swimming pool and enlisted in the army.

After changing jobs, he was assigned to the municipal textile company as an ordinary driver and dispatcher. Because he was smart and not a law-abiding person, he went into business in 1982. He successively opened restaurants, resold clothes, and processed woolen sweaters. , did trade with the Soviet Union.

Liu Xiangdong's luck was not very good. He didn't make much money in business for ten years. Instead, he kept company with people on the road all day long. Being in the business world made him make many such friends, and his father's political and legal cadre background gave him a sense of superiority, which fueled his arrogance.

In 1992, he wounded a police officer with a gun. After the incident, he fled to Yangcheng in fear of crime. Last year, he was arrested by Fengtian police and was released on bail earlier this year. "

Gao Hongzhuan was dumbfounded and said, "Bail pending trial?"

Liu Xin laughed, "Things are so miraculous, Mr. Gao, Liu Xiangdong is not an easy person to deal with. He is half businessman, half bandit, and has good connections in Fengtian. Are you sure you don't want to change to a simpler target?"

"Miss Liu, Nanguo retail needs to expand in most parts of the country. Fengtian has Liu Xiangdong, and other cities also have various difficult characters. Zhang San Li Si Wang Wu, especially in small cities, there are very few places suitable for opening supermarkets. In the face of competition, none of the competitors who are qualified to compete with us is easy to match.

Zhonghua Shopping Center is the most suitable address among all the alternative addresses, and it is also a landmark building of Fengtian. It is of great help to the formation of the brand effect of Nanguo Supermarket. As long as there is a chance, I will not give up. "

"I can't help it. Then I have to meet this Liu Xiangdong and try to get him to subcontract Zhonghua Mall to us."

Gao Hongzhuan pondered: "Can we go from top to bottom, go directly to the city or district, and buy the Zhonghua Mall, or find a way to push the Public Security Bureau to open a case against Liu Xiangdong."

"Mr. Gao, no matter what you plan to do, Liu Xiangdong will never be able to get around him. As I said, he is a difficult person and a ruthless character. If you push him into a hurry, he will do anything. When the police arrest people, they need to talk about evidence. If one is not good, we will become the evidence to arrest him and bring him to justice.

Also, Liu Xiangdong has not had an accident so far, so what?

It's very simple, there are people behind him to protect him.

Once Liu Xiangdong is arrested, will they worry about Liu Xiangdong biting him?

Maybe Liu Xiangdong will promise them not to confess them, but he will definitely make a request to make it easier for those who punish him. No matter how secretive we are, Nanguo Supermarket is the beneficiary and it cannot be hidden. Liu Xiangdong can do it himself. Do things according to the principle that whoever benefits should deal with whom.

Hades is easy to see, but little ghosts are hard to deal with. When Nanguo Supermarket opens every now and then, someone will make trouble. Can it still guarantee normal operation? "

After Gao Hongzhuan heard it, she said disapprovingly: "Miss Liu, as long as Nanguo Supermarket becomes Fengtian's star enterprise, the little ghost you mentioned will automatically disappear."

"And then?" Liu Xin smiled, "There is no impenetrable wall in the world. The story of Nanguo Retail in Fengtian will spread to other cities. Doing things too hard will scare potential enemies in the future, because they are afraid of being hurt by Nanguo Retail. They may close the door directly, and do not welcome Nanguo Retail as a guest.

Mr. Gao, there are other supermarkets in China, and foreign ones are coming in one after another. Wal-Mart's first store in China will soon open in Beijing. Nanguo Retail is not alone at all, and there are many fellow travelers. "

One word awakened the dreamer, Gao Hongzhuan realized that he wanted to make trouble. It is not a good thing that Nanguo Retail is too aggressive towards non-friend merchants, and it is very easy to cause a backlash. , I can't wait to cremate Nanguo Retail.

After figuring it out, Gao Hongzhuan said sincerely: "Miss Liu, thank you for reminding me, I will leave the Zhonghua Mall to you."

"Mr. Gao, you're welcome. I'm one of your soldiers. You can just order me."

After Liu Xin stopped following Zhang Yu, Nanyi sent him to Yun Supermarket to assist Nanguo Retail in setting up a public relations department, and do her job well as a member of the Bad People Group, dredging the relationship between various localities for Nanguo Retail .

After leaving Gao Hongzhuan's room, Liu Xin was not in a hurry to find Liu Xiangdong, but went back to her own room, tried all the clothes she brought, and finally chose a set that she was most satisfied with. .


Nan Yi played with Zhao Lulu outside until three o'clock in the afternoon, and after sending him back to the guest house, he began to act alone.

There is a fishing shop near Gangxi Square. Nanyi has noticed an advertisement pasted on the door of the shop two days ago, saying that there is a separate fish pond in the fishing shop, and there are three king fishes in it. Any customer can bring any fish If you catch it, you can win a grand prize of 1,000 yuan.

When he was free, Nanyi came to the fishing shop to see what the fish king looked like.

Going to the side of the fish pond, Nanyi took a look inside, okay, a carp weighing five or six catties, a herring that weighed about the same weight, and another carp that was actually a carp.

Anyone who is an experienced fisherman will know that a carp weighing five or six catties has great strength. If you want to lift it out of the water, you need to walk slowly, otherwise it will be easy to decouple, and if the quality of the fishing rod is not good, it is easy to break the rod.

Herring is more powerful than carp, especially the impact force. If the hook is only hung on the lip of the fish, the fish can easily tear the lip and unhook it. Occasionally, fish with deformed mouths can be seen in fish ponds and reservoirs. Caused by multiple decouplings.

As for the squid, it is even more terrifying. It has the nickname King of Broken Rods. You don’t need to brag about the quality of the fishing rod. Just try to catch a squid that weighs more than ten catties. As long as you can catch it Come up, the quality of the fishing rod is just passable.

Not to mention the fishing line in the fishing shop. If you want to catch a carp weighing two catties, you have to use all your skill points. Fishing these three so-called king fish is just a joke.

Nan Yi sneered at the shop owner, wondering how many people who had never fished had been fooled by his tricks.

It was boring, and Nan Yi was about to leave when Liu Xin called and told him the address of the fishing shop. He spent ten yuan to get a fishing rod and walk the fish by the pool.

In the eyes of the shop owner, when Liu Xin arrived, the fishing line on the fishing rod in Nan Yi's hand had not been broken, so naturally, he could not catch fish.

Liu Xin stood beside Nanyi, hugged her chest and said, "Boss, it's so relaxing."

Having already paid the money, Nanyi naturally couldn't just leave like this. He put the hook on the path that a carp must pass, and waited quietly for the carp to suck the hook into its mouth.

The carp shook its tail gently, opened its mouth one by one, came to the hook, watched the time, and when the carp was absorbing water, Nanyi lifted the fishing rod, and the hook was instantly sucked into the air current, turned over and fell into the carp mouth.

Nanyi lifted the fishing rod, and as the hook hooked the carp's lip, the carp felt the pain, flicked its tail fiercely, jumped forward more than ten centimeters, and then...

The fishing line broke, and ten yuan was reimbursed.

Putting the fishing rod on the pool, Nan Yi said to Liu Xin: "With subordinates like you working hard for me, I can naturally enjoy leisure. You are a little rascal, you are so beautifully dressed, you are not afraid of being raped and then killed Ah, I haven't heard that several young girls in Fengtian have disappeared recently?"

Liu Xin said with a straight face: "Boss, please respect yourself. As a boss, you shouldn't talk to female subordinates like this."

"Haha." Nanyi laughed loudly: "There's you, change the routine."

"Hee hee, boss, don't you just like the prudish type?"

"No, I like authentic ones." Nanyi looked around and said, "You have attracted everyone's attention. Let's go. I'll treat you to dinner."

Everyone, the name of a seafood buffet, thirty-eight ones, prawns and frozen crabs are made casually. In the words of the locals, this place is old.

Nan Yi took Liu Xin to sit down at an empty table, and Liu Xin immediately shook Nan Yi's face, "Boss, are you bringing me to this kind of place for dinner?"

"Isn't it great here? It's affordable and has a lot to eat."

Liu Xin said with a bitter face: "Even if it's not a candlelight dinner, it should be a quieter place. This kind of place will be noisy until the meal."

"According to Fengtian's income level, a meal here would cost more than two days' wages, and the grade is not low. The customers here can be regarded as the middle class, and they are also our parents.

To get to know them, you can’t just wait to read the report, but you have to get involved in it frequently, familiarize yourself with their way of thinking about problems, and understand their anxieties and pain points. Only in this way can you better get money out of their pockets.

Miss Liu, you have been floating in the sky for a long time, and you have to sink down to take a look. "

Liu Xin said with a look of disdain: "Stingy is stingy, hateful capitalist, he never forgets to take the opportunity to teach others after a meal, do you feel sorry for the money I spent in the deep pocket?"

"Haha, you are getting smarter and your mouth is getting worse. After I read your bill, I really feel a little distressed. You, make money for me to make up for it, or I will put you in a pig cage."

"Together?" Liu Xin said angrily.

"The ghost is with you, the stock is ready, go get the food." Nan Yi pointed to the food display area and said.


"I'm the boss, why don't you serve me?"

"No, it's my off-duty time."

"Yes, together, together."

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