Regarding the investment in the TV field, Nanyi and Kochhar talked about the details for a while.

Labor Group will set up a subsidiary, Labor Media, whose business model is similar to that of Wangbei Media, except that Labor Media will not directly initiate film projects, but enter through investment.

Although Nanyi is a little interested in Bollywood movies, and the two worlds have watched a lot together, he just likes to watch them, and has no interest in being the boss of a film company behind the scenes, because he is not optimistic about the profitability of Bollywood movies at all.

Or it should be said that there is no company in the world that focuses on film production that can bear his expectations. Otherwise, 20th Century Fox would not have been packaged and sold in the first place, not involved in production, but only immersed in the field of copyright.

This is true of Hollywood, let alone Bollywood.

After chatting with Kochhar, Nanyi asked Priyanka to take a tour of the entire office area of ​​Sharma Building. It was just a customer inspection tour. Nanyi did not reveal his identity, nor could he reveal his identity.

In fact, in the entire labor group, only Kochhar and the leaders of several subsidiaries know the details of the group. The middle and lower level employees do not know that there is a Nan family behind the group. local business.

After staying in the Sharma Building for one day, Nan Yi spent another three days visiting all the industries of the labor group. Located in the slums of Dharavi, it is a leather factory, a garment factory, and a yarn factory affiliated to the Dharavi trade. Lichang, food factory; affiliated to Labor Food, food processing factories, instant noodle factories, and snack workshops in many civilian areas of Mumbai;

Various properties and construction sites affiliated to Labor Real Estate; the trading room of Metropolitan Securities, the trading floor of mad cow disease; the Dabbawala Association; two chain restaurants, The Dhaba and Chinese Restaurant, affiliated to Labor Catering.

Because of the capable person in charge and the convenience provided by many benefit-sharers, the labor group has developed well in India, and each business line has been on track, capturing a considerable profit margin for the group and a good net profit at the end of the year.

During this period, Nan Yi also cared about a new business of the Labor Group—purchasing machines from a bankrupt electric fan factory from Huaguo, and establishing his own electric fan factory in Mumbai.

Most people in India live near or below the poverty line. Air conditioners seem to sell at a higher price, but in fact their profit margins and market capacity are lower than those of electric fans. Labor groups are targeting the majority of civilians and the poor.

Just when Nanyi finished caring about the business of the labor group, and in order to connect with India, he was planning to invite some teachers from Japan in special industries to plan a special party. The captain of the flat shoes team, Ya Zhenni, came to him A phone call, saying that Sophie Marceau is going to invest in a film directed by an Indian female director.

Investing in movies is nothing. In the past two or three years, Sophie Marceau has been busy with this aspect, but when Nanyi heard that the movie she wanted to invest in was called "Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love", she planned to participate in it herself. After the performance, Nanyi almost exploded with anger.

Niang Xipi, don't pretend that he doesn't know what kind of movie this is. The name translated into Chinese is called "Kama Sutra", and there are also called "Desire and Wisdom" and "Treasure of Allure". The core is a romance movie, but What is the Kamasutra?

In Nanyi's impression, "Love Sutra" is nothing more than the same thing as "Fang Zhong Yao Shu" and "Dong Xuan Zi". "The Five Signs, Five Desires, and Ten Movements are described very delicately.

It is said that in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD, a lifelong ascetic Brahmin ascetic, Ratsoyana, summed up the legends of the predecessors, and incorporated his own imagination or the real practice that cannot be spoken to others.

Sometimes, an ascetic monk does not necessarily represent a supreme state, or it may be just a human setting.

Treat this broken film as a romance film, and the scale is a little bit too big. If it is a raw film, whoever looks at it and scolds it, every time it is aroused with a strong interest in learning, it becomes very stingy again. After taking off the clothes, it will be spliced. And the ground, the bed and the tent, the continent and the sky, who are you fooling?

Scolding is only based on the fact that the actress has nothing to do with him. Once it has anything to do with him, he doesn't want to scold, but kills.

Sophie Marceau knew very well that Nanyi couldn't accept this kind of thing at all. He concluded that Ya Zhenni's call was made by Sophie Marceau, and it was nothing more than an excuse to vent his sorrow.


"Ya Zhenni, sign the prepared contract for her. When she finishes signing, strangle her with a ten-foot white silk. Don't be stingy, buy a more expensive one."

After Nanyi finished speaking, he held the phone away from his ears. Sure enough, a series of friendly "greeting voices" came from the other end of the phone, not missing an inch from his forehead to the soles of his feet, and all of them were greeted.

The unsavory French and English words are switched, and the degree of dirtiness is absolutely not dared to be published by any publicly issued text carrier. The person in charge of soliciting articles for "Playboy" will definitely shake his head and say that the scale is too large.

Three hundred dollars, Sophie Marceau scolded the satellite depreciation fee of three hundred dollars, and then said bitterly: "Adam, I give you an ultimatum, if you don't show up in front of me before Christmas, I will find another man." .”

Nan Yi frowned and said, "I'm in Mumbai, you can fly over here at your convenience."



"You wait."

After Nanyi hung up the phone, he turned his face and glanced at Hadishin who was sitting next to him, then picked up a report card from the coffee table, glanced at it, looked up at Hadishin again, and said helplessly: "It's pretty good. Smart people just don’t study hard, forget it, I’m too lazy to talk about you, you haven’t improved at all in three years, if you really don’t want to continue studying, just drop out of school.”

Hadishin was the bastard Nanyi bought back from the slave market. He had arranged for him to live in Pune before, but now this bastard went to the city of Mumbai by himself, and lived in the wealthy area in the south of the city.

Hardy Xin said happily: "Boss, are you serious?"

"Yes, I allow you to drop out."

"Very good."

Hardy Xin was so happy that he almost jumped up. If it weren't for someone watching, he would have long since given up on going to school. Studying is not as fun as doing business.

"Let's go later, you can be happy alone, tell me, how do you think of doing business in the Philippines to borrow five and repay six?"

As a developing country, the Philippines has a large number of micro-enterprises, whose operations rely heavily on financial loans. Filipinos are very good at doing business, because they have many children. In many families, men work outside and women open small shops at home. The small shop has few customers and low profits, so the shopkeeper does not have to stay in the shop all the time. When there are customers visiting, he just rings the bell in the shop, and the shopkeeper comes out after hearing the sound.

Many Filipinos borrow money to open their stores, but bank loan procedures are complicated, demanding, and the repayment pressure is high. Filipinos have resorted to borrowing five to six, which literally means that within a certain period of time, borrowing five to six Ask for 6 pesos back.

Borrowing five and repaying six is ​​a private financial institution with loose loan qualifications, flexible repayment, daily settlement, and even some contracts do not need to be signed, as long as the IOU is written, it is favored by small bosses in the Philippines.

As far as Nan Yi knows, the current rule in the Philippines is to borrow 10,000 pesos, with a repayment period of 80 days, 150 pesos a day, and an interest of 2,000 pesos, or 20%.

It seems that the interest rate is high, but the borrowers in the Philippines are not averse to borrowing five and paying six, and some even feel grateful to the "usury" lenders, because borrowing five and paying six is ​​the only fund for many small traders sources, and most lenders are disciplined.

Compared with Wang Anshi's Young Crop Law, the annual interest rate was initially set at 2 cents, and when it was implemented, it became a half-yearly interest rate of 2 cents, and finally evolved into a few hundred percent annual interest rate. In addition, there are local KPI indicators, which stipulate how much money must be loaned each year, resulting in the local government. It is much better to let the peasants borrow money and make the peasants miserable.

"Boss, have you forgotten? I stayed in Manila for eight months before and saw it with my own eyes." Hardy Xin said.

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