Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1102 The financial tsunami is imminent

the next day.

Nanyi invited Fang Chong to Beigao to play golf, and told him about the plan of the white-collar apartment, and asked him to refine it and come up with a plan as soon as possible.

The white-collar apartment plan also needs to be accompanied by a TV series "White-collar Apartment", to show the current female high school students the "advanced" lifestyle of female white-collar workers in big cities, the "advanced" way of speaking, and one or two English words in a sentence , will appear more international.

Undoubtedly, Nanyi has another idea for an advertising drama, which mainly promotes Shepherd Coffee and office green plants. Zhuxian Company has a place to find investment funds. It is subtle, not so fast fermentation.

After playing golf, Nanyi went to Xiaoxiangyu to pay attention to the production progress of Fan Hongdou and Nan Ruofing's wedding dresses, and then went to Jiuxianqiao 777 Factory, which was designed and built with the help of Su Xiu and East Germany. One of the branches of the "718 United Factory" - the third branch factory, code-named 777 factory.

After entering the 1980s, the operation of the 777 factory was in trouble, and a large number of factories were idle. In 1994, the 777 factory began to be converted from the military to the civilian system, and was packaged into the Seven Star Group. The old factory area where the 777 factory was located did not serve as a production base for the Seven Star Group. The significance of real estate development has the significance of real estate development.

However, if you want to carry out real estate development, you are faced with two problems:

First, just across the road is Factory 751, whose main industries are thermal power and gas industries. There is a huge gas tank of tens of thousands of square meters in the factory area, which supplies one-third of the gas in the capital. Residential areas are not suitable.

Second, simple, no money.

In 1995, Factory 777 rented out some idle factory buildings to blind artists who had no fixed residence or job.

After many consultations and negotiations, at the beginning of 1996, Tota Construction bought the 620,000-square-meter factory area of ​​777 Factory with 300 million in cash and 40% of the development proceeds, including a construction area of ​​320,000 square meters.

After the expansion of Wangbei Media’s structure, the foreign-related office building couldn’t accommodate it, so the whole company was divided into two parts, the part that needed to deal with customers often moved to the office building of China World Trade Center, and the part that didn’t need to welcome and send them moved to the 777 factory.

Tota Construction allocated an area of ​​more than 30,000 square meters to Wangbei Media. The fee is not expensive, 0.5 yuan per square meter per day. It verbally promises that the price will never increase. The place where the indoor scenery was shot was combined with various studios.

It is impossible to overthrow and develop the 777 factory. Experts from East Germany adopted the most advanced technology and Bauhaus design concept in the world at that time. Bauhaus is characterized by focusing on meeting practical requirements, giving full play to the technical performance and aesthetic performance of new materials and new structures, with simple shapes and flexible and diverse compositions.

Most of the production plants in the 777 factory area are zigzag-shaped cast-in-place shell structures, and the indoor space is relatively high. Among them, the sail-shaped part of the factory building adopts a zigzag cast-in-place shell structure, and the beam and column form is an arc-shaped Y-shaped structure.

Combining the structural functions of beams and columns, the roof on the north side adopts horizontal skylights, and the plane of the windows is inclined outward at a certain angle, which is beneficial to eliminate the lateral shear force, and the structure is more stable and reasonable. The unique interior space can not only receive north-facing lighting, but also satisfy the rationality of the structure.

The Y-shaped columns are reminiscent of Nervi's small Roman sports palace.

On the premise of not destroying the shape of the building, the factory building has a lot of room for renovation, and there are still many open spaces in the factory area. It is completely possible to build new buildings according to the existing architectural style. In Nanyi's heart, the 777 factory has long been renamed Nanjiayuan , on the basis of developing into a film and television shooting base, it will also become a children's paradise for his children and grandchildren.

Nan Ruoqi may not be able to catch up with the Children's Paradise. The 751 Factory next door is going to build a second large gas tank. The Girls' Paradise should be able to catch up. According to the development trend of the capital, the 751 Factory will definitely move out, and when the potential danger is eliminated, You can build a paradise according to her preferences, even if she can't come a few times, it doesn't matter.

When Nan Ruoqi gets tired of playing, or loses the function of pampering her daughter, with a little modification, it can be used as a set for the character set by the TV drama Miss.

Although Nanyi's motives for film and television dramas are impure, they will definitely not produce a drama with special effects. The character set of the eldest lady must have a set and props that match her identity. A luxury car with a Mazda logo removed and charged tens of millions , too outrageous.

Of course, rich people have to take it easy and not set it too high, just like sister Yangyang, whose family director has an industrial park of 250 million square kilometers in Uganda, thank you very much. You can only fabricate a piece of leftover material, which is too expensive to set up a scene. It will be much easier to change the billion to ten thousand.

Nanyi walked around the factory area, and then came to the door of Gong Xue's office building, passed through an area where Gong Xue usually used to dance swords, and passed through a reception area, and came to the stairs in the attic, picked up Going up the steps, I came to a glass door, pressed a few times on the code disk, and the glass door automatically retracted into the wall.

In a small and slender office of less than 600 square meters, Gong Xue was sitting on the sofa, holding the remote control in her hand and constantly fast-forwarding and pausing. Directly opposite her, the screen of a Panasonic Art King was constantly flashing.

Seeing Nanyi, she patted the sofa beside her and motioned for Nanyi to sit down.

After Nanyi sat down, she pointed to the TV and said, "Is the plot changed? After the heroine is insulted, the hero accepts her to marry her. This episode is not bad, but the heroine later carried her back." The male lead and the second male lead secretly conceived twin daughters, but the male lead clearly knew about it but pretended not to know, and raised the twins as his own;

Until the hostess asked for a divorce, he let go and helped to continue raising the twins, and things got even more chaotic later on. The hostess and the second male went abroad, and they separated soon. Married and divorced, and terminally ill in middle age, I only thought of coming back to see my daughter...

No, the heroine knows that the hero already has a small fortune, so she came back on purpose to gain sympathy. The hero actually spends money to help the heroine treat her illness, and finally staged a happy ending. Don’t you think this is seriously out of touch with social reality? Yet? "

Nan Yi waved his hand, "The reality is not important, but the perception of the female audience is important. Which female audience doesn't want to go outside to pursue the happiness in their imagination when they are young. If they can catch up with the best, if they can't catch up, they will go back to the original place." , to get back the person who has always been infatuated with me, forget the hurt and troubles I have suffered outside, and sigh with emotion, it turns out that the happiness I pursue is always by my side.

Sister Xingfu, before we know it, we human beings have had a genetic mutation, not outside, but inside, a door has been installed between the mouth and the heart, the connection between the vocal cords and the heart has been cut off, the words we speak It no longer arises from the bottom of the heart, but is conceived by the brain according to rigorous logic. There is no truth, only words that best suit one's needs and interests.

Ask your brain, then ask your heart, if you have a choice, would you not want the world to revolve around you? "

"Who doesn't want to be the center of the world?" Gong Xue asked back.

"That's enough. Once our TV series starts broadcasting, there will be a lot of scolding, old scolding, young scolding, male scolding, and female scolding even more fiercely. It doesn't matter if you are scolded, what we want is what we want to fight for." The audience agrees that women should be little princesses from birth, and if they can’t get it in reality, shouldn’t they be comforted and satisfied in the virtual TV drama?”

Gong Xue spat: "Speak nonsense, I can't beat you. Why did you come here today?"

"There is a new play that needs to be prepared. Let me tell you about the general plot requirements... It's still a chick show, with three or four female characters in similar roles. First write the script, then select the actors, and let them experience white-collar life.

According to the requirements of the plot, all the scenes have to be experienced again. I hope that the actress should have the thinking of a female white-collar worker, and the performance presented should be as realistic as possible. "

"Don't stuff private goods in it?" Gong Xue said with a playful smile.

"The lifestyle of female white-collar workers is a private product. Don't create scripts behind closed doors. Find two or three female white-collar workers to conceive together. It's still the same principle. It can be higher than life, but it can't be made up. Disassemble the plot and must be realistic. happened or there are similar cases.”

"I know, you have emphasized it several times, and I haven't forgotten it."

"Hehe, Miss Xingfu is getting impatient." Nan Yi covered Gong Xue's face and rubbed her face several times.

Gong Xue broke Nanyi's hand away, and gave him a blank look, "It messed up my makeup."

"It's okay, it's still beautiful."

As Nan Yi said, he kissed Gong Xue on the face, and then touched his lips...

After being intimate for a while, the two regained their clarity and continued to chat about work.

When thinking of the project "The Untouchable Lover", Nan Yi went through all the actors he knew. He couldn't think of an actor whose age, acting skills and Winslet would play together. After all, this project would be a Hollywood style. Actors who have been able to do a job in domestic movies before are easily dissatisfied.

It is not enough to shoot according to the domestic style. Although Nanyi does not value the box office very much, he is of course more willing to make a fortune than a pure loss. Moreover, the future world that "Untouchable Lovers" wants to outline is to be shown to the whole world of.

The mobile phone that will appear in the plot, the logo and the boot screen are the most important. The name has already been decided. Li, which is decomposed from the English translation of "Lihuamao" "Dragen Li", there will be no cat elements in the brand logo. After all, it is not Every target customer likes cats, animation has been hired to design, and Li brand smart phones are tentatively scheduled to be launched in 2004 or 2005. Before that, Nanshi will have a big meal in the field of non-smart phones.

Nan Yi threw the actor question to Gong Xue, she thought for a while, but couldn't think of a suitable person.

"Why don't we invite a group of good actors to audition?"

"That's the only way to do it. When you invite, you can tell the invitee that the salary will not be less than 200,000 US dollars, and there will be box office dividends. When the script comes out, the gunners in Los Angeles will be responsible for finding out the production company and publicizing it to the outside world at that time. Make the noise louder, and let the movie go viral before it's shot."

"The salary is not important, but the film itself is important. Some people will definitely ask for no salary. How many people are thinking about being able to go to Hollywood to film." Gong Xue said wisely.

"Don't be someone else's sincerity, giving is our principle. Hollywood is not so easy to break into, especially for minorities, the skin color directly limits the possibility of becoming the mainstream. You have to explain that filming is filming. Those who have Don’t make blind promises.”

Wangbei Media already has its own film and television team, and there are all kinds of people in front of and behind the scenes. Talent often has little to do with character. Some dirty things, even if they don't happen now, will definitely happen in the future.

It is the nature of Chinese people to use the little power that is hard to grasp to make things difficult for others and seek personal gain for themselves. The vicious circle has already started, and you can’t control it if you want to control it. There will be no consequences.

"I will pay more attention." Gong Xue responded and said: "Baiguang Company tried to release a platter record before, and the response was not very good. Do you have any suggestions?"


"Not too much."

Nan Yi thought about it for a while, and said: "Look for two female singers with good voices, the best and beautiful people to sign a record contract. There are many good songs in Taiyuan that are not well-known in the mainland. For example, Shen Yan, she has a song "Treading the Waves" and "The Castle in My Heart" are both good, you can go to the producer to buy the copyright."

"A little piece of cloud, come here slowly, please rest your feet and stop for a while." Gong Xue hummed a few words and asked, "Is it this one?"

"Yes, you can adapt it, add a little electronic sound, speed up the tune, change it to a disco style, and sing while dancing. Didn't you find that there are few singers with this style in the market?"

"Is there any more?"

"Don't ask me, if you recruit a musician from Taiwan, and then hire a musician from Japan, you can search the music in these two places, and you can find a lot of excellent works, buy the copyright and cover them, and how many singers will become popular? Difficult, I just hope that when you earn money, those musicians you recruited will be able to win and come up with something of their own."

Nan Yi sighed and said: "Look for a few more, within three years, if you can't find something to leave, you can't produce a famous musician in six years, this one is a rest, and the theme song and episode will be directly cooperated with outsiders in the future.

There is Ren Xianqi in Taiwan who hasn’t made it for several years. At the end of last year, he released a new album, which sold like crazy in Hong Kong and Taiwan. I’ve already seen someone selling it in Yangcheng, and I think it will be sold here soon. Come on, before he is popular in the mainland, contact the record company early, we can hold a few concerts together.

Sister Xingfu, if Baiguang Company is handed over to me, I can earn 50 million this year, and over 100 million next year. Now is a good time to make music and release records. If at the end of the year I hear the news that Baiguang not only didn’t make money, but put money in it, I’ll smack your ass. "

Gong Xue said dissatisfiedly: "You will only criticize me, Wangbei Media is your business, can't you contribute something?"

"I have to do everything by myself. Why should I support you? Do one line of work, love one line of work, and put in more thought and study. Wangbei Media's performance last year was not good. Your salary increase report was approved, and the report on increasing dividends was suppressed. Now, you have entered the state of waiting for observation, and if there is no major improvement this year, you will receive a warning letter."

"The higher-ups will send this letter and that letter. Last year, Wangbei Media's profit increased by 27.3% compared to the previous year. How can you say that I didn't do a good job?" Gong Xue became more and more dissatisfied.

Nanyi got up and went to the water dispenser to get himself a glass of water, "You should do better. In the past few years, the talents below have grown very fast. In two or three years, you need to promote a few to be in charge of the branch. ranks of people.

If you are a talent, you have to improve your salary and get a position that matches your ability. When a newcomer takes the position, the relatively unqualified old man will naturally give up his position, not only you, but other managements as well. "

"The top management wants to change blood?"

Nanyi crumpled up the paper cup and threw it into the trash can, "Big change of blood is impossible, small-scale change, forget it, don't talk about it, I'm going to Seoul in a while, do you want to come and play with me for a few days?"

Gong Xue pouted: "Did you do it on purpose? You just made me pay more attention to work, and now you invite me to play?"

"Is there a conflict between the two?"

Gong Xue didn't answer directly, but asked: "When are you leaving?"

"It's not decided yet, there are other things, you wait for my notice."


After leaving the 777 factory, Nanyi spent a few more peaceful days. During the day, he handled official emails, surfed the Internet, occasionally went fishing, and at night sent Liu Zhen to do aerobics. In the meantime, he occasionally chatted with Rui Xiaodan.

When the time entered March, Nan Yi took Gong Xuefei to Seoul.

As soon as he entered Seoul, Nan Yi played with Gong Xue for a week. After sending him away, he sank into observing South Korea's economy. Zhao Shixian in Bangkok is very busy. This time she not only represents the identity of the president of PY Securities, but also serves as a member of the financial team, an investment agent of Nanguo Bank in Thailand, and the executor of Scarlett Fund's 97-98 Asian strategic plan.

It can be said that Zhao Shixian is Nan's arbitrageur against this financial crisis. Well done, Nan's made a lot of money, and she can also share in the generous commissions other than PY Securities. At the same time, she also has the opportunity to hit the sub-group of the financial team Long position.

Once she takes the position of deputy team leader, she can almost take charge of Nan's financial business. In principle, all funds, She has the right to supervise and have a certain right to speak for controlling investment and investment companies.

Her identity has also begun to split. She is led by Scarlett and Nan Ruofing, and can lead them in turn, depending on her identity.

In June last year, Zhao Shixian mobilized 1 billion US dollars to enter the Russian stock market. Taking advantage of the fact that the Russian stock market is open to foreign investment, but the stock price is relatively cheap, he bought the stocks of many Russian companies. Now, the fire of the financial crisis is about to Ignite, Japan and South Korea are hard to protect themselves, and the funds from these two places will withdraw from Russia in a big way before long, and it is time to retreat.

Zhao Shixian is in Bangkok, but she is remotely controlling the trading team in Moscow. There are twelve LCD monitors hanging on the wall of her office, which display the quotations of several major stock markets and foreign exchange in Asia. issue instructions.

What she is eating is just snacks, and the main meal has been prepared for several years. Until January this year, she also borrowed 5 billion U.S. dollars worth of one-year Thai baht from a Thai bank, and at the same time shorted about 100 million dollars in the forward market. US$2 billion worth of Thai baht.

Nanguo Bank lends money, and she borrows money. Every time she lends and borrows, she will generate huge profits.

At this time, the U.S. dollar interest rate remained at an annualized level of 5.25% for the entire year of 1996, but in Thailand, due to the threat of inflation brought about by economic overheating, the one-year interest rate was usually maintained at 8% to 10%. Above, what's more interesting is that each bank's interest rate is different, but it is generally above 10%.

The direct consequence of this situation is that there is a huge amount of hot money for arbitrage. Even local commercial banks in Thailand are very happy to borrow from overseas US dollars and yen with an interest rate that is at least 3 to 5 percentage points lower than the Thai baht, or sell them in the market. , and then turned into Thai baht for lending.

The total amount of overseas borrowing exceeds US$1 trillion, of which more than 95% are short-term loans with a maturity of less than one year, which means that when the value of the Thai baht becomes unstable, these hot money will flee Thailand immediately, and the entire Thailand will be in ruins.

Naturally, this kind of crisis will not be seen by no one. In fact, the Bank of Thailand has discovered the problem. At the moment, the governor of the Bank of Thailand, Luncha Malaganon, is holding a conference call with his allies to discuss how to jointly face the impact of international financial institutions on the Thai baht. .

"What about the banking system?"

The person who asked the question was Hu Cidao, chairman of the board of directors of the Lijiapo Monetary Authority. He was more concerned about the credit status of the Thai banking system than the large number of short sales of Thai baht in the market.

Unlike the central banks of most countries in the world, the Lijiapo Monetary Authority does not rely on the rise and fall of interest rates to affect finance, but uses the foreign currency exchange mechanism to regulate the Singapore currency market.

The reason for this is that the Lijiapo Financial Management Bureau at this time does not have the power and responsibility to issue currency, and naturally it cannot change the increase in market liquidity. It can only change the entire social circulation by changing the form of stock, and then affect the entire currency. The financial market, so the Lijiapo Financial Management Bureau has more control over the foreign exchange market than the central banks of other countries to a certain extent.

Hu Cidao is not worried about the sell-off in the foreign exchange market, because the combined funds of the Lijiapo Monetary Authority and the Bank of Thailand are sufficient to cope with the current situation. However, Hu Cidao knows that the castle is the easiest to breach from the inside. The current economic situation in Thailand is not optimistic. It is rumored that the operating conditions of its banking system and financial companies are extremely bad, and there are even rumors that some large banks are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Just last month, the rating agency Moody's downgraded the credit ratings of three major banks in Thailand, Ayutthaya, Kyoto, and Thai Military from A2 to A3, and downgraded to the extremely dangerous B1. A rating in junk territory means international funding markets are closed to Thais.

If the problem of the banking system cannot be solved, even if the Thai government resists the blow in the foreign exchange market, the collapse of the banking system will still lead to a frantic flight of funds, and then a new round of blows.

"I have discussed this issue with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance, and a new policy will be introduced in the near future to further increase the margin for bank bad debts." Malaganuan said confidently.

In fact, except for Li Jiapo, the central banks in Southeast Asia are all focusing on the Thai baht. They know very well that if the Thai baht fails to withstand it, then the next one will be one of them, or all of them.

For the huge harm brought by international hot money, especially the hot money led by hedge funds, these central bank officials are very clear, as far as the whole of Europe, as far as South America two years ago, the tragic scene is still vivid, but They did not expect that the crisis would come to Southeast Asia so soon.

"Could you disclose the Bank of Thailand's position in the forward foreign exchange contract?"

This time it was Ren Zhao, director of the Hong Kong Financial Management Bureau who asked the question, and he participated in the conference call on behalf of Hong Kong.


Although he was already mentally prepared to be asked this question, when he was asked, Malaganuan still seemed a little embarrassed. Fortunately, it was a conference call, and other people could not see his expression, so he was embarrassed for a while. After he calmed down, he said: "The position is basically the same as the US dollars we sold, and the amount is 5 billion US dollars."

In order to cope with the selling orders in the spot exchange market, the Bank of Thailand must buy Thai baht in US dollars in the spot exchange market, and for the sake of value preservation, they have to buy US dollar contracts in the forward market, which forms an opponent with international speculators.

The party shorting the Thai baht is selling the Thai baht in the spot foreign exchange market and shorting the Thai baht contract on the forward contract, exerting double pressure on the Thai side. The location of this kind of forward contract transaction is not fixed, some are in London, some are in New York, and some are in Lijiapo.

According to the news from the Lijiapo Exchange, during this period of time, in the forward foreign exchange market of Asian currencies, the total daily transaction value was as high as 6 billion U.S. dollars, and the transaction volume of Thai baht grew the fastest, which means that the main force of the current international hot money attack That is Thailand.

Malakanuan did not wait for others to ask questions again, and said first: "The most important job at present is to closely monitor the market trends, especially the forward foreign exchange market. If there is a huge sell-off, we must pay attention to the spot foreign exchange market as soon as possible. , and hope that countries can provide help.”

Malakanuan's tone was a bit pleading, and his posture was very low, but the current situation in Thailand made him not beg for help, and his posture had to be low.

After a long time, Hu Cidao was the first to say: "Please rest assured, Li Jiapo will definitely support the Thai baht. Our government has prepared 10 billion U.S. dollars and is ready to enter the market at any time."

The reason why Li Jiapo insisted on Thailand was that Thailand’s economy was inextricably linked with Li Jiapo, and the second was that most short-selling contracts of Thai baht were carried out in Li Jiapo’s market. Out of morality, Li Jiapo had to be active.

Of course, Lijiapo also has his own considerations. Although Thailand has been actively building a regional financial center in the past few years, it still cannot be compared with the old financial centers such as Lijiapo and Xiangtang. Li Jiapo wants to actively intervene in the market this time, so that the world can understand that Li Jiapo, who is a tiny place, is not something that can be manipulated at will.

Hearing Li Jiapo's promise, Malaka breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had already guessed that Li Jiapo's side would fully support Thailand, but at this time he heard the official Hu Cidao's promise, and he let go of the heart hanging in his throat. .

"We also need to pay attention to the dynamics of the forward market. I'm afraid we can't give Thailand too much support. It is estimated that the amount is only US$1 billion."

With the first statement, others also expressed their views one after another. This time it was the Governor of the Central Bank of the Philippines, Gabi Sinson. Like Thailand, the Philippines has also been severely attacked by international hot money in the forward market. Although the situation is not as serious as Thailand, it has reached a level of urgency.

After the Philippines, Malaysia and other countries expressed their views successively, Ren Zhaocai said: "My side still needs to negotiate, but we will enter when necessary."

Although Malaganuan was not very satisfied with Xiang Xing's statement, he also knew that Xiang Xing was at the juncture of a major historical change, and it was difficult to give too much support.

At the end of the meeting, Hu Cidao said: "In addition to the support of several parties, the Thai government should also do something to limit the liquidity of investment funds and restrict the flow of international hot money."

"We will soon introduce regulations to restrict local banks from borrowing funds from foreign investors, and at the same time greatly increase the level of offshore lending rates, so that the cost of borrowing for international hot money will increase significantly."

Hearing that Thailand has made full preparations, several influential figures in Southeast Asian financial circles breathed a sigh of relief. They believed that with the collective power of several countries, they would certainly be able to cope with this currency crisis.

After the meeting, the heads of the central banks or the Monetary Authority of various countries were chewing on the content of the meeting. Any move by Xiang Xing was chewing on the phrase "restricting local banks' lending funds to foreign investors".

As long as Thailand issues an administrative order, all local banks in Thailand must obey the order, but what about Hong Kong? In a place known as a free port, it is impossible for the Monetary Authority to issue such an order. If international hot money hits the Hong Kong dollar, what else can Hong Kong do except raise the lending rate?

Either move fell into contemplation!

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