Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1119 Don't mess with the national team

After helping Nan Ruochan wipe her eye sockets, Nan Yi talked about the secret.

"Your mother stayed in New York after she went to the United States. Not long after, she met a Chinese man named Zhang, and they got married soon. After they got married, I sent someone to investigate the details of this Mr. Zhang. How should I put it, he can't be said to be good or bad, but he is definitely not a person who lives a life. If you let them develop freely, your mother will leave Mr. Zhang with a high probability and will be penniless."

Looking at Nan Ruochan who turned his head to the side and stopped staring at him, Nan Yi asked softly, "Shall I continue?"


"Just because I foresee this happening, I sent someone to contact Mr. Zhang, and promised to give him 30,000 US dollars of living expenses every year, and as long as they have their first child, they will give him 50,000 US dollars. , the second one is 150,000, the third is 350,000, the fourth is 750,000, and Mr. Zhang got the most amount of 1.55 million. Do you know why I want to encourage them to have more children behind my back?"

"Trap her so she doesn't have time to come to me."

"Yes, when she desperately wanted to go abroad and was about to divorce your father soon, in the eyes of my uncle, she had nothing to do with the Nan family. If I hadn't taken your feelings into account, I would have dug a hole for her to die. It won't be so troublesome, spending so much money for her."

"How is she now?"

"Mr. Zhang runs a second-hand car dealership with a decent income. He married a wife from Cairo. He is a decent person. He will give a full amount of child support every month. He has no worries about food and drink."

Nan Yiyin didn't say a word, Jin Yan hooked up with another black ghost, this black ghost was also a member of the black gang in Harlem, recently there were many disputes among gangs in New York, maybe one day he would become a fish in the pool.

"Uncle, why did you tell me?" Nan Ruochan turned her face away, and the eye sockets that had been wiped clean before became moist again.

Nan Yi took out a handkerchief and helped Nan Ruochan wipe away tears again, "My Ruochan is a smart person and has the ability to bring some changes to the world. Uncle will not hide anything from you in the name of your good. , should tell you."

Nan Ruochan asked again: "Why did you tell me now?"

"Silly girl, you have been staying in a relatively simple circle before, and almost all you come into contact with are pure colors, black is black, white is white, but this world is not like this, full of transitional colors and gradient colors, turning a white If you zoom in, you will find that there are various intermediate colors in his swatch grid.

You have only tried experimental procedures that turned out to be wrong in the laboratory, but in your life, you have not experienced trial and error. Uncle does not want your chemist seedling to die halfway, and wants you to stay in the pure take longer.

It’s different now, you’ve started to get in touch with the most complicated side of the circle you want to be in, if you want to be a stepping stone for others, if you don’t want to be an anonymous person, you can only separate your brain a little and learn to deal with the world, there’s no way , the reality is so. "

"Uncle, what should I do?"

"As soon as possible, select a teacher who is old enough, old enough, and has real talents. If the qualifications are particularly outstanding, the real talents can lower the requirements as much as possible. It is more important to have someone to cover than someone to teach. You have learned enough right?"


"Okay, let's talk about this first, uncle will teach you how to play games."

Nan Yi and Nan Ruochan played Counter-Strike for a while, and then they played their own games.

I saw that Nanyi quickly opened PP Diandiantong and Waga, and after some operations, he hid the two software, then opened the 9158 (Jiujiuqingyuan) live broadcast software, entered a paid-for room of a good-looking anchor named Maizi, and brushed out 999 A rose worth 1 yuan, 50 planes worth 128 yuan.

As Nanyi's gift was sent out, Maizi, who was singing on the screen, immediately shouted excitedly: "Welcome, brother, thank you, brother."

Thirteen centimeters (in Martian language): "You're welcome, hum a piece of "Fancy Girls Love Handsome Guys" for my brother."

Maizi: "Brother, which passage do you want to hear?"

"The dwarf part."

As the text was sent out, Nan Yi glanced at the information on the public screen, and then pulled up the audience list. There were quite a few people, there were two thousand zero-paid rooms, and the audience in the live broadcast room were naturally not prostitutes. Spend at least five dollars.

The operation idea of ​​Jiujiuqingyuan is to move KTV online. The anchor is a princess, and the virtual gift is a tip. The audience can go to the microphone to sing with the anchor. Needless to say, in today's era when only online games make a lot of money, the live broadcast platform is not bad, so you don't have to focus on financing and listing.

Listening to Maizi humming a Dian Province folk song tune, Nanyi swiped another 999 roses, then stopped interacting and just watched quietly.

Coincidentally, this anchor named Maizi joined the industry on the first day, and Nanyi discovered her, and since then she has been following her as a research object, watching her squeeze from a free live broadcast room to a paid live broadcast room, watching her live broadcast from dozens of yuan My income rose to thousands, and then I started to buy gifts, and I would throw down thousands of dollars every time, and spent more than a dozen W one after another.

Nan Ruochan was afraid to watch horror movies when she came across too scary scenes, so she turned her face to Nanyi's screen, looked at it for a while, and opened her mouth to ask, "Uncle, do you like to watch this kind of thing?"

"I don't like it, but this model has great potential for development." Nan Yi raised his head and took off his earphones, turned his face, and took off Nan Ruochan's earphones, "Give uncle a thousand dollars later, and we will jointly open a gold shop." Chanzi Investment Company, you have six shares, uncle four, and we will invest in this industry."

"Uncle, I don't know how to do business."

"You don't need to know, you just need to pay and wait for the money."


After chatting with Nan Ruochan, Nanyi registered a new Doudou account, and then sent it to Maizi via private message, followed by a sentence: "Let's chat in a few days."

The matter of making money cannot be delayed. On the same day, after Nanyi received the 1,000 yuan from Nan Ruochan, he took out 4.999 million yuan, a joint venture of 5 million yuan, and asked Yan Zhenhua to handle the company registration.

Dinner was eaten in the courtyard of Nan's family, and the cook was of course Yi Jinru who had become a red armband, also known as the Chaoyang crowd or the anti-terrorism aunt.

As Yi Jinru got older, Jinru Trading was sold. The buyer was Haitang Trading, and the price was not low. The profits of previous years plus the last dividend from the sale of the company, assuming that Yi Jinru still has 30 years left It's a good job. It costs 20,000 to 30,000 a day. Most of the people left and the money was not spent.

Yi Jinru, who has retired for the second time, has a lot of free time. She goes to the park in the morning, eats breakfast, wears a red armband on her arm, and immediately walks around the street "minding her own business".

She is quick-spoken, and when she encounters young people who commit crimes, she will be subdued by her. She has ample money and can help anyone who encounters difficulties. Not to mention, Aunt Yi's name is very famous in the neighborhood, and TV interviews There have been two or three times, celebrities, leverage.

Not only that, but she also recognized hundreds of grandchildren, all of whom were from impoverished mountainous areas, who helped pay tuition fees, sent seasonal clothes two or three times a year, and became the highest-level person in the Nan family. Guan Zi said that "the granary knows the etiquette, and the food and clothing are enough to know the honor and disgrace".

Nan Huaiqiu also resigned early, but he was hired again for a few years, and he didn't stop until he couldn't work anymore. The year before last, he suffered from degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, and he had early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. He had a consultation to maintain his life. Won't deteriorate too quickly.

Just because of his illness, grandma Fang Mengyin came to visit and left a sentence of "disappointed". The mother and son's past stumbling is mostly relieved. As for the daughter-in-law Yi Jinru, this issue is more complicated.

Grandma Fang Mengyin is still clear-sighted and full of energy. She is stunned that a tooth has not fallen out. The 100-year-old mark is no longer a hurdle. According to her words, she is still waiting to help Nanyi bring up her great-grandson.

Miss Fang's arrogance has not been lost at all, expecting her to bow her head to ask for peace, is simply delusional, and looking at Yi Jinru, she is also a single-minded person, and now she has everything, there is no need to ask Fang Mengyin to flatter her , absolutely impossible.

As for Nan Tieli, the hardware store is still open, but he no longer interferes in the business of the store. He has found a partner, and let the other party manage the store. Every year, he just sits and waits for dividends. He goes to a special school to find a job as a gardener. I usually water flowers and weeds, and repair any damage.

For a temporary job position, there are no other benefits except the basic salary. After clearing up, social security and provident fund are paid at his own expense. He can happily receive about 70 yuan every month when he is paid.

Nan Tieli, who was originally a boring gourd, likes his current job very much. It is clean, no one disturbs him, and he has a lot of time to do what he likes.

Wenren Lanyue is relatively busy. Usually, the pharmacy often holds free blood pressure measurements, physical examinations, and gives away eggs or tissues when they are full. They also have to travel from time to time to visit branches in other cities. They basically have to work 25 hours a week. , very hard work.

No, I got off work half an hour later than usual today, and I arrived at the courtyard to help out at almost four o'clock.

Today I eat a kind of pasta that is wrapped in flour and cooked on a griddle. The north is not the north, and the south is not the south. It’s okay to say that it’s a box, and it’s okay to say that it’s okay. It’s not the same. Anyway, it’s a group of people sitting in the yard, talking Bao, perfect circle, ellipse, crescent moon, pig, rabbit, all kinds of shapes are available.

"This year's competition is fierce. Chain pharmacies are expanding. People from Hunan and Chu have come to the north, opened three stores in the ancient city, and hit a nail in the capital. Yifeng from Shanghai and Shanghai has entered Jinling, and Yunnan Province has one heart." Tang is attacking Wuchuan, Jianzhijia acquired the old chain welfare pharmacy in Rongcheng, and Dashenlin moved from Guangdong Province to Guizhou Province and Hu Jian.

The Sanjiu Chain Store, Yee Kang Chain Store and Jinsha Pharmacy directly operated by the Pharmaceutical Group are all facing losses, some of which have already been sold, and some are in the process of being sold. A big event happened in Rongcheng last month. A dozen or so pharmacies joined forces to remove the best-selling drugs from the shelves, forcing the manufacturers to ask for profit compensation. "

Wenren Lanyue introduced the situation of the pharmaceutical retail field to Nanyi while wrapping a box of dried pork and tofu.

"The results of it?"

"Neptune Xingchen responded first, and other chain drugstores followed suit, as did Wenrentang. The pharmaceutical group has gone too far. The profits of best-selling drugs reserved for pharmacies are already low, and they often sell special promotions. Selling a box pays for a box." , The business is not what they do."

Nan Yi chuckled, "You guys can do it this way, pharmaceutical companies will definitely be unable to bear it and have to compromise, and in the future you can also collect entry fees, display fees, promotion fees, advertising fees, festival fees, store celebration fees, etc. like supermarkets. The discount rate, and then let the pharmaceutical companies send their promoters to the store, charge them training fees, venue fees, and by the way, they can also ask them to reimburse a little of the salesperson's commission."

"Nanyi, don't tell me you're joking, we are also in a difficult situation. Wenrentang's sales this year are expected to exceed 2 billion, an increase of 300-400 million compared to last year, but the net profit is definitely not as good as last year, and it may not even reach 12%. Wenren Lanyue frowned.

"This profit is not bad. If you are still not satisfied, sister-in-law, you can buy more OEM and agent varieties that suit you."

"OEM has been working on it, but it's not as good as Neptune. I plan to recruit a few people from there to make this work."


Nan Yi responded and didn't say anything else. It's really impossible to say. Huangfuming and Leng Yan are collaborating there, studying how to deal with this group of pharmacies. He and Wenren Lanyue are not opposites, but they are definitely in the same camp as her. There are no two sides.

Whether it is confrontation, OEM, or agent management, these are not good for pharmaceutical companies. Let’s see how the Information Policy Committee under the leadership of Nan Youqiong will deal with this matter. Huaguo’s pharmaceutical consumption potential is being tapped rapidly and will grow soon. As the world's second largest pharmaceutical consumer market excluding the United States, Nan's cannot help but pay attention to it.

At this time, Shanghai.

Fan Hongdou lowered her head and wrote a comment on a document, and said to Li Ying who was sitting opposite her: "Sister Tang, Dasong Electric will start closing positions at the opening tomorrow, how much do we have to lose?"

"Why close the position?" Li Ying asked puzzled.

Dasong Electric is urging you to invest in a stock that is about to become a banker, and it is still in the stage of collecting chips.

"Tell me the loss first." Fan Hongdou said flatly.

Li Ying calculated and said, "It's between 45 million and 49 million."

"Admit it, I just received the news that our opponent is standing behind the national team." Fan Hongdou covered the folder and looked up at Li Ying, "My godfather once told me a fable, the top of the food chain in a forest It is a tiger. In a good year, wolves and pangs can hunt happily, or they can collude together to catch as much prey as possible, store it, or exchange it with other hunting grounds for other things.

Once the calamity year comes, King Tiger's food supply has problems, he will take out old accounts, liquidate the gangsters, and have a delicious meal of roasted wolf legs, shabu-shabu meat, and dried rabbit meat stored by wolves and gangsters.

After a delicious meal, Tiger King will stand on the balcony to digest food, and by the way, prick up his ears to listen to the rabbits singing praises. This is his hobby and he listens to it every day.

The tiger king climbed up slowly from a stray tiger. He has suffered a lot and doesn't care whether his food is fresh or not, but tiger cubs can't. They only want to eat fresh and fat food, because they don't want to disturb the tiger king's enjoyment. Naturally, they can't directly catch rabbits, they can only choose to arrest wolves and embarrassments that have just caught their prey. "

As he said that, Fan Hongdou imitated Nanyi's voice and shouted: "Let you not wear a hat!"

"Fan Dong, this fable is not suitable for our country's stock market. Our stock market is a policy-oriented stock market. The core purpose is to gather idle funds from society and flow them to where the policy needs them."

"Sister Chang, you are right, but we are absolutely impossible to become a accumulation pool. We should be more careful when we operate in the future. The scale and movement should not be too large. If you encounter the national team, stay away."


"There is a business party tonight, do you want to go with me?"

Fan Hongdou stood up, and after receiving a negative reply from Li Ying, she walked towards the cloakroom in the lounge.

The times are advancing, and communication is also improving. The speed of information transmission is more than five or six times faster than before, and the timeliness is getting stronger and stronger. Both managers and executors must stick to the word efficiency. The same type of work, The current labor intensity is higher than that of ten years ago, because time is not waiting for me, and if the efficiency is slow, others will be swept away.

Therefore, as long as Fan Hongdou doesn't want to muddle through, and has the mind that the blue is better than the blue, she can only be busier than Nanyi back then.

In the cloakroom, there are all kinds of evening dresses in various styles and colors, but each one is very conservative, with a small neckline, leaving only a little gap to protrude from the necklace pendant.

Fan Hongdou picked out a black evening dress to put on, went over the earrings and necklace, first opened the watch cabinet, picked out a matching watch to put on, and then returned to the earring cabinet, looking at the dazzling array of earrings, fell into a dilemma.

"Really godfather, it's really embarrassing to send so many here every year, which pair should I wear?"

After sinking into the vortex of difficult choices for a long time, Fan Hongdou finally made up his mind. He chose a pair of ruby ​​earrings whose color and outline resembled red beans, and a Qiongqi pendant necklace inlaid with gold opals.

"Fan Dong."

"President Li."

"Fan Dong."

"He Dong."

"Fan Dong."


Fan Hongdou came to the scene of the Bund party, and greeted her no matter whether she knew her or not.

"Fan Dong."

"Guo Dong, Huxing has been doing a lot lately, attacking everywhere, diversifying operations, congratulations, Huxing will soon become an international comprehensive group." Fan Hongdou said, stretching out her right hand.

"Thank you, thank you." Guo Guangkun and Fan Hongdou shook hands, "Huxing is far behind Nanguo Hongdou. Hongdou Network, Master Fan, and Aihua can all lay golden eggs, which is really enviable."

"Guo Dong has won the award." Fan Hongdou said politely, pointing in another direction and said: "I have an acquaintance, I will go over to say hello, excuse me."

Guo Guangkun looked back and said, "Is Ma Qingyang an acquaintance of Fan Dong?"


"He and I are fellow villagers, and I will go there with Fan Dong."

No matter who the outside world says is the richest man in Shanghai, in Guo Guangkun's eyes, he still recognizes Fan Hongdou's strength the most.

The development history of Nanguo Hongdou Group is very clear. The group was established in 1996, but just after its establishment, it owned a Yinke Building in a prime location in Lujiazui. The low-key Fan Shifu Group joined it. It is easy to connect Master Fan's Fan with Fan Hongdou's Fan.

Then, Aihua was established, and soon opened up the channels of the post office, opening up a new market for PHS. This year's PHS will sell well. The sales are expected to exceed 20 billion, and the stock price is also enviable.

Then there is Hongdou Network. Whether it is Cowdou Game or Doudou, as long as it is listed, the market value can easily exceed several billion U.S. dollars, even if it exceeds 10 billion, it is not impossible.

Although the disclosed financial report and industrial and commercial information show that Fan Hongdou's shares are pitifully small, which does not seem like a share that a founder should have at all, but there has been no news of Nanguo Hongdou's equity crisis to analyze from the outside world. Fan Hongdou And the people behind her must have hidden a lot of shares.

Guo Guangkun does not think that Nanguo Hongdou was founded by Fan Hongdou alone, and there must be a strong supporting force behind her. Otherwise, how could she be able to support such a large group when she was only a 22-year-old girl.

A woman in charge of such a large group has never heard of any troubles Fan Hongdou encountered. It seems that the world is full of good people. If there is no one behind Fan Hongdou, Guo Guangkun will not believe it. If it wasn't for someone secretly helping, the two hurdles that Hu Xing had encountered might not be able to get over it.

In any case, Nanguo Hongdou is a very powerful group, and he is happy to get closer to Fan Hongdou.

"Mr. Ma, hello."

"Fan Dong, Guang Kun."

The three of Fan Hongdou exchanged pleasantries, and soon chatted together, mainly between Ma Qingyang and Fan Hongdou, while Guo Guangkun mainly listened.

Ma Qingyang came here in a hurry just before evening, just because he heard that Fan Hongdou would also be attending today's party, he had long wanted to chat with Fan Hongdou, and he had been coveting Doudou's traffic for a long time.

Mobao launched a bidding ranking service called Zhaocaijinbao in May, thinking to use this method to increase revenue, but who knows, after the launch, the seller cursed, and couldn't hold on to the offline for more than half a month . Afterwards, the team analyzed that the bidding ranking function was not good enough this time, and the traffic of Mobao was too low, so a two-pronged approach was needed.

No, Ma Qingyang wanted to chat with Fan Hongdou to see if the two sides could cooperate.

"Fan Dong, do you have time recently, I would like to invite you to visit Mobao."

"Thank you very much for Chairman Ma's invitation, but I'm sorry, I'm not very convenient recently, and I will soon fly to New York to discuss the listing of Cowdou Games."

Fan Hongdou was just making an excuse, she didn't need to worry too much about the listing of Cowdou Game, Pan Am Holdings had already taken care of everything, and she just had to wait to go to New York to ring the bell.

The reason why I want to say this is nothing more than to stretch Ma Qingyang. She and Ma Qingyang are most easily connected in business with Doudou. The initiative is in her hands, and there is some cooperation. Fat, big enough to tempt her to act like an enemy.

No matter what industry it is, a private enterprise should not expect to be the only one in the country. Once monopoly signs appear, it will be in big trouble. The e-commerce field is best to be contended by a hundred schools of thought. Therefore, holding shares in Mobao will not delay Hongdou at all. The network established its own shopping platform Peas.

Ma Qingyang's face was slightly disappointed, "Is it convenient for Fan Dong tomorrow, I will visit your group."

Fan Hongdou smiled slightly, "I have nothing to do tomorrow, Director Ma can go over at any time."


My finger hurts badly, I will take a day off tomorrow.

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