Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1129 Strong Army Chariot

Very early in the morning, Nanyi received a call from Jiang Xuanyan. Nanyi asked her to go back to school first or wait for him for two days. He had something urgent to do.

Jiang Xuanyan said to wait.

Nanyi really has something very important. Earlier, Li Jin called him and said that the files of him and Nan Ruoqi had passed the review, and now some troops were going to conduct a recruiting exercise.

Before noon, Nanyi went to the airport to pick up Nan Ruoqi, who was joining him, spent half a day preparing, and rushed to Xiongshiling not far from the capital early the next morning.

After arriving at the place, after searching, Nanyi and his party found several cars leaning together on a flat place at the foot of a mountain.

Nanyi stepped forward to smoke and communicate, showing that he was just playing tickets, and transferred half of the goods he brought out at the wholesale price. He also asked about the retail price standard and vowed to strictly abide by it. Only then did we get close to the team in a friendly atmosphere.

After the car was parked, Nanyi approached a man named Lao Liu whom he had just met, and offered him a cigarette, "Old Liu, can you take us with you? I didn't come here to make money, I just wanted my children to experience it."

Old Liu took the cigarette and glanced at Nan Ruoqi, "You rich people are really weird. What's not good to experience? Come and experience being a grassland eagle."

Grassland Flying Eagle, also known as Peter Pan, is called a strong army chariot in writing, and has a domineering code name "Wild Wolf". This is a group of people who support the army very much. They will be dispatched to send the food the soldiers need to the front line.

Of course, food is not free, you need to pay, and it is very expensive.

"The main reason is to let the children exercise, which is why we got involved. Can you give me some advice on where we can sell the best products in a while."

There is a joke that is not widely circulated, saying that a soldier joined the army at the age of eighteen, and after two years of rigorous training, he was finally able to participate in the drill as a sniper, while a Peter Pan, who followed his father in the drill field from the age of six For water delivery, the eight-year-old can find the location of the sniper with a coordinate, and deliver the food safely, and it must be hot.

Iron-clad practice grounds, flowing soldiers, soldiers come and go, and change every two or three years, but the Peter Pans are rooted in the practice grounds, where they can hide people and where they are suitable for setting up sniper positions. Moreover, among Peter Pan, there are veterans who retired from the army on the spot and married nearby villagers, and their military quality is very good.

Lao Liu pointed in one direction and said: "You can go to that area, there will be more soldiers lurking there, two bottles of Xiongqi, two bowls of instant noodles for one coordinate, don't ruin the market."

"I understand, thank you."

Giving Lao Liu another pack of cigarettes, Nanyi walked to his car while looking at the place pointed by Lao Liu.

Obviously, what Lao Liu pointed out was not the best location. It is flat and boundless, and there are not many recesses. If you find a high place, you can have a panoramic view of several miles around. There are not many places suitable for Tibetans.

It's not bad for newcomers who come here to get this kind of treatment, and Nanyi is very satisfied.

"Ruoqi, pack your backpack, let's set off to do some business."


Nan Yi stuffed a few bowls of instant noodles and a few bottles of drinks into Nan Ruoqi's rucksack, and stopped when the load reached about twenty catties.

When it was his own rucksack's turn, drinks were stuffed into it, and when it was full, he stuffed two ice packs into the rucksack; two bags hung on the back of the rucksack, one contained snacks such as chicken legs and wings, Inside the other are five bowls of instant noodles, and a hot water bottle with good airtightness and heat insulation on both sides.

Stuffed a few more packs of cigarettes in the pockets of the clothes, to see if there is a chance to sell them. The cigarettes are probably not very easy to sell. The situation in the army has changed. In the past, very few people in a class did not smoke, but now only a few people smoke, and the two levels are reversed. .

After packing his rucksack, Nan Yi waved his hand and led Nan Ruoqi into the grass.

Nan Ruoqi didn't care about Xi Shi's illness. He had to have good brains and good physical fitness. Military training such as fighting and shooting was a compulsory course for the Nan family. Carrying ten kilograms and walking for several kilometers was nothing to Nan Ruoqi.

Along the way, Nan Yi's pace was very fast, and he had no intention of taking care of Nan Ruoqi at all. Nan Ruoqi followed easily, her steps were brisk, her breathing was fine but not heavy, and she was able to do a job with ease.

After walking for about two kilometers, Nan Yi took out the water bottle on his waist and handed it to Nan Ruoqi, "Ruoqi, do you have any ideas about working in the disciplined forces in the future?"

"Daddy, Mommy won't agree to let me be a police officer. She wants me to work in the financial industry when I grow up and inherit her mantle."

"Your mommy is not ashamed, she really regards herself as a financial master."

"Hee hee, Daddy, I want to sue Mommy."

"Go and sue, your little padded jacket has leaked air since you were a child, and my father is used to it."

When Nan Ruoqi heard this, she quickly grabbed Nan Yi's hand and shook it, "I'm a caring little padded jacket, Daddy, I know you like me the most."

"Okay, stop shaking, let's hurry up, it's almost lunch time."


The father and daughter quickened their pace and arrived at the place pointed by Lao Liu in a short while.

Fortunately, I ran into three soldiers sitting on the ground head-on. Judging from their leisurely appearance, they should be "dead people".

"Little brother, do you want iced tea?"

Iced black tea is a hard currency in the military world. Peter Pan usually prepares a lot of it. It is not because it is popular at the beginning, but because the wholesale price of iced black tea is the cheapest, and the profit margin is large. Over time, the taste is domesticated up.

When Erguai among the three saw Nanyi and his daughter, he immediately asked vigilantly, "My fellow, why haven't I seen you before?"

Nan Yi responded with a smile, "Little brother, don't overreact. It's not that you are politically strong and have a clean fortune. How can you be qualified to come here?"

Erguai listened, let go of his vigilance, and asked, "Is there any ice?"

"Yes." Nanyi unloaded his rucksack, opened the bag, took out three bottles of iced black tea and handed them over, "Little brother, just tell me where you died, and I'll charge you two dollars a bottle."

"My fellow, we can't tell you, we have to abide by the drill rules." Erguai replied, while pulling out a magazine from the tactical vest, digging a few times on the hole, a ball of banknotes came into his hand, smoothed it out, and pulled out two magazines. Zhang handed it to Nanyi, "My fellow, here's the money."

Nan Yi took one, "It doesn't need to be so much, I don't rely on this to eat, I will pay the normal price outside, and the extra one will be used as my delivery fee, and I won't look for you, don't say it outside, I'm afraid I will be beaten soon .”

"Thank you folks, you can go to the east, the road over there is easier to walk."

"thank you."

Nan Yi understood in seconds, and took Nan Ruoqi to the east.

After walking for a while, Nan Ruoqi suddenly blew a whistle. Nan Yi turned around and saw her squatting on the ground observing the fallen shape of a few floating weeds.

"What did you find?"

Nan Ruoqi once hunted with the Yuki people in the Amazon jungle, and lived in the Hadza tribe in the African prairie for two months, and learned some hunting and tracking skills from the two places.

Nan Ruoqi pointed to a plant of grass and said, "Daddy, look, there are two wounds. The lower one is an old wound with heavier force, and the upper one is a new wound with lighter force. The interval between the two wounds is different." More than two hours."

"What do you think is the weight difference between the two people before and after?"

"Around 30 pounds."

"What are their identities?"

"Heavy gunners and snipers."



"Ghost spirit, let's speed up our pace. If we are lucky, we may even meet the corpse of the 'machine gunner'."

It is said to speed up the pace, but in fact the speed of the father and daughter slowed down. After walking a few steps, they need to observe the surrounding situation. This time, the father and daughter want to try to sell instant noodles to the snipers who are in the ambush.

Don't think that the father and daughter are messing around. There is a saying that drills are actual combat. In actual combat, various emergencies will be encountered, and the existence of Peter Pan is one of the default emergencies of the army.

On the way, the father and daughter met two groups of dead people and made a few business deals, but they didn't get any useful information.

As time passed and the sky turned dark, we still didn't meet any sniper, but found a guy hiding in a tree and hunting birds in a small jungle.

Nan Yi picked up a branch, tiptoed to the tree, poked the soles of Birdman's feet, "Little brother, do you want instant noodles?"

"Ah..." The soldier on the tree screamed, and quickly suppressed his voice, looking at Nan Yi under the tree with a smile on his face, "My fellow, people are scary, you can't make a sound when you walk?"

"Little brother, don't be afraid. I saw that there is no blue army on the side. Do you want Master Fan's Sichuan-flavored spicy beef noodles? A bowl of noodles and a bottle of iced black tea. I'll charge you 25 yuan."

"It's too expensive, please make it cheaper."

"Send a coordinate."

"Okay, twenty-five is twenty-five." The soldier immediately agreed when he heard the coordinates.

"Ruoqi, hurry up and pick some better noodles for uncle."


Nan Ruoqi hurriedly unloaded her rucksack, took out a box of instant noodles, quickly opened the lid, and tore off the seasoning. Nan Yi took off the thermos and went up to pour water. After a while, a strong fragrance wafted around.

Sending the soaked instant noodles and iced tea to the tree, and after receiving the money, Nanyi said to the soldiers on the tree: "15 degrees east of the true north, about 700 meters away, alone, the main warning direction is the southwest. Small Brother, do you want to buy an insurance policy?"

"What insurance?"

"You buy another can of Xiongqi, and I promise not to sell your coordinates to others."

The soldier said helplessly: "My fellow, you are so good at doing business, no wonder you are said to be subsidy harvesters."

"I can't help it. After walking more than 20 kilometers, I only did three or four businesses, and I can't make much money."

"Okay, let's have a can."

After finishing the bird hunting business, the father and daughter continued to look for the next transaction partner in the dark.

When the two of them came out of the small jungle and touched a piece of uneven grass, suddenly, more than 200 meters away, there was a flash of light, followed by a gunshot.


"This is domestic, 79 sniper." Nanyi pulled Nan Ruoqi's backpack off, "Hurry up, go and stop the sniper first, and I will follow behind. After this order is completed, we can call it a day."


Nan Ruoqi unloaded her rucksack, spread her legs and ran towards the bright light, followed by Nan Yi, a few meters away.

The sniper who had just gained something was not in a hurry to change his position, but continued to observe whether there were other targets nearby through the scope. He had been lying in ambush here for a long time, and he was sure that there was no danger around him, so he was not willing to abandon a good position easily.

Who knows...

"Uncle, do you want instant noodles?"

The sniper turned his head and saw a pair of big innocent eyes.

The sniper is a veteran, and this is not the first time he has experienced this kind of scene. He said calmly, "Is there any chocolate?"

"Yes, do you want iced tea?"

"A piece of chocolate, a bottle of iced black tea, little sister, hurry up and leave after finishing business."

"Hee hee, do you want coordinates?"

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