Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1134 plastic girlfriends


"Hello, handsome uncle."

Wang Xiaomi shook Nanyi's hand, and scratched Nanyi's palm when he pulled it away.

She likes the handsome uncle in front of her, it's her thing.

Nanyi felt the strangeness coming from the palm of his hand, and couldn't help but lament that the little girls nowadays are really courageous, and they are really proactive and direct, but this sisterhood is not environmentally friendly, how can it be made of plastic.

Sit down, put it on Jiang Xuanyan's shoulder, and asked, "What did you order?"

"Not yet, waiting for you."

Nan Yi turned to look at the other tables, and found that almost every table had salted edamame and roasted garlic cloves, so he said, "I want salted edamame and roasted garlic cloves, and the rest of you can order."

"Okay." Jiang Xuanyan responded, and then said to Wang Xiaomi: "Xiaomi, let's go and order something to eat."

The dishes at Dongdong's house are mostly semi-finished products, and the serving speed is very fast. Not long after the two women came back after ordering, a plate of Shanghai and Shanghai side dishes was brought to the table, accompanied by a dozen snowflakes.

There was no politeness, Wang Xiaomi put a bottle of beer that had already been opened in front of everyone, "There are 12 bottles in total, 4 bottles for each person, take care of yourself, if you don't have enough, call again."

Nan Yi took the bottle and poured himself a glass, "Xiaomi, your accent is from Qindao, right?"

"Is my accent obvious?"

"No, only a little bit. Are you younger than Xuanyan?" Nan Yi raised his glass to signal to Wang Xiaomi.

"I'm eighty-eight."

"How many months?"


"Oh, I just turned eighteen." Nanyi replied, muttering in his heart, "It's good when I'm full."

You should know, Nan Yi stopped staring at Wang Xiaomi, and turned his attention to Jiang Xuanyan. After spreading the dog food you feed me and I feed you for a while, Nan Yi started to sprinkle bait again.

"In the afternoon, I met with the boss of a real estate sales company. I heard from him that several real estate companies here in Shanghai are going to join forces for a marketing plan. In Shanghai, there are TV dramas featuring employees of real estate sales companies as the male and female protagonists, and in it, all the real estate companies that have paid for their real estate will be integrated into the plot.”

Nan Yi glanced at the two women who were listening intently, and then said: "I still have a bit of face, since I opened my mouth, this matter is basically a sure thing, so next I will register a company in Shanghai Zhenxuan Films, the first execution The first project is this TV series."

Nan Yi caught Jiang Xuanyan's chin and twisted it, "What about you, there will definitely be one of the third or second female lead. It's hard to say who is the heroine, it depends on whether the heroine in the script is suitable for you."

Jiang Xuanyan rolled her eyes, "Who will write the script?"

"Don't inquire about this. With your current level, no one is qualified to ask anyone to write a script according to your characteristics. You can't support a drama. In the future..."

"Handsome uncle, what about me? Can I hold it up?" Wang Xiaomi puffed up her chest and asked expectantly.

"You, wait until I finish talking." Nan Yi turned his face back, and then said to Jiang Xuanyan: "In the future, you can go to a real estate agency to find a part-time job and experience life. Understood, I will arrange for you to work as a salesman in a real estate sales company."

"The identity of the heroine is sales?"

"The jobs of the main female characters are all related to sales. Don't worry, I will give you a chance to fight for the female lead, and I will not set up obstacles. If you can't compete by yourself, then you can't blame me. After all, it is a movie. For customized dramas, we're' responsible for investors."

Nanyi's emphatic emphasis on the word "men" really caught Jiang Xuanyan's attention, "We?"

Nan Yi smiled and said: "Yes, we, you will be the legal representative of Zhenxuan Films, and you will own 30% of the shares, hey, don't be too happy, the shares are not given to you for nothing, you have to pay for it oh."

Jiang Xuanyan pouted, "I don't have any money."

"No, you have. The dividends of the TV series and your salary are more than enough to subscribe for shares. You can only stare at the profits of the first movie. After the first movie, you can get the dividends."

Jiang Xuanyan hugged Nanyi's neck and babbled several times in a row.

"A mouth full of oil."

After Jiang Xuanyan let go, Nan Yi hurriedly wiped her face with paper.

"It's not oily, it's fragrant."

Wang Xiaomi, who was sitting across from him, looked at the boredom of men and women, and his heart was filled with jealousy, "Damn Jiang Xuanyan, why is she so lucky, this uncle is handsome and generous, the heroine, the shares of the film and television company... ah, ah, ah, Why not mine?

Huh, I'm whiter, I'm taller, I have bigger breasts, I'm younger...

Do I want to grab it? "

After wiping his face clean, Nan Yi picked up a edamame and put it in his mouth to suck, "How does the house look?"

"Look, I'll choose Wukang Road."

"Oh, it doesn't fit there, choose another set."

"No, I like it there." Jiang Xuanyan insisted.

"Okay." Nan Yi nodded, then raised his head and said to Wang Xiaomi: "Xiaomi, if you are interested in the TV series just mentioned, you can go to work part-time with Xuanyan, no matter what, there will definitely be a role for you, I won't let you toss in vain."

Wang Xiaomi exclaimed excitedly: "Really, handsome uncle, thank you."

"It's okay, little fun."

"Handsome uncle, I respect you."

"Okay, let's go."


After supper, first send Wang Xiaomi back to school, Nanyi and Jiang Xuanyan went to the hotel.

After a passion, Nanyi leaned against the head of the bed and brought up the topic of the house again, "The one on Wukang Road is not suitable, you choose another one."

Jiang Xuanyan moved her hips, squeezed into Nanyi's chest, raised her face and asked, "Why?"

"I have relatives living there."

"But I like that set."

"Hey, change a set."

"No... Ouch, don't use such force, it hurts."

"It involves a matter of principle. You can listen to what I say. If I tell you to change, you can change. In the past few days, I have repeatedly compromised, and you have to be sensible."

"Okay, just change it." Jiang Xuanyan turned over and lay on Nanyi's body, "I want more."

The next day, Nan Yi accompanied Jiang Xuanyan to look at the house again, and found a lawyer to handle the registration of Zhenxuan Films. After a busy day, he settled everything and took Jiang Xuanyan's Ferrari back.

As soon as the car arrives, well, Jiang Xuanyan has to take Nanyi for a ride, and Nanyi has to talk about it, so she let her take the risk by herself.

After being bored together for two-thirds of the day, in the late afternoon, under Jiang Xuanyan's reluctance, Nan Yi got on the plane back to the capital.

On the plane, Miao Xiaolan suddenly said, "Mr. Nan, this little girl is not sensible."

"It's normal for a little girl to be ignorant. This is youth. It doesn't matter if you are ignorant. If you get tired, you can separate. There won't be any reluctance." How can it be so easy to get shares, as long as I am willing, she will bear tens of millions of debts at any time."

"Mr. Nan, you won't. You have always been kind to your own people."

"She can't be my own person, but I won't cheat her for no reason. Look at her. As long as I can grasp the principle, I don't mind helping her. After sending her up, I will earn back the money I spent. , Five million to buy a car is expensive enough, I still feel bad about it now."

Nan Yi felt distressed, Jiang Xuanyan couldn't empathize, she was taking Wang Xiaomi for a ride right now.

This silly woman, Wang Xiaomi was already eyeing Nanyi, and after being stimulated by Ferrari, she was sure to win.

When Nan Yi returned to the old bungalow, he received a text message from Wang Xiaomi - Handsome Uncle, remember to inform me next time you come to Shanghai.

After reading the text message, Nanyi did not reply to the message. Once he did, he would definitely be making porridge with text messages endlessly. He just ate a few hearty meals in a row. Take it easy and wait until the next time you get hungry.

Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye. Nanyi finished talking about subprime mortgages at school, and then talked about the domestic real estate industry to the students. He told the students that the richest man in China next year should be a lady named Yang, and her assets will exceed one thousand 100 million.

Another weekend, Nan Yi, Lai Biao, and Chen Feng, who hadn’t seen each other for a long time, were sitting in the theater watching Zhang Huoding’s performance of "Farewell My Concubine". Next to Lai Biao was his son Lai Changyu, and Chen Feng sat on his lap. Daughter Chen Xiaoke.

During the intermission of the show, Lai Biao said, "I'm going to transfer away."

Nanyi: "Where are you going?"

Lai Biao: "Hu Jian Branch President, Senior Party Official and Ludao Branch President, Senior Party Official."

Chen Feng: "Biaozi, tsk tsk, there are enough part-time jobs, how many years have you been there?"

Lai Biao: "I need it in five or six years."

Nan Yi: "Xiao Biao, I have been optimistic about you since I was a child. Sure enough, my vision can't be wrong. If there is no accident, you will be able to sit as the president of the head office in your early fifties."

Lai Biao: "Old Nan, stop talking nonsense, that seat is not so easy to sit in."

Nanyi: "I hear what you mean, do you want to go out?"

Lai Biao: "It depends on the timing. If you have a good opportunity, you can try it. Lao Nan, how many are there now?"

Nanyi: "It's not far from 210."

Lai Biao: "Help me prepare for 30, I may use it next year."

Nan Yi: "It's easy to come in, but difficult to get out. If it's for performance, you just open your mouth. It's not difficult to be 30."

Lai Biao: "The rate of return is not too high, and the return period is also long."

Nanyi: "Let's take a look first."

Lai Biao: "That's fine, I'll give you the information when it's settled."

Chen Feng: "Lao Nan, I want to put some in your place, how much can you eat?"

Nan Yi: "A beautiful 50 is no problem."

Chen Feng: "You can't do it, can you only do this?"

Nanyi: "You have to admit your loss, 5000 is fine."

Chen Feng: "Yes, the fragrant 70, how much can you have in a year?"

Nanyi: "4 to 5."

Chen Feng: "So low?"

Nanyi: "You didn't realize it yourself. The world economy is not right again. In the long run, it may double in five years."

Chen Feng: "Success."

"Uncle Nan, I have several hundred." Chen Xiaoke on Chen Feng's lap raised his head and said.

Nan Yi hugged Chen Xiaoke to his lap, "Haha, it's several hundred, Xiao Ke is really rich, can I treat my uncle to eat Wangdefu later?"

"No, I want to eat KFC." Chen Xiaoke shook his head.

"Crazy, your Xiao Ke has been misled by you."

"Stop talking nonsense, my little Ke is the most obedient, and later my father will take you to eat KFC instead of Wonderford."

After chatting for a while, the new play was staged, and the few people returned to silence.

After an hour or so, several people moved to the Children's Paradise, where two children went to play, and three middle-aged crisis men stood beside them. Chen Feng and Lai Biao lighted cigarettes and sprayed them on Nanyi's face on purpose. After seeing Nanyi fanning the smoke, they became more excited.

"You two are almost done."

"Hahaha, Lao Nan, what I admire most about you is that you can quit smoking, you are so cruel." Chen Feng took a puff of cigarette, "I can't, I quit a few times, the more I quit, the more I smoke, now I smoke twice a day. Pack half."

Nan Yi spat: "Stop being a fart, just smoke, you can live a long life if you are in a happy mood, don't mess around."

"You are allowed to quit, but I am not allowed to quit?" Chen Feng said angrily.

"If you really want to quit, ask the doctor's opinion first, quitting may not be a good thing."

Lai Biao threw the cigarette in his mouth to the ground, twisted it with the sole of his shoe, looked left and right to see if he saw the red armband, then picked up the cigarette butt and put it away, clapped his hands and said, "Madman, don't quit, You are quitting, and I have one less companion."

Chen Feng took a sharp breath, "Old Nan, is there a good way?"

"Yes, if you have lung cancer, you will definitely be able to quit."

"How cheap I am, I actually ask you to make up my mind."

"Crazy, your ability to hurt people has improved, and it's a bit like fighting cattle across the mountain."

"Damn, I call it embedding flowers."

"I'm still on the move."

"Two Biaozi." Lai Biao spat.

Nan Yi gave a thumbs up, "Biaozi, you speak Northeast dialect well, and Ji Yu is even more idiomatic. Madman, what name do you think you should give this Ji?"

"Xin Biao, Zhong Biao."

"The name is Niu, Zhang Pai, absolutely Zhang Pai."

"Which one is it?"

"The Jade Emperor wants to smoke."

"Zhang Zongchang?"

"Otherwise, Han Pai?"

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