After having an in-depth conversation with Nan Youqiong, Nan Yi's concern for Nan's psychologically relaxed a bit.

Whether it is business knowledge or life experience, Nan Youqiong is beyond his actual age. The only thing he lacks is the thickness of the blessings of the years. In this regard, he is a little green.

He worked as a newsboy, delivered newspapers on a bicycle in the morning, experienced primitive field work, knew the growth process and planting techniques of various vegetables, and thought and practiced mechanized agriculture and intelligent agriculture.

Having experienced the large-scale grain trade, he has a deep understanding of grain, ranging from satisfying hunger to stabilizing the regime. He knows it well. When he was eight years old, he once proposed the idea of ​​"one seed subverting a regime".

He followed Scarlett to various meetings when he was four or five years old, and most of the words he mastered were learned through commercial contracts. Commercial contracts were as kind to him as textbooks, and they lasted through his childhood.

In his teens, he has learned to control the middle-aged and the elderly to create profits for him. He has a mature conversation beyond his age, and can take advantage of the tolerance and intimacy of adults towards children.

His appearance absorbed the advantages of Nanyi and Scarlett, and he copied a lot from Nanyi in terms of temperament. He didn't feel superior to the fact that he was already standing in Rome, but he wanted to go to Rome in his own heart.

Nan Yi believes that even if all the external conditions of Nan Youqiong are stripped clean, he throws penniless money into the street, and rushes to hundreds of billions, it will not take him too long, but he has no chance to stand up to what he already has. high.

The right time, place and people are indispensable. If the weather is gone, no matter how strong the location and people are, it will not help. At present, there is no basic condition for reaching the top of the consortium. Only after the next reshuffle can a new consortium be born.

What will be the next shuffle?

Nanyi's forecast is war or a new industrial revolution, and it is more likely that war and industrial revolution will be intertwined, and war will promote the explosive development of science and technology.

In the future, they stayed in the Adler forest. The father and son left the forest and returned to the present. The two did not go the same way. Nan Yi went to New York, and Nan Youqiong rushed to become a trapeze artist. He is in the stage of active performance. He is not qualified to sit Read the report in the office.

More than a month passed in a dull manner, 2006 passed, and the first month of 2007 came.

Nanyi's imaginary age has been added, and the first year is only a beat behind.

As always, he didn't celebrate his birthday. In fact, in this life, he has never celebrated his birthday. There is nothing to celebrate. The body becomes younger, but the mentality cannot change. After a man is over thirty, how many people will have the fun of having a birthday.

What's more, being a human being in two lifetimes is divided into lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar, and he can't survive the four birthdays.

It was probably the day of the lunar calendar's birthday. Nanyi happened to be too lazy to cook, and he didn't bother to go out to eat. He just made a bowl of noodles casually, and added two eggs.

Eating noodles, looking at the finalized script that has been renamed from the tentative title of "The Years Like Water" to "You Fang Xin An".

The story of the script is still very vulgar. The main line of the story is the love between men and women who can’t be beaten to death. The core is the luxury version of "If you have a house, good things come naturally". "If you have a good house, there will be a good girl". .

Uh, that's not right, this drama belongs to high definition, and it was originally a commercial film invested by real estate tycoons.

After reading the script, Nanyi sent the electronic version to Jiang Xuanyan, asking her to read it first, then print out a copy, and send it to the big bosses in various real estate companies who gave money to read it one by one.

Asking Jiang Xuanyan to come forward, Nanyi wanted to see if she had any business talent. As long as she was a little bit high or low, he would give her a chance to push her in the direction of a film and television boss, and wait for the spent girls to pick up girls. When the fund was brought back, Zhenxuan Films would send her directly, and it would be up to her to become a phoenix or a moth later.

If Jiang Xuanyan and some real estate tycoon met each other, and had the idea of ​​"transferring love" and trying to climb another branch, he would be fine. Breaking up is inevitable. unimportant.

After eating noodles, Nan Yi went to the school, first to attend the academic affairs meeting, and then to the Institute of Economics and Economics.

The Institute of Civil Economics is a research institute that studies the private economy. The big boss is Li Yizheng. If something happens, the disciples will do their best. Nan Yi, a disciple, must work for the Institute of Economics.

It’s a bit false to say that. He has been working as a specially invited senior researcher liaison officer at the Institute of Civil Economics for almost a year and a half. He receives a monthly allowance that is higher than his salary. In the structure, this is the category of part-time job, otherwise, Pan Am Holdings invested a sudden sum, and he didn't need to set up a special category.

The meeting is still a retreat and has little to do with him. His title is a liaison officer, and his job is to do liaison work. He will be useful if the academy organizes activities that require specially invited senior researchers to attend—pick up the phone and call There are very few people who have to go to the door to notify.

According to Li Yizheng's meaning, this "specially invited senior researcher liaison officer" is working hard, and one day the word "liaison officer" will be accidentally removed, leaving only "specially invited senior researcher", which is not a mouthful to read .

Let's put it this way, among the specially invited senior researchers, the one with the worst status and qualifications is the deputy dean of the School of Economics of a 211 university. Nanyi is only half a step away from being an economic expert, and one and a half to two steps away from receiving the special national allowance .

After the meeting, as soon as he walked out of the venue, a middle-aged man who was about the same age as Nan Yi pulled Nan Yi aside. This person is Shi Dongning, who worked under Li Yizheng during his postdoctoral period, and was barely Nan Yi's junior.

"Nan Yi, do me a favor."

Nan Yi chuckled, "Old Shi, please invite the God of Wealth statue. Since last year, you seem to have been busy all the time. It's really enviable."

Compared with Nanyi's laziness, Shi Dongning is another extreme. The class fee is the most in the college, and the various classes held by the college are also actively participated in. The salary is just that, dead, but there are many other fees. You can get seven or eight thousand.

In addition, I also actively participated in consultants and research work invited by private bosses outside the school, and continued to earn extra money.

"I can't help it. The family has a heavy burden." Shi Dongning explained, and then said, "I have a research job that will take six or seven days. Please help me out."

Nan Yi put away his smiling face and said seriously, "Where are you going?"


When Nanyi heard the name of the place, he agreed, "Okay, I'll help you go, just give me a travel fee, and forget the rest."

Shi Dongning thanked him and introduced the details of the investigation to Nanyi.

In fact, there is nothing to introduce. Shi Dongning's job is a nominal job. The private boss only needs to investigate the actual occurrence of such a thing, instead of really needing a research report. What he is looking for is a kind of qualification improvement.

This job is simple, Nan Yi only needs to use Shi Dongning's name to go to the company to hold a fake meeting, then let his stomach suffer a little, eat a banquet, play in the film and television city for a day or two, and then go home.

After accepting the job, saying goodbye to Shi Dongning, and walking outside the school, the phone rang.

"Boss Pei, why did you think of calling me?"

The call was from Pei Shouyi, Nan Yi hadn't seen him for many years, but Pei Shouyi always asked someone to bring gifts to Nan Yi every year and festival.

"Nansheng, there is something I want to ask you."

"you say."

"One of my apprentices opened a packaging company, and just received an order to change the life of a young lady..."

"Wait a minute, isn't your business called an environmental studio or a cultural studio? When did it become popular to call it a packaging company?"

"Nansheng, listen to me, the packaging company run by my apprentice is owned by the packaging people, not Feng Shui."

"Packaging people, making people popular, like Sister Furong?"

"That's it."

"Oh, keep talking." Nan Yi thought it was quite interesting.

"My apprentice took a big order this time. The master has a daughter who has been raised according to the requirements of the wealthy wife since she was a child. She plans to wait for his daughter to grow up and marry into the wealthy family. But there is something wrong in the middle. This sister's grades in school are very average. Can't get into a good university."

"Understood, what services does your apprentice's contract include?"

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