There are cross talks about the past and the present, some criticizing the current disadvantages, and some dirty jokes. Now, the ancient times have been said almost, but the current politics are not easy to talk about, so we can only continue to dig deeper in the dirty jokes.

In the past, audiences who listened to cross talk underground on Tianqiao actually liked to listen to dirty jokes. Before talking about dirty jokes, the male audience would drive away women and children. Say nasty jokes.

Now, the times have progressed, men and women are equal, talking about nasty jokes doesn’t catch up with female customers anymore, some crosstalk artists even use nasty jokes to attract female customers, and some female customers are also dedicated to raunchy jokes.

Cross talk and two-person turn around are all things that are put on the floor. It is impossible to be too elegant. What is important is to go from the vulgar to the vulgar. It has not been many years to try to be elegant, not to mention that the elegance has not yet established itself, and it has given it educational significance. If you want to watch something that can make people laugh, you have to go to small theaters and teahouses.

Buy the ticket, pay for the tea, laugh when you want to laugh, fuck if you are unhappy, no one will chase you and ask if you have realized the hard-won happiness of today.


After listening to a joke stitched together by various memes on the Internet, Nan Yi spat, turned to Xu Yunlei and said, "I have a new business that I want to list in China in the future."

"Brother Nan, how far into the future?"

"Three to four years."

"It's too early to say that now."

"It's getting late, I don't want to engage in financial fraud. In order to make the financial indicators look better, I have piled up a lot of short-term profitable projects. Three years of glamorous data, the listing in the fourth year is a matter of course."

"Why don't you go abroad?"

"The prospect is uncertain, and the profit margin is limited. I plan to recoup the profits for the next fifteen years." Nan Yi picked up a pecan, pinched it into two halves, and handed half of it to Xu Yunlei.

Xu Yunlei took it, "Become a dead stock?"

"No, continue to thump, just let yourself be invincible first, so as not to be too busy." Nan Yi twisted the pulp into his mouth, chewed twice and said: "You come to the listing, here you go Two points, plus a buy right for four points."

"Not going to raise money?"

"If you don't, you might sell it a little bit, so don't worry about it, it won't be sold cheap."

Xu Yunlei pondered for a while, then said, "Brother Nan, is your new business just to make quick money?"

Nanyi rubbed his hands together, wiping off the scum on his hands, "You can put it this way, build a laboratory for my niece, 1.5 to 6 billion, I have to find a way to make up for the shortfall."

"Brother Nan!"

"Elders don't work, kneel down and kowtow to call uncle."

"A first 1.5 billion?" Xu Yunlei teased: "If you ask for this price, I'm really knocking it out, knocking out all your skulls."

"Beating, I have to go to the street to beg for food before your skin is worn out."

After a few coughs, the two finalized a major event that would happen in a few years.

After hearing the cross talk, the two went to Xu Yunlei's place again, made a pot, drank it and talked nonsense.

People are divided into groups, they can play together with Nanyi, and they all have similar temperaments. Xu Yunlei is also a master with a relatively simple life. He only likes to play games in Internet cafes and bring some gold. He rarely takes the initiative to go to other entertainment venues. I like to eat out, and as long as conditions permit, I will cook it at home.

But the craftsmanship is not good, so I can only make hot pot all the year round.

On Huang San'er's side, as soon as Ingrid Xu registered, there was some commotion.

Since the mid-1990s, that is, more than ten years ago, Huang San'er has been a number one figure in the business circle of the capital. This has something to do with her gender and her open-door business. What's more, Huang San'er, one of the major shareholders, was exposed. Those who have trouble digging and digging, and soon dug out the identity of the major shareholder of Inheritance Company and Feilong Internet Cafe.

Hu Run laughed when he heard the news, "Here comes another fat sheep."

Huang San'er followed the trend and retired, and it was not without reason that she became a public figure and could not be disturbed.

She's almost fifty, and she's a rich woman again. Some spiritual relatives worry about inheritance issues for her, and some people stomp their feet and grit their teeth, and pick up a steel wool ball and wipe it there.

Miangua, the name of the barbecue shop, has four or five branches, which is considered a chain.

Miangua is also a personal name. When Huang Saner’s men opened a bowling alley, Huang Saner gave Miangua and Glasses (Yan Jin) a share. The glasses were put into the inheritance company by Nanyi, and Miangua was dried Starting a business as a barbeque is like taking the old path of hyperthyroidism.

In Miangua, Miangua baked some skewers by himself, carried them on a tray into a small private room.

Bobobo, three consecutive beeps, the glasses opened three bottles of beer, and handed a bottle to each of the other two. The three of them touched the bottles and took a big gulp first.

"Miangua, is this business going well?"

"It's okay, the beer is playing lively, and the rebates have increased, and I have earned a few more drinks during this period." Miangua picked up some skewers and handed them to the two.

Huang San'er took a bite of the skewers, chewed the meat, and said vaguely: "Dry food is so tiring, let's find another job."

Miangua smiled and said, "I can't do anything else except this. Unlike glasses, I can calm down and read a book. Wearing a pair of glasses makes me look like an intellectual."

Adjusting the glasses on one side, he laughed awkwardly, "I was also forced, there is no ink in my stomach, and the people below don't accept you at all."

"You can do a lot, tell Nan Ye to open a few convenience stores..." Huang San'er recalled and said: "Last time I heard Nan Ye say that I will open a few convenience stores in places where there are many rental houses. Coin Laundromat is also an outlet, take advantage of the fact that no one is doing it now, make a fortune and leave."

"Laundry shop?" The glasses distracted, "What's the matter?"

"What else can I do, get a batch of coin-operated washing machines, modify the coin-operated machines, let them count accurately, and then rent a house and spread them out, and collect steel coins every night, which is similar to Hu Jian's setting up an Apple machine number."

Glasses is the boss who inherits housekeeping, and he knows everything about the place of fireworks in the world. After thinking about it for a while, he thinks this is a good business, "Master Huang, I'll take a share."

Huang San'er waved her big flower arm, "No, I won't get involved in this business, you two discuss it yourself."

Hearing this, the glasses looked at Miangua, "What do you say?"

"I only take money, and the share can be calculated less. The store is so busy, I have to catch up on sleep during the day."

Glasses nodded, "Success, I'll sum it up, we'll talk about it next time."

Huang Saner shook the wine bottle and said, "There is no threshold for this matter. You can open a store with 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. When there are more people following the trend, you will sell the store. The bulk of the profit comes from the transfer fee."

Mian Gua gave a thumbs up, "Master Nan is really awesome, he has done everything step by step."

"Master Nan is not good, who else is good." Huang San'er echoed, and asked abruptly: "Hey, have you two met Liu Zi recently?"

Glasses shook his head, "I haven't seen you for almost seven or eight years."

Miangua sneered, "Ever since I had a child, Mr. Nan will come to me every first lunar month, with food, clothing, and a big red envelope that never falls every year. Mr. Liu, heh, big boss, he's so good. Can't climb."

Huang San'er asked suspiciously, "Is there a story?"

Miangua waved his hand, "No, I ran into him once, and dismissed me without a word, as if I was afraid that I would borrow money from him. No matter how bad I am, I can still take out two or three hundred at any time."

Glasses teased: "It's really rich, I count all the private money hidden in the floor tiles, and I can't make up half a million."

Huang San'er knew what was going on as soon as she heard it, "You are very diligent in buying a house."

Glasses said happily: "When I went to buy a house at the end of last year, I happened to see a discount. I gritted my teeth and mortgaged seven houses. The monthly mortgage costs fourteen or five. Now life is very tight."

"Get cheap and sell well, what has the house price gone up to?" Miangua is relatively conservative, he buys a house leisurely, and when the house price rises slowly, he regrets it. Now when he hears the glasses talking about the house, he can't help but want to prick him. For a moment, "You only have half a million, how do you do business?"

"Take the house book and go to the bank for a mortgage, one is not enough for two." The glasses said in a snarl.

"Okay, you're awesome." Miangua gave a sluggish thumbs up, then looked at Huang San'er, "Master Huang, how much did you buy?"

Huang San'er said lightly: "I didn't buy much, but I bought shares in a few real estate projects. No dividends, just houses."

Miangua and the glasses looked at each other, and said in unison: "Master Huang, you are so awesome."

Leaving Xu Yunlei's residence, Nanyi went to Wanwanzhuang, leaning on the bedside, Gong Xue told him the story of Zhang Yuquan and Lin Sha.

When Zhang Yuquan heard the news that day, he hurried to the production crew to confirm that he had been cuckolded and had done nothing wrong with the man. He just gave Lin Sha a big blow, said "we're done", and then left.

Afterwards, Zhang Yuquan called Gong Xue again, "Bei Piao" was suppressed, and all the scenes about Lin Sha were deleted from the current filming of "Clang Girls", and he guaranteed compensation.

It is impossible for "Northern Drift" not to be broadcast, it has already been bought by the TV station, and it will offend people if it is chased back, so Gong Xue discussed it with Zhang Yuquan, Zhang Yuquan expressed his understanding, and forget it, "Clang Girlfriend" " must delete the scene.

Gong Xue readily agreed, and in order to express her apology, the adulterer was quickly fired, and then greeted several friends and businessmen, explaining how this person was fired, the subtext was to block him.

It is basically impossible for an adulterer to make a living in the circle. If he dares to sleep and "bring money into the group", who would dare to use it? If he commits another crime, he will cause trouble for himself.

"The day after he was fired, he was beaten."

"It deserves it, this couple can't figure it out, Zhang Yuquan is their food and clothing parent, they are also embarrassed. Let's start a new project, bring Zhang Yuquan, and strive for higher profits, it is an apology for him."

"Make a movie?"

"Well, after work the day after tomorrow, ask Wangbei Capital to send me a list of film projects on the market, and I'll take a look."

"Aren't you going to take pictures yourself?"

Nanyi put the book in his hand on the bedside table, and slid down into the bed, "It's best to follow suit, lest people misunderstand that we are going to grab food for the movie."

Gong Xue then retreated into the bed, and put her head into Nanyi's arms, "Now the box office has become higher, we really don't want to go in?"

"How high is it? Last year, the total was just over 2.6 billion. Even if we gave us all of the producer's share, it's a bunch of messy things. There's no need to go to this muddy water and guard those powers. Cinemas, just have a little right to speak in your hands.”

Nanyi closed his eyes, "I don't want to move, you want to sit up by yourself."

Gong Xue pressed close to Nanyi and said softly, "Shall we have a child?"

"You are sick, the child is a toy, you want it if you want it, have you asked the egg? Can it become a smart and healthy baby? When you are old, don't think wildly, and don't be so selfish. You are born to be He has to take care of his children and grandchildren for his children, they..."

"Okay, okay, if I didn't say it, you are always right." Gong Xue turned over and sulked.


"Yes, I will kill you even more."

Nan Yi said quietly: "Ten years ago, when you proposed to have a child, I would probably agree to you. Now, don't think about it. Too old parents are a kind of pressure on the child. Also, you may not be able to live until the child becomes an adult... It’s really rare, let’s adopt one.”

"Not eligible for adoption." Gong Xue said angrily.

"Nonsense, you are already qualified."

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