Not telling does not mean not knowing. Although Fan Hongdou kept a low profile, his name and photos were still circulated on the Internet. If you really want to find it, it is much easier to find Fan Hongdou than Xu Xiaofang.

Maybe there was a coincidence in the middle, maybe I followed Fan Hongdou's line, maybe...

Nan Yi said hello, came outside the restaurant, and called Yan Zhenhua.

"Zhenhua, do you have a case in hand?"

"Uncle, I just finished a case and haven't taken over a new case yet."

"Exactly, I'll give you a case. You go to the Shenfu over there in Qinchuan to investigate a man named Fan Chengzhang. He is 57 years old this year. He used to jump in the queue in Lu Province..." Nan Yi introduced Fan Chengzhang. Chengzhang's information, and then said: "He has a son named, let me think about it... Bingtai Purenyang, established by Peizhiduan, by the way, his name is Fan Lihui, he should be 30 years old this year.

I can't remember the information. I will send you an email later. You should form a team first and pick two capable people. "

"Uncle, the target is difficult?"

"Shenfu has coal."

"Understood, I'll call someone from the village."

"Well, I just need to know if Fan Chengzhang is sick, if so, what kind of sickness it is, and whether he is digging coal, and by the way, check Fan Lihui's virtues, just keep some wind down, no need to follow."

"What if it's a coal digger?"

Nan Yi chuckled, "Then you should be mentally prepared to plead for the people's lives. The next step is to visit the families of miners in distress. In the future, you may make a movie based on you, called "The Justice of the People."

"Uncle, I'm getting married soon, I don't want to die young."

"It's good to know that you are afraid. Black coal, coal is black, black coal is black, I have no acquaintances in Qinchuan, and I can't catch it. Be careful, and put away your sense of justice first."

"I will."

After making the phone call, Nanyi went back to the restaurant to have a conversation with Xu Xiaofang, and before three o'clock, he left for Yangcheng.

Clean up the house in Xinhepu, start the stove in the yard, sit on the casserole, add wolfberry, Chinese yam, red dates, Codonopsis pilosula, lily, Gorgon seed, Polygonatum odoratum into the pot, and when the water boils, take the vegetables Lin Guangwei came.

The two took the dishes and went to the pool in the yard to wash them together.

"Zhao Rong is pregnant again."

"Okay, I can add another child when I'm old. There's a third one, don't you plan to give her a name?"

"I don't want to get married."

"If you don't want to make a will, make a will, and share the property with her." Nanyi put the washed lettuce aside, shook the water on his hands, and took out the prepared horseshoe crab from the bag, "You wash the vegetables, I will wash them, you have to give Zhao Rong a sense of security, and don't let her worry about being beaten by chicken eggs."

Lin Guangwei was stunned, "I made a will, I'm afraid I won't live long."

Nan Yi laughed and scolded: "Pujie, Zhao Rong couldn't be snatched by you, right? I don't trust her at all."

"People's hearts are unpredictable."

"Add a clause in the will. If you die before your children are minors, I will take care of your property and pay Zhao Rong and the children monthly living expenses, which will be handed over after the children reach maturity."

Lin Guangwei pondered for a while, "Crazy line, if it's such a trouble, it's better to maintain the status quo."

"It's up to you, don't talk about your family affairs, let's talk about business affairs."

"Eat and chat."


Nanyi agreed, and speeded up the cleaning. After washing, they cut and planed in various ways. After everything was put on the table, the two chatted while washing.

"I need an external sound card with noise removal, low latency, and low distortion, as well as reverberation, telephone tone, noise reduction, and voice change functions; it needs to be compatible with mobile devices such as computers and tablets, and it is best to use dual channels to support dual device connections. , the connection methods include wired, bluetooth and WIFI."

Lin Guangwei started his career as a Walkman, and after working on Walkmans and tape recorders for several years, he worked hard in the field of audio and sound cards. Today, his Sunshine audio is a top domestic brand and the first choice of many HIFI beginners. No need for a sound card. More to say, Huayi and Erdong Electronics get a lot of goods from him in a year.

"For export?"

"Domestic sales first."

"How to connect to WIFI in domestic sales, shouldn't it be WAPI?"

"I am not optimistic about the future of WAPI. The WIFI connection function needs to be developed, but it can not be loaded at the beginning."


Lin Guangwei fell into deep thought and said after a while: "It can be realized functionally, but the cost will not be too low."

Nanyi waved his hand, "No, there must be a low-cost solution. After competition, the price of the low-end version of the terminal cannot exceed one thousand."


"How about I go to Huaqiang North?" Nan Yi said deliberately.

"You are a shareholder of Sunshine Pioneer."

"not me."

"It's not you, it's also your son, anyway, it's your Nan family." Lin Guangwei said: "Where is the sound card application you mentioned? Video chat or webcast?"

Nan Yi laughed and said, "You can do it, you actually know about webcasting."

"Strange?" Lin Guangwei said arrogantly: "I also know eBay, Amazon, Maobao, Goudong, and Sunshine Pioneer is negotiating with Maobao to settle in. In the future, the sales channel will become a combination of online and offline, and explore O2O model."

"Hey, it's terrible, it's very international, O2O is still a new thing in China, you know it?"

"You want to praise yourself in disguise? Eat shit!"


Undoubtedly, Lin Guangwei's international vision is guided by Nanyi. Just like Sunshine, from the very beginning, its competitors are several international big names. Strategically, it regards other domestic brands such as Tujiwagou, and tactically is ready. If there is a threat, if there is no opportunity to create an opportunity, it will be beaten to death.

The two chatted about the details again, Lin Guangwei left early, and tomorrow he will take his two children to play at the Dynamic Bay Water Club, so he has to go back to sleep early.

After Nanyi cleaned up the mess, he called up Fan Chengzhang's relevant information and sent it to Yan Zhenhua, and then fell asleep early.

The next day, fly to Shanghai.

When he came to Fan Hongdou's office, Nan Yi said, "Your father said he was dying, and he wanted to see you."

"Godfather, do you think I should see him?"

Fan Hongdou's face was as calm as water, without any waves.

"This is your own business, make up your own mind."

Fan Hongdou thought for a while and said, "Godfather, do you think he really wants to see me?"

"It's hard to say. His information is from fifteen years ago. I haven't paid attention to it since then. I don't know his current situation."

"Are you going to be in trouble?"

Fan Hongdou is more sunny than Nan Ruobing, but it doesn't mean she doesn't know anything about darkness. In fact, she has soaked in darkness before, and she knows all about the dirty side of the world.

"There is also the possibility of pretending to be sick. If there is a calculation involved, it will be very difficult for you to put an unfilial hat on your head and make things aroused. A thirty-three-year-old unmarried rich woman, your gossip will be very serious. There is a market."

"Godfather, have you sent someone over?"

"Not yet."

"If he is really dying, I will go to see him. If not, godfather, you make the decision for me. In my heart, I only have you as my father."

Nanyi smiled knowingly, "Old girl, you should think about it, you should know my style of doing things, he is your real father after all."

"Born without raising, there is no kindness to speak of, I don't owe him anything, godfather, the "Book of Filial Piety" and "Erya" you taught me are useless." Fan Hongdou chuckled.

"What a smart person I am, how can I talk in vain? Look now, you are not loving me. That's right, there are three things that are not filial. You should also think about getting married and having children. Preparations for wedding dress and dowry After more than ten years, it’s time to use it.”

Fan Hongdou got up and walked behind Nanyi, leaned on his back and said coquettishly, "Godfather, you have raised me so well, no man can match me."

"It's narcissistic enough, you live your life by yourself, and I won't force you if you don't get married, but ah, you are not young, and there are not many women who don't want to have children in their bones. You don't want to have children now, but it doesn't mean that you will have children in the future." I don't want to, do something to leave room for regret, so as not to regret for life in the future."

Fan Hongdou said quietly: "I want to find a man who surpasses me in all aspects, just like a godfather, but he must treat me well with all his heart, and he can't be promiscuous outside."

Nanyi raised his hand and poked Fan Hongdou's forehead, "You don't want to make a wish. A man's pursuit is to wake up and hold a murderous sword, and lie drunk on the lap of a beauty. You will not be the only one who is stronger than you. You have to do it For this kind of dream, watch more TV series produced by Beijing Film and Television, all of which are based on the daydreams you women love to have."

"Godfather, I'm a little girl, not a silly girl, who likes to watch that kind of TV series."

"Old girl."

"Hmm~" Fan Hongdou pouted, "Little girl."

"Okay, little girl, don't bother you anymore, I'm leaving, you can continue to work."

"Godfather, don't you want to eat together?" Fan Hongdou stood up and straightened the collar of Nan Yi's clothes.

"No, I have a good friend here, let's find her to eat."

Fan Hongdou teased, "Godfather, you are so busy."

"Don't be busy. Looking around the world, there are still so many proletarians struggling to get enough food and clothing. When I think of them, I can't sleep all night. Let's just say that Honduras' per capita GDP is only 1,560 US dollars, which is too little. No way. Ah, I plan to donate 100 billion U.S. dollars every year so that the people of Honduras don’t need to work eight hours a day, eight hours, I can’t bear it alone, I feel distressed.”

Fan Hongdou snorted, "Godfather, if you have money, you should donate it to me. There are still many employees in our group who can't afford a house. Some of them can only live in far away places, and the commuting time is at least two hours a day."

"What's the use of donating it to you? It can be on the international news? You don't have a house here, it's easy to deal with. Give each subsidiary president a villa, and then send a press release. Nanguo Hongdou Group will give employees free housing. If you question it, just say that the word 'advanced' is missing."

Fan Hongdou covered her mouth and smiled, "Godfather, you'd better go, I won't talk nonsense to you."

"Hey, you left me to eat just now, but now you're driving me away, duplicity." Nan Yi shook his head and sighed, "People's hearts are not old, baby girl is not as good as a box of stones, without stones, the old man will starve to death."

"Godfather, you're not old enough to be a child." Fan Hongdou said helplessly.

"Hehe, let's get acquainted in advance." Nanyi stood up and patted Fan Hongdou's shoulder, "Okay, I'm really leaving this time. I read your last physical examination report, and all the indicators are not as good as the previous one. Pay attention to rest."


After leaving Yinke Mansion, Nanyi went to Ke Jianzhen's house again.

The old man and the old lady don't have to worry about eating and drinking, and they don't fight with the world. They have nothing to worry about, and their bodies are very strong.

Accompanied the old man to play a few games of chess, and in the complaints about the stinky chess basket, the old man was somewhat proud of winning the chess. He should indeed be proud. Nanyi really couldn't beat him, and he didn't intend to give in.

The old lady loves playing mahjong and square dancing. There are activities every afternoon and evening, and she has a very fulfilling life.

The two are stronger than Fang Mengyin. Fang Mengyin doesn't like to participate in activities of other old men and women. According to her, she wants to be quiet. In fact, Nan Yi knows that Fang Mengyin has been carrying it and won't be compatible with others. She has Miss Fang. pride.

If she had been a little more forgiving, she and Yi Jinru would have reconciled long ago.

I ate the first half at Ke Jianzhen's place, and the second half at Fang Mansion. There was only half a bowl of rice for the whole meal.

Around eight o'clock, Nanyi went to Wang Xiaomi's date.

The car drove to a traffic light, which happened to be a red light. Nan Yi, who had been watching the night scene, saw a familiar face among the pedestrians crossing the zebra crossing.

"The blue-gray suit, the one with the briefcase on his back, stop him later."

Miao Xiaolan glanced for confirmation, waited for the green light to turn on, and drove the car to a parking gap.

Nan Yi got off the car and walked towards the target who was suspected to be A Guang. Seeing his face, the target was surprised at first, then stepped up to him, and said with embarrassment: "Uncle Nan."

"still remember me?"

Nan Yi looked at Ah Guang's face and recalled the changes on Comparative's face.


"Work for someone or be your own boss?"

Hearing this, Ah Guang laughed at himself: "A boss who is not as good as a part-time job."

"What degree do you have?"

Ah Guang touched the back of his head, and said shyly, "Junior college."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"


"stay together?"

Aang nodded.

"Do you have a phone?"

Aang nodded again.

"Have you had dinner?"

Ah Guang shook his head.

"Ask your girlfriend to take a taxi here, and I'll treat you to supper."

Ah Guang showed a look of embarrassment, and said in his mouth, "Uncle Nan, yes, or forget it, we live a little far away."

"Why are you being polite to me, you kid didn't stop eating and drinking at my place back then." Nan Yi said, then changed the subject, "Let your girlfriend come, I'll pay her the taxi fare."

As soon as Nan Yi said this, the embarrassment on Ah Guang's face became heavier, and his predicament was actually seen through.

"Don't babble, you don't feel ashamed if you don't get enough money when you're doing business, so hurry up and make a phone call, won't your phone be shut down for arrears?"

"No, no, I, I'll call." As he spoke, Ah Guang took out his phone.

Seeing A Guang calling, Nan Yi also took out his phone and called Wang Xiaomi to change the time and place of the appointment.

After the phone call, Nan Yi asked Ah Guang, "Do you have any cigarettes on you?"

"I, I don't smoke." When Ah Guang spoke, his right hand shrank back subconsciously.

"I'll make up nonsense and think about it later. Your right index finger and middle finger are both yellow. What kind of cigarettes do you usually smoke?"

Ah Guang lowered his head and looked at the instep, and said softly, "Xin'anjiang."

"Gel Pu Dao, one bag of soft Zhonghua, one bag of soft shell Red Double Happiness, and one bag of Xin'anjiang." After Nan Yi gave the order, he said to Ah Guang, "How long have you been in Shanghai?"

"Eight months."

"what kind of business?"

"graphic design."

"You don't study visual communication in college, do you?"

Ah Guang raised his head, "How could Uncle Nan know?"

"Guess. You're the only one in your company?"

"Two, my girlfriend is with me." After a short period of shyness, Ah Guang became fluent in speaking.

"Oh." Nan Yi nodded, "Did you just run a business?"

"Just came from a client."

"Do you have a work with you?"

"Bring it." Without waiting for Nan Yi to ask, A Guang directly took out a picture album, "Uncle Nan, take a look."

Nan Yi took it, turned a few pages, and saw something from it, "The layout is Japanese style, the color matching is Korean style, and the details have the characteristics of web design. Did you do web design at the beginning?"

Ah Guang widened his eyes and said in surprise, "Uncle Nan, how did you know?"

Nan Yi closed the album and smiled, "I'm a semi-professional, how could I not know, do you want to tell the truth?"


"Okay, let me ask you a question first. Did you and your girlfriend collaborate on this album, or did you download a few templates from the Internet and modify it?"

"Hey, there are both." Ah Guang scratched the back of his head again.

"Change your career. It can be seen from your composition that you don't have art skills. You don't know art when you do design. You can't die compared to someone with art skills who worked for two years. Maybe you have talent, maybe you haven't discovered it before. so what?

Even if you are the best graphic designer in the country, you can earn one or two million a year, and when you become a boss, you can add another two or three million. A net profit of five million a year is already very impressive. "

Nan Yi took the cigarettes from Ge Pudao and passed them to A Guang, "Your professional skills are not good enough, and your business ability is not good enough. Many bosses here in Shanghai regard the soft red Double Happiness of seven yuan as rations. You smoke ten yuan In Xin'anjiang, he can't get up or down, he can't hand over, and he is suspected of saving other people's face.

Either smoke Double Happiness, or simply carry Zhonghua business cigarettes in your pocket, life will be tighter, and you will lose face.

Tell me, what do you smoke in private? "

Ah Guang took out a pack of red gold Xuchang from his trouser pocket, "Smack this."

Nanyi glanced, "I've never seen this cigarette before, how many packs are there?"

"Two dollars and five."

"It's so difficult. I heard that your parents were doing business outside. Didn't you ask for help at home?"

A Guang lit a piece of gold Xuchang, his whole body was full of desolation, "I lost everything in the private estate, and owed a whole lot of debt."

"Oh." Nan Yi thought for a while, "Playing online games?"


"Research on private servers."

"Private server?" Ah Guang said in surprise, "I heard it's hard to do now."

"It's hard to do it is said by people who have experienced making a lot of money. It should not be as easy to do now as it used to be, but it is still possible to earn some hard money. Don't hang yourself on a rope in graphic design. This thing is about talent. Obviously you don't know how to do it. It looks like some, your girlfriend is not bad, and its works can be seen to have a solid foundation."

As Nanyi said, he took out his wallet, pulled out a wad of money, and selected 30 of them, "Okay, that's all I've said, I'll give you something practical, take it, and wait until you have more money." Give me back, don't refuse, show off your cheeky childhood."

Ah Guang is really having a hard time now, so he accepted the money after being polite once.

The two then chatted for a while, and waited for about an hour before Ah Guang's girlfriend arrived. After the introduction, Nanyi knew that the other party was Fu Fuyu, who was also from Yecheng, and he and Aguang were high school classmates and college classmates, and they were together since the first year of high school.

I found a mid-range restaurant nearby and entertained the young couple for a sumptuous meal. During the dinner, Nan Yi chatted with Fu Fuyu, and found that the other party was a very thoughtful person. Nan Yi immediately left her a Doudou number.

After eating, I called a taxi for the young couple and paid for the taxi first.

When Nan Yi came to Wang Xiaomi's residence, he saw Xiao Nizi sleeping on the floor of the living room, surrounded by Chivas Regal, Tea Research Workshop, potato chips, shrimp crackers and other snacks. Look, half the bottle has been killed.

Shaking Wang Xiaomi's body, but not waking up, Nan Yi gave up, carried him to the master bedroom, went downstairs to clean up the mess, and went to the second bedroom to rest.

As soon as he felt a little drowsy, Nanyi heard the sound of the doorknob turning, and then heard light footsteps, the creaking of the bed, and then, his stomach felt heavy.

Nan Yi opened his eyelids, staring at the blurred figure and jokingly said, "Is it fun to pretend to be drunk?"

"Ah~" Wang Xiaomi screamed, "Uncle, are you still asleep?"

"Asleep, woke up by sitting on you."

"It's better not to sleep, uncle, get up and exercise."

"Aha, little girl, you always give me an illusion, as if I've been taken care of by you."

Wang Xiaomi said angrily: "It's good if it's like this. When I want to see you, you have to come to me as soon as possible. It's not like now, you can only meet once in a few months. Uncle, you are on a yearly basis. Don't waste it, if you don't come a few more times, you are not at a loss."

"Hahaha, you dare to say anything." Nanyi hooked Wang Xiaomi's neck and pulled him into his arms, "Have you brushed your teeth yet?"

"No, I vomited in the toilet." Wang Xiaomi smiled slyly.

"I don't care, anyway, it's you who like to kiss, not me."


Saying that, Wang Xiaomi's mouth blocked Nanyi's mouth...

the next day.

When Nanyi got up, Wang Xiaomi got up right after him, and the two put on their sportswear and went downstairs for a morning run.

Wang Xiaomi first learned dance when she was a child, and then learned Peking opera. She is good at Daomadan, and she is used to getting up early to practice since she was a child. Apart from Zhao Shixian, she is the second woman Nanyi knows who can accompany him to watch the sunrise.

After morning exercise, they were sweating all over, and the two of them couldn't help themselves again immediately after that under the shower head. Afterwards, he accompanied Wang Xiaomi to Weili Dental Clinic to consult with a dentist about the orthodontic plan.

Big, dense and white teeth are rare. Everyone has some problems with their teeth. I don’t know when the entertainment industry began to pay attention to teeth, ranging from orthodontics to veneers and crowns. Xiaomi is no exception, she also pays attention to teeth, but before she met Nanyi, she couldn't pay much attention to them.

It is said that Weili Dental has the word "mean profit", and the most affordable orthodontic solution has to charge more than 20,000 yuan. The gross profit at this price is actually very low, only about 18,000 yuan, and the business is very difficult to maintain.

The dentist's plan for Wang Xiaomi was to extract a tooth and then perform orthodontic treatment. For the sake of beauty, Wang Xiaomi prefers to use invisible braces.

At that time, Nanyi's mind was spinning fast, calculating how much money would be left after taking out the money from the left pocket and returning it to the right pocket. As time passed, Nanyi's flight back to the capital in the morning was rescheduled to the afternoon, and it was near the evening.

It's May Day, and the raccoon mobile phone launch conference will be held at 1:30 p.m. New York time. Nanyi doesn't want to stay up late, so he can only miss the live broadcast and wait for the next morning to watch the video.

The most potential market for mobile phones must be domestic, followed by India, and then North America. Although the North American market is the most important thing for Li Mobile now, it does not intend to turn the Li Group into a North American company. Its label of Huaguo Enterprise is not subject to change.

Just for the convenience of shipping in North America, a raccoon company was established in New York, and then it obtained the brand and patent authorization of the raccoon group in its name, and then placed an order for Aotai Precision Industry for production. In this way, it is theoretically sold in North America. The raccoon phone comes from an American company.

However, Nanshi is not the only shareholder of the Beaver Company. It has a long list of shareholders, including powerful people from all walks of life.

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