Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1187: A Shrewd Person

"So what if I threaten you,"

"Thin skin and tender flesh, damn it." Nan Yi stroked his chin and said to himself, "It's reasonable and legal, strict and strict, do the police a favor and get a good citizen award."

Regarding this so-called scout, Nan Yi believed that as long as he picked it up, his crotch would be full of shit.

Naturally, someone will do things, Nan Yi just needs to sit and wait for his daughter to get off work, and the time to get off work will arrive soon, Nan Ruoqi changed her clothes and came to him.

"Daddy, didn't you help just now?"

Nan Yi stroked Fu Nan Ruoqi's hair, "Do you still need my help in such a small scene?"


Nan Yi smiled lightly, "Then, I was taken away by the police, I was paid a lot of money, and I still have to go to Stanley to study for half a year?"

"According to the normal logic of a story, it should develop like this. Daddy was wronged and imprisoned, and I was at a loss. At the most helpless moment, the domineering CEO appeared. He only said one word, and rescued Daddy..."

"Well, I'm the background board of the story, and it's just for plump people, right?"

Nan Ruoqi nodded proudly, "Daddy understands right."

Nan Yi hugged Nan Ruoqi's arm, and walked out lightly, "You are so good at making up stories, why don't you take the time to write a script. You will be the screenwriter, and I will be the director. Let's make a big production."

Nan Ruoqi said happily, "Daddy, how much profit can the script take?"

"You, you are so young and have no reputation. You are not asked to pay the sponsorship fee because of your father's face. How dare you ask me for a share of the proceeds?"

Nan Ruoqi wiped her nose and said, "Father Nanyi."

"Ah! You are actually the daughter of Mr. Nanyi, who is handsome, elegant, elegant, dignified, dignified, majestic, and talented?" In Deep Water Bay, Shallow Water, Central, you actually bumped into Miss Nanda, please forgive me."

"Hmph, a humble man who is as cheap as an ant, yet dares to show his teeth to me, a noble son from a poor family." Nan Ruoqi pointed at Nan Yi's nose and said, "You, you, you, you, you are really a heinous crime. Come on, punish... Ling Chi executed."

"You're pretty good at acting. Shall I hum "A Generation of Queens" for you?"

"Okay..." Nan Ruoqi ducked to the side, "A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands. Fighting is like making decisions for the people. It's fine to stay in words, and it's not advisable to put it into action. My good comrade, how many painful things are ahead? Lesson, the more you do, the more mistakes you will make, so keep it in mind.”

"Hey, you're pretty similar to me, the content is similar, and the tone of speech is also similar." Nan Yi grabbed Nan Ruoqi's neck, "Say, are you trying to usurp the throne?"

"Hee hee, does your family have a throne?" Nan Ruoqi suddenly pointed to the sky, "Daddy, look, UFO."

Nan Yi patted Nan Ruoqi on the head, jokingly said: "I taught most of your skills, if you want to kick me in the crotch, you are dreaming."

"No, I'm going to kick your neck high." As she spoke, Nan Ruoqi moved as she said, raising her right leg high and pointing her toes towards Nan Yi's neck.

Nan Yi ducked his head to the left, and tapped the soleus muscle of Nan Ruoqi's calf with the tip of his right toe, "If you move again, I will kick your numb muscles."

"Daddy, please speak louder. You should say that you use Baiwei to touch my Yangling acupoint." Nan Ruoqi said dissatisfied.

"Bai Wei?" Nan Yi complained, "I'm still Pinellia. Killing skills are used to kill people. You don't need a high-level name."

"A senior person should use advanced moves." Nan Ruoqi retorted.

"Seniors also have to eat, this senior, what are you having for dinner?"

"A high-end meal."

The high-end meal is a picnic. The father and daughter took a yacht to Huoshizhou, took a variety of seafood from the Zhongsha breeding base, and put on a full set of equipment. They hiked to the top of the mountain, lit a charcoal fire, and fully enjoyed the freedom of tasting seafood.

After staying in Xiangtang for two days, Nanyi returned to the capital by flight at dusk. According to Wang Xiaomi's text message, Nanyi came to a house to watch the crew film a scene of playing cards after dinner.

The game was held at the home of the third female Xiaochen played by Wang Xiaomi. Xiaochen answered the phone and yelled at the other end of the phone: "There is no end, can you let me play a few rounds of cards? Don't come, Don't call me either, who is to blame if I light the cannon?"

Hanging up the phone with a snap, Xiaochen grabbed a card from the card table, "Cen that, it's West Wind again, and it's on the air today."

Nanyi has read the complete script and knows that the call is from Xiaochen's soon-to-be "ex-boyfriend". He is an insignificant character with few scenes. The main function is to make Xiaochen angry in several key plots.

"Hey, Xiaochen, how is your performance recently? I heard that your real estate has sold for 21,000 square meters?" said the second female Xiaoying played by Jiang Xuanyan.

"Why are you asking, the performance is of course good. There are many rich people in Shanghai, and the supply of houses is in short supply. Xiaochen has made a lot of money."

The one who grabs the conversation is Ou Yangming, the second male. His company has business dealings with the real estate company Xiaochen works for. The name of this role player is also Ou Yangming, and the character is named after him.

"Ouyang Ming, how did you become my spokesperson? You don't need to put gold on my face, let me tell you, I have a lot of internal and external troubles recently, and I am full of anger."

"Don't be falsely modest, you've done well enough, you're about to become a supervisor, and you're still complaining to us."

"Ouyang Ming, you are quite well informed. I haven't been promoted for long, but you know my movements like the palm of your hand." Xiao Chen took out a piece of cake and squeezed it out, "Why don't you jump to our company and sell the property together? Give me a hand?"

"Nonsense, Xiaochen shoot! What kind of subordinate, just like this, you lose more points to me." Ouyang Ming pushed down the cards, "Xiaochen, you can see clearly, you just clicked this time. There are seven pairs of cannons in one color."

"Take us into the ditch together." Xiaoying and Jiang Lai, the girl played by Bai Xue, said in unison, both of them looked depressed.

Ouyangming, Jiang Lai, Xiaoying, and Xiaochen are college classmates, and they have a very good relationship. According to the development of the plot, only Xiaochen is engaged in real estate sales at this time, and the jobs of the other three are closely related to real estate.

Xiaoying grumbled and complained, "I still have a pair of concealed bars and no bars here, and I want to touch another pair of Hu Huaxuan's seven pairs."

Xiaochen also looked depressed. According to the arrangement of the plot, tonight she will have bad luck, sit directly on the fort, and play a little friendship mahjong to lose the little one thousand.

When the hour hand pointed to ten o'clock on the monitor, Xiaochen's phone rang again, and she answered impatiently, "Hey, are you finished?"

Xiaochen thought it was her ex-boyfriend's phone call, but in fact it was a call from a friend of hers, saying that a wealthy man who was drinking with her in a bar wanted to buy a villa, so she asked her to go over and get it.

After hanging up the phone, Xiaochen pushed the cards, "No more, no more, I have to take a step ahead."

Xiaoying hurriedly knocked on the table, "Hey, don't rush away, I still have something to ask you."

Xiaochen stood up and urged: "What's the matter, tell me quickly."

"Whether the housing prices in Shanghai will rise or fall this year, please help me predict."

Xiaochen picked up her bag and said firmly, "Let me tell you, in the next few years, there will only be one word for house prices. It will go up, and it will go up, either steadily or skyrocketing. If you want to buy a house, hurry up."

Xiaoying: "I have a cousin who has some savings. The bank deposit interest rate is too low. She is afraid of risk when investing in stock funds. She is hesitating whether to buy a house. Can you give me some advice?"

Xiaochen: "Believe me, buying as soon as you have money is much better than saving in a bank. Even if you are old and young, buying a set can keep your value in your hands."

Xiaoying: "Didn't it mean that the state will introduce policies to regulate housing prices?"

"The policy orientation is correct, but can it be implemented?" Xiaochen asked.

Xiaoying rolled her eyes and asked again: "When will the second phase of your company's real estate project open?"

"Maybe I won't believe it, wait for the housing price to rise before opening, let's go."

Here, Xiaochen’s narration will be added later, “My company built 19 buildings at the same time this year, but only 5 buildings were opened in the first phase, and the remaining houses will be divided into several batches and listed for sale one after another. The method of breaking the whole into parts is also a unique survival logic gradually formed by real estate developers, in order to increase prices and achieve the artificial illusion of short supply.

Perhaps it should not be said to be an illusion. The supply of houses is indeed in short supply.

We, real estate practitioners, use hunger and thirst marketing, just to let the owners who bought first feel that the house is appreciating when they see the price increase, while the latecomers will accelerate the implementation of the house purchase plan because of the price increase. "

The core of "You Fang Xin An" is to tell people that house prices will continue to rise. Those who want to buy a house should buy it quickly, and if they don’t have enough money, they should borrow it quickly. Don’t think about saving enough money before buying. In the plot screen, several real estate properties owned by "advertisers" will appear repeatedly. While exposing some bad practices of real estate developers, they will be compared and praised.

As Xiaochen walked out of the camera range, the director uttered a cut, and a long shot ended immediately. The other actors went to the side to rest. the screen below.

Nanyi didn't go to join in the fun, nor did he greet anyone, but just left quietly, and sent a text message to Jiang Xuanyan on the way: Tell the director, the villain is closely related to the real estate developer, and the policy must be positive, as little as possible. talk.

Leaving professional matters to professional people, Nanyi doesn't know how to film, so he is unwilling to intervene too much. As long as "You Fang Xin An" does not have incorrect value orientation and lead to suspension of the broadcast, as long as it does not deviate from the core, he will not care about the production team. how to shoot.


Sanlitun, MIX bar.

This is a bar with a surprisingly hot business. Even if tickets are charged, it is still full every day. Trendy dressed men and women drink and have fun under the dim light, and an ambiguous atmosphere flows in the air.

The bar in the early morning is like a primeval forest in spring. A large group of male wild boars in estrus are chasing the female wild boars, and the female wild boars just scratch their heads and pose, which is a typical example of fanning the flames. Into the depths of the forest no longer appears.

Maybe there are a few lucky male wild boars who find the female wild boars and quickly switch places to proceed to the next step. You pretend not to know and I pretend to be inexperienced.

Of course, most of the time, the male wild boar will only be teased mercilessly, and even have to bite the bullet to pay for the high consumption. Teasing, a popular saying among them is "to tease you"!

In a partition by the wall, Ren Baishui sat with Li Lianhua and her younger sister and manager Li Xuelan. The three chatted about light topics. On the sofa, the short hair with a high charm index was scattered messily, and the sexy and seductive gully was looming in the wide open collar.

After chatting for a while, Ren Baishui took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and said to Li Lianhua: "The people I'm waiting for are coming soon, Lianhua and Xuelan, you sit down first, I'll go to the door to meet you, and I'll go to another place later." On the side, come back after talking."

"Bai Shui, sit down together." Li Xuelan's eyes were a little hot when she spoke.

It can be said that Li Xuelan has made great contributions to Li Lianhua's transformation from a small actor to a leading domestic actress. Without her hard work, Li Lianhua would probably still be able to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, but she would definitely not be where she is today. status.

Li Xuelan is a shrewd person, and she is willing to let go. For the sake of her sister's development, she is worried. Just now, Ren Baishui said that she has made an appointment with a "big shot", so of course she wants to get in touch.

"Maybe it's not quite right..." Seeing Li Xuelan's earnest eyes, Ren Baishui withdrew his refusal, "I'll ask the other party later."

Ten minutes later, Ren Baishui was wearing a baseball cap with the brim pressed down, scanning the passing vehicles. Once a car slowed down, his eyes would focus on the car.

Having missed five or six cars, Ren Baishui turned his attention to a car that slowed down and started to turn - an old domineering car, which looks well maintained from the outside. I can't tell what's wrong.

Nan Yi got out of the car, glanced at the simple English letter signboard on the door of the bar, then lowered his eyes and scanned around, easily locked on Ren Baishui who was wearing a hat, pulled the hem of his clothes, Nan Yi rushed at him walked over.

Nanyi locked Ren Baishui, and Ren Baishui also locked him.

Relying on his directness, Ren Baishui decided that Nanyi was the person he was waiting for. Looking at the person who was walking towards him, he also stepped forward to meet him, before Nanyi said, "Mr. Nan?"

"Yes." Nan Yi shook Ren Baishui's right hand with a pleasant face, "Xiao Ren, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting."

"It didn't take long, my friend and I just came here for a while."

Nanyi heard Ren Baishui mentioning his friend's deliberation, and asked as he wished: "Are there any friends?"

"Li Lianhua and her younger sister Li Xuelan are here."

"It's them. Coincidentally, I like the characters played by Li Lianhua very much. When I meet real people, I want to compare the difference between real people and characters."

Ren Baishui smiled charmingly: "If Lianhua knows that Mr. Nan likes her performance, she will be very happy."

"Praise me, I'm not a judge of the film awards, so I can't present awards to Ms. Li. I'm just one of Ms. Li's ordinary fans. I'll have to ask her to sign an autograph later."

When Nanyi was talking, he was recalling the roles played by Li Lianhua in his mind. After much deliberation, he couldn’t think of one that left a deep impression on him. There were even several characters entangled together, and it was hard to tell which one was which. We should not talk about the roles later. topic of.

The two of them were talking, and when they reached the main entrance of the bar, Nan Yi suddenly stopped and said, "Xiao Ren, Ruan Mei probably didn't tell you, but I proposed the artist care fund, and Ruan Mei was responsible for establishing it. I am the major shareholder, and she is a minority shareholder.

I have been doing business since the 1980s. I have been in the business world for more than 20 years, and I still have some contacts in the mainland. Therefore, the artist care fund will not be unacceptable in the mainland. Rather than expanding its business to the mainland, it is better to say is a regression. "

Hearing this, Ren Baishui suddenly realized, no wonder a strategic advisor popped up out of nowhere.

"Should I call you boss?" Ren Baishui laughed.

Nan Yi responded with a smile, "There is no need to call the boss. I actually don't like doing business, and I don't have much desire for money. It's just that I was greedy when I was a child. Although the family conditions are not too bad, I can't eat many snacks I want to eat. , Then go to sea to do business.

A few years ago, my money was enough to spend the rest of my life. As long as I could afford to eat and drink, I would almost retire. I didn’t take the initiative to care about business matters. I'm doing a job as a schoolteacher.

If you like, you can call me Professor Nan, or Teacher Nan. I am a good teacher, and teaching is the most suitable profession for me. "

"Professor Nan, you have reached the realm of returning to basics." Ren Baishui said with a thumbs up.

"Haha, don't say that." Nanyi smiled and waved his hands, "Everyone who knows me knows that I like to pretend to be knowledgeable and Bole, not to mention, pretending to be faking, I really like Zenhua Maxima feeling.

Xiao Ren, Ruan Mei said that you are a great horse, but you misfired at the first shot, which is not good. You have to work harder to change your status as a professional manager as soon as possible, and become a shareholder of Sulai, a shareholder of the artist care fund. , you and I become partners. "

Ren Baishui said excitedly: "Professor Nan, I will definitely work harder."

"I'm waiting to see your performance. Don't be scruples, and don't worry about gains and losses. I value the spirit of contract the most, and I will do what I promise." Nan Yi patted Ren Baishui's arm, "You will know when the time comes Yes, all right, let's go in."

The two walked into the bar, and the deafening and restless music came to Nanyi's ears, which made him a little uncomfortable. Now he doesn't like to come to this kind of bar that is too loud, and the only thing he can accept is the quiet bar .

After going around half a circle, they came to the partition where sister Li Lianhua was. When her sister Li Xuelan saw Nan Yi, she exclaimed, "Master Nan?"

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