Transform the pipeline leading into the river and install a vortex generator for continuous power supply.

Also consider installing two battery packs. When the river water level drops and the generator fails to generate electricity, the battery packs will provide backup power.

Nanyi dare not use the electricity at home.

At this time, there is no guarantee of electricity consumption in rural areas, not to mention daily power outages, but they will be shut down for a while every now and then. This is because of insufficient power generation, and priority is given to supplying electricity to industries and urban areas.

Even in the villages that have been powered on, which households don't have a few candles?

As soon as it was said, Nanyi calculated the position to install the camera, and the incandescent lamp in the hall went out.

"Ruo Fing, light the candlestick."


Nan Ruofing climbed onto the grand master's chair, polished the matches, first lit the red candle on one candlestick, then lit the other on the fire, and put a candlestick beside Nanyi.

"Daddy, shall we make torches?"

Seeing the candle, Nan Ruofing thought of making a torch for fun.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow night. We have to finish the calculation today. Come and help Dad do the calculation together."

Children are not mature, during the day, Nan Ruofing is still enthusiastically helping with the calculations, but at night, she has no interest.


Nan Ruofing took the paper and pen, and also took a calculator to Nan Yi's side to help with the calculation.

The next day, early in the morning, Nan Yi took Nan Ruofing over the barbed wire with a bucket of urine, and went to his vegetable garden to water the orange trees.

Although Nan Ruobing didn't have a "Certificate of Farming in Transit", she was a child and knew her face well, so she wasn't so particular about it, so she didn't need to show any Hong Kong ID card at all.

"Dad, are the oranges ripe?"

"Some are already cooked, you can pick and eat them if you want."

The seedlings Nanyi bought were half-grown. The saplings have been cultivated for more than two years, and he has been planting them for a little over a year. This year happened to bear the first fruit.

Looking at the dense oranges on the orange tree, Nanyi felt a little pity.

I was not at home in the spring, and I didn't cut off most of the flower buds. In the first year, there were so many fruits, and the orange tree was damaged.

"Ah, Dad, so many caterpillars."

"Be careful, Dad has never applied pesticides, be careful of being stung."


Upon hearing this, Nan Ruofing carefully folded off the three greenish-yellow oranges, hurriedly peeled them off and stuffed them into her mouth.

"Dad, it's still a little sour."

"It's okay, you take it back and bury it in the grain of the grain cabinet, and it will become sweet tomorrow night."

"Oh, why is that?"


Nanyi was stunned, he only knew that doing this could accelerate the ripening, but he really didn't know the reason for this.

"Father doesn't know either. I heard from the old man before. You can check the answer yourself. When you find it, you can teach it to Dad, okay?"


Nanyi has been consciously conveying to Nan Ruofing the concept that "father is not omnipotent", and also conveying the signal to her to learn more knowledge, surpass herself, and in turn teach herself.

Nan Ruofing did not disappoint Nan Yi. Her knowledge structure is already very large. When she stuffs more knowledge into her mind, she is expected to become an all-rounder in the future.

After Nanyi finished watering, he hoeed off the grass extending beyond the orange tree plot towards She Mie Gate.

Weeds grow under the fruit trees, although they will encroach on some nutrients, but it is also beneficial not to hoe them. In the early morning, there will be dewdrops on the grass blades, which will reflect sunlight to the oranges after being illuminated, so that the lower part of the oranges can also receive light, and the development of the oranges will be more healthy and the taste will be better.

Of course, this must first be the same as Nanyi, the planting density of orange trees should not be too high.

After weeding, Nanyi covered his forehead with his hands, and looked up at the sky. There was a dark cloud in the northwest direction, slowly moving towards Shajiaotou.

According to this speed of movement, it will take about three hours to float to Wenchangwei.

Coincidentally, Nanyi still lacks rainfall data collection, and he still needs to calculate the angle of rainfall, so as to design a suitable camouflage angle to cover the location of the hidden camera.

"Father, I'll give you a gift." Nan Ruobing said to Nan Yi mysteriously, hiding her small hands behind her back.

"what gift?"

"You close your eyes."

"Hehe, you treat your father and I as fools, show me what bugs you caught."

"Hey hey."

Nan Ruofing took out her small hand from her back, holding a stinky fart bug, also called tea-winged stinkbug in its scientific name.

"Damn girl, does it stink, throw it away quickly."

Stinky fart bugs have a smell, and it can't be said to be smelly, but it's very unpleasant, and it smells a little bit sweet.

Nan Ruofing threw away the stinkbug, smelled her own hands, and made herself sick.

"It stinks, it stinks, I step on it, I step on it, I step on you to death."

The little girl stomped vigorously with each foot, and stomped the stinky fart bug into the mud.

Nan Yi shook his head, his eyes searched the orange tree for a while, and soon found a beetle, the whole body was black, with white spots on its back, and two long tentacles, black and white.

"Here, this is fun."

"Dad, is this a longhorn?"

"Well, beetle, it doesn't smell bad, and it's fun."

"Oh, will it bite?"

"Yes, but the bite force is not very strong, just don't let it bite the soft meat."

Nanyi handed the longhorn to Nan Ruobing and asked her to play with it by herself. He took a canning jar and tweezers, and picked up the caterpillars on the leaves of the orange tree one by one and put them in the canning jar.

The orange tree is quite lively, not only caterpillars, but also longhorns, psyllids, rust ticks, stink bugs, snails, giant stag beetles, unicorns, and red spiders.

Nanyi, who was too young, had no choice but to clean up the big beetles, snails, stag beetles, and unicorns.

In particular, the big stag beetle and the unicorn can dig holes in trees, and Shengsheng is an expert at digging holes.

Take out another empty canned bottle and fill it with longhorn beetle, big stag beetle and unicorn fairy. These three things are full of vitality and can be taken back for Nan Ruofeng to play with slowly.

After catching all the big bugs, Nanyi took off the dichlorvos bottle hanging on the urine bucket, blocked the mouth of the bottle with cotton, tilted the bottle, soaked the cotton with a little dichlorvos, and blocked the tree hole in the orange tree with cotton live.

After finishing his work, Nanyi went to the paddy field to have a look. Since no pesticides were used, there were a lot of insects in the paddy field. As soon as people walked over, moths swarmed up.

Nanyi moved his hand over the rice ears, and sticky silk thread stuck to his hand.

I clapped my hands to remove the silk thread, bent down to pick up a handful of rice ears from the paddy field, and twisted them with my hands. The rice ears are not full, and this year's production seems to be hanging.

He picked a few grains of rice and threw them into his mouth, chewed them, and tasted them carefully.

A bit waxy and sweet, the taste is better than those using pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and the nutrition should be higher.

It's just that the villages on this side are using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and the insects are rushing to Wenchangwei. The pests are too serious, and the food production is not guaranteed.



"You have also seen that the output of this year's second crop of rice will be lower than last year's, at least 30% lower."

"It's okay, I made the plan, and I will bear the responsibility for reducing production this year. Auntie, so, before the rice is harvested, you can go to a nearby village and order some millet to come back first.

If the quantity is not enough, then pay more and pay less millet.

I will personally pay for the purchase of millet and payment, and you will make a list for Weimin, and ask him to pay for me first, and I will calculate with him. "

"Agricultural tax and withdrawal are nothing. This year's mushrooms are selling well, and the reclamation company has a lot of money in its account."

"Well, Auntie, green agriculture must be persevered. If anyone thinks that the income is not enough, let him come to me, and I will make up for him. If there are many people who have objections, then I will contract the reclamation company and pay them every year. Everyone sends money, and everyone just sits and waits for the money to be distributed.”

"Nanyi, what you said is out of the question. It's hard for others to say. No one in the reclamation company has any complaints. Although this year's income is only mediocre, everyone can see hope. Our bean sprouts and mushrooms are not worrying at all. If you want to sell it, the nearby vegetable vendors will take the initiative to come to collect it.”

"Is the price okay?"

"Not bad, the price is not low."

"Take your time, go to the agricultural technology station more, and listen to the opinions of the agricultural technicians. During the Chinese New Year, I will discuss with my aunt what to do next year."


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