"Uncle Nan, how should I change it?"

"There is a sentence in "Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua", what is called light, it seems that nowadays it is common to call it cheating, and light is a more elegant way of saying cheating. Wang Po taught Ximen Qing Gou Nu five-character scriptures: Pan, donkey, Deng , Xiao, and Xian, it is said that mastering this five-character scripture can be exposed everywhere. Do you know the meaning of these five characters?"

Pei Lan blushed and nodded.

"In the 1950s and 1960s, women of marriageable age paid great attention to their political background and family status when choosing a spouse, while progressive women would give priority to party members, soldiers, government officials and rural cadres.

As long as the man's political conditions are good, it doesn't matter if his economic, appearance, or age conditions are poor. At that time, the construction industry was booming, and well-born scientific and technological personnel, workers, and farmers were also very popular among women.

In the late 1960s, due to the special background of the times, the standard of mate selection deviated, and the political standard became the only standard.

From the end of the 1970s to the beginning of the 1980s, intellectuals were sought after, and women placed intellectuals in a higher position when choosing a spouse. Cultural factors rose to the first place, economic factors followed, and political factors were gradually ignored.

From the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, economic factors dominated everything else. Because of the reform and opening up, some people seized the opportunity to get rich quickly and became rich. Remember the buzzwords at that time? "

Pei Lan said: "It's better to sell tea eggs than to make missiles."

"Yes." Nan Yi nodded, and continued: "During that period, public officials and employees of state-owned units resigned and started businesses one after another, and going overseas became the most hotly discussed word in the whole society. The first choice is the man's family economic conditions.

Because people began to open their eyes to see the world, and the good things pouring in from abroad made people dazzled. If you want good things, you can't do without money.

From the middle of the 1990s to the beginning of the new century, the criteria for choosing a spouse began to diversify, with emotion as the main factor and economics as the supplement. Women began to pay attention to the quality of marriage. .

Of course, economic factors cannot be ignored, but compared with emotional factors, family conditions are not the most important thing for most women.

Because at this stage, the domestic economy is in full swing, and both women and men can work everywhere, especially the majority of rural women, who have entered cities and factories, liberated their bodies and minds, and as long as they are willing to work, they can achieve financial independence.

Women in this period have the strongest independence and self-confidence, and most of what they get does not depend on political affiliation or family background..."

Nanyi showed her hand and turned it upside down, "It was created by their hands, and the economy remains independent, so they yearn for spiritual abundance and emotionally to find their soul mate.

At the end of the 1990s, from a male point of view, it was relatively easy to find a woman to marry. In an industrial area, you met a female worker who met your eye, a bottle of soda, a bowl of fried noodles, ice skating, and watching a video. , Get along for a few months and you can take it home for a wedding.

At this point, we have also come to a watershed. From 2000 onwards, the marriageable youths were born in 1975 until 1985. This group of people will be divided into two groups based on 1982. Those born in 1982 and before have relatively similar thinking, and their views on mate selection have been influenced by the former group.

When you don't know enough, you think you have found your soul mate, get married in a hurry, and get along for a while after marriage, many women will find that their lover is not as good as they thought.

He doesn’t look handsome when he smokes, and now and then he can win some dating funds by playing cards, but he also loses by playing cards every day. He both farts and grinds his teeth, and doesn’t like to brush his teeth. Confess in two or three slaps, there are shortcomings everywhere.

Those who are more unfortunate have to be beaten, slapped, chest-beating, kicked in the stomach, grabbed by the hair and slammed against doors and walls.

It is this group of people, a large proportion of them are unhappy in their marriages. In their bones, they have the shortcomings of resignation inherited from the previous generation, and they also have the idea that divorce is shameful, and the greatness of silently enduring for the sake of their children.

They do not choose to divorce lightly, but their marital misfortunes are shown or told to a generation of women who are about to enter the marriageable age.

Women born in the age of 75-85 are influenced by them and other social realities, and have been exposed to diversity, material, and living standards since childhood. eager.

At the same time, they happen to be in a period of rapid social change. Whether it is childhood, adolescence or youth, what they face is a brand new world, which is completely different from their brothers and sisters, and the essence of the world has been changed.

For them, the word "stability" is no longer applicable. Package allocation is gone, university enrollment has expanded, and making money is not as easy as it used to be. Floating in a big city, getting up early and staying late every month, catching the bus and subway, and commuting to and from work takes two or three hours. On the road, I was exhausted, and at the end of the month, if I didn't save money, I wouldn't be able to save much money.

There is another very important thing, the house.

Without a house, my heart is always floating, and there is no place to put it. You know how expensive the house price is now. Most people don’t eat or drink for a month, and it’s not enough to buy one square meter. After eating and drinking, they can save two or three square meters a year It's already quite remarkable, and this is assuming that housing prices do not rise.

But the reality is that housing prices are rising, at a desperate rate, for both men and women, and it is impossible for most of them to buy a house in a big city on their own.

Coupled with the fact that the rich and the poor are intensifying again, the lives of the rich are displayed in various ways. The strong contrast has caused many women's outlook on life to collapse, and it has also made their outlook on choosing a spouse tend to be perfect.

The other party should have a higher education than yourself, be 1.8 meters tall, be in good shape, have good clothing, not smoke or drink, not gamble, have a sense of responsibility, be able to make money, have a car and a house and look good, the most important thing is to Pamper yourself.

Usually, women who think like this are mediocre in real life, with average self-cultivation and average body management. Most of them like to watch dramas and eat snacks while imagining that the hero in the plot is a boyfriend.

They often don't like to socialize. If they are a social person, they will clearly recognize the reality of real life, but women who don't like to socialize can only fantasize.

Why do women choose a spouse like this? They often regard themselves as very important and have low requirements for themselves, but they have surprisingly high requirements for others. There are multiple reasons for this.

First of all, human nature is to have low demands on oneself and high demands on others, not only in the aspect of mate selection, but also in our daily interpersonal communication.

When you make a mistake, you will justify your crime in your heart, but once someone else makes the same mistake, or a smaller mistake, it will be magnified. When others achieve achievements, some people think, if it weren’t for her good family conditions, would there be such achievements? If I had her conditions, I would do better than him.

Today's women all emphasize that they should be given meticulous love, and they should be the one to be taken care of. That is to say, they overemphasize the importance of themselves and ignore the interactions in interpersonal relationships.

Secondly, due to the development of the Internet, especially the emergence of blogs, more and more women with imperfect love and marriages post articles to teach other women how to fall in love, what kind of views on love and mate selection they should have, in order to get more hits, This kind of article tends to stand solely on the side of women, because women have the strongest spending power in the world, and women's emotional needs are also quite strong.

When I browsed forums and blogs, I found that the monopoly theory and love secrets are popular now. These remarks often blindly elevate women, make women feel recognized, and have a tendency to be controlled by these remarks.

A person's thinking and behavior are very easily dominated by the surrounding environment. When one of the friends around you is fat, the probability of you becoming fat will be higher than that of ordinary people. When your friends around you smoke or take drugs, you will also sink The probability will also increase.

When a woman is exposed to that kind of speech every day, her thoughts and behaviors will change unconsciously, and she will feel that she has understood the truth of the world, and she will become superior and arrogant.

In fact, many women don't really know what kind of person they like in their hearts. When they have never gotten along with others, it seems that it is the safest and safest to follow the public's thinking.

Therefore, low requirements for themselves and high requirements for others have become their only criteria for choosing a mate. They don't understand what an intimate relationship is, and some have never even been in love.

Another reason is mainly reflected in urban women. They are lucky to catch up with the popular saying of rich and adopted daughters. Many girls are little princesses at home and have not suffered any hardships in life, so don’t expect them to be with their significant other. Let's suffer together.

They don't want to change their previous way of life, and they don't want to be a wretched wife who endures hardships and struggles with their significant other. They just want to find a partner who is no worse than themselves, preferably much better than themselves.

Leapfrog pairing is the current mainstream view of mate selection for women. They can't change the worse status quo, so they want to achieve life leapfrogging through marriage.

Thinking is like this, some people just stay in thinking and don’t know how to concretize it. This is what I said before, eating snacks and watching dramas. They can only fantasize that they are God’s illegitimate daughter. A good partner will be blind in the boundless The sea of ​​people accurately found them.

Some will be concrete, and they will take action and work hard, but the vast majority of people don't know which direction to work hard, and they can only run around like headless chickens. "

Nanyi picked up a piece of wishful cake from the plate, stuffed it into his mouth, took a small bite, and then put it down, "Now, let's go back to your big list, which is actually a kind of concretization of the concept of mate selection, and everything is for the future of your daughter." Work hard to marry into a wealthy family.

Lower the level a little bit and help more women concretize their views on mate selection. For this business, you can completely make it into a batch model, repeating and repeating. It is boring but profitable. "

Pei Lan's eyes shone brightly, and he blurted out, "The Five Elements Marriage Master."

Nan Yi nodded, and then exported to Pei Lan the concept of "love to fight for celebrity shopping", focusing on love to fight, from fighting for food, drinking, and clothes to carpooling shoots involving Luo Tonghao's car rental business, and then to fighting for medical beauty.

Xinsheng Plastic Surgery Hospital will launch promotional activities such as half price for the fifth person, and full discount for cross-persons. For the first time, there are not only discounts, not only free double eyelid cutting, but also a lot of commission.

Nanyi gave Pei Lan a complete business philosophy and a complete partner group. A set of business models can benefit many surrounding relationships, stimulate consumption, and contribute to the country's economic development. It can be said that it is One arrow, one hundred and eight carvings.

This is Nanyi's professionalism as an economic expert, and all the great sentiments that put the country first.


Gusu, Taihu Lake Golf Course.

Nan Yi and Wen Wan stood on the lawn, watching a group of children, big and small, playing golf not far away.

The Huayi Little Sun Cup is going on. The children of Huayi's management and engineers can participate. This year is the eighth. In order to keep a low profile and arrange travel activities at the same time, the competition will never be arranged In the capital.

"Chang Yu played the ball well."

"He, he spends six days in the stadium in a month."

"You work so hard, do you want to become a professional player?"

"Last year, I didn't defend the ring, and the ring master's seat was robbed, and I was holding back my strength to get it back."

"The little guy is very competitive, like a Biaozi."

"Like it?" Wen Wan said noncommittally, "I think it's more like me."

"If you say yes, tell me something I care about."

"Huayi Chip is tackling the 70-nanometer national production, and it is optimistically estimated that it will take four to five years."

"In 70, Intel is already deploying 45nm. This time, High-K technology will be introduced, and materials will be innovated."

"You look too high on Huayi chips. Our current technological limit is 60 nanometers. We will first achieve national production of 70 nanometers, and the next step will be 60 nanometers. 45 nanometers can only stay at the design level for the time being."

Nan Yi continued, "I'm just complaining. As a layman, I'm not qualified to express my opinion on which direction Huayi chip is developing. Besides, it's not convenient for me to talk too much."

"Although Huayi Chip has been included in the country's semiconductor strategy, it cannot change the fact that you are the founder and investor of Huayi, nor the fact that you are the largest individual shareholder." Wen Wan said forcefully.

Nanyi smiled faintly, "Huayi's largest shareholder is the labor union, the second largest shareholder is state-owned assets, and the third largest shareholder is you."

Wen Wan asked in surprise, "Are you going to reduce your shareholding?"

Nan Yi nodded, "Yes, I plan to hand over half of the shares of Xueshan Trust to you to hold on behalf of me, the dividends still belong to me, the shareholders' rights are handed over to you, and the other half of the dividends rights are donated to the Disabled Persons' Federation. to the workers' union."

Wen Wan did not understand Nanyi's operation.

"Huayi is already on the right track, and there will be a lot of dividends every year in the future. Are you too impulsive to do this kind of operation at this time?"

"It's not impulsive." Nanyi waved his hand, "I'm called retiring after I have achieved success. My original intention of creating Huayi was to contribute to the development of National Semiconductor. Now Huayi has entered the right track. What about me? The initial investment has also been rewarded, and there will be a good dividend every year, I am satisfied, and I can rest assured that Huayi will be handed over to you."

Wen Wan pondered for a while, then sighed and said, "You are really willing."

"Haha, rich and willful."

"Do you want to hold a donation ceremony?"

"Farewell, enter the village quietly, don't shoot guns, Huayi, Nanxin, with these two names, that's enough."

Wen Wanle said: "Nanxin's Nan announced to the outside world, it's not your Nan."

"Whoever I love, I think it's fine."

After chatting for a while, they communicated about a major event. After Nanyi left Taihu Golf Course, he appeared at another golf course. Ai Jia and Liu Zi were also there, and the two were having a final contest on the green.

The two of them came to Jinling with Nanyi to meet Zhang Ning of Jindong Electric, but the meeting was very particular, and they could not go directly to the other company. Go straight to Gusu, play golf here for two days first, adjust your mood, and then invite Zhang Ning here to play golf and talk about heroes.

Nanyi took a glance at the green from a distance, then went to the bar in the clubhouse area to talk to Li Jialong about the old days.

Li Jialong left Dream Town back then and came to Gusu to compete for the head of Jinji Lake Lijiapo Industrial Park. After the competition was successful, he stayed here to take charge of the industrial park's affairs. He did not climb to a higher position in Temasek, but Stay where you are with peace of mind, and turn your mind to your own investment business.

Yanxin Investment has cooperated and co-invested with Li Jialong's Lion City Asset Management in many projects. Today, Li Jialong is not well-known, but he has a lot of money.

Lion City Asset Management manages more than US$10 billion in funds, and the funds mainly come from rich people in Southeast Asia. Others stay in Gusu, but it does not hinder the establishment of good personal connections in Southeast Asia.

After exchanging pleasantries, Li Jialong asked, "Are you familiar with Goudong?"

"You want to invest?"

"Goudong is looking for investment, and I have received an investment plan." Li Jialong said.

"Oh, I'm not familiar with it. I don't care about the development of e-commerce, but I know a little about Liu Daqiang. I have worked with him for a while."

"How are people?"

"It happened more than ten years ago. At that time, he was still a college student, and he was stunned. After so many years, he should not be the original him." Nanyi waved his hand, "I'd better not mention it, so as not to affect your judgment , if you want to invest, just let your people get in touch and make an evaluation.”

Li Jialong nodded, "That's for sure, what's the matter with you coming to Gusu this time?"

"Jinling has something to do. I came to Gusu just to meet you. I haven't seen you in almost six or seven years, right?"

"It wasn't that long. In 2003, I went to Beijing to look for Wei Jing, and we had dinner together."

"The time after the closure of the capital city was lifted?"


"It's been a long time."

The two who hadn't seen each other for a long time entered the nostalgia link soon. During this time, Nanyi met many old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time. It was around ten o'clock at night again.

Nan Yi still didn't want to fall asleep, so he found a taxi driver to inquire about the doorway, and came to a bar called Back Street.

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