The so-called hot food is simply braised rice, some instant vegetables, and soup made from dehydrated vegetables. The slightly extravagant ones are two corn cobs simmering in the fire. The luxury is not in the food itself, but in the fact that the hay for the fire is hard to find. , the two of them turned over half of the mountain before they managed to collect a little bit and came back.

Everything was ready, the two sat on the moisture-proof mat and chatted while eating.

"Sir, I have a relative who wants to raise salamanders. He said that salamanders have been sold for 2,000 catties, and one can earn tens of thousands of dollars."

"Your relative has some family background?" Nanyi said, handing the half-picked pickled goose egg to Miao Xiaolan, and then took the sliced ​​sausage from the other party.

"I don't have much money. He came to me just to borrow money, saying that it costs a lot of money to raise salamanders."

"Is that so, has any of your relatives done farming before?"

"No, he only opened a brick and tile factory, and it was prosperous for a few years. Later, the brick kiln collapsed and killed three people, and he lost all the money he earned."

Nanyi hesitated for a moment, then said: "Then you are a bit troublesome. The investment in breeding salamanders is a bit high, and a fry is nearly a thousand yuan. The place where the fish is raised is particular. If you want to find a dark place with running water, the water quality must be good enough. The water quality is not good enough. It takes a lot of medicine.

Let's put it this way, it will take at least three years to raise a salamander to a weight of three or four catties suitable for slaughter. Add up the miscellaneous things, and then share the money for the construction of the breeding base. The cost of raising a fish is about 2,000 yuan or more. The cost of raising more can be suppressed a little, but that way the investment will be greater.

According to the current market price, if you can feed yourself well, you will definitely be able to make money, and it will be a burst of money. It will not be too difficult to make an average of one million a year, but..."


Miao Xiaolan waited for Nanyi's turning point.

"In fact, I know a lot about giant salamanders. Not only do I know the technology of nursery and breeding, but I also understand its market changes. The reclamation group has been raising this stuff since 1985. At that time, it was sold for 300 yuan a catty in the market, because it was nothing. People raise them, and they all rely on people to go to the mountains to catch them.

In 1988, the giant salamander was almost extinct because of being caught too hard. The country listed it as a second-class protected animal. The more protected it is, the more expensive it is.

From that year until 1995, the reclamation group controlled the shipment volume and shipping channels of salamanders, and only sold a limited number of salamanders to a few regular buyers, and the buyers secretly took the salamanders to the black market as wild animals. The sales are well controlled, not only when the price is the highest at 3,000 yuan per catty, but also not worrying about selling. The restaurant needs to place a deposit in advance if it wants to order an order, and it has to entrust a relationship, otherwise it will not be sold to him. "

Nanyi ate something, and then said: "After 1995, the market was not so good. In 1991 and 1992, some people had already focused on salamander breeding. The salamander they raised happened to be marketed in 1996. It also started from that year. , not too particular about farming and wild farming, the reclamation group no longer controls the channel, but only controls the number of slaughtered each year.

Although salamander breeding brings over ten million net profits to the reclamation group every year, this project is not valued within the group and has been in a state of being cut off at any time. In July last year, it was decided to start this project in 2009. After half a year, the last batch of stocked fish will be cut off, and only fry items will be kept.

Moreover, I want to tell you that the seedling project will be sold at any time, as long as there is a buyer willing to pay a high price, the technology will be sold together with the seedling base. "

"Will the price of giant salamanders drop at any time?"

"Yes." Nanyi nodded affirmatively, "Before, salamander fry were expensive because of the high cost of breeding them. Now that the technology has broken through, the cost has been reduced to an extremely low level, but it has been kept secret from the outside world. Moreover, the new generation of fry has been improved, which is very beneficial to breeding. The environment is not as high as before, and it is easy to feed, and the cost of breeding is virtually reduced.

Last month, the "Fa Caijing" column of the Agricultural Channel aired an episode of "Who raises giant salamanders?" Yes, turtles can be sold for two or three hundred and one catties. He drove them to a good time, and earned more than ten million yuan in three years.

Now such a big boss came to raise salamanders again. The program also said that a Japanese company had contacted him many times the year before last to buy his salamanders, and promised to sell 300,000 kilograms of salamanders every year. "

Nan Yi knocked on the rice spoon in his hand, and said with righteous indignation: "It's just nonsense, if Japan can sell 300 tons a year, the reclamation group would have killed it long ago, and it's his turn to do such a good thing.

It's just a seedling seller. I don't know how much it cost to be on the column. It's just an advertisement. If such a person comes out, he will raise two crops at most. By 2013, the price of giant salamander will plummet.

This will lead to pitfalls, the first crop can enjoy the sweetness, and the second crop, the heart will definitely become crazy, spending money to expand the scale, thinking of earning a lot of money, just right, there will definitely not be only one or two people who have such an idea One, a large number of salamanders will be on the market at that time. "

Nanyi made an explosive movement with his hands, "That's why I said you are in trouble. Don't borrow it, it's not humane, and your relatives may become bad; if you borrow it, your relatives may lose everything, and may not be able to pay you back." Return the money to you."

"Sir, will the price of giant salamanders collapse?"

"Yes, the giant salamander was able to charge a high price at the beginning, not because of its high value, but because some people hoped that its value would be high, and those who treat guests need a kind of expensive and rare food to entertain the invited guests. This thing The price is raised by buyers.

When the number of breeding increases, the veil of mystery is lifted, and the special value it was deliberately created will no longer exist. "Nan Yi asked with a smile, "You have also eaten salamander, what do you think it tastes like?" "

Miao Xiaolan thought about it and said, "It tastes similar to catfish, nothing special."

"Haha, that's it. The salamander is not tasty, and its medicinal value is just that. It can only be regarded as a very common traditional Chinese medicine. With the addition of artificial breeding and various medicines, the salamander has become a medicine jar, let alone medicine. Use value, after taking medicine, toxins accumulate all over the body, whether you often eat or not, it is luck.”

"I have to think about whether to borrow money or not." Miao Xiaolan frowned.


Nan Yi responded and turned his attention to eating.

Wrapped in a sleeping bag and slept all night, the two of them arrived at the hilltop near the village of Yifandian in the afternoon of the next day. And thin, the trees probably can't reach one per capita, and they grow wiltingly, without the luxuriance of early summer.

The layout of the village is in line with the typical characteristics of the arid mountainous area in the north. The farmers live in the fields, and the houses are scattered. The construction of the village has not undergone overall planning, so there is no way to tell. Most of the houses are made of local elm, poplar, pine and other wood and adobe Civil structures are built, the houses are low and narrow, most of them are earthen houses, and the roofs have no tiles.

Among them, the walls of the better villas are more than a foot taller than those in the Sichuan District. The corners of the Zhuangjiao are built on the side of the courtyard gate, and the other houses are taller. Nanyi has read the information before. This kind of house is called a tall house. Generally, there are windows on three sides. The two windows are opened on both sides of the courtyard, used to listen to the movement inside and outside, observe people coming, and guard against thieves. They are the ears and eyes of the courtyard.

The houses in the courtyard adopt single eaves, hanging rafters or rolling rafters. Generally, three loads and two hangings are used in general families. The main house of a well-off family uses a flat and steep frame to support three purlins, and the structure is relatively firm.

I didn't see any cave dwellings for people to live in, only a few small caves for keeping livestock, poultry or stacking firewood near the cliff...

After watching for a long time, Nanyi had a panoramic view of the village, did not rush into the village, ate something on the mountain, and then rushed to the front and back of the village.

Go down to the field to look at the lifeless potatoes, find a spring in the legend, taste the bitter water from the water, go up to the hill with many graves, look up at the tombstones, and roughly judge the health status of the villagers through the dates of birth and death revealed on them. .

When the sky was about to darken, Nanyi climbed up again, connected to Pei Shiyi, and told the other party the trend of the mountains and rivers in his eyes, expecting the other party to give him an answer that he suspected that there was a big tomb.

Pei Shiyi's answer is that the land is poor and the feng shui is extremely bad.

After giving up the idea of ​​using a large tomb to hype a store into a scenic spot, Nan Yi asked about the trend of the water dragon again.

Pei Shouyi did not dare to make a judgment without seeing it in person, but only gave a rough guess.

A general idea is enough. Nan Yi has already outlined a general framework in his mind on how to implement his small village economy in a shop-if you want to live, you must first have water, and you must plant trees and trees on the hills as far as you can see. Fast-growing shrubs, with green plants, can consolidate soil and store water. If you want to get rich, you need to build roads first, a 37-kilometer two-lane cement road.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Nan Yi silently calculated, the abacus in his mind was crackling and calculating various accounts.

After a long time, with a rough account in mind, Nanyi took Miao Xiaolan down the mountain, and went straight to the best courtyard in the village that he had been optimistic about before.

Unexpectedly, the village secretary does not live in this courtyard. After being pointed out by the landlord, Nanyi met Ma Hailong, a high-ranking village official in a shop in front of the third best courtyard in the village. The obvious features—the skin is dark with mud accumulation, the luster of the clothes and pants on the body is dull, and the hem of the clothes and the bottom of the trousers are stained and dusty in different shades.

Quickly concluded that luck was not bad, and after meeting a conclusion that he was probably able to do practical things, Nan Yi formally introduced himself to the other party, "Secretary Ma, hello, I am Nan Yi from Peking University."

"Professor Nan, hello, hello, I've been looking forward to your coming, please come from the room."

Ma Hailong courteously pulled Nanyi into the house, pushed and pulled it onto the kang, asked the mother-in-law to bring dried fruits for guests, and then sent to boil water, sat across the kang table, staring at Nanyi with fiery eyes, as if staring at a gold ingot .

In Ma Hailong's eyes, Nanyi is a gold ingot. He had been notified before that a professor from Beijing University was coming over, not with a mouth to eat, but with a lot of money to help the poor, entertain people well, and everyone I am happy, and the money is left in a shop.

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