Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1204 Miracle Creation

Nanyi has already confessed, and the purpose is quite clear, which is to change the backward appearance of Yifan store. Before this goal was achieved, before the money was poured down, Ma Hailong did not entangle the difference between poverty alleviation and investment. It has not yet reached that point, and even if there will be conflicts, it is not at this moment.

What Ma Hailong has to do now is to tie Nanyi and let him realize what he said.

After chatting with Nanyi, he called all the villagers at home to hold a briefing meeting, which was also a mobilization meeting. The Northwest Jiangnan Campaign was about to start, and everyone had to roll up their sleeves and work hard.

Nanyi just showed up at the meeting, and soon hid in the great hall to conceive the constitution of "Yifan Group".

Planting, breeding, farmhouse entertainment, tourism, e-commerce, Nanyi has a systematic plan for Yifan store, laying the foundation in three years and tackling difficulties in one year. By 2011, he will achieve a per capita annual income of 50,000 yuan for a store. At the beginning of 2012, he wanted to withdraw a total of 4 million from here.

As long as the first store moves forward according to his vision, in the second half of next year, he will look for the next village to be changed, and then form a team. He only needs to open his mouth to point fingers, and the specific things will be handed over to the students. .

To make the regulations well, Nanyi communicated with Ma Hailong, then communicated with the entire village committee, and then explained his plan to all the villagers. Just like what he did in Wenchangwei back then, he broke it down and explained it in detail, so that everyone The villagers are clear about their obligations and rights, how they will calculate and receive dividends in the future, and set all public rules when there is no benefit.

In the future, apart from the secrets that cannot be disclosed, every villager has the right to know everything about the group's accounts and work plans, including why the leadership gets more dividends. Take the initiative to announce to the world, but in the face of inquiries from the villagers, you must have something to say.

Nanyi has rich experience and knows that most of the rules he has established now will be abolished and discarded after he leaves, but what should be done is still to be done. He only hopes that good things can be passed on to some extent.

The Water Conservancy Bureau applied for a water-drawing permit, and asked the well-drilling team to enter the village to dig wells. When the Yifan shop took the first step, Nanyi called a misfit and a power-hungry farmer from Nanchen Village. They came here to accumulate experience in agricultural project operations, in fact, they came here to plant trees as a volunteer.

June is not a good season for planting trees, but according to the experience of previous years, the period from June to September is a period of relatively heavy rainfall in Yifandian. Before the next rain, Yifandian must plant a hilltop first.

Nanyi took a young man from the village and a five-guarantee household with severe cataracts out of the mountain, and went to the seedling businessman. He first used the purchase quantity to lower the price, and then made the five-guarantee household cry poorly and sell miserably. A thin-skinned and conscientious person was dealt a severe blow.

Even so, Nanyi only took a thousand saplings in the first phase, and volunteered to work as a white job for the seedling businessman. They went to the nursery to dig saplings together, watched each sapling dig out of the soil with their own eyes, and ensured that there were no saplings before the handover. There is nothing tricky about a dead seedling.

When digging the seedlings, I didn't forget to observe the soil in the nursery, and tasted it secretly.

The saplings were transported back to the Yifan store, and the villagers were called to plant them immediately. After a week of observation, only two did not survive, which proved that Nanyi used the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman, and then went to buy the second phase of saplings. Nanyi continued with the first operation and did not relax at all.

He continued with his villainous heart, because he knew that before fishing, he had to make a nest and bait.

In the second phase, I bought 3,000 trees. After planting them, there is no rush for the third phase, sowing grass seeds and planting shrubs...

The villagers went to work on the mountain, but Nanyi was sitting next to the newly dug edible well, holding a laptop, studying the internal information of the Freshwater Research Institute.

The newly tapped water tastes a little better than the previous spring in the village, but it still has a salty and bitter taste. It is not advisable to neutralize it with chemicals. A relatively low-cost osmotic filtration method is needed.

The Research Institute of Freshwater has done very in-depth research on water resources. Not only is it well aware of the changes in global water resources, but also many methods of fresh water production and purification have been discovered or invented. It can be said that the Freshwater Research Institute can be ranked among the world's authoritative freshwater research institutions. second place.

The first place is left blank for now.

After studying the information for a while, and after comparing and weighing, Nanyi finally decided to try the moss filtration method. The filtration effect of this method is not the best, but it is the easiest to implement and the lowest cost.

Buy cement, steel bars, PVC water pipes, moss species...

Build drinking water reservoirs on the top of the hills, build public laundry pools, water intake points, public toilets, septic tanks, moss cultivation pools and filter pools in the village, and dig water storage ponds beside the laundry pools, and the water for washing clothes will flow into the water The pond is reused after sedimentation.

The small briquette processing factory negotiates prices, regularly delivers goods to the door, and innovates the way villagers burn fire. During the transition period, each household can only burn briquette stoves to prevent damage to vegetation at the root.

At most three and a half years, a shop will build a new village. Therefore, Nanyi has no plans to install tap water or renovate each household’s private toilet. The money is too little, and I wish I could spend every penny in half to save money. Places must be saved.

June passed in a busy but orderly manner, God opened his eyes, there were two consecutive moderate rains in the last ten days of June, the sown grass seeds germinated and grew visible to the naked eye, and the hills around a shop became uglier than before. Like a lame man with few hairs, there are patches of rotten blue spots growing on his temples and forehead.

The villagers were very happy. Looking at Lan Xiong, they showed smiles from the bottom of their hearts. As long as green is not included in A shares or woven into hats, it represents endless hope.

In July, the villagers were divided into two groups, one for construction and the other for planting trees and grass.

One day, Nan Yi and Ma Hailong quietly received a guest, who was introduced by Pei Shiyi, a tomb robber expert who has undergone labor reform and can write a memoir "Those Years I Robbed Tombs". Ancient buildings are quite well researched.

With the scorching sun in the sky, the three of them were discussing the details of the Medicine King Temple in the Valley of the Medicine King.

The wall must be a rammed earth wall, and the stones inlaid must be mica, stalactite, actinolite, montmorillonite and other stones that can be used as medicine. Regardless of whether these stones are suitable for construction, the medicine king view must be a bit similar to different.

Inside the dilapidated altar of Medicine King Temple, there is a hidden box, which contains two special boxes, one contains thousand-year-old ginseng, the other contains thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, a prescription is carved inside one box, and the other There is an allusion engraved on the inside of a box. Under the Valley of the Medicine King, there is a kind of elixir of life, which is a medicine primer for making elixir of life.

The story is spreading, but the things are gone. At that time, Ma Bufang's general, Han Qigong, who was good at collecting people's fat and people's ointment, heard that there was a medicine king temple here, and there was a prescription for the elixir of life, so he led his confidants to snatch it.

Naturally, the arms couldn't hold back the thighs, things were robbed, and the Yaowang Temple was also smashed. Fortunately, a villager secretly hid a thousand-year-old ginseng root, which proved the existence of this history of blood and tears.

Amitabha, Han Qigong is a man who does many evils, and he is not short of such a ladle of dirty water. The story must be made up, otherwise the thousand-year-old ginseng and the thousand-year-old ganoderma are easy to get, and the prescriptions in the box are not easy to get. Besides, the cost must be controlled.

The biggest cost of the Yaowangguan project is the altar. In order to build the dilapidated altar, Nanyi had to entrust Li Xiangrong to secretly search for the furniture of the Ming Dynasty. There is no need for high-quality goods, as long as the wood is old enough, the mountains and fields are broken, and the utensils Too elegant, but false.

After the design drawing of the wreckage of Yaowang Temple came out, Nanyi found an old man of the right age in the village to write the script and correct the lines. Wen, and the ginseng roots that his father solemnly passed on to him back then.

There are ginseng roots. Nanyi can cut one from the ginseng in his medicinal material library. Anyway, he doesn't plan to sell it, so don't worry about the appearance.

On July 7th, the day of Xiaoshu, there was another moderate rain.

Braving the rain, Nanyi went up the mountain with the inconvenience and lack of electricity, observed the flow direction of the rainwater on each mountain, and designed the excavation route of the mountain water diversion ditch according to the flow direction. Every drop of water here is very precious, and it should be guided into the storage ditch as much as possible .

After the rain, Nanyi went to the construction site of the Yintao Project, and invited a geological expert and a water conservancy expert to conduct a comprehensive exploration of the groundwater situation in Yifandian, the feasibility of building a reservoir for the storage ditch, and the impact on water and soil after completion Make an argument.

After coming to the conclusion that the underground structure is relatively stable, that the geological structure will not change without excessive extraction of groundwater, and that reservoirs can be built, Nanyi hurried out of the mountain again, ran to a town with a cattle farm, and ordered two carts of cow dung to return. .

Build earthworm cultivation ponds, water earthworm cultivation ponds, and snail cultivation ponds. At the same time, some earthworm species are stocked to the top of the mountain. Nanyi always pays attention to the inventory of earthworms.

Earthworms live in fertile soil. As long as earthworms can survive on the hills, the soil structure will be improved in a short time, and the stench of fertile soil will linger all over the mountains and plains.

Plan chicken pens, sheep pens, and greenhouse plots, go to villages where the surrounding environment is close to a shop, and have small-scale large-scale farming to learn from the main problems encountered in the breeding process, high-incidence diseases, etc.

Buy fat pigs, buy piglets, fat pigs are slaughtered and big bones are boiled for soup, fresh offal, fat meat is boiled in oil, and lean meat is marinated. The villagers work hard every day, and the oil and water must keep up to ensure the continuous output of physical strength, and Will not fall ill and increase medical expenses.

Some people were dispatched to dig the pig kiln and look at the piglets, and they drove the piglets all over the mountains and fields every day, so that the piglets could get used to the smell of the two nearby hills.

The piglets are excellent breeds bought from the reclamation group. There are public and mothers. From now on, let the piglets adapt to the way of grazing. When the piglets give birth, the big ones will take the small ones. After three generations of domestication, the piglets will adapt to grazing .

And from the first generation, when pigs are allowed to run in the mountains without people watching, it is necessary to start to regulate their living range. As long as a pig runs out of the planned two hills, the pig that made a mistake must be treated as a pig. Let the pigs know that the outside world is very dangerous and they must not run out.

After two or three generations of domestication, most pigs will subtly learn to be good. In this way, the purpose of easily raising free-range pigs in captivity can be achieved.

One store does not have the conditions to establish a modern, large-scale pig farm, so it needs to make a surprise, establish a high-quality pork brand, launch free-range Codonopsis pigs, Angelica pigs, and Lily pigs, and incorporate regular feeding of pigs with wine to remove the smell And gimmicks that make the meat more delicious.

The brand of pigs is called "Yi Fan", and Nanyi has already come up with an advertising slogan: "A pig from the ground, six hundred and eighty catties, if you have no identity, you are not qualified to eat it."

A pig has to follow the giant salamander route, and the pigs to be slaughtered must be controlled at around 188 catties, and the number of slaughtered pigs per year must be strictly controlled, no more, no less, that is, 188 pigs, and the annual revenue is fixed at 15 million Nearby, the excess is distributed to the person who carries the sedan chair.

Nanyi wants to build a pig as the basic project of a shop. As long as this project does not fail, the villagers of a shop can have a guaranteed annual income of 20,000 yuan, and a family of three can earn 60,000 yuan a year. I have been able to live a very comfortable life in my small life. With this confidence, other projects can fight for high risks and high profits while being stable.

It is not too difficult for Nanyi to carry out a pig project. Not to mention the convenience of external channels, even the high-end circle he is involved in can get a pig out just by holding his stinky feet, let alone him A master of high-end breeding technology, various technical resources can be deployed at will, and the pigs he raises will never be bad, and there is no need to insist on it.

Fast forward to the end of July. After one and a half months of hard work, the appearance of the store has undergone major changes. A few new green spots have been added, and the previous green spots have joined together, and the whole face has turned green.

The village has set up a large people's canteen, as long as the villagers can come to eat on time and according to order, such as greasy pickled rice dumplings, milky and white big bone soup, refreshing Physalis water, and ground soft buns made of rich powder, All delicious food is made casually, and gay men can still receive a few cigarettes every day.

Unknowingly, the identity of the farmer in a shop has changed, and he has become a farm worker in a group of half-agricultural and half-industrial workers. He can receive a salary every month, but he owes it for the time being, in order to let the villagers feel With the change of his own identity, Nanyi carried forward the doctrine of gritting his teeth, stomped his feet cruelly, and issued work clothes to everyone.

The money is only two million, and there are places where the money is used everywhere, so I can only pick up the cheap ones to buy.

Nanyi gritted his teeth for the second time, ran around the county, and paid the first month's social security to the school-age people in the village. The poor days have to be carried over.

Saving money is difficult. Now every item of expenditure is necessary, and everything that can be delayed can be delayed. Nanyi can only focus on open source, and let Ma Hailong take it with him. Grandpa told grandma that if she wants to spend some poverty alleviation funds, it must be allocated funds, and the loan is not yet available.

Crying children have milk, and as long as they are thick-skinned, they can always get some.

Of course, before doing this, Nanyi had already considered for Ma Hailong. According to his comprehensive conditions, there is no possibility to go up, and he can just do whatever he wants. The unit spread, and was awarded the title of "Humha Plague God" as encouragement.

Encouraged, Nanyi became even more motivated, not only for appropriation, but also for donations. He harassed the principals of all schools in the county and asked Ma Hailong to say in private that no matter how much the actual amount of donations is, we Understand the rules, we will accept as much as you say.

After three days, I took Ma Hailong out of the teacher, and Nanyi returned to the village to continue to be in charge of overall planning, and let Ma Hailong generate income outside. Money, the ends of the earth have to go.

In August, Nanyi was still wading through mountains and rivers, accompanying the prospectors to plan the route of Aidang Road. On the basis of ensuring the quality of the road, the less money the better for road construction, but for one section, Nanyi had to bite his teeth for the third time and build a music On the road, whenever a car drives by, the music of "Socialism is Good" will sound.

While doing prospecting, Nanyi had the idea of ​​street lamps in his stomach.

Ma Hailong's open source is just a trail. Nanyi thought of charity from street lamps, then from charity to stealing vegetables, and from stealing vegetables to hanging street lamps.

A group wants to set up an internet company secretly, and use it to develop and operate a food stealing game. On the game platform, they will also launch a hanging lamp game. As long as they successfully hang an evil capitalist on the street lamp, the internet company will give money to the poor Needless to say, donating a street lamp in the district must be donated by a shop first.

Internet companies quickly popularized the platform. As soon as someone came to talk about acquisitions, they immediately cashed out. All cash was required, and no shares were required.

On the top of the mountain and in the valley, Nanyi detailed the plan and then communicated it to every member of the village committee. The plan will not use two million funds. Nanyi will pay from his own pocket. A group can get half of the total income as long as they are registered. The remaining half will be kept by Nanyi, and the rest will be raised The person in the sedan chair.

He is very anxious and has a big heart. A store must release a David satellite. Just getting rid of poverty is not enough for him. Garden houses, private cars, annual dividends of 200,000 yuan per person, wishing to marry a store, this is what he wants goal of struggle.

In late August, the countdown to Nanyi's return to Beijing began. He asked for 20 acres of mountain land from the village, but he couldn't wait for the suitable winter planting season to come. In the unseasonable season, he personally planted patches of almonds .

Then, hold a meeting, make a plan, and arrange all the things that should be done before the frost this year.

Teach some well-educated young people in the village and teach them the knowledge of making bio-fertilizers. From now on, a store will say goodbye to chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and make all farming products high-end. If you don’t make high-end products, you will soon face Homogenization competition, followed by disgusting price wars will come.

Nanyi has already learned that the people who have a shop floating outside, the best one just opened a small shop, and the others are either driving screws in the factory or working on the construction site. There is no ready-made one that can be cultivated in a short time. Business talents, too complicated business competition cannot be handled by one store.

In the last few days of August, Nan Yi went to Jingxi City, and An An calmly worked as the husband behind the successful woman for a few days.


In September, school starts.

Since the time for candidates to fill out their applications was not in time, Nanyi, who wanted to lead graduate students, had no students to take care of. Only Ding Yiku was under his command as an on-the-job graduate student who did not occupy a quota. Nanyi's school life was still leisurely, except for attending classes. In addition, I only accepted a single job of "tutoring" thesis.

The daughter of a colleague did not inherit the mantle of her parents, and the family couldn't handle the dissertation, so she had to ask Nanyi, who had just proved her ability to do the dissertation, to help her. Colleagues will naturally have to give face to me. I have to go through the materials I have prepared before, make a list of the outline and details, and explain the direction, and then take it back and play with the fill-in-the-blank questions.

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