Returning to the capital, it was another Saturday. Nanyi gave a lecture on the internetization of finance to his students. Taking Zopa as an example, he gave a lecture on "Peer To Peer Lending", Internet peer-to-peer credit, which is P2P in human terms.

After talking about the logic behind P2P and the huge development prospects of this model, Nanyi also found out that there is already a company like Paipaidai doing P2P in China when preparing the lesson. He also talked about P2P Ponziization and the high leverage model of Internet finance.

With more and more problems exposed by subprime mortgages, the content about subprime mortgages on some financial portal websites is also increasing, and the word subprime mortgage crisis has appeared many times. Pushing it back is quite prescient.

Therefore, at the beginning of the new semester, Nanyi found that his students had increased, and some even skipped the class. In today's class, he found that the number of students was more than the previous class.

But the number of students had no effect on his lectures, business as usual.

At the end of the class, Nan Yi said, "There is a branch of Hudan in Tilanqiao, and I don't want to see a branch of Beijing University in Zixin Road. Finance does not matter noble, and financial practitioners judge by traditional standards of good and evil. It can be called a villain, only the small crocodile and the giant crocodile are different.

The finance major is the valley of the villains. Most of you are small fishes. I urge all students to enter the society and work. Don’t use the Internet of accounts.

The pretty female student in the back, don't snicker in my class, you can laugh wantonly, as long as you try not to affect other students.

Well, that’s all for today’s class. From this semester, I’ve started to lead graduate students. There’s a project in progress. I welcome students to participate in my project without affecting their studies. , the maximum number of people is five people, first come, first served.

Classmates, after class, I wish you all a happy weekend. "

After walking out of the classroom, Nanyi sent text messages to Du Wenhua and Xue Xiaomin respectively. They will meet Cifu in about half an hour. Afterwards, they went to the sink to wash up, took a nap in the office, and went to Changchun Garden Food Street around the same time.

After a while, he came to the gate of Cifu, nodded in response to the greeting from the student he met by chance, and walked into the store. Du Wenhua, who was already waiting, welcomed him into the opened compartment.

Nanyi asked Du Wenhua to take the order, and sat down next to Xue Xiaomin.

"If you invite me this meal, will it cause a financial crisis?"


"Do you usually play games?"


"Single player? Online game?"

"Fantasy Westward Journey."

"RMB players?"

Xue Xiaomin was stunned, and said, "I didn't spend much."

"How much living expenses do your parents give you a month?"

"Not on a monthly basis, my dad gives me 100,000 yuan a year, and let me plan and use it myself."

"Oh, the family conditions are good." Nanyi nodded, then turned to Du Wenhua and said, "I called you here today to talk to you about starting a business. I have a project that I originally wanted to invite you to invest in. Now I remove the word "" , only you. Xue Xiaomin is a poor ghost, so let her invest in the shares with her labor, and do odd jobs on a daily basis, and pay her some hard work monthly."

Xue Xiaomin was not happy when he heard it, "Mr. Nan, I still have lucky money. I have saved a lot for several years."

"How much is a lot?"

"Five hundred thousand."

Nan Yi said happily: "It's okay, okay, I will put you in the reserve of minority shareholders."

Then, Nan Yi talked to the two about the development prospect of the live broadcast platform and the operation model of the live broadcast guild, and then discussed the future development of e-sports, from the grand occasion of the international competitions of "Counter-Strike" and "StarCraft" to e-sports Being officially listed as a sports event will promote the industry, and imagine the possibility of e-sports entering the Asian Games and Olympics.

Then, the topic fell to the ground and said something down-to-earth.

"The two of you can be admitted to Peking University. Your academic performance in high school must belong to the top group. Usually, classmates will often ask you for advice, right?"

Both Du Wenhua and Xue Xiaomin affirmed it.

Nan Yi asked again: "Are there any students who ask you how to study?"

The same answer is yes.

"Because you study well, other students will think that your learning methods are better than their own, and will ask you for advice. Only in novels, a small boss will ask a beggar on the roadside how to become a big boss. In reality Among them, he will do everything possible to get close to the big boss, and learn from those who have proved themselves successful.

Those who like basketball watch the NBA, those who like football watch the Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, and the World Cup. Similarly, those who like competitive games will also pay attention to these games.

Just like me, I like to play StarCraft and Counter-Strike, and I usually have plenty of time. As long as there are games in these two games, I usually watch them. I can name most professional players. Confined to the field of games, they are the great gods in my eyes.

Assume that a top international interstellar professional player uses a channel... Forget it, it doesn’t refer to it generally, it’s a live broadcast. If he mentions a certain mouse or keyboard that is especially suitable for playing interstellar, or he I like to eat certain snacks when playing StarCraft. When I eat this kind of snacks, it feels particularly good. "

Nan Yi smiled, "I believe that some of his fans will cheer, especially the keyboard and mouse, because these are recommended by professional idols that he recognizes and admires, which are more directional than products endorsed by film and television stars and precision.

Divergent thinking, a woman who is very beautiful and proficient in makeup is teaching everyone how to make up in a live broadcast. During the live broadcast, she recommends a certain foundation, lipstick, and mascara. I also believe that some people will be tempted.

They will take the initiative to buy cosmetics counters, or subconsciously choose the recommended one when purchasing cosmetics. "

"Mr. Nan, what you mean by entrepreneurship is live broadcasting?" Xue Xiaomin asked.

"No, it should be said that what we want to do is e-commerce, an e-commerce model different from the Maobao C2C and Goudong B2C models, a model that spreads around in the cracks that are not known to the public, relying on live broadcasts to sell Cargo is just one of the sales channels.

Since the year before last, I have found that someone has established an independent website to sell products abroad through Adam adwords, the keyword advertisement click system of Adam search engine. I have observed it for a while, and the business is still good.

We can imitate this model, establish N similar websites, sell electronic products with large price differences to foreign countries, and..."

Nanyi raised one leg and showed off the sneakers on his feet, "Aren't you handsome? The Putian goods bought for 90 yuan are of good quality, but the format involves copyright infringement."

"Mr. Nan, are you still wearing A clothes?" Xue Xiaomin asked in surprise.

"I bought it when I saw it looked good. I seldom wear sneakers. Today I wear them mainly to show you two." Nanyi put his legs down, "Come back to business, I have done a simple research, similar sneakers Carry out a simple revision to make it non-infringing, and the printing fee will not cost much. As long as the order quantity is large, it can be erased through discussion with the manufacturer.

Once the subprime mortgage crisis breaks out, many people’s lives will become difficult. As long as our shoes are cool enough, and the brand bonus of big sports brands is wiped out on the price, the sales volume will not be bad, maybe We can also take the opportunity to make a sports brand. "

Then, Nanyi broke things down and talked about the cost of shoes, website operation costs, labor costs, logistics costs, credit card fraud losses, returns and exchanges, and other aspects, and the problems encountered in business operations.

Don't ask him why he is so clear before he does it, the answer is that he has actual combat experience in his previous life, he has personally experienced a lot, and he often communicates with his colleagues, so he knows all kinds of problems in his mind.

After listening to Nan Yi's narration, Du Wenhua asked: "Mr. Nan, can this model be made bigger?"

"It's not a big problem to make a little money, but it's hard to make it big. For you, this project is not worth mentioning. The profit of a million dollars is a hurdle. It's hard to say whether you can cross it. But for Xue Xiaomin, a poor man Say, you should be able to jump for joy."

Xue Xiaomin rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Mr. Nan, don't make targeted attacks, okay?"

Nan Yi said cheerfully: "It's better to be poor. The poorer you are, the lower your starting point and the greater your room for improvement. In a few years, you can brag hard in front of the media. I think back then I started with 50 cents, and after five years of hard work Struggle, my assets have doubled by 10 billion times.

In order to give you a chance to brag about this bullshit, you buy 50 cents of the shares, and your teacher will give you 10 cents of the shares. "

The dream of machine tools needs a huge amount of financial support. The two idiots of Nan Yiyu just want to create a relatively rich cornucopia for their dreams, and they have to have money every time they take money from it. Therefore, the projects to be operated by the soon-to-be-established partnership company "Da Guo Niu" will be more complicated. Initially, we will start with some projects with limited ceilings, and let the two of them experience a little more training. When they mature, Da Guo Niu will turn into a financial company. .

"Mr. Nan, this joke is not funny at all."

"Mr. Nan, besides selling goods live and selling shoes abroad, will you do other projects?" Du Wenwen asked after thinking about it for a while.

Nan Yi sneered and said, "Your father's business doesn't need modern enterprise management at all, and I guess there probably won't be either. Have you ever worked as an intern CEO in a big company, or have you ever run a store with more than ten employees?

You have a business acumen and an investment mindset, but you have no experience in business management or operating projects. Let’s talk about this restaurant. I’ll hand it over to you for management. Do you have the confidence to manage it?

If you answered yes, then I have to ask you again, what is supporting your confidence? Because you have a passion for it? Or because you are young, there is nothing wrong with it?

Culture, self-confidence and ambitious goals are good things, but you can't be too ambitious. Opportunities will only be given to those who are prepared. This kind of preparation is not just psychological preparation. "

Nan Yi raised his hand and patted the back of Du Wenhua's head, "There must be material here, and there must be real skills in the hands."

Du Wenhua showed embarrassment and was embarrassed to answer.

Nan Yi shook his head, "Do you have a passport?"

"Yes." Du Wenhua nodded.

"I'm planning to ask for leave and fly to Xiangtang. When I arrive in Xiangtang, take my plane to Liechtenstein, where I register a company A, and go to Cayman to register company B in the name of company A; company B goes to Lion City to register company C; Hong Kong registered Company D; Company D established an E-STOP company in the capital, and E-STOP Company invested and controlled a company called Daguo Niu. This company has not yet been registered, and you have to go through the formalities.”

Nan Yi turned to look at Xue Xiaomin, "You have to come forward, one of the individual shareholders of Daguo Niu is you."

Xue Xiaomin was stunned, "Mr. Nan, I really don't need to invest money?"

Nan Yi waved his hand and said indifferently: "Investment is something rich people like Wenhua and I should do. Poor people like you just need to work hard."

"Mr. Nan..." Xue Xiaomin's voice was infinitely bitter, "You are so rich, you have your own plane."


There was a lot of noise, and then back to the topic in an instant.

Nanyi explained this VIE-like structure to the two of them. He only explained the superficial reasons, but did not say anything about the deep ones, and only waited for them to discover them in the future.

"The registered capital of Daguoniu is 10 million, and I will contribute 5 million, accounting for 60% of the shares; Culture will contribute 5 million, accounting for 30% of the shares; Xue Xiaomin will contribute 50 cents, accounting for 10% of the shares; At the time, within 5%, I will take it from my shares, and the excess will be diluted proportionally. Do you have any objections to the distribution of culture in this way?"

Du Wenhua nodded without hesitation. He has seen money, is not short of money, and has a larger structure than ordinary people. He knows that the key point he should grasp is not the distribution of shares. He understands that Mr. Nan is leading him to play this time.

Five million is nothing to him, he can afford to lose it completely, but he probably can't afford the extremely inflated figure of five million, and he can't imagine what to do to make the funds extremely inflated, according to the principle of distribution according to work In principle, he should not be qualified to care about the number of shares.

"Teacher, does E-STOP have a special meaning?"

"No, I just went to Fengtian and visited Northeast Machine Tool. I saw these letters in the factory area. I think the typesetting is pretty good, so I thought of using this as the company name."

Du Wenhua's forehead was covered with black lines, "I saw it in the machine tool factory, E-STOP should mean the emergency stop button."

"That's right, it's the red emergency stop button on the machine tool." Nan Yi echoed: "I think the emergency stop button has a deep meaning. If you find that you are going the wrong way, press the emergency stop button immediately, stop and think about whether you should Keep going, or turn around and take a more correct path."

Xue Xiaomin interjected: "This name is quite good, what does Daguoniu mean?"

"I really don't have this. I just saw an announcement on the bulletin board in the window. The title is Daguo, comma, cow, exclamation point. It is said that a mechanic named Zhong Daguo broke through 20,000 sheets of sandpaper in a year in order to study polishing technology. , I thought that this person is awesome, and I was happy, so I decided to use this name."

Nan Yi made up a story, but did not express the true meaning of "craftsmen of a great country, full of bullshit". This is a bit big, and he intends to explain it after he has made some achievements, so as not to fall into the trap of "artisans of a great country, blowing nonsense" "The embarrassing situation.

Xue Xiaomin complained: "Mr. Nan, you chose your name quite casually. I don't think Daguoniu sounds good. Let's choose a new one that sounds better."

Nan Yi asked Du Wenhua, "What do you mean?"

"I think Daguo Niu is very good and catchy."

Nanyi looked at Xue Xiaomin, "Two votes to one, your opinion has been rejected."


On the same day, Nanyi took Ding Yiku to a shop.

The action in the village was not slow. After walking less than 17 kilometers on the 37 kilometers of dirt road, the three of Nanyi met villagers who were planting trees on the top of the mountain. Ma Hailong was also there, playing the leading role of the village secretary.

After saying hello, Nan Yi stepped forward to check the saplings that had not been planted, and then went to look at the ones that had just been planted, but found no problems, and walked to Ma Hailong again.

"Secretary Ma, has the ownership of the mountain been clarified at the Land and Resources Management Office?"

Ma Hailong raised his hand and wiped his sweat with his sleeves, lit a cigarette again and replied: "It has been made clear that the 37.6 kilometers long and 2.6 kilometers wide mountains from the village to the intersection belong to the collective land of Yidiandian."

"It's good if it's clear. Keep busy. I'll go to the storage ditch to have a look."

Nanyi brought Ding Yiku to the water storage ditch, and the two of them took the measuring tape around to measure, and the equivalent was good, Nanyi calculated on the paper again, and after a while, he roughly calculated the water storage capacity and water depth of the reservoir after it was completed and other data.

After the reservoir is built, Nanyi plans to get some big guys and weird guys back from the outside. At that time, there will be a Fishing King Competition. The contestants who win the title of Fishing King will get a bonus of 1.88 million, and create more momentum on the Internet , Invite a little more media, and fool a group of people over. If the income is not bad, the bonus will be paid out. If the income is not good, arrange one of your own people to be the fishing king.

On the night of the King Fishing Contest, someone was walking by the reservoir and saw the legendary water ghost. Like all bizarre rumors, he would definitely take a photo, and the photo must be blurry.

In order to solve the story of the water ghost, you have to order a custom-made camouflage suit. The sloth is somewhat similar to the legendary water ghost, but it is too troublesome to introduce this thing, so it is better to dress it up directly. Water ghosts are still different.

These two arrangements on the side of the reservoir are enough, and they should be able to fool some tourists.

It’s just that after the arrangements are made, there are big problems ahead. The dam and the hydropower unit will cost a lot of money, and the store is so remote. It’s impossible to fool people into investing in small hydropower, and neither is Stealing Food. Hurry up, where to change the money?

Nanyi has always had a bad plan in his stomach. If he can’t think of a good solution, he will lend his own money to a group to get things done first. However, he still wants to find a good plan. It’s best to get some free money from somewhere. money.

After thinking about it for a while, Nan Yi put down his thoughts for a while, and took Ding Yiku to the various cultivation pools to check the growth or reproduction.

The moss in the moss cultivation pond is growing well, and it will be diverted to the filter pond in a short time. In the earthworm cultivation pond, pull away the cow dung, and you can see a lot of earthworm eggs. Luckily, there were already a lot of them when they were first pulled. It is about to enter the breeding season, and when these eggs hatch, some earthworms can be transferred to various hills.

After staying in a shop for three days, Nanyi and the village committee met twice to study and arrange the work that should be done in the next one and a half months. First, the trees and grass were planted, and then a group of people were recruited to build the Yaowang Temple. Pull to engage in roadbed.

You have to wait to lay the cement. It is the time when the price of building materials is high. Even if the labor is free, the cost of a kilometer will be nearly 160,000. When the price of cement drops before starting construction, the price can be lowered by tens of thousands. Besides, more than 700 With a budget of 10,000 yuan, Nanyi can't change it for a while.

After returning to the capital, Nanyi immediately began to think about making money. At the meeting, he had already explained to the people in the village committee that the remaining money of a group was limited to one month, and he wanted to spend it.

The first step is to pull the list of the global charity fund, regardless of whether it is true charity or fake charity, a sincere email asking for help is sent. In the email, Nanyi does not force financial help. If there is a disaster relief that is thrown in the warehouse and is about to mold Supplies are also needed.

If the value is high, he can bear the shipping cost, if the value is not high, he can only ask the other party to be merciful. No matter how small a mosquito is, it still has meat, as long as it can be cashed out, three or five hundred is not too little for him.

The charity fund is done here, and Nanyi asked Fan Hongdou for a special list of domestic rich people. Some of them raised multiple "wives" semi-publicly in the developing world, and some were obsessed with gods and gods, and "fairyland". Walk closer.

After a lot of research, Nanyi went online to find some supernatural and feng shui content to read. During the period, he even called Pei Shiyi to learn from him.

A store can completely take out a piece of land for the rich with special needs to build Zhenhun Building, Star Picking Building, Longevity Building and the like. It is also possible to bury the ancestors vertically or build an extremely luxurious tomb. The collective land cannot be sold, but it can be leased. The rent is one or two million a year, and the advance payment is 20 years. As long as the rent is paid on time, there will be no problems with the building or the tomb.

This idea is a bit unreliable. Even if the rich have the idea of ​​building these things, they will not go all the way to a store, but they still have to try. much.

After researching, sorting out information, writing a plan, and circled a few target people with a relatively high success rate, Nanyi found Huang San'er and entrusted her to find someone to help him with this matter. If it is done, he can come up with Up to 20% benefit fee.

This kind of thing is hard to say, he himself can only beat the drums on the periphery, and it is impossible to end shirtless.

After Shentao's arrangement, Nanyi started to care about the stock market again. He opened the stock trading software and called up the K-line chart of each stock.

Nanyi called Sister Chan and asked which stocks would be in the market recently. Sister Tang gave a few names, including China Construction Bank, and said that it would probably go up by a few dollars in the next few days; After inquiring, Nanyi took out 1.2 million to Sister Chan, and asked her to help with the operation on her behalf. If you want to allocate funds, you can allocate as high as possible.

Here, I verbally agreed with Sister Chan, asking her to deposit 1.2 million first, and then, Nan Yi went to the school non-stop to find the leader of the courtyard, and talked about the difficulties of a store. Class words.

Some procedures cannot be wrong. Using money to speculate in stocks without consulting with the courtyard is no different from seeking death. Otherwise, even if Nanyi can turn 1.2 million into 12 billion, a big black pot will still fall from the sky.

The procedure was correct, but the money still couldn't be moved. Nanyi found Wenren Lanyue and signed a short-term loan contract with her—a loan of 2.4 million yuan with a one-month loan period and an interest of 24,000 yuan.

At the same time, Nanyi signed a contract with Yifan Group in his own name, to the effect that Yifan Group would guarantee a loan to Nanyi, and Nanyi would use the money for investment, and both parties would share the profits 50-50.

The two contracts seem weird, but they are absolutely legal. Moreover, it is a person who can understand that Nanyi is delivering benefits to the "public" in disguise, and he needs an outsider's guarantee to borrow money from his sister-in-law?

If you are willing to borrow, you can borrow it, and if you are not willing to borrow it, it is useless to find someone to guarantee it.

After doing the three things well, Nanyi made a trip to Jigongdang. He hadn’t been here for a long time, and he missed it for a while, and commissioned technicians to study the additives and feed formula of red rose eggs.

Theoretically speaking, the shell of an egg can be any color, even the yolk can change color. The era of judging whether an egg is good or bad by observing the color of the yolk is long gone.

There is a saying that if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world. In many cases, chickens are more expensive than people. A farmer's son has two peasant families behind him, and a worker's son has two worker families behind him. , but behind a chicken, there are either a group of benefactors or a group of scientists.

Scientists use scientific research to develop rose eggs, and a group sells them to licking dogs at the price of "99" for loving you. The poor buy 9, bite their teeth and buy 99, and those who are not short of money buy 999.

If the rose egg can be popularized, the follow-up can keep up with the idea of ​​the rose egg for marriage proposal. The idea of ​​hiding the ring in the cake has long been out. It is romantic to grow in the egg yolk. As long as the money is enough, double yellow hearts Shaped eggs are not impossible to breed.

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