Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1217 Shit Stirring Stick

"Boss, I'm not self-righteous. I have an accurate judgment on you. You are an animal of interest, and you use the gains and losses to weigh everything. As long as I have a lot of usefulness, you will tolerate my presumptuousness."

Sophie spoke frivolously and confidently.

"Hehe, it's said that you are self-righteous, and you still have to be stubborn." Nan Yi patted Su Mei's arm, and said with a smile: "You can be so presumptuous, your ability can only be said to be icing on the cake, the key factor is your gender .”

Su Mei giggled and said, "Isn't it because of my eyes?"

"A snob?"

"Otherwise? Winking?"

In addition to being charming, Su Mei's eyes also have a trick of snobbery, which is a must-have skill for a good salesman, especially real estate sales.

In fact, there is nothing particularly magical about it. It is nothing more than accurately judging the economic strength of the customer through the clothing of the customer. Whether it is a domestic famous brand or a world famous brand, the most important thing here is to judge which people are rich but low-key, and which are not. Qian slapped his face swollen to pretend to be fat.

Su Mei's eyes are very sharp, she can very accurately distinguish rich people who pretend to be low-key, and she can also distinguish clients from their speech and behavior. It is natural to compare the property you are looking at with a certain place abroad, which probably has a background.

There is also a relatively simple trick to judge the identity and purchasing power of the customer through the mount. If you drive a private car to view the house, you basically have the intention to buy; if you take a bus or take a taxi, you basically come to shop around; Those who sit in a group to watch the RV are very likely to join in the fun, and drink the air conditioner by the way.

Don't think that renting a luxury car can hide Su Mei's eyes. The license plates of high-end car rental companies in the whole city are all in her mind, and it is not her turn to look at people. By looking at the car, people can be excluded as potential customers. off the list.

Of course, it’s easy to say, whether it’s looking at cars or people, you have to have something in your stomach, you have to be well-informed, and you have had in-depth contacts and conversations with various groups of people, otherwise you can’t accurately classify people.

"Everything is good. Be careful in the future. It's not easy for anyone to buy a house. With a lifetime of savings, you still have to owe decades of debt. It's so troublesome to buy an unfinished building. It's not easy for me. This kind of thing happens more often This time, my coffin had to be folded in."

"Boss, I don't believe you will pay this time." Su Mei blinked, "I guess He Zhengzhong is going to be in trouble, you must not let him off lightly."

Nan Yi patted Su Mei's little face, and jokingly said: "It's better to be smart. If you want to deal with people, you have to ask for help. Favor debts are the most difficult thing to pay off. Who can say for sure if you earn or lose. Let's not use the three suites for now." I may have to take it away.”

"The price of three suites, no wonder you say that you may not make money."

"Talking." Nan Yi scolded with a smile: "If you haven't found a long-term meal ticket yet, I'll take you to a party another day. There are almost everyone who can go. You can choose the one you like and marry."

"Forget it, which rich man is willing to marry me? If he really wants to marry, he is thinking of me doing a free job for him. Boss, I won't let you worry about the trivial matters of my marriage." Su Mei hugged Nanyi's hand , deliberately said: "But if you are short of a lover, big boss, I don't mind being a junior for you."

"This flattery is good, it's chilly, and it's the most suitable for the autumn tiger's weather. I've eaten it, so you don't have to make a fuss, just go and bring me the house purchase contract."

Su Mei folded her fingers into claws, brushed lightly across Nanyi's chest, and said coquettishly, "I'm serious."

Nan Yi glanced at Su Mei, "I'll give you a serious slap in the face later, you're still in good spirits, don't hesitate, hurry up."

"Boss, are you dying? Another man would have rushed." Before Nan Yi could reply, Su Mei had already let go of Nan Yi's hand, giggling and ran away.

Nan Yi could only shake his head helplessly.

After a while, Su Mei came back with three contracts, Nan Yi took a look, handed the contracts back and left.

For the next two days, Nanyi was busy with big business: went to Beijing University and next door to find international students with beautiful feet and calves, both men and women, complete in black, white and brown; went to Beijing Film and Television Higher Vocational Class to find someone who had filmed commercials in the past Photography student; one day to find someone, make a team out of scraping together, one day to shoot, and shoot a VCR commercial that is not too complicated.

In order to save money, the post-production hired a student who had studied in the late stage of the Academy of Fine Arts, and Nanyi dictated the creative requirements, and he was responsible for the realization.

At the same time as shooting VCR, the shooting of product pictures is also in progress. The photographer and cutout are still looking for college students with certain professional skills; Nanyi handles the brand story and product introduction copywriting by himself. , In less than two hours, all the products are done.

Xiao Zhou handles the product upload. The design of the product introduction found a designer from the Internet and asked him to drive all night. He made three templates and samples in one night. Let Xiao Zhou replace product pictures and introductions.

As a major shareholder, Nanyi is extremely busy, and the two small shareholders naturally cannot let them idle. Du Wenhua has to go to the clothing store outside with his clothes every night, and Xue Xiaomin has to come to the office to take care of the logistics during the lunch break and evening Work, cleaning, buying water and fast food, and I have to assist Xiao Zhou, helping with translation and proofreading.

The target customer groups of cross-border e-commerce are only for Europe and North America, and other regions will not be served for the time being. The website will block IP access from outside these two places through technical means, and the advertisements will only be targeted at these two regions.

The website will be available in four languages: English, French, Portuguese and German. There has just been a shoe scandal in Wenzhou in Spain, so we will not consider this market for the time being.

Everything was in full swing. When the time came to the night of the fifth day, Nanyi uploaded the first website, SmartBox (fashion cabinet), which is likely to spend a lot of energy in the future, to the server, and then carried out the Adam keyword Ad placement, and SEO optimization for search engine rankings.

In this way, Daguoniu's first cross-border e-commerce business has begun to operate.

Du Wenhua also made some achievements. There are three clothing stores trying to buy some goods. When delivering goods, they not only want the goods, but also attach a customs clearance certificate.

This is of course no problem, not to mention the customs clearance certificate, even the video of Dongdaemun's approval of goods can be attached, because the owner of the clothing store would not dare to ask for it.

The customs clearance certificate is the weight of the price increase. Nanyi estimates that each piece of clothing will be added with at least twice the profit. The wholesale price of a hundred yuan will probably be 388, 488, or even 588, 888 in the hands of consumers. If there is no such profit, who will sell clothes.

In order to facilitate the bragging of the clothing store owner and Du Wenhua’s promotion, Nanyi compiled a set of documents, moved the source of the clothing to a high-end department store in Seoul, and simulated the entire process of wholesale clothing in Seoul through text, as long as the clothing store The boss knows everything by heart, even the guests who have traveled to Seoul are still fooled.

For e-commerce, you have to start with making up stories, such as brand stories, product functions, and various gorgeous product details. Most of them come from the hands of planning copywriters. Thinking hard with the product picture, all kinds of words seem to be reasonable, but in fact they just pile up bullshit words.


In a blink of an eye, it was Saturday again, and Xue Xiaomin was driven by Nanyi to Huaqiangbei to learn about the wholesale market of several electronic products, and then went to Yangcheng to learn about several watches that could compete with Swiss goods.

Du Wenhua continued to sell clothes, Nanyi himself was a bit more leisurely, and the supervisor came up with a second website "MadeIn" that mainly sells electronic products, and then he began to write a proposal for the third big project of Heyfeedbuy.

The problem of melamine has already exploded, but its influence is mainly abroad, and it has not exploded in the field of dairy products.

It must be fried. Ever since Iron Fan Dairy was born, Dairy Farmer’s milk and milk powder have been sold in the domestic market. Since Iron Fan Dairy joined the formulation of industry standards, it has been continuously outputting warnings to be careful of melamine in the industry. However, the result was that Iron Fan Dairy became a mouse-hunting dog, and no one cared about the advice, and even Iron Fan Dairy was in a little trouble.

For the safety of dairy products, Iron Fan Dairy conducts strict monitoring from the source of cow breeding, and has strict requirements on everything. Under the instigation of caring people, the dairy farmers who had previously cooperated with each other on the grounds that there is less money and more troubles. The cooperation with Iron Fan Dairy has been completed.

In this way, it can be regarded as being in the arms of Iron Fan Dairy. There is no need to abide by the previous agreement with the local government of Saibei to support dairy farmers. Shennong Nanliang directly provides all-round support and has established the most advanced In this way, the production environment of Iron Fan Dairy is all controlled by itself, and the production process implements the second standard after the world's first standard of Nanshi Xiaozao.

The dairy products of the Dairy Farmer brand can’t be said to be the best products in the world, but they are definitely reassuring products. If someone’s child has a problem with eating, Nanyi will pay for it, and the sufferer will take the stuff and go directly to dig his ancestral grave.

Nan Yi does not comment on the quality of domestic dairy products. Anyway, he and the people around him only drink Xiaozao milk, and the partners in his network either drink special food or drink milk farmer's brand.

More than 20 years ago, Nanyi was already paying attention to the desugaring, fresh-keeping, and artificial synthesis technologies of milk. Since then, the Fansheng Institute has invested heavily in research, and Nuwa Animal Husbandry has also invested in milk-related industries at that time. The investment was made, and in the later stage, the agricultural holding investment under Shennong Wealth Management took over.

Let’s put it this way, more than 40% of the milk that charity organizations did not distribute to the victims, but was secretly thrown away after it expired, could be related to Nanyi. Maybe the cow breed is Nan’s, and maybe the milk powder is Nan’s. Yes, most likely because of the adoption of patents or packaging boxes belonging to Nan's. Many of Nan's technologies have filled the gaps in the Milky Way, bringing the Milky Way closer to the "interstellar" level.

Because of this, Nanyi is also clear about the matter related to milk. He is very clear that his little wings have not wiped out the milk powder crisis. There may be differences in the timing of the outbreak, but what should come will definitely come However, the Chinese people's crisis of confidence in domestic milk powder will still erupt.

Once the crisis breaks out, a brand-new overseas purchasing agent market for milk powder will appear. From the spread of milk powder, overseas purchasing agents will enter a climax period. The third major project of Heyfegou is to establish an intermediary platform for overseas purchasing agent "500 miles" , to establish a bridge of communication and guarantee between domestic buyers and overseas Chinese and overseas students who are interested in engaging in the purchasing business.

In human terms, Nanyi is too lazy to develop businesses one by one, and directly uses the thinking of landlords to open up wasteland and rent the land to tenants, and then collect rent from them for one to three years.

Rent collection is only the first step. Nanyi knows very well that the 500-mile business is unlikely to be long-term. The basis for its "independent" existence is the "personal postal items worth less than 500 yuan" in the relevant regulations on imported goods. Once the overseas purchasing agent market is overheated, this clause will definitely be revised. When the time comes, the goods will first pay customs duties and then pay value-added tax, and the profits of practitioners will be directly sucked up.

Therefore, overseas purchasing agents are not suitable for independent existence, but only suitable for integrating into large e-commerce platforms and reorganizing them as overseas purchasing agents, operating in a different way of thinking.

The second step in Nanyi's mind is to wait for the big e-commerce platform to buy. The requirements are not high. As long as there is a profit difference of 200 to 300 million U.S. dollars, it will be sold. Cash or cash plus stocks are all available. Daguo Niu keeps half and the other half For Nan's, without Nan's poking in the back, Daguo Niu can only be rounded and flattened by others.

If you want to be a shit stirrer, you must be strong, otherwise you will not be a shit stirrer, you can only become a foot wrap, just like Xiao Bobo, Xiao Dezi and Xiao Suzi make eye contact, you one three five, I two four six, side by side on Sunday superior.

After completing the plan for 500 miles, Nanyi started to make the plan for "Han Style".

Han Style will not build its own platform, it will rely on the e-commerce platform to survive. It just so happens that both Goudong and Maobao are acquaintances. If they say hello, they will definitely give them face. When the two platforms engage in promotional activities in the future , will definitely be able to bring Han Style along.

Not to mention the pea platform that Fan Hongdou is already working on, it's a matter of one sentence.

In general, Nanyi is more optimistic about Han Style's results first. Although the fashion cabinet has already opened an order, and it exceeded his expectations. 12 orders were sold the next day, but it really counts, even if all the orders are smooth. Completed, no orders needed to be returned or exchanged, and the gross profit was only $204, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Although Nanyi still has a backhand against the fashion cabinet, he still feels that the self-hematopoiesis of Daguo Niu in the early stage is likely to rely on Han Style.

However, no matter which one he is optimistic about, things are already developing on the positive side. Da Guo Niu will soon see the money back, and with the benefits, the staff team can see hope. Although the current structure of Da Guo Niu is very deformed, the three The boss adds a regular employee, and the boss is busier than the employees.

While writing the plan, Nanyi should also keep an eye on the mailbox, check the consultation information left by the customer on the website (the information will be automatically sent to the mailbox), and after replying, summarize the questions, and then carry out the artificial intelligence customer service system train.

Big Bull does not plan to establish a customer service team. The customer service work is mainly handed over to artificial intelligence. If there is information about establishing a cooperative relationship, it will be passed on to the marketing department that will be established soon.

At seven o'clock in the evening on Tuesday, Nanyi was still working overtime, and a pair of small hands covered his eyes from behind him.

"Guess who I am?"

"I guess you are not Nan Ruoqi, nor Zhao Jiatong." Nan Yi held Nan Ruoqi's catkin, released his eyes, looked up at Nan Ruoqi's face, "It's amazing, I can touch it by myself. Come to the door."

"It's so simple." Nan Ruoqi smiled and said, "Daddy, have you had dinner yet?"

"Not yet, how about you, have you eaten on the plane?"

"I didn't eat either, Daddy, let's go to Lavender to share the helm, can you do well?"

"According to your."

When Nanyi cooked delicious food, it was already nine o'clock. The father and daughter each carried a big plate and sat on the long wooden swing in the open space outside the house, swinging lightly while eating.

"A special trip to see Dad, or by the way?"

"By the way."

"Is there an opportunity for Guangyu Electric?"

"Not yet, sister Ai Jia and I have something to talk about."

"Oh." Nanyi was silent for a while, "You have two older brothers and one older sister, and they will take care of you. You, an old man, want to make you feel at ease, but who knows that you still follow their old path."

Nan Ruoqi giggled, "Daddy, daddy has it, mother has it, it's not as good as having it myself."

"Oh." Nan Yi laughed at himself: "The shortcomings in my bones seem to have been passed on to you. It's okay, precocity is not a bad thing, and when Dad finishes his work for a while, he will accompany you to the Lion City and take you to visit Some elders."

"Daddy, you want me to go to Lion City?" Nan Ruoqi was slightly surprised.

"Walk on both sides, be flexible, and when you go back to Xiangtang, go find Uncle Zhao Jinshui, pick one from Xueshan Trust's property in Lion City, and dad will give it to you."

"Daddy, no more, your shares are not as many as mine, I'll buy one myself."

"Hehe, I've grown up so much that I know how to love others."


Looking at his little daughter in front of him, Nan Yi couldn't help but lament how time flies, and in two years, the youngest will reach the age of Ji, and his burden as a father is getting lighter and lighter.

Nan Yi stroked Fu Nan Ruoqi's head, "Little girl, if you want to do business, you can't waste your studies. You, sister Ruochan, sister Hongdou, sister Ruoying, etc. are all Ph. My sister will also take the exam in the future, you can't be an exception, and my father still wants to carry the brand of a scholarly family."

Nan Ruoqi smiled, "Daddy, can I take two doctoral degrees?"

"The more the better, your dad and I plan to go to the Philippines, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, North Korea, Haiti, Congo, etc., and study in places where it is easier to get a degree, at least 37 doctorates."

"Hey hey, daddy wants to overpower Mr. Hu Shi?"

"Dad was just kidding you. I don't need to rely on a doctorate title to make a living. It's meaningless to me to read water blogs." Nan Yi said, changing the subject, "How many days are you going to stay here?"

"I have already applied for the route at 8 o'clock tomorrow night."

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