Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1221 a stage of success

"I'm Captain Kim Taeyeon."

"I am……"

After the personal introduction, the nine people said in unison: "A song "Girls' Generation" for all cats."

Taking advantage of Girls' Generation singing, Nanyi turned his attention to the notebook on the side, observing the various data changes on the data monitoring. It was pretty good. The number of online users on the entire platform has reached 240,000, and more than 220,000 are concentrated in the big star live broadcast During the period, less than 20,000 people were scattered in the live broadcast rooms of other anchors.

The anchors of Ingrid Xu were notified in advance that today they will be featuring big stars, and everyone’s live broadcast room will broadcast the images of big stars. At the same time, they rely on their own charm to gain the favor of the audience, and inform the audience of their future live broadcast time.

After reading the data, Nanyi sent Wu Xiaoxiong a message: The data is good.

Wu Xiaoxiong: I am going to pursue the victory and increase the advertising investment.

Nanyi: Come up with a capital increase plan.

Wu Xiaoxiong: OK.

After chatting for a while, the first song of Girls’ Generation was over, Nanyi missed the introduction of the second song, and the magical voice kept coming into his ears: “I am a raccoon cat, meow meow meow~ I am a raccoon cat Flower cat, meow meow meow..."

The same lyrics were sung in different tones. Girls' Generation paired it with a catwalk dance that matched their own style. The performance was extremely cute, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room ushered in another small climax.

Knowing that Lihuamao's debut was stable, Nan Yi forked out the browser, turned off the computer, and leaned back on the chair to take a nap.

On Saturday, Nanyi flew to Kazanlak, which is known as the "City of Roses" in Bulgaria, went around and bought a small essential oil processing factory "Кървавароза" on the verge of bankruptcy with an equivalent of 260,000 RMB. "(Blood Rose).

It took half a day to deal with the affairs of the processing factory, stabilize the remaining three workers, and then ordered the hired lawyer to wait for the transfer of Blood Rose to be completed and apply for the trademark FOX in its name.

Something happened in Bulgaria, Nanyi didn't stop by to see the bridal market, but flew directly to Paris to accompany Sophie Marceau, who had been relatively leisurely recently, to visit her son, and registered a company called "A Fool and Two Beauties" by the way.

Nanyi mentioned this matter to Sophie Marceau, but she also wanted to intervene. The name of the company was logically changed to "A Fool and Three Beauties", and the shares constituted 49.5% of Nan Ruoqi and 49.5% of Nan Ruojin. %, Nanyi 0.1%, Sophie Marceau 0.9%, needless to say, the funds must be paid by Nanyi alone.

Nanyi plans to inject 50 million US dollars into "Shamei", which will be used to deploy plantations and processing plants of essential oil-related plants around the world, first squeeze into the raw material supply side, and then slowly try to establish a worldwide essential oil brand.

[Essential oils are extracted from plants, such as rose, lavender, jasmine, etc. The real good essential oil depends on various conditions such as the variety of the plant, the climate, humidity and temperature of the country where it is grown, the harvesting time of the workers, the harvesting method and other conditions, so it must be distributed in many countries. ]

He is only responsible for investing and paying attention to the early stage of enterprise construction. The establishment of the brand is left to his two daughters. He will not provide any help. He will be the best if he can succeed, and it will be a trial and error if he fails.

There are many mistakes, but you can always find the right way.

However, it may be difficult, there are mothers poking behind their backs, the small ones are not working well, and the big ones will go into battle shirtless.

Returning to the capital with a sore back and sore back, Nanyi worked as a trapeze for another two weeks, flying all over the country. Through the channels of the reclamation group, he signed planting agreements with many farmers—FOX provided seeds and planting technology, and the farmers Responsible for planting, and after receiving the goods, FOX is responsible for recycling.

Roses, coriander, mint, jasmine, rosemary, lavender, chamomile, bergamot, dill, cinnamon, cloves, patchouli, etc., all the plants needed to extract essential oils are planted by farmers.

After being a trapeze man, Nanyi started to write FOX's brand story again. Anyone who knows him knows that he is more sincere, so he will not make up brand stories. Vocabulary is modified.

His brand story is compiled like this:

First of all, the rose essential oil he brought back was studied by Xue Xiaomin, so that she fell in love with the taste of essential oil, and then deeply studied the culture of essential oil. At the same time, learn performance skills and shooting techniques to lay a solid foundation for creating an "essential oil goddess".

When she is ready, she will take a trip to Bulgaria. She met the people there in Kazanlak, came into contact with Damascus rose, came into contact with rose essential oil, and fell in love with it immediately. The hair is out of control, and I am determined to make essential oils my life's work.

On her way to visit and study in an essential oil processing factory after she made up her mind, she passed by an old castle. On the grass at the gate, there was a wounded fox lying on her back. She felt pity and wanted to take the fox away for treatment. Who knew? The fox refused to go, but screamed towards the castle.

She realized something, entered the castle, and found a nest of little foxes in a corner. She picked up the little foxes, and accidentally saw a parchment scroll in the nest. Later, she asked someone to translate it. It records the essential oil extraction process 400 years ago.

Because of this fate, she named her essential oil brand after FOX.

After finally scraping together the money to buy a processing factory on the verge of bankruptcy, with a brood of foxes and three workers, they struggled towards brand building.

After compiling the first draft, Nanyi studied the history of rose planting in Bulgaria, changed "400 years" to "276 years", and called Blood Rose, and domesticated two red foxes, one male and one female, in the processing factory , and wait for his notice before allowing them to mate.

Xue Xiaomin is about to become a person with a camera behind her, and her "every move" in Bulgaria will be photographed.

For products like essential oils, it’s not enough to just advertise how good you are. Consumers who are mainly women need a role model. A top student at Beijing University can travel as soon as he or she has yet to graduate, build his own brand, do an elegant job, live an elegant life, and become an elegant person. Such a role model, Don't be too provocative.

That's right, Nanyi wants to make Xue Xiaomin a queen of goods.

For the first revision and second revision, show it to Du Wenhua and Xue Xiaomin, and ask them to figure out where there are loopholes... For the third revision, show it to Zhao Qianer and Yang Xiaohu, and for the fourth revision...

After several revisions, the brand story of FOX was finalized. The heroine Xue Xiaomin was driven by Nanyi to the acting training class where Zhao Qianer was, and her clockwork was tightened even more.


With the passage of time, the stores of Sechi, MadeIn, and Han Style have been successively established on Maobao. With the traffic support from Ma Qingyang, when shoppers search for certain keywords, the products of the three stores can always be ranked in a better position. , shoppers click on the details page of a baby, and they can see pictures such as business licenses and trademark certificates.

Among the stores of individual sellers and small merchants, the three stores should not be too conspicuous. They are not only the main body of the company, but also have a carefully designed detail page. With the formation of the situation, the orders of the three stores easily exploded.

Strike while the iron is hot, Color Ruler and MadeIn launched a campaign to send small gifts with the order, a pair of socks, a protective film, and so on.

The activities organized by Han Style are a bit bigger. Not long after the clear version of "Witch Youxi" appeared on the Internet, many people were watching and discussing it. Events - Every hundred orders will randomly include Ma Youxi's autographed stills, as well as Han Jiaren's autograph photos, people and autographs, and "To so-and-so" will be photographed, proving that every autograph is true.

When the first lucky buyer "Xiao Zhou" received the signed photo and confirmed in the comments that he had indeed received the photo, the sales volume rose immediately. Some buyers bought dozens of pieces, Nanyi didn't want to eat the photo It's so ugly that someone changed the details of the baby and stated that each buyer's account is limited to two pieces.

After the statement was issued, he turned a blind eye to the situation that some buyers purchased with different accounts but the delivery address was the same. He did not combine the orders to save express fees, and it was still a single express delivery.

This is just a gimmick, half of the profits are used to pay for the advertising fees of the entertainment company, the big money is paid out, and it doesn't make much sense to save money on the small ones.

The sales volume of Ma Youxi’s same style rose to a higher level in one day, with 5,000 orders in seven days, 10,000 orders in ten days, 20,000 orders in twelve days, and 30,000 orders in thirteen days, and then the number of orders decreased rapidly. The big guys with hundreds of orders performed almost the same, leaving only little Karami gritted his teeth to make an order.

Ma Youxi's popularity has also driven the sales of other treasures. There are hundreds of orders to over a thousand orders every day. Nanyi had to fly to Seoul to personally supervise the delivery, and praised Lin Xiangmin's ability by the way.

Most of the goods came back on credit from Lin Xiangmin, so it’s not enough to boast, and the courier fee is about the same. The monthly settlement is negotiated, and the courier fee will be settled at the end of the month.

There are not many renminbi in the account of Daguoniu, and there are only 10 million won in the account of Itaewon. There are actually a lot of dollars in the payment, but Nanyi plans to let it go. It can be said that the current liquidity of Daguoniu is about to be exhausted. Wait for Maobao's receivables to be unfrozen before it can be slowed down.

After staring at Seoul for a few days, Nan Yi returned to the capital and started to calculate his salary again. Since the next day, December 1st, the pay day happened to be Saturday, he calculated it in the morning and paid it in the afternoon.

"Xiao Zhou, this is your salary slip. Let me explain to you. This column is your basic salary, and this column is commission. This column is originally the deductible money for five insurances. The company is responsible, and the last column is the provident fund."

Nanyi took a calculation form of the capital provident fund payment ratio to Xiao Zhou, "Take it back and have a look carefully. There is a big difference between the minimum amount and the maximum amount that can be paid. No matter which payment ratio you choose, the company fixes it as You spend 800 yuan, not enough will be deducted from your salary, and the rest will be added to your salary.

Circulate it and let everyone make a decision within a week. "

Nan Yi said, and handed a salary card to Xiao Zhou, "This month's provident fund company will advance it first, and it will be deducted from next month's salary."

Xiao Zhou took the salary card and asked after signing the salary book: "Professor Nan, is there any benefit to paying more provident fund?"

"I won't go into too much detail. As long as you know that the provident fund is high, it will be easier for you to buy a house and get a loan in the future, and the amount you can borrow will be more. My suggestion to you is to pay as much as you can. Every month A few hundred yuan will not have a big impact on your life, but buying a house in the capital may completely change your life. Get out and let Xiao Wang in."

Nanyi can only click to the end. Although buying a house at this time will not suffer a loss, it is very easy to fall into a trap when encountering unreliable pineapple pies. He is so innocent when he is angered.

There are predestined people in Buddha's degree. If there is no predestined relationship, let the staff of Daguo Niu cultivate it by themselves.

The house price is too expensive, and if he wants to incorporate housing allocation into the welfare system, he will be powerless even if he wants to. Moreover, he has learned the lesson before that the welfare is too high to last, so he must take it easy. Just because he is willing to give more benefits to the staff does not mean that he is willing to take out what is in his pocket to make up for it.

After paying his salary, Nanyi left the conference room, returned to his desk, searched for pictures of beauties, and clicked on a website with good traffic, the advertisement of Lihuamao's first web game "Guiguzi" was prominently displayed. s position.

Click on it, and a new page pops up. The background music of "Ei Dorado" plays in the headset instantly, and all kinds of gaudy game characters pop up one after another on the full-screen page. The focus is mainly on female characters, Nanzi, Xi Shi, Mrs. Xi, Zheng Dan, Zhao Ji, Mao Qiang, etc., except for Nanzi's image of a lady, the other characters are portrayed with exaggerated figures, and they are also dressed in cool clothes, focusing on sexy.

The game characters were displayed for three seconds, and a star wearing armor appeared in the lower part of the screen, looking a little awkward and saying the advertisement: ""Guiguzi", it is definitely a brand new game that you have never played before..."

Nan Yi didn't care to listen to the advertising words that were mainly produced by himself, but carefully observed the connection between the star's head and the armor, and found that the splicing of the two was poor, and people who didn't know the synthesis technology could see the weirdness, so he gave Wu Xiaoxiong Send a message to let the technology change.

There is a standard for celebrities to charge advertising fees. They only need to read a line, and then ask for the right to use a portrait. It doesn’t cost much at all, ranging from a few thousand to as much as two or three hundred thousand. Lihuamao "invited" more than two dozen celebrities , produced more than 60 versions of advertisements, counting all the miscellaneous and miscellaneous, and only spent less than three million, most of which were still used for advertising.

The advertisement is just fooling around first, and when "Guiguzi" earns money, it will focus on inviting one or two celebrities to take videos and pose photos.

After carefully watching the ad, Nanyi found other versions of the ad, listened to different soundtracks, and carefully examined the ad with a slightly different theme. According to the different types of website themes, the themes of the advertisements are also different. The beauty picture website matches the sexy theme, the game-related website matches the blood theme, and the Gambling Bar and the like highlight the recycling of the Warring States Policy (Yuanbao).

Around three o'clock, after reading all the advertisements, Nanyi got up and went to the old warehouse to pay attention to the establishment of the customer service team.

The essence of web game operation is to retain players who are willing to spend money. Players who are unwilling to recharge but hang on to the game for a long time every day can be named locusts, meat shields or sandbags. get pleasure.

How to make krypton gold players earn more krypton gold is a topic that the game operation company needs to study continuously. There are people online 24 hours a day, the voice is clear and pleasant, and the customer service who is good at chatting is one of the motivations for krypton gold players to earn more krypton gold. Yi is more willing to call this kind of customer service "companion play".

Nanyi didn't enter the warehouse, but just called Wu Xiaoxiong and asked him to meet outside.

After a while, Wu Xiaoxiong came out of the warehouse.

"How many did you recruit?"


"Are there any outstanding ones?"

Wu Xiaoxiong didn't answer, but took out his mobile phone and played a recording, "Smelly brother, be my husband, from now on, call me wife!"

After listening, Nan Yi commented: "The voice is coquettish enough, but it's not natural enough. You need to practice more."

"Ask a mentor for the customer service department to guide you?"

"Help someone with a higher level. Don't be afraid to spend money. This is the blade. It's worth spending any amount. Then hire someone who has worked as a mentor in Nanpai MLM. Let the customer service staff learn how to confuse people and motivate them more. Let them understand that a monthly income of 10,000 yuan is not something to be proud of. To buy a car in one year and a house in two years, they can be regarded as a qualified customer service."

Wu Xiaoxiong was surprised, "MLM is still divided into north and south?"

"Finally, the southern faction relies on brainwashing and is gentler to people. They serve delicious food and drinks, and there are also female members who volunteer to help relax their nerves. What they want is to make people limping, falling into the created comfort zone and unable to climb out. Its routines are still worth studying and learning.

The northern faction is not worth mentioning. It mainly relies on violence and does not have much technical content.

This mentor needs to find someone who has undergone labor reform and reformed himself. This kind of person is very compatible with the current popular telecom fraud. "

Wu Xiaoxiong frowned, "It's so troublesome, why don't you find someone who has successfully learned it. I think Chen Anzhi's method is very popular, and many companies are looking for them for training."

Nan Yi spat: "Pull it down, the domestic success theory is to take the not too crooked scriptures from the United States, read them hard, and rely on fooling people to listen to them how to be successful, so as to realize their own wealth and success. , Stripped off their camouflage, it's the pyramid scheme in their bones.

I will give you 20,000 yuan for tuition, will you teach me your real success? "

Wu Xiaoxiong chuckled, "The most successful thing about me is getting to know you, the boss."

Nan Yi patted Wu Xiaoxiong on the shoulder, "Boss Wu, you have a future, and you have a good flattery. This is very good, keep it up. I haven't sat down with Laidi for a while. I'll give you a chance to treat me tonight. The three of us Get together."

"Okay, I'll call her."

In the evening, the three of them didn't go to any big restaurants, but ordered a few dishes from the nearby canteen, and then set up a battle at the entrance of the original Feilong Internet Cafe. The scene of the two making cakes.

Once, the cups collided, and the slogan of the year was chanted in the mouths of the three again.

"The flying dragon is in the sky."

"See you, my lord."

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