Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1233 Sublimation of Nanyi

Time is like water in a sponge, squeeze it and squeeze it away.

More than half of a summer vacation has passed in a hurry, and the time soon came to August 18. In the past month, Nanyi, Li Weijing, and Chen Wenqin had a work handover, and the affairs of the inheritance company were completely handed over to Yanxin Investment. When looking for him, he will only show up when you need to brush your face.

Zhenxuan Films, Function Films, Master Films, Lihuamao Live, Ingrid Xu, Changing Heads, and Daguo Niu were handed over to Chen Wenqin, and she was responsible for the matchmaking. Chen Wenqin offered some advice.

Nanyi plans to complete the case of Stealing Vegetables, and stop worrying about Nan's, Xueshan Trust and personal business affairs. Facts have proved that Nan Youqiong can definitely manage Nan's well, and there is no need for him to care about everything. It is enough to participate in the strategy discussion during the period of major changes in the economic structure.

Nan Ruojin is taking care of Xueshan Trust, and the eldest daughter Nan Ruojin has grown up, so she can also help take care of her, so she can basically be safe and worry-free.

In the past ten years, Xueshan Trust has continuously delivered high-quality resources. Although Xueshan Trust is unknown, its strength is not weak.

A Pillow Group is engaged in unscrupulous business, which should not be resorted to by mouth, but it is a veritable overlord in the industry, leading the fashion of the industry. In the hotter areas of Tokyo and the San Fernando Valley, there are a lot of star-studded movie stars. They are all proud to represent pillow.

The annual profit of Pillowside is quite considerable, and it has also created a lot of karma for Nanyi. Every year, there are at least millions of newborns who are unwilling to come to the world because of him, and there are also billions of new lives that are too late Formation was strangled by him.

If there were really eighteen layers of hell, Nan Yi would definitely go to the bottom layer after his death.

TONY Group, both elegant and popular, TONY Styling is already a world-renowned styling agency, serving many politicians, nobles, and celebrities; Akane's pedicure has brought many men a leisurely and happy time, allowing their private money to be maximized At the same time, it has also integrated into the automobile industry, and has undertaken the gathering business of many car clubs. There is a saying in the Doudou group of car clubs: I am not in Akiko, but on the way to Akiko.

Akiko's technicians can also serve as psychologists in addition to doing their job in health care. They can provide psychological counseling to married men, let them realize the value of family harmony, and they can also add an extra hour. Akiko's Performance is booming.

TONY, both refined and popular, not only provides shelter to a group of women with miserable lives, but also contributes a lot of profits every year.

Yiwan International has silk business and ten billion capital under its jurisdiction. Yiwan International Silk is already a giant in the international silk industry. It is involved in everything from mulberry tree planting, sericulture to silk products. Its subsidiaries are located in several major silk exporting countries. and consumer countries.

The unintentional willow planted by Nanyi at the beginning did not expect to turn into a willow forest. After killing a few difficult opponents, Yiwan International has a very prosperous life in the relatively closed silk industry. As long as the industry does not disappear, there will be no worries in the next 30 years.

Teng Bilian invested in the first battle of Shanghai Star to lay a solid foundation. In the following 13 years, Leng Yan led many shots in the domestic pharmaceutical field, and many domestic pharmaceutical companies have "Taiping" shares; Some biopharmaceutical companies that have listed China as their target market will take Teng Bilian along for a share of the investment when they invest, in the name of introducing Huaguo strategic partners for the company.

Foreigners also understand the principle that strong dragons do not overwhelm local snakes. They know that to go to a new market, they need to win over leading parties, and they are very willing to use a certain amount of shares to attract local snakes to join their camp.

In this way, Teng Bilian squeezed into the international business, opened up a pharmaceutical agent business in addition to the investment business, but the work of developing the market was handed over to Fuji Pharmaceutical, Wenren Lanyue's Wenrentang, and Shengchen Pharmaceutical. , An Anxin earns a little bit of agency price difference from it.

Snow Mountain Trust was not idle either. Nan Ruofing arranged to pick and choose from among the companies that were screened out by the Third Capital and the Lizardman, to find out from among the dwarfs companies that did not meet the strategic needs of Nan's but had investment value.

Teng Bilian has no long-term strategic policy. If there is one, it can only be to make money. If you invest the money, you can double it and get back the goal. The changes in the structure of the biopharmaceutical industry are not within the scope of consideration.

Nanji Industrial is under the jurisdiction of Nanji Petrochemical and Nanji Holdings. Nanji Petrochemical has a 700,000-ton ethylene project in Malaysia. Nanji Holdings casts a wide net in the upstream and downstream of the field of petrochemical products. If it looks good, it will invest in the project , The investment policy is based on a financial management mentality. Regardless of international oil security and voice, only focus on investment returns. As a condition for not having voice, the advantages are ranked first, and the disadvantages are ranked last.

When major shareholders want to gather shares, as long as the price offered is sufficient, everything is easy to talk about. Such shareholders of Taiping will be welcomed wherever they go.

Of course, there are also smart people who treat others as fools and play tricks. When you meet such people, you need someone who is good at reasoning to appear on the stage. If your mouth doesn’t make sense, change to 5.56. It takes a lot of work.

Huayi, New York Lincoln University, Southme, Xiongqi, Nanshan Dream Medical Group, Xinguangying and other wholly-owned or shareholding companies also continuously provide profits for Xueshan Trust. Nanwu, which holds 40% of the shares, does not use it If you do it, you can get a dividend of about 300 million U.S. dollars a year.

It is really not easy to calculate the assets of Xueshan Trust, it is changing at any time, and it is impossible to come up with an accurate figure. The market value of the hypocrisy can reach about 200 billion US dollars. To be honest, if it is packaged and sold, it should be It can be sold for 30 billion.

As for the market value, everyone understands that it is a product of a group of people colluding to fool the receiver in the name of credit. Only a small amount of share transactions have reference significance. If it is packaged, give 20% off and erase three zeros. Don’t steal Playing slippery, wipe the front of the decimal point.

As long as the Xueshan Trust exists, the Nan family members outside the Nan family's core will have a backing. Even if the mess they created loses all at some point, the standard of living will not drop. It is nothing more than a certain spiritual blow. It doesn't matter. , find a place to heal the injury and start from the beginning again. The Nan family has a solid foundation and can withstand the repeated failures of entrepreneurs with great ambitions and talents.

Nan's family has no worries, children have no worries, Nanyi's personal property and cash are enough for him to spend, and he can let him favor the youngest at any time. Enough, really enough, he has lost interest in making money, two lives , sinking into the business world for more than fifty years, kneeling and moving forward for a few taels of silver, enough, really enough, no need to worry about opening up new sources of income, maintaining the status quo is enough.

Nanyi put down his interests, and his whole person sublimated!

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