As soon as the auspicious time arrives, a motorcade coming to pick up the bride will drive into the alley.

There are five cars in total, the first one is Hongqi H7, and the other four are Hongqi HQ3. They don’t look at the grade of the car, but only whether it is old or new. They don’t pursue luxury. What they want is the officially certified national style.

The two parties met when they were discussing the wedding, and they agreed that it should be low-key and not show off.

The process of accepting the bride was not very lively, and blocking the door was just a formality. The bridesmaid team led by Nan Ruobing was dismissed with two red envelopes. Nan Yi did not participate in the confession session. He was a father-in-law, and it was a bit unorthodox to be included as his godfather. However, during the toast during the banquet, Jiang Lin called him godfather.

Before twelve o'clock at noon, the team that picked up the bride had filled their stomachs and set off. Nanyi took a moment to send Zeqiong and Zebei to the airport. The biological mothers of the two children sent a plane to pick them up.

Nan Zeqiong is the child of Bo Qiong. Nan Zebei's mother is Lindsay Nazareno, and her grandfather is the granddaughter of Judah Nazareno, deputy leader of the Presbyterian Church of the Jewish United Foundation. Scarlett chose Nan Zeqiong for Nan Youqiong. , Nan Youqiong did not express any objection.

This boy is better than his master when it comes to women. He has been busy in the past few years. Nan Yi has two more grandchildren about to be born. By the beginning of next year, he will have five grandchildren who will continue his bloodline.

Returning to the old bungalow from the airport, Nan Yi saw Shen Anran wiping everywhere on the second floor with a rag. The house was actually not dirty, but he did not stop, knowing that the other person was showing his guilt for his son.

The couple are both busy. Since Nan Zehang has not yet weaned, they have spent most of their time with Nan Yi. Only the child's grandma will fly over once a month to see the child. It would be good if the others can spare time once a quarter. Don't expect them. When they came to the capital, De Nanyi brought the children to their doorstep.

In 2010, when the Yiyi Group was on track, he began to break away from the Yiyi Store. On the day he got back the 2 million yuan in funding, the villagers gave him a piece of Baijiayi. At that time, he had mixed feelings and summed up his experience and lessons. I quickly identified another village—Huangnikeng, which geographically echoes Nanchen Village in Guangdong Province.

Guangdong Province is rich. There are several cities that are famous among people from other provinces. There are also well-known urban villages with billionaires per capita. But in addition, there are more than 3,400 unknown poor villages in the province. Huang Mud Puddle is one of them.

One north and one south, relatively typical, this is what Liu Zhen said when she encouraged her. Her reason for doing this was very simple, because at that time she had already taken up her new job in Guangdong Province and made it clear that she would use Nan Yi as a tool.

A woman follows her husband, and Nan Yi doesn't dare to disobey him. But with the experience of a shop, he is more comfortable in Wong Nai Hang. The hard work is left to his graduate students. He is only responsible for remote control command and carrying forward the boss. With his kindness, he got a good subsidy for several students who were supposed to work for free, and also helped them win a share of the "project" dividends.

In this way, he became one of the few good bosses in the world. Instead of thinking about graduating early, they thought about delaying their graduation. It would be best if they could stay away from graduation for the rest of their lives.

In the past five years, Nanyi has encountered many opportunities to make money. The first time, it was so exciting that he turned a blind eye to the opportunity to make money. It really takes great perseverance to endure the next time and survive. After two times, it became relatively calm.

In five years, Nanyi missed 72.64891 billion.

This is a number Nanyi made up in order to flaunt his greatness. The real number cannot be verified.

In short, there is someone to do the work, he only has to open his mouth, and his financial interests are put aside. He does not have to run around for money, so he is naturally more leisurely. He has time to take care of his children and work more in schools. Thirty years after he lost his status as a cadre, he is again He became an academic cadre and was at the senior level.

This level is basically over. If you want to move up, you have to switch to administration, which means you have to work nine to five, and you have to rush to the hotel to work overtime at any time. He is not very interested.

It's so good now. It doesn't even take a few scholars to pick up the thorns. His passive defense system can suppress people. He has never been in society, but has developed a set of routines in the ivory tower. The thinking is old and solid, and life is tied up, so it is much easier to deal with than the young and impulsive students who have no burdens.

Shen Anran came and went in a hurry, and couldn't help digesting the leftover dishes from the lunch banquet. She reluctantly left in the evening.

After serving the little emperor for dinner, Nan Yi hurried out without waiting for anyone to fall asleep.

He is not interested in making money now, but he is very interested in working part-time as a professor. The radio station has a column called "Something Happens in the Beijing House". He serves as a long-term special guest in this column and usually participates in every three or four issues. A live broadcast.

After entering the radio station, he went straight to the live broadcast room and said hello to the host Yu Lu. Nan Yi sat in his seat and drank tea to soothe his throat.

The same rhythm as usual, when the countdown is fifteen seconds, the director will raise his hand to indicate that Nanyi will put on the microphone at this time, and then wait for the director to raise his hand again for a three-second countdown.

Yu Lu: "Hello, listeners, it's time for "Something in the Beijing House" to air again. I am the host Yu Lu, and my partner today is still our Professor Nanyi."

Nan Yi: "Hello, listeners, I am Nan Yi, a famous economist."

Yu Lu: "Professor Nan, I'm so sorry, I always forget to introduce this sentence."

Nan Yi: "It doesn't matter. I believe that every listener before the broadcast has remembered that I am a famous economist. Starting from the next program, the introduction link can be omitted and one more advertisement can be inserted."

"Something Happens in the Beijing House" focuses on a relaxed and humorous atmosphere, and Yu Lu and Nan Yi often create some burdens.

Yu Lu: "Professor Nan, I must remind you that your guest fee is fixed and will not increase due to an increase in advertising revenue for the column."

Nan Yi: "I know you have a bonus. I believe that as long as your bonus increases, you will definitely treat me to dinner more. There is a new Lao Song Ma Xiao in Guijie Street. The lobster is very big and juicy. I ate it once Unforgettable for a lifetime.”

Yu Lu: "Professor Nan, don't waste time during commercial breaks."

Nan Yi: "I'm sorry, Lao Song and Ma Xiao have endless aftertaste, I can't help it."

At this time, a guy who was doing the work laughed and scolded: "This is an advertisement. I'm going to finish my work today and try this Lao Song Ma Xiao. If it doesn't taste good, I'll call the radio station tomorrow to scold it."

"Master, what kind of program is this?" asked the white-collar passenger sitting in the back seat.

"You don't even know this? Yu Lu's "Something Happens in the Beijing House". Ever since this professor named Nan Yi became a guest, this program has become particularly interesting."


"Not entirely. You are going to a far place. If you can listen for a while, you will know."

The white-collar passenger didn't reply, just listened to the announcement with his ears straightened up.

Yu Lu: "Professor Nan, my second uncle's sister-in-law's son is planning to get married. Some time ago, he looked at houses everywhere. After repeated comparisons, the second uncle chose two communities, Beishang Homes and Beihai Financial Center. Professor Nan, can you Any advice?"

Nanyi: "No, the average price of Shangbei Homes is 7,800, and the lowest price in China Overseas Financial Center is 120,000. I highly doubt that your second uncle will spend one, three, and five yuan in RMB, and two, four, and six in Ming coins. Open your wallet. Okay, a stack of 100 denominations." Billions of dollars in banknotes.”

Yu Lu laughed a few times: "The editor took a big leave, so I had to reluctantly come up with my lines. Audience friends, I'm really sorry that I haven't shaken off the baggage well. To compensate, audience friends can go to Beishang Homes to view the house and tell me my name." There are discounts.”

Nan Yi: "Don't state my name, there will be no discount."

Yu Lu: "Professor Nan, I just received a call from Beishang Home. There is a discount for reporting your name."

Nan Yi: "You didn't mention the advertising fee?"

Yu Lu: "I didn't mention it."

Nanyi: "Listener friends, please do not go to Beishang Homes to view houses."

Yu Lu: "I lied to you, Youti."

Nanyi: "Beishang Home, your beautiful home, don't miss it when you pass by."

Yu Lu: "Professor Nan, you are too realistic."

Nanyi: “Let’s chat privately after the broadcast, and seize the time to insert advertisements.”

Yu Lu: "Under the influence of the five new national regulations, the transaction volume of second-hand houses exploded in March this year, and then fell to the bottom. After that, although the transaction volume recovered slowly, it was still a long way from before. In terms of price, the average listing price The rapid rise in the first half of the year has gradually turned stable..."

Speaking of advertising breaks, it is actually the part where the real estate market information is conveyed. This section has nothing to do with Nanyi.

After a long article, Yu Lu added: "Professor Nan, what do you think of the second-hand housing market in Beijing in the second half of the year?"

Nanyi: "I think the housing price index will continue to rise, but the month-on-month increase will be significantly narrowed. Although Beijing is one of the cities with the most stringent home purchase restrictions, there is a large demand for self-occupied and improved housing, and housing prices will continue to rise in the future. Going higher, I suggest listeners who are in urgent need not to continue to wait and see and consider buying as soon as possible.”

Yu Lu: "Professor Nan, have you considered buying a house recently?"

Nan Yi: "No, I caught up with the dividends of the housing reform, and my living conditions are not bad. I have no plans to change my house for the time being."

Yu Lu: "Aren't you considering buying a second home and waiting for the value to rise?"

Nan Yi: "My view is that housing is for living, not for speculation. Houses are not stocks and cannot be treated as speculative products. It is unfair to people who have real needs if housing prices are inflated."

Yu Lu: "Listener friends, it's time to say goodbye to everyone again. See you in the next episode."

Nan Yi: "Goodbye."

As soon as the live broadcast stopped, Yu Lu hurriedly asked Nan Yi, "Professor Nan, is it a good time to buy a house now?"

Nan Yi took off the headset and replied: "You are still single, are you qualified to buy a second house?"

Yu Lu bought her first apartment under Nan Yi's guidance. Coincidentally, the real landlord of that apartment was also named Nan. Nan Yi was from Xueshan Trust, so Nan Yi gave her a deep discount.

Yu Lu smiled and said, "Of course I have a solution to this problem."

"Then buy it. You won't suffer any loss if you buy it now." Nan Yi put down the headset and stood up, "Let's go now. There is a grandson at home. I have to go back and put him to sleep."

"Goodbye Professor Nan, come early the day after tomorrow and I'll treat you to dinner." (End of Chapter)

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