Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1238 The Trial of Leverage

"Grandpa, would you like to be an Internet celebrity?"

"There's nothing good or bad about it. There is no distinction between high and low professions. Only the harvest can distinguish the high and low." Nan Yi stroked Nan Zehang's head, "You little devil, you are so sneaky, you are even more of a thief than your father was when he was a kid."

"Don't touch your head all the time. You won't grow taller." Liu Zhen, who caught up during the break at the traffic light, scolded.

"What's wrong with that? Our Zehang has already had a checkup, and his predicted height limit is 1.92 meters. That's not enough? How taller do you want him to be?"

Liu Zhen said angrily: "If I tell you not to touch me, just don't touch me. Why are you talking so much?"

Nan Yi turned around, looked forward, and stopped talking to Liu Zhen. You can't offend a menopausal woman. Just say one thing, and she has ten words waiting for you. If she's so angry that she will wake up and scold people in the middle of the night, it's better to calm down.

All the way home, Liu Zhen went into the kitchen to cook. Nan Yi and Nan Zehang sat on the sofa, one watching TV and the other using his mobile phone to browse the shopping app outside.

Wuwai keeps pace with the times and also develops APPs, but it maintains its consistent strong style and does not vigorously promote it to the outside world. There is no public download channel. It is only circulated in a small area and focuses on service quality and does not pursue the number of customers.

Nan Zehang made a call on his mobile phone, and then lowered his voice and said to Nan Yi: "Grandpa, you can put the things I ordered in my room quietly while grandma is not at home."

"I know, help grandpa get the notebook."

After getting the notebook, Nanyi logged into Wedou and entered in the text box "Be wary of the impact of the secret debt crisis on the delivery of pre-sale housing under the high leverage of real estate companies." As soon as he wrote this, he deleted all the text. It’s not appropriate to mention the pre-sale house. Think about it for a while and re-enter it.

“During the rainy season, you may not know that it has been pouring all day upstream and a lot of water is coming, so please stay away from the river.

To understand the operating conditions of a tofu workshop, you should not only observe whether there are many people eating tofu near the workshop, but also understand the operating conditions and accounts receivable of the soybean suppliers. You must also understand whether the tofu workers have been owed wages, and what their past experience has been. Is there any situation where the salary is offset by tofu, tofu dregs, soy milk, tofu brain, or even tofu coupons?

If both phenomena exist, please be wary of gray rhinos! ! ! "

As soon as Nan Yi finished writing and released it, Nan Zehang, who had been staring at the screen, said, "Grandpa, are you insinuating the real estate industry?"

Nan Yi chuckled, "How did you guess that?"

"You have been looking at real estate information recently." Nan Zehang said matter-of-factly.

"You're smart, do you want to eat chicken later?"

Nan Zehang curled his lips and said, "It's not fun. Grandpa, you are such a noob. You hold me back every time."

"Little thing, your father dislikes me, and you dislike me too." Nan Yi said helplessly, but he was unable to refute. There was no way, he was a good and fun-loving player.

After dinner, Nan Yi and Nan Zehang went to the original Feilong Internet Cafe. It was still at the same location, but the signboard was gone. Feilong Internet Cafe had sold out all its shares a few years ago and it belonged to someone else. It was still Feilong’s. The brand is an infringement, and now only people on the Internet still call it "Lao Feilong".

Nanyi does not want Lao Feilong to make money. All computers are of top-notch configuration and will be replaced with good new graphics cards when they come out. The Internet fee for an hour is only five yuan, and the cheapest membership card is two yuan. It is always full, and only Only two plane seats that will never serve guests will remain empty.

What is important is an atmosphere. Losing hundreds of thousands every year is not a big deal for Nanyi.

The grandfather and grandson first masturbated and then played chicken. Finally, they played a few Tarkovs. Nan Yi was not strong enough and Nan Zehang almost dropped the mouse.

Nan Zehang inherited Nan Wuwei's advantage of being easy to learn anything. Whether it is games, musical instruments, or sports, it is very easy for him to get started. Therefore, Nan Yi does not restrict what he can play, but only enforces sleeping time. I sleep nine hours a day and get up at 5:30 in the morning, and I am unstoppable.

Therefore, there is no nightlife in the old bungalow now. You have to go to bed around eight o'clock. When Nan Yi can't hold it in anymore, he will choose to go on a business trip.

As for getting up early, it is natural to exercise. Eight-pack abs are the symbol of a Nan family man. Nan Yi has it, Nan Youqian and Nan Wuwei have it. Nan Zebei and Nan Zehang must also have it. Nan Yi still insists on his own knowledge and fights. You can learn it without using it, but you can't lack the ability to protect yourself. You can't wait until one day when you have to use it, and you won't be able to tie the chicken.

In the park, people who get up early to exercise every day can see a child squatting in a hilarious horse stance and performing funny routines.

Nan Zehang specializes in boat boxing, integrating Qingtang boxing, Xiaohong boxing, Yuejiashou, Xiaojinqiang, Eight Tigers of Youzhou, Monkey Boxing, Drunk Eight Immortals and other boxing techniques. In the past, the southern water transport gangs accompanied the ships to escort them, and they were involved in life and death time after time. In fighting, it is modified from other boxing types. It is characterized by a stable lower body, always keeping the hands and feet, no wide opening and closing, and emphasis on short bursts of force within a square inch. Another biggest feature is that it is ugly.

The hands and feet are retracted, the horse step is squatted very low, and the butt is stuck out. It cannot be good-looking.

Ship Fist is suitable for use in small spaces, such as the command room and corridors of ships. Once used, it can completely surprise and kill those who are close to you with guns in their hands.

Zehang, Choohang, and Nan Zehang are likely to follow Nan Wuwei's footsteps. The world is changeable and unpredictable, and he needs to master a secret killer trick for a Jedi counterattack.

An old man and a young child were boxing quietly in a corner of the park. Nan Yi was doing Tai Chi, which is suitable for his age. After Nan Zehang finished a set of funny boat boxing, he was doing a small form of Bajiquan. His moves were fierce and powerful. Anyone who looks at it will think that this little kid can beat someone to death.

Not far away from the two of them, the old ladies from the Park's Old Ladies' Gang turned up the music to loud music and danced to the routine of "Hot Girls". The old ladies' gang had long aroused public resentment, but they all dared to be angry but dared not speak out. , I still remember there was a whipper at the beginning of the year. The whip made a crackling sound, and he was driven away in less than two days. These old ladies... who dared to gibberish?

After Nan Yi and Nan Zehang finished their boxing, they came to wait beside the old ladies. The next two songs were the sailor dance and the three- and four-step dance. One of them must go to the execution ground.

This time, the older one pulled back and the younger one pushed forward.

Two songs, less than eight minutes, Nan Zehang was beaten until he had no hope of life, and he remained dead until he was sent to school and resurrected with full health.

After sending the children off, Nan Yi went to the Municipal People's Congress to attend a meeting. While eating in the cafeteria at noon, Yan Pannan called him and said that she was in the capital. Nan Yi asked her to go to Jing Tea House to wait.

After dinner, Nan Yi and other consultants held a less formal tea party. After the meeting, they calmly went to Jing Tea House.

In the private room, Nan Yi saw Yan Pannan, who was well-dressed but looked haggard, with a pair of swollen eyes hidden under glasses.

Nan Yi first gave Yan Pannan a hug, then sat across from her and poured himself a cup of tea. "You are asking me to borrow money this time, right?"

Yan Pannan nodded.

"How much?" Nan Yi put the tea cup to his mouth and said noncommittally.

"2.8 billion."

"I have the money, but are you sure that 2.8 billion can save Yuyan Group? Can it save you? Are you sure you have the ability to return the money to me?"

Yan Pannan did not follow Nan Yi's advice and borrowed money all the way to expand. She reaped dividends in real estate in the early years, which led her to expand blindly. On the eve of the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, she was aggressively leveraging herself in the real estate field to seize territory. By the end of the year, Yuyan Group's Various liabilities exceed 10 billion.

At that time, Nanyi came forward to monetize the real estate projects of Yuyan Group and raised a sum of funds to help Yan Pannan tide over the difficulties. Who knew that Yan Pannan would not be able to get up and down from his position as chairman of the Ten Billion Group? After that, Yuyan The group did not shrink its scale and focus on the jewelry field, but continued to maintain the group's shelf by issuing bonds to replace old ones with new ones.

The debt snowballed, and the annual income of Yuyan Group was not enough to pay the interest on the debt. When the interest was so heavy that Yan Pannan could breathe, she still refused to repent and signed a gambling agreement to introduce capital. Put Yuyan Group on the market.

After listing, Yan Pannan's net worth exceeded 30 billion, and she was selected into the Hurun Report. She enjoyed the glory in the spotlight. Titles such as Meritorious Entrepreneur and Top Ten Economic Women of the Year were placed on her head without any money.

Unfortunately, these false glory cannot change the fact that Yuyan Group and Yan Pannan personally have huge debts. Now, Yan Pannan comes to ask for help again. It should be the time when Yan Pannan can no longer hold on.

Yan Pannan was speechless in response to Nan Yi's three consecutive questions.

Taking a sip of tea, Nan Yi said calmly: "The hole you dug is too big. I can't help you fill it. The economic situation has changed. It is not difficult to make hundreds of millions now or in the near future. If you want to make hundreds of millions from scratch, Earning billions is not easy.

Now that things have happened, I’m not afraid of hitting you. You can’t fill the 60 billion hole, so…”

"54 billion." Yan Pannan corrected.

Nan Yi glanced at Yan Pannan and continued: "You and Chen Xun will become old people soon. It's the minimum to have to pay dozens of consumption restriction orders. Hide some money before you get to that point. Deal with the rest of your life. Don’t hide too much, lest someone loses your money and takes your life instead.”

There are no fools in capital. The gambling agreement signed by Yan Pannan back then was clearly signed. The original debt was stripped from the listed assets. At least there were debts similar to her worth that she had to bear personally. She was not qualified for the limited liability company. explain.

Bankruptcy and being forced to become an old man is Yan Pannan's only destination. She can also see this clearly. Nan Yi is not instructing her to hide money, but is telling her not to hide too much and not to betray her creditors. Provoke anxious eyes.

"Brother Nan, you really don't want to help me?" Yan Pannan felt like he was mourning.

Nan Yi shook his head, "Be sensible, you know in your heart that no one can help you."

Yan Pannan just wants to go bankrupt, not to die. Nanyi will not spend tens of billions to save her vanity. What will happen if she becomes an old man? It will not prevent her from enjoying the world, and no one will take her kidney. How much money can I exchange for money? Why not let her loose and let her continue to find money, and then I can get back some money.

Without Nan Yi's help, Yan Pannan could only return disappointed and prepare for his own trial.

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