Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1247 Old man, I like you

Before entering the hotel, Nan Yi also took the time to ask for news about Liu Jun. He learned that this guy had just won the female star who was gambling at the same table last night and was still doing aerobics in the swimming pool. A sense of familiarity came over him. born.

"That's right. The next one is the sweet Taiwanese publicist, and the next one is Yachudie... It seems wrong, it should be Smecta. I can't remember clearly. Anyway, it's either Yachudie or Smecta. "

Recalling the sequence in his mind, Nanyi's people had already arrived at KiKi's room and rang the doorbell. Half a minute later, the door was opened, and a face full of crying marks appeared in his eyes. Then, people rushed into him. In my arms, I cried aggrievedly: "Brother Ying, why did you come here? If you were half an hour later, I would have wanted to jump off the building."

Nan Yi disagreed with KiKi's words. Gamblers will have thoughts of committing suicide before they are completely clean, but they will never act on it. They will not die until they reach the heart of the Yellow River.

He patted KiKi twice on the back, then pushed the person away, passed him and went to sit down in the living room, looking around the room. KiKi closed the door, came to sit next to Nan Yi, leaned on his arm, and continued to cry, "Brother Ying, what should I do? I can't afford so much money, so I can only ask my parents for it. If they Knowing that I lost so much money, oh oh oh, I don’t dare to think..."

“How many days of interest-free period did Stella give you?”

"Ten days."

"How much is owed?"

"45 million."

"Are you playing at the bottom of the stage?"

KiKi said timidly: "Yeah."

Nan Yi stroked KiKi's hair gently, then gathered it together and pulled it hard. KiKi felt pain and tilted her head back, looking up at Nan Yi's face at a 45-degree angle.

"I told you that I am a professor, and my job is to teach and educate people. Yesterday morning, I tried so hard to persuade you. Not only did you not listen, but you also deliberately did the opposite, right? You really treat yourself as the sun, and everyone else is surrounding you. If you turn around and hurt yourself, the person who hurts you the most is the person who cares about you, right?"

Nan Yi poked KiKi's forehead with his other hand, "It's all filled with water, right? Did I mention to you yesterday that I would go to a girl to make you yearn for this business? You should be glad that you are not my daughter. , otherwise I will break your hands and feet, and I would rather keep you, a loser, for the rest of my life, not cherishing your rich second-generation status, but working hard to be a dog."

KiKi, who was scolded by Nan Yi, just kept crying, very sad, and I felt pity for her sadness.

Nan Yi did not comfort her, but just analyzed in her mind how much regret she had, how much was a psychological suggestion given to her, and how much was a performance.

Regardless of men or women, only when they are alone can their true feelings be revealed. When there are others around, more or less, consciously or unconsciously, there will be a hint of acting. This has nothing to do with character, but the cowardice hidden deep in the heart. Or hypocrisy prompts knee-jerk actions.

Of course, it may also be a deliberate performance. Women will always deliberately show their weakness and helplessness in front of men, because their subconscious and life experience tell themselves that doing so can get unexpected benefits.

Nan Yi was aware of this, but his heart still softened involuntarily. He was already weighing whether KiKi was worth the 45 million Hong Kong dollars he paid.

If the standards are relaxed as much as possible, KiKi's appearance value can be up to 7 million yuan. This score is not low. In Nanyi's eyes, no woman is worth more than 10 million yuan based on her appearance alone.

As for the mind, no matter how smart KiKi is, just because he is a gambler and he loses so much in meetings, giving him a zero point is considered merciless. People who like to gamble are worthless in his eyes.

After thinking for a while, Nan Yi said after KiKi's movement subsided: "I can help you pay back the money first, but you have to sign a loan contract with me. You owe me HKD 37.05 million, and you will pay it back within five years." Qing, I won’t charge you interest.”

KiKi wiped her tears and felt happy at the same time, but also looked at Nan Yi in surprise. She didn't understand how the other party came up with the number 37.05 million, and why the missing 7.95 million was missing. She vaguely thought of that The not-so-nice word "support".

KiKi didn't know much about Nan Yi, but in the panic after losing money, she used him as a life-saving straw to get to know him. She had confirmed that Nan Yi was a professor at Beijing University, and based on what she saw, she had no doubts about his financial resources. , she also has a good impression of Nan Yi, and does not have much resistance to being kept, but why does she owe 37.05 million? Is she only worth 7.95 million in the eyes of the other party?

Let’s not talk about high and low, why are there still zeros and wholes?

Outside of the gambling table, KiKi is still a smart person. When she regarded Nanyi as a life-saving straw, she had already considered and weighed whether Nanyi would help her, what conditions would be put forward to help her, and what would she have to pay? What wait.

She didn't ask her question, she just snuggled into Nan Yi's arms quietly.

Soon I fell asleep peacefully.

Nan Yi put him on the bed and settled him down, then went to the VIP room and met Stella.

There are quite a few women in Junket Boys. After all, pornographic gambling does not separate families. They are somewhat pretty and have some brains. They can easily win over the male high rollers and get to the level of a small boss, with a few pickpockets under their command. , earning millions or even tens of millions a year.

But someone like Stella, who can sneak into the hall master, is definitely one of the best. Her ability and skill are beyond simple. What’s more, she dares to do something that is strictly prohibited. She must have the courage and connections to break the law and be able to deal with it. He also needs to have good connections in the mainland, and he also needs to have a few smart and cunning men under his command.

Gambling debts are not easy to recover. If you want the gambler to divulge his last fortune and become penniless from now on, how can you get the money smoothly without coercion of at least three to five years in prison?

"Stella, I like to be reasonable. There are rules in business. Gambling debts are debts. I will bear KiKi's debts." Nan Yi waved his hand, and two people walked out from behind him and put the two suitcases on the coffee table. He opened it and showed the neatly numbered thousand-yuan Hong Kong dollars inside, "Just click on it."

Stella glanced at the suitcase and smiled: "No need to click, I believe in Mr. Nan's credit. Mr. Nan spends a lot of money on beauty. He is so bold and unrestrained. Miss KiKi is so lucky. Why can't I meet a man like Mr. Nan?" .”

Nan Yi waved his hand and said in a calm tone: "There is no need to say compliments. I know that every nice word from your mouth will be converted into profit. I said, I like to be reasonable."

Nan Yi pointed to the suitcase, "Let's treat it as a fair deal this time. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. No one can blame anyone. Next time KiKi comes to play, it is your business to give her as much food as you want. You can chase the money she owes you as much as you like, you don’t have to come to me, I won’t care about her bad debts, and I won’t care what methods you use, just treat me as an irrelevant person."

Saying that, Nan Yi made another twist, "However, the debt I mentioned does not include the bottom of the table. If you ask her to bet on the bottom of the table again, it is equivalent to having a grudge against me. Again, I like to be reasonable, you see I'm like a sheep. I won't argue with you about checking my details, but I won't let you do it again."

Nan Yi stood up, took a few steps, turned back and looked at Stella up and down, and then sneered: "That set of pink underwear doesn't suit your style. The black one is good, and the leopard print one is also okay. Yesterday, We agreed to win money and treat you to dinner, and it will be tomorrow at noon. Please appreciate it and say goodbye first."

Nan Yi's last words made Stella's face change drastically, and she realized that the information on her computer was leaked. She first thought of someone sneaking into her office, and then immediately ruled out hackers. Combined with Nan Yi's warning, she also thought that it was because she was checking Nan Yi that the other party followed the traces and touched her computer.

Stella's shocked face became extremely ugly, as if she had kicked an iron plate this time. After thinking deeply for a while, she suddenly thought of something.

She stood up suddenly, opened the safe, took out KiKi's loan contract, trotted out of her office, and chased Nan Yi who was leaving. At the gate of the casino, she caught up with Nan Yi who was standing there looking at her.

"Mr. Nan, you forgot to take this." Stella handed the contract to Nan Yi.

Nan Yi took the contract and said apologetically: "Sorry, I really forgot. I need you to catch up."

Stella cursed in her heart: "I'll beat your lungs, it's strange that you would forget, you are obviously burying a reason to deal with me."

Stella was not wrong. If she did not hand over the contract voluntarily within two days, Nanyi would deal with her. There are rules in the industry. The money has been paid back, but she did not hand over the loan contract. This is a clear sign that she wants to harvest repeatedly. , chop off her two hands, absolutely no one would dare to stand up and say no.

The Aomen Casino involves more than just the interests of the people standing in the front. If Nanyi doesn’t want to make enemies with the people with hidden interests in the dark, he has to make a name for himself. There is a price to be paid for bullying people unreasonably. What’s more, you can still pay for it after a short while. Can find Nan's interests.

With different identities, doing the same thing will have different impacts. Nanyi's identity is enough to make others think deeply and think about whether there is a deeper intention behind a simple thing.

Nan Zeqiong's surname on his ID is not Nan, but Bo, the bloody Bo.

KiKi had a very sound sleep. When she woke up, it was already two o'clock in the morning and she had slept for thirteen hours.

She opened her sleepy eyes and looked around the bedroom. She didn't see anyone else or anything wrong. There was only a glass of water on the bedside table. She picked up the water glass and felt the warmth from the wall of the glass reaching her palms. She couldn't help but feel warm in her heart.

He put the cup back on the bedside table, got dressed, and came to the living room. The first thing he saw was Nan Yi laying on the floor. His eyes extended and he saw a strange man sitting on the chair holding a mobile phone. Watch his thumb swiping the screen. The action and frequency should be like reading novels.


The strange man felt her presence, shushed her, and pointed to Nan Yi on the ground.

She nodded, turned around quietly, walked to the bathroom near the door of the room, entered, closed the door gently, and washed herself carefully.

When brushing her teeth, she could clearly feel the sweetness conveyed by the toothpaste to her taste buds, and she was hungry.

After quickly washing up and walking out of the bathroom, she saw the strange man standing in a position where she would not be frightened, and making gestures with his hands asking her to open the door and go out.

She nodded, opened the door gently and went to the corridor outside. She found another strange man waiting for her. The man was holding a plastic bag in his hand, which should be food.

"Miss KiKi, please come with me."

She followed the man down the elevator to the hotel lobby and sat down at a table for guests to rest.

The man put the plastic bag on the table and took out a bucket of instant noodles, a meal bag, and a drink of unknown type. After putting the things away, the man said to her: "Miss KiKi, this is what the teacher ordered for you." Please use the prepared paralysis meal slowly."

She asked curiously: "Why is it called paralysis meal?"

The man explained: "Landmark has a civilian low-end casino. In order to attract popularity, it has launched a free package. It mainly entertains gamblers who have little money and are willing to gamble to make money. If nothing happens, Miss KiKi will soon be walking around every day. Midfield, smoking room, once a man looks at you, you will ask him 'are you going?'

After finally making some money, Miss KiKi would hurriedly deliver it to the gambling table. When she lost all her money, she would go to the local store to eat paralyzed food, living like a bitch day after day.

Maybe one day, Miss KiKi will become addicted to drugs, and die in an unknown alley two or three years later. Rats in the gutter will crawl all over your body, sniffing here, sniffing there, and after a while, Except for the one that bites your ears, all the others ran away, because only two ears can fit into the mouth, and other meat rats are disgusted with the smell.

No need to hold a grudge against him, he was just repeating what I said. "

The man paused and then said: "These are the exact words that Mr. asked me to relay to Miss KiKi. Please use them with caution. I will go to the hotel door to smoke. If you need anything, call me."

The man put a handkerchief on the table and left.

There was no one around, and she burst into tears in an instant. She was afraid of the scene described by the man, but also a little regretful. Sixty million, a total of sixty million, and she lost it all in less than half a day.

When Nan Yi woke up, he opened his eyes and saw KiKi sitting in front of a small tea seat with "Painqian" written on the left side of her face and "Gaifei" written on the right side of her face. He stood up and came behind her and saw that she was facing the bank APP. The credit card limit page was in a daze. The fixed limit of 500,000 yuan and the temporary limit of 200,000 yuan had almost been maxed out, leaving only a few hundred yuan.

"How many cards have been maxed out?"

"I only have two credit cards, and they are maxed out." KiKi turned around and said.

"Tsk, you, a rich second generation, are not that good. 60 million minus 45 million, plus subtracting the previous wins, you only have seven or eight million in cash in your card."

KiKi rolled her eyes, "My father is not Wang Jiansen. Isn't seven or eight million enough?"

"It's a lot of money, but it doesn't quite match your arrogance when gambling. One million dollars at a time. According to me, if you don't have 100 million, you must have 70 to 80 million in cash." Nan Yi teased. road.

"Brother Ying, please stop talking about me. I know I was wrong." KiKi clasped her hands together and begged.

"If you know your mistakes, you will be saved. I hope you don't just admit your mistakes." Nan Yi turned and walked to the bathroom, "Don't worry about your credit card. I will give you 2.95 million Hong Kong dollars later, rounding up to 40 million." , you'd better think carefully about how to repay me the money, five years will go very quickly."

KiKi shouted at Nan Yi: "Can I pay with my flesh?"

"It's a beautiful idea, one code equals one code. A debt is a debt. Even if you are my wife, you have to pay back the money."

"You're 57 and I'm 25. Don't you want to make it up to me?"

Nan Yi leaned out from the bathroom and showed off his biceps and waist, "Are you at a disadvantage?"

KiKi laughed loudly, "You are quite cute as an old man."

Nan Yi didn't reply and retreated to the bathroom. After washing up, he walked back to KiKi.

He raised his hand, pinched KiKi's chin, opened her mouth, looked at her teeth, and then said disgustingly: "I wanted to have a Goodbye Kiss with you, but why are you so silent, with chopped green onions from instant noodles still stuck to your teeth?" Don’t rinse your mouth after eating and save it for late night snack when you’re hungry?”

As soon as KiKi heard the rebellious mentality, she broke away from Nan Yi's hand, stood up, and turned her small mouth on Nan Yi's big mouth. Nan Yi covered her mouth with his big hand and pushed her forward, "It tastes like instant noodles, stay away from me."

KiKi's rebellion turned into anger. She put her hands on Nan Yi's forearms, kicked her legs up, and jumped up. She clamped her calves around Nan Yi's waist and rubbed her body forward little by little.

Nan Yi didn't dare to move in KiKi's posture. If he moved, KiKi would easily fall back. There was nothing he could do. He could only stretch out his other hand to grab KiKi's shoulder and pull her into his arms. He pulled back, reached forward again, and put his arms around KiKi's waist. This time, KiKi lay completely in his arms.

The little mouth continued to be restless, swinging its head from side to side, and had to kiss Nan Yi's big mouth.

"You don't have any STDs, do you?"

Nan Yi's untimely question made KiKi roar, her eyes spitting fire, one arm tightly wrapped around Nan Yi's neck, the other hand grabbed Nan Yi's chin, and once it was fixed, her mouth was blocked. Go up.

Five minutes later, KiKi, whose face was flushed, looked down at Nan Yi with affectionate and proud eyes, "Old man, is the little beauty's mouth sweet?"

"It's so sweet, it smells like chopped green onion." Nan Yi stuck out his tongue and scraped his lips, and a piece of green green onion stuck to his upper lip. He raised his hand to wipe it, and then brushed it on KiKi's cheek, "I cherish you so much, Just think of it as a beauty mark."

"Hahaha." KiKi laughed for a while and then teased: "You have the smell of my perfume on you. Let me see how you explain it to your wife when you go back."

"It's a joke, who do I have to explain to if I win a million dollars to pick up girls?" Nan Yi released his hold on KiKi's hand, "Go down, I have to leave, there are two babies waiting for me at home."

KiKi's eyes widened and she said, "You raised two in Omen?"

"Don't talk nonsense, and don't make wild guesses. I'll tell you later. If you don't gamble in Omen, there aren't many places to play. I guess you've been to everything you should go. I'll help you book a flight for the afternoon. It's better to play for two more days." Walk?"

KiKi thought for a moment and said, "When will you leave?"

"I'll be here for a few more days."

"Then, return to the capital?"

"No, I have something to go to several countries."

KiKi said with great interest: "Which countries?"

"You want to come with me?"

"Watch where to go."

"Japan, India, and a trip to Africa."

"I'm going."

Nan Yi pinched KiKi's nose and said, "You are not unfamiliar with the change of identity at all. Do you have experience in being a lover?"

"You are the only one with experience." KiKi opened Nan Yi's hand, held his cheek, and said softly: "Old man, I really like you, and I want to fall in love with you. Before we go to bed, can you please Can I get to know you better?"

"Of course, you can continue to live there. You can take care of lunch by yourself. I will come find you in the afternoon."

KiKi nodded, "I'll wait for you."

Pansy private kitchen.

Nanze Qiong's property, Nan Yi's eighth birthday gift to her.

At noon, Nan Yi invited Stella here.

Stella seemed to attach great importance to the lunch with Nan Yi. She wore a black dress, a pair of sparkling tassel diamond pendants hanging from her ears, and applied big red lips, looking a little charming.

It's no wonder that she can sit in the position of the owner of the hall and attract one after another high-rollers to her VIP room to gamble. However, the wealthy people who just get involved with her seem to have no good luck, and they all end up in vain.

Stella's careful dressing made Nan Yi smile. It seemed that this woman was a glutton and would not let go of a fat sheep when she saw it, even if the fat sheep had fangs.

Pansy's specialty is top-quality ingredients and a private space. Only one group of guests will be served at each meal, and there are no waiters. After the dishes are served, the guests have to do the rest.

Stella sat very close to Nan Yi, right next to her, not like a guest, but more like a waiter. She would bring whatever dish Nan Yi wanted to eat to her mouth. The same goes for drinks, she would bring the cup to her mouth. While feeding him.

After enjoying the service for a while, Nan Yi smiled and said: "You should have hundreds of millions of assets, do you need service to this level?"

Stella responded with a faint smile, "I'm used to it. Does Mr. Nan think people like me are humble?"

Nan Yi keenly sensed that Stella played an emotional card, lowered her profile, gained his sympathy, then established a relationship, and finally led him to the VIP room and presented him to the gambling table. This should be a common practice for female junkies. Means, they think they will be men's Achilles' heel.

Nan Yi applauded, "In a place where no one cares, sell your dignity for a few taels of silver. Return to a place where there is a lot of people, throw away money and enjoy the attention of everyone. Sit behind the surveillance camera and watch the prey be as ecstatic and miserable as you want." , and pressed the last copper plate as I designed, and one day, I will kneel in front of you, clasping my hands together and rubbing each other, begging for forgiveness. This feeling must be extremely refreshing, right?"

Stella looked at Nan Yi with surprise and a little panic. This man must be a devil. He had dug out all the little thoughts deep in her heart. This man was unlike any of the wealthy men she had served before, who felt a sense of pity for her at such a humble display, but he seemed to have no sympathy at all.

Seeing the change in the expression on Stella's face, Nan Yi chuckled, "Don't be surprised, thinking about people is my hobby. When I was sixteen years old, I selected a few observation subjects to analyze their personalities and behaviors. Style, consideration of the characteristics of the problem, etc., and constantly predict what they will do in six months or one year. No matter whether the prediction is accurate or not, I will sum up experience and lessons.

It has lasted for 41 years now. No matter how stupid I am, I can always gain some experience and skills in analyzing people's hearts. What's more, I am not too stupid and I like to study. Moreover, I was lucky and became a rich man very early. Of course, if you have money, you can hire someone to help you analyze and summarize experiences. "

Nan Yi stood up and added some drinks to Stella, "Relax, show some restraint as a guest, and don't think too much about things you shouldn't worry about. I was raised in a strict family and have always kept in mind the concept of equality between men and women. I especially Respect women, have a relationship with a woman, and never give humiliating compensation because you look down on the other person in your heart."

Stella heard the knocking meaning in Nan Yi's words. There was no need to pretend to be weak to win sympathy or to seduce. He did not accept such tricks.

She didn't believe there was a cat that didn't steal fish, so she wanted to try it.

Stella stood up, stretched her hands behind her neck to open the zipper, and then lifted each shoulder. The dress instantly slipped from her smooth and white skin, revealing a graceful body in front of Nan Yi.

The figure is very good, not inferior to KiKi.

She sat on Nan Yi's lap in an extremely seductive posture, with her face close to the tip of Nan Yi's nose, her eyes drawn and extremely lethal.

Nan Yi put his hands on her back very naturally, and said with a bad smile: "The action of taking off the skirt is very skillful, which is in line with Ouyang Xiu's words: I have no one else, but my hands are familiar.

Let me guess, my thighs should be the 17092nd pair you have ever sat on. I don’t feel the delicateness from the inside of your thighs, only the smoothness that you often wear, a bit like Ma Laosi’s lion head, oily wax skin, good , excellent. "(End of chapter)

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