Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1251 Nightclub toilet

"It is reported that Lavender Travel, the second largest travel agency in Hong Kong, has reached an acquisition agreement with Caesars Travel in mainland China. Lavender Travel will be acquired by Caesars Travel as a whole. The acquisition price has not been disclosed. Following Hong Kong's largest travel agency, Kangtai Travel, committed to mainland Qiong Airlines, the second Major travel agencies are once again under the umbrella of mainland companies..."

Pearl Finance reported the news about Lavender Travel Agency, but this news did not cause any waves. After all, Lavender mainly provides travel routes from the mainland to Hong Kong and has little relationship with local residents.

In fact, within Lavender Real Estate, they did not pay much attention to the sale of the family property. Nan Ruoqi, the actual big owner, was not directly involved. Instead, her mother, Ms. Zhao Shixian, took care of it.

The global economy is slowing down at the same time. Nan's growth forecast for 2019 is relatively pessimistic. Non-rigid industries whose sales targets are targeted at middle and low-income groups will need to shrink. At the same time, foreign investments will also need to transfer shares or divest. Nan's is already making cats. Preparation before winter.

All in all, many subdivided areas of "housing and transportation" in the four major sectors of food, clothing, housing and transportation will shrink or be withdrawn directly.

"Dad, is that guy behind me pretty? Do you want me to give you a phone number?"

Nan Yi and KiKi had just finished dinner when Nan Ruoqi's video call came over.

"Okay, I'm not open-minded enough to talk to my daughter about picking up girls. Isn't Director Zhao always busy making money? Why is he in the mood to have a video call with a bad old man like me today?"

Nan Yi shook the Nikkei newspaper in his hand, turned it over and continued reading.

Seeing Nan Yi's behavior, Nan Ruoqi stopped and said, "Dad, can you watch me talk on video?"

"I've watched you from your naked butt to your big head for more than 20 years, and I'm tired of watching it. Director Zhao, I heard that you are obsessed with money now. The video with me shouldn't be to express your longing for your father." Qing, what do you want to talk about quickly?"

"Dad, how can you say that to me? I will always be your little cotton-padded jacket." Nan Ruoqi said coquettishly.

Nan Yi put away the newspaper and looked at the flat screen with a smile, "Okay, Dad knows that your little cotton-padded jacket warms your heart. Come on, let's serve the main course."

Hearing this, the childishness on Nan Ruoqi's face disappeared. Zhao Business Elite Jiatong went online, "Professor Nan, Lavender Real Estate has sold its cultural tourism business in the mainland and Hong Kong. Currently, only Koh Samui and Thailand are left. For some office building leasing and long-term apartment rental business in Seoul, I would like to hear your suggestions. Should Lavender maintain its current business line or explore new areas?"

Nan Yi thought about it seriously, "Your focus has always been on finance, and Lavender is just playing around. In this case, there is no need to expand into areas that take up too much of your energy. If you are worrying about nickel, you must be concerned about geopolitics, right?"

"Yes." Nan Ruoqi replied, her mind turning to think of what Nan Yi was going to say, "Dad, are you talking about the proxy war between Russia and Ukraine?"

"Well, once the war escalates, it will affect the nickel exports of Russia's Norilsk Nickel and Solvay Group. There is a high probability that LME nickel will have a surge in the bull market in the future. Are you paying attention to nickel futures? At the same time, you can consider eating a few nickel mines, which will definitely be profitable in the short to medium term."

Nan Ruoqi chuckled, "Dad, how did you know that I had plans to acquire nickel mines?"

"I gave birth to you, and I know exactly how many roundworms there are in your belly."

"Did I have roundworms when I was a kid?" Nan Ruoqi smiled and said, "Dad, I'm going to fly to Moscow in a while, and I'll lend you your house for a few days."

"What do you think the father and daughter want to borrow? You don't need to test every step of the way. Dad will tell you directly. I have been operating in Russia for many years. Nan and Dad have good personal connections there. Nan holds United Advances Export Bank shares, there is also a personal relationship between Dad and Potanin. If you want to go over and learn about the situation of Norilsk Nickel, you can go to Aksinya from October Company and listen to her introduction to the situation in Moscow. Think again of visiting Potanin.”

"Hehe, daddy, I won't be detained when I go to Moscow, right?"

"No, your father and I have always been kind to others, and I have no enmity with Vladimir. As long as you don't mess around, you will definitely come and go freely."

"I won't mess around. This time I may invest a little bit in Russia."

Nan Yi asked: "What to invest in?"


“Wildberries or Yandex Market?”

"Wildberries, it is developing well in Russia, and now it is preparing to enter other European countries. It happens to be short of funds. It is easier to talk about investment at this time."

"As long as it has the idea of ​​​​expanding overseas, it can be discussed at any time. Anyone who is an e-commerce company is not salivating about our domestic market. Let's talk to you, Sister Hongdou, to give yourself some more bargaining chips."

Nan Ruoqi nodded, "I will, daddy, is there anything else?"

"Others..." Nan Yi picked up the tablet, opened the door and walked to the balcony, looking at the sparse and dim lights in the valley, and said quietly: "I remember you were watching "There is a Building, Everything Is Enough" the year before last, right?"

"Yes, I have."

"Do you still remember that in the February issue, there was a girl named Seasun?"

"Remember, Hong Kong girls worship money."

"Then do you still remember those two sentences of hers?"

"It's not easy to say that there is no building. If there is a building, there will be a climax. Are these two sentences?"

"Yes, you have also seen the promotional short film "Let the Next Generation See" made by Andy Lau last year to advocate land reclamation, right?"

"Have seen it, dad, do you want to tell me the attitude of Hong Kong people towards high property prices?"

"Bingo! Little girl, you also know how many roundworms I have in my stomach." Nan Yi praised, and then said: "In 1997, Chief Executive Dong wanted to launch an 85,000 house building plan. His original intention was to provide Hong Kong people with relatively spacious However, the vested interests are too powerful, not only developers, but also some property owners and investors. They cannot bear the drop in housing prices, and they are not willing to let the houses they bought at a high price become negative equity in the long term.

A few months ago, Chief Executive Carrie Lam delivered the Policy Address, which also mentioned the Lantau Tomorrow Plan. As you know, the plan was met with strong opposition just like it was twenty years ago.

The world is like this. The voices of those with vested interests are louder than those at the bottom. When they raise their voices, the whole world can hear it. The factory settings of current sound cards default to sound emitted from the bottom layer as noise, which needs to be filtered out.

Little girl, you have been in the camp of vested interests since you were born. You have always had a plan to endure hardships, and you are always confident in your heart. You have never tried to endure hardships today. You can see that you will endure hardships tomorrow, and you will still endure hardships the day after tomorrow in your imagination. This is nothing. The days we look forward to.

Many people live this kind of hopeless life, where they stop talking and stop talking, it's so hard.

Register a Lavender Catering Company to build a chain of two-pot rice restaurants. The pricing should be the same as other two-part restaurant restaurants. Don’t affect their business too much. Select the ingredients well, give more portions, and give away some free soup to give customers benefits.

You can still make money by doing this, just a little less, but you can help a lot of people. "

[鸸 means dishes, two rice dishes = two dishes + one rice. In fact, it is fast food with one meat and one vegetable. There are also three rice bowls and pure rice bowls (if you only want vegetables but not rice, the amount of dishes will be larger or the price will be cheaper) . ]

"Dad, if I want to do something, I will do it with all my heart. I have so many resources. How can the other two restaurants be able to compete with me? They will all be squeezed out by me."

"You're overthinking. People who eat for lunch only want to be cheap and fast. Taste is only secondary. You can't expect people who are within walking distance to spend five yuan on the bus to eat at your place. The business will be affected at most. You want to squeeze it out. It’s impossible for them not to target them intentionally. In fact, the only people who can squeeze them out are landlords.”

Hearing the noise behind him, Nan Yi turned around and rushed towards KiKi, making a gesture of coming over individually, then put down the tablet and closed the glass door of the balcony.

Nan Ruoqi waited for Nan Yi to hold the tablet again before saying, "Dad, is there a woman?"

The father and daughter have the same security methods. Nan Ruoqi knows that the person Nan Yi needs to worry about and avoid will never be the secretary or security guard around her. There must be a "stranger", and it is most likely a woman.

Nan Yi chuckled, "Little girl, sometimes you don't have to be so smart."

Nan Ruoqi covered her mouth and pretended to be cute, but there was no sincerity at all. In less than three seconds, she removed her disguise and said teasingly: "Dad, I will keep the secret for you. I will not share it with Mommy." speak."

"Okay, I'll thank you if you don't add insult to injury. Director Zhao, please adjust your itinerary. I hope you can spare a precious day from your busy schedule to accompany me to Thailand for the Songkran Festival."

"Wait a moment." Nan Ruoqi picked up the tablet next to her and clicked a few times, pretending to be regretful and said: "Sorry, the schedule next month is very full, I can only give you three minutes at most."

"I'm so busy. I'm hanging up."

Nan Yi smiled and shook his head, then cut off the video connection.

Walking back to the living room, I saw KiKi, who had been waiting for a while, starting to watch short videos again.

"Leave now, or wait for a while?"

KiKi put away her phone and jumped up from the sofa, "Let's go."

What the Japanese call a bar is usually a place for just drinking. There is no resident singer, no atmosphere group, and no exciting music. The selling point is wine, with some dried fruit snacks, and no other additional services. The grade is usually not too low. , because there are additional seat fees and service charges/taxes.

KiKi was definitely not going to this kind of bar, so Nanyi took her to Harlem in Ebisu, a club similar to domestic discotheques. The customers were mainly foreigners, and there were not too many local Japanese.

However, Nan Yi scanned around under the bombardment of annoying music. The customers who were suspected of being Japanese were of relatively high quality. They were either handsome men or beautiful women, and foreigners were almost interested. They were black, white, and yellow, with faces of various skin colors. After scanning, there were only three fair-looking ones with yellow skin who were acquaintances. They were the three prostitutes KiKi mentioned.

Nan Yi was not surprised at all. He didn't like to come to this kind of place and wouldn't pay attention to it at all. The reason why he came to Harlem was just because of the good reviews on a domestic travel APP... It was mainly uploaded in the comments of a certain user. I took a few photos, she is really nice, and they are enough to please your eyes.

After watching it for a while, KiKi grabbed his hand and walked to the dance floor.

Arriving at the center of the dance floor, KiKi and Nan Yi stood opposite each other. She smiled charmingly at him first, then grabbed her collar and pulled it to the side to expose one shoulder. Then she gave him a wink and raised her hand. He crossed his fingers.

Nanyi stepped forward and stood close to KiKi. KiKi put her hands on his shoulders and swayed a few times. As a super European beat remixed song ended, a remixed version of Utada Hikaru's "Automatic" sounded, KiKi's swing increased.

KiKi's movements are very simple, but each movement looks very textured and charming, and she can accurately hit the point of the music. Just think about it and know that she cannot be made in a nightclub, but she has good skills. , it looks much more advanced than the girl group’s flirty dance.

Nan Yi didn't have the skills of KiKi, but he was thick-skinned and not afraid of showing his timidity. He randomly picked out moves from various dance steps without thinking and started dancing along with them.

After rocking for almost half of the song, KiKi patted his arm and pursed his lips behind him.

Nan Yi turned around and saw that three meters away from him, a man and a woman were hugging each other and making love as if no one else was around. The scale was quite large. Not only did the screen have to be mosaic-filled, but the sounds also had to be coded.

After looking at it for a few times, Nan Yi turned around and bumped into KiKi, who was tilting her head and peeping intently. With her unhappy expression, she straightened her head, lowered her head and bit her ear, "That's almost it, don't look away. It can’t be pulled out.”

Switching positions, KiKi said in Nan Yi's ear: "It's so exciting, uncle, let's kiss here."

"This is an internet celebrity bar. There are many domestic tourists hanging out here. It would be troublesome to be photographed."

"Uncle, you are so disappointing."

KiKi pushed Nan Yi away and walked to the water bar angrily.

Nan Yi chased after her, grabbed her arm, and without saying a word, pulled her towards the toilet that he had already spotted.

When he came to the toilet, Nan Yi was surprised to find that there was no distinction between men and women. There was only a wall of almost one meter high between the urinal and the cubicle. There was a large mirror inlaid on it. Through the mirror, he saw KiKi's two sides. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was also looking at him through the mirror.

Nan Yi gave a questioning look, and KiKi looked away but made no further moves.


The two held hands and came to the cubicle. Nan Yi looked at the mirror wall again with a feeling, and his eyes shot directly through the mirror to the urinal opposite.

Sure enough, one-way glass mirror.

Nanyi pushed KiKi against the glass wall with a bang, his aggressive eyes piercing her eyes. Behind him, the bodyguard took out the equipment from his pocket and opened the door of the cubicle to conduct an investigation.

The wall banging continued, but Nan Yi made no further move.

He didn't move, but KiKi did. She stood up on her tiptoes, pouted her little mouth, and put it against his lips.

About half an hour later, the two appeared in the rest area. Nan Yi leaned against the wall, and KiKi leaned in his arms, holding one end of the double straw in her mouth. She raised her hand and stuffed the other end into Nan Yi. mouth, sharing the same cocktail.

KiKi probably also has a talent for multi-tasking. While she was bored, her eyes dug out the three women and two men next door.

"Uncle, look, look, the little prince of the nightclub has been tricked. Ace of Spades champagne, three bottles... four bottles, no, five bottles, one for each person."

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