Nanyi's trip abroad this time had a set goal that she needed to complete, which was part of work, but KiKi was not. She was dating her uncle, but the situation was a little different from what she expected. The speed of breaking through the last step was not enough. A little faster.

It'll be soon, it doesn't matter, just be happy.

When a man and woman in love travel, the scenery and food are embellishments and adjectives. Being intimate in different places and environments is the key.

Once a woman in love gets past the shy stage, she will enter the passionate stage. This is the case for KiKi. After staying in the bathroom for nearly a quarter of an hour, she rushed out wet, grabbed Nan Yi and Drag it to the bathroom.

Nan Yi, who was rushed to the battlefield by the supervising team, had only one thought in his mind: the two self-heating pots were in vain.

It was indeed a waste of time. By the time I could sit down to eat, it was already ten o'clock. The two self-heating pots that I had remade were occupied by KiKi in the name of excessive physical exertion and the need to replenish them. It happened to be too late, and Nan Yi also Not wanting to eat too much, I tore a strip off a large bag of air-dried beef and stuffed it into my mouth.

"Uncle, do you have an old lover in India?"

KiKi, who couldn't understand TV and could only watch short videos, splashed soup on the screen of her phone for the third time. She could only put down her phone and chat with Nan Yi.


"Have we become old friends?"

"The situation is a bit complicated. It's not convenient to tell you too much, so don't ask."

"You really can't tell?"


"Okay, I've been looking at the water all day today. Uncle, do you want to do the water business?"

"Do you need to use a questioning tone? I didn't avoid talking to you in front of Bellandur Lake before."

KiKi encouraged a wide fan, and after thinking about it in his mind, he said: "Are you missing shareholders?"

Nan Yi chuckled and said, "Now you eat, use, and sleep with me, and you still owe me a lot of debt. Do you have money to invest?"

KiKi lightly kicked Nan Yi and said, "You look down on others. I'm very popular. It's not a big problem to borrow one or two million from my friends."

"Haha, I haven't even finished my horoscope yet. I'll wait until I think of what to do. That's it for tonight. Don't make any more trouble. I'm an old man and can't compare with you."

KiKi said seriously: "Since your performance just now was okay, I'll let you rest for one night. Keep it up and continue working hard tomorrow."


Nanyi accompanied KiKi to visit various tourist attractions in Bangalore for two days. On the third day, the situation changed again. KiKi accompanied Nanyi to the hotel room and checked his mobile phone.

The Shuihe short video platform has not yet been launched, but Nanyi is paying attention to cash loans again.

Similar to Indonesia, the cash loan business in India is almost dominated by the Chinese. Wang Xiaozhou, a domestic Internet gray player, and another Xiao Zhou who is engaged in security software have cooperated to create Mobi Magic. This platform is one of the Indian cash loan platforms. The king of the world can send out more than 20,000 pens a day. Looking at the world, it is even more incredible. The number has to be tripled.

Nanyi is not too fond of a bunch of kids who are engaged in the Internet in China. They seem to be engaged in high technology, but after going round and round, they still return to a very ancient business - loan sharking.

Although there are exceptions, not everyone is doing it, but that's just because they have no capital, not because they don't covet it.

The Indian politicians have justifiable reasons to sit back and watch or attack the loan sharks. They are very suitable for smiling and smiling. After their children live in big houses in North America and have no worries, they will have a straight face and vigorously attack in the name of the people.

In the past two years, Bollywood has had a new dramatic theme. A lone agent goes deep into a hostile country and brings the bigwig behind the usury loan back to India for trial. The song and dance interlude is "Playing with Mud in the Northeast", which is very suitable for the occasion.

Nan Yi flipped through the APP download rankings and saw no less than 15% of the cash loan APPs in the top 500. He had something in mind, took out his laptop and connected to Nan's server. He searched for it, but the plan was never executed. I found a plan - Labor Bank India Viva Microfinance Project Plan.

Scanning the content of the plan, it is roughly that when India’s cash loan APP is dealt with and the concept of microfinance in India has matured, India Viva APP will be launched to provide microfinance services to the previous cash loan “whitelist” users. .

Several products have been designed in the plan, including flying cake loans and fresh water loans for people who are temporarily unable to eat; new life loans for people who have just come to the city from the countryside and cannot temporarily build shacks in slums; A good marriage loan for women who cannot afford a dowry; a home loan for those who have experienced fires and floods and lost their houses and need to rebuild or repair them.

"Oh, the Labor Bank is good, and Indians are very kind to Indians."

Cash loans are still popular in India. After all, 3/4 of the people are not within the target customers of Indian banks. The review of credit cards is very strict and most people cannot pass it. Even if they can pass, the limit will not be too high. , banks focus on that small group of high-quality people. For poor people, they are unable to open bank cards.

It just cannot have the attribute of loan sharking, the interest rate must not be too high, it needs to be kept within a reasonable range, and it needs to be tied to the credit reporting system. Credit reporting is a bit difficult. Most of the people who need cash loans are not in CIBIL (semi-official credit reporting system). ), credit reporting does not mean much to them. Loans to buy houses, cars, and start businesses are only things that a very small number of them would consider, whether they are old or old.

Without high interest rates to cover the inevitable bad debts, it is really difficult to develop a cash loan.

After thinking for a while, Nanyi put aside the idea of ​​cash loans for the time being. In order for cash loans to operate healthily, a supporting credit system must be established. This cannot be achieved in the short term, and Wuzhi Trust is poor and useless. It's not easy to do this.

Moreover, the Nan family is also engaged in similar business, which makes it difficult for him to rely on the strength of the Nan family, otherwise it will be suspected of being forced. To him, a grandson is a grandson, and no matter which son is the same, for Nan Youqing He said that Nan Wuwei's son was his nephew, separated by one floor.

Although Nan Youqiong, the eldest brother, has always acted like an elder brother and taken good care of his younger brothers and sisters, that was his spontaneous behavior. When Nan Yi, the father, opened his mouth, the taste changed. Besides, he, as a grandfather, wants to build more capital for his grandson. This is his personal behavior and should not be too involved.

Liu Zhen has a large amount of private money and dividends from Xueshan Trust. Nanyi also gives her 2 million US dollars in pocket money every year. She hardly spends this money and will leave it to her grandchildren in the future; Nan Wuwei takes the dividends from Xueshan Trust. The bulk of the money is almost untouched and can be left to the children.

In comparison, he, as a grandfather, seems to have prepared nothing.

In the final analysis, Nanyi established Wuzhi Trust mainly for the sake of his own face. Grandma has tens of billions, and dad has tens of billions, and they are all in U.S. dollars. Grandpa can’t be too embarrassed. He should have tens of billions of RMB, and he has to have It's an extra, not a portion of his personal assets.

Once a woman involves the interests of her children and grandchildren, she will easily betray her gender. If Liu Zhen knew that he had provided a lot of private support to his two daughters, it would be strange not to make trouble with him.

Liu Zhen secretly went to Nan Wuwei's place without telling Nan Yi last year. Why did she hide it and what would they talk about? Nan Yi had some guesses: Mom only has you as her son, and your dad has several families outside. Hurry up. If you ask this old guy for his family property, don't take advantage of the bastards outside.

Every age group has its own troubles. At Nan Yi's age, fighting for family property is something he has to face. Who made him accidentally exert too much effort and end up with a little more assets? He is already quite satisfied with his family. He doesn't mind at all if the woman is a little thoughtful.

The research on cash loans was not fruitful, so Nanyi downloaded an APP "Grindr" that he noticed when he was looking at the information about Gray Production King. This platform is a bit special. Although it is a social platform, it has not attracted a single female user. It has nearly 100 million users. All registered users are male.

I made an account, entered the APP, and as soon as I clicked on a member’s profile page, KiKi’s head came over, glanced at it, and then taunted: “Uncle, I didn’t expect you to have a double plug.”

"You are a police dog." Nan Yi retorted without looking back, and continued to slide his fingers, "You can also download a research study. It is unlikely that the market value of this kind of social platform with a relatively narrow audience will be very high, but Profitability will not be bad.”

"Uncle, your mind jumps too much. You jumped from water to gay dating."

"Everything has been studied. Times have changed. It's not as popular as it was two years ago. It's not easy to make money. Not only do I have to do the research myself, but I also have to take you to do the research. You don't look good. I want to sell you." If you can’t sell it at a high price, and I don’t help you find a good business, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get the money back.”

KiKi lay on Nan Yi's back and said with a sweet smile: "I'm so ugly, you still want to pick me up?"

"I have facial amnesia and have no ability to recognize faces."

"Hahaha." KiKi laughed.

The two were arguing for a while, and Nan Yi stopped doing "research" and went to the window to look at the sun outside. Seeing that the sun was not strong, he put on the couple's clothes KiKi bought yesterday and went out to hang out.

The place to go shopping is still Gandhi Street, because this street is like a good-looking female anchor who has turned on beauty. The buildings, advertising signs, streets, pedestrians, etc. all look relatively clean. The color matching, greening, and clothing, everything looks good. More comfortable.

This is KiKi’s statement, and Nanyi basically agrees with it. Bangalore is a city that is comparable to Shenzhen in China. The entire city is younger and is dominated by high-income people, so it will naturally look better.

KiKi would walk into various shops to look at pottery shops, optical shops, and clothing shops. The shopkeepers would greet them warmly and then see them off in frustration. KiKi would only look at them and hardly buy them. Only when she passed by an electrical appliance store did she buy one. In one consumption, I bought a power bank.

Along the way, KiKi visited various stores to look at the products, but Nanyi mainly focused on the people with their heads bowed. He held the mobile phone horizontally with both hands, and his two thumbs were not idle. He clicked or swiped on the screen. No need to guess, he was definitely playing with food. A chicken FPS game; hold the phone with one hand and slide the screen quickly or slowly with your thumb. This should be a short video.

Nanyi would guess and analyze every person he met who had his head down and what he was doing. Before coming to Bangalore, he had already circled a rough investment range: water, short videos, cash loans, and e-sports.

Short videos have been listed as a must-invest item for him, but Shui is still thinking about the entry point. Cash loans will be put on hold for now and will be considered later. E-sports, like short videos, is also listed as a must-invest item.

Judging from the age structure of India's population, the median age is only 28 years old, young people under 25 years old account for more than 50%, and more than 60% of the population is in the prime working period. The advantages of the demographic structure have great opportunities to be transformed into Demographic Dividend.

Whether it can be transformed is still a question mark. India has tens of millions of new employed workers every year, but the entire society can only provide about 10% of jobs. A large number of young people are unemployed or have flexible employment.

If India wants to solve employment problems, it can only introduce foreign investment to develop labor-intensive industries. This is a complex economic issue related to policy, transportation, supporting industries, as well as labor quality and other issues.

The potential is huge and there are many problems to be solved. If the Indian government wants to reap the demographic dividend, it probably still has a long way to go. However, many companies have already reaped this dividend. There are many people and few jobs, and involution It is inevitable. The boss of the company can openly say to his employees, "If you don't do it, there will be others who will do it."

If a company is a little more generous, it can gain a good reputation among employees. For example, Labor Food strictly follows 8×5 when designing its wage structure, but there is an overtime system within the factory. It is not mandatory overtime, but requires To apply, employees who want to work overtime must go to the line leader to apply, and the factory stipulates that the maximum overtime time per week cannot exceed 25 hours.

There is overtime pay for working overtime, which is 1.5 times the normal working hours. You can work 7.5 hours during the day without getting tired. If you work two extra hours, you can earn a little more overtime pay, and you can also have a free dinner at the factory.

After finishing dinner, you can work for two more hours to eat and eat, and earn more overtime pay. Check the time. In another hour, the factory will provide free midnight snacks, and in another hour and a half, there will be a free shuttle bus. Just work an extra hour.

In this way, workers can use up their overtime hours within the prescribed range by working overtime every day. What if they still want to work on Saturdays and Sundays?

This brings us to another strategy of the factory: "Workers rest and the machines don't stop." The factory implements a weekend system, and workers do not have to work on Saturdays and Sundays. However, Labor Food products have always been very popular, and they have to work overtime during the peak sales season.

As a last resort, it is necessary to find "temporary workers" from outside to fill the vacancies when workers are on vacation. The task of finding workers is placed on the line leader. There is a reward and punishment system. If the production is successful, he will be given a large bonus. If the production is not successful, he will be fired.

As long as the line leader uses his brain, he will realize that it is the easiest, least labor-intensive and least likely to cause problems for temporary workers to directly find employees. In this way, the actual working hours of employees are 13×7, but this work intensity has nothing to do with the factory.

The leadership of the factory has a tacit understanding that they will never work overtime in the factory on Saturdays and Sundays. They have no idea that temporary workers are actually regular workers. The human resources and accounting staff are also selectively stupid and cannot find out what is going on here.

However, when the sales season comes, everyone will suddenly have an IQ. They have to find a line manager to give them a beating, and strictly prohibit regular workers from working overtime on weekends. When the peak sales season comes, it is time to press the line manager with tasks again. If you do hire temporary workers, you will always find faults of one kind or another, forcing the line leader to "take risks" and continue to use regular workers.

After doing it once or twice, the line leader can guess the factory's intentions and understand that part of his salary is compensation for taking the blame. Especially after a line leader was fired for making a mistake, but the factory gave him a lot of compensation, the others The line leader seemed to have a clear mind.

Since then, the operation of the factory has entered a virtuous cycle, and because production competitions are often held, the winners are given good bonuses, and there are several dinners with family members held every year, and a trip with family members once a year. In addition, from domestic Some welfare systems transplanted from factories in the 1970s, such as labor food, have a good reputation among employees and in the labor market. Job seekers need to be willing to recommend them to work through labor agencies.

For labor groups, involution brings cheap labor, and they can enjoy the demographic dividend in both production and sales. For Nanyi at this time, more than half of the youth population is a red ocean of games and e-sports. Games are not his turn to care about. Daniel Nan, who is immersed in the gaming field, has laid out plans in India twenty years ago. Nanyi can The only thing I’m thinking about is e-sports. (End of chapter)

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