Nan Yi made an inventory, and now he has more than 70,000 Hong Kong dollars, more than 50,000 RMB, 3,700 US dollars, 14 large yellow croakers, 32 small yellow croakers, miscellaneous jadeite and jade ornaments, and a few small antiques.

If calculated according to the current market price, this is wealth that the family can't eat in a few lifetimes; if it is put into later generations, it can only be shaken at the food stall and shouted: "Today, Mr. Nan will pay for the whole audience! "

By the way, it has to be an ordinary food stall, the kind opened in an industrial area, not a seafood food stall.

Otherwise, just wait to be beaten out by others.

Nan Yi and Lai Biao met on the bank of the Shenzheng River.

"I heard you have business with me?"

Contrary to what he imagined, Lai Biao is not only thick and rough, with a hideous face, but looks a little refined. This made Nanyi change his judgment on Lai Biao. The opponent should not rely on the black market controlled by his fists, but by his surname.

This made Nanyi, who had originally planned to have a black conversation with Lai Biao, change the style of the conversation.

"Comrade Lai, what do you think of the country's resumption of the college entrance examination?"

"I'm going to say I'm already reviewing, what do you think?"

Lai Biao turned against the general.

"That can only show that Comrade Lai's family has good hands and eyes, and his parents are also people with vision. If this is the case, it will be easier to talk about. The business I want to talk about is selling college entrance examination guides. Comrade Lai, you should take a look first."

Nanyi took out a printed guide and handed it to Lai Biao.

"Very good, did you make it up?" Lai Biao said after reading it.


"How much do you want to sell it for?"

"Ten dollars."

"Will it be more expensive?"

"It was due to the time difference. When the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination was announced in the newspaper, we started selling it, and we made money from the first three days. Three days, only three days, we stopped immediately and sold the rest at a low price. give others.

Since Comrade Lai is doing business in the black market, he naturally has contacts with people in the black market in other cities, and has his own channels for purchasing and selling goods. It should be no problem to distribute the guidebook for the college entrance examination, right? "

"It's okay to distribute the goods, and it's okay to pay ten yuan a piece. The key is how much should I give you?"

"I'm not used to bargaining back and forth, three and five yuan, this is the price I want, I don't care how much you plan to make for others, if I do it, I can earn at least four yuan."

"The price is quite reasonable, but you have already revealed the truth, so you are not afraid that I will print it myself?"

Lai Biao had a wicked smile on his face.

"Comrade Lai, look in that direction, go straight, you can go to Burma, where there are constant wars, killing people, and the asking price is not too high. And in that direction, go a little further, you can go to Africa, where the price is cheaper .

Also in this direction, you can go straight to South America, where the guerrillas in the jungle are very tough, and the asking price is not too high.

Even if you don't go so far and look directly to the north, there are many difficult times there, and in order to live a good life, you are willing to fight for anything.

The world is not peaceful...

On the African continent, there is an animal called the honey badger. I like to call it the flat-headed brother.

It has a bad temper and is either fighting or on the way to a fight. What's more, if you are jealous, you will get revenge. Once you offend it, it will never end with you, follow you all the time, and take revenge from morning till night.

I am a strong laborer, and I can earn more than a dozen work points a day in the brigade, and at least thirty or forty yuan by the end of the year. During the Chinese New Year, cut some meat and drink some wine, and feel happy. "

Nan Yi suddenly patted himself on the head, and said apologetically, "Oh, Comrade Lai, I'm sorry, I'm not very smart, and in the words of that foreign doctor, it's a 'deficiency of inability to concentrate'.

Look at me, talking and talking, forgetting that we are talking about business.

Let's continue... You said, I want three and a half yuan, isn't this price too much? I am not alone here, there are many people waiting for the money. "

Lai Biao was smoking a cigarette, his gaze deeply penetrated into Nanyi's body, as if he wanted to see through him. After a long time, he quietly said: "The deal is done, but the money can only be settled after I get it back."

"Okay, let's talk about the details."

Nanyi didn't like the way of discussing business with Lai Biao, very disliked.

He regards himself as an earthen pot and others as porcelain, and he threatens the other party with bare feet to have shoes.

Just this once, he told himself.

What he wants to do is Jun porcelain, not a stack of broken clay pots worth thirty cents.

"Intelligence network, bodyguard team, big data model..."

On the way back to Wenchangwei, Nanyi was thinking about what he needed to do in the future.

After Man San'er bought four more houses in Bao'an City, he was sent back to the capital by Nanyi, and asked him to go back to study hard and wait for the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination.

Liu Zhen has become a lady of every family, and she doesn't step out of the door.

Nanyi opened up a study room for her. Except for three meals a day, she doesn't have to do anything else, she just needs to study hard at the desk.

The last time I weighed her with the old scale used by the brigade to weigh grain, Liu Zhen's weight had risen to eighty-nine catties, and she was gaining weight quite quickly.

In July, after several days of busy irrigation work, Nanyi was free again.

With the transit farming certificate, he opened up a vegetable garden, a total of eight points (1 mu = 10 points) of the land, seven points were used as vegetable gardens, two points were planted with Qilixiang, and the remaining one point was planted with snakes.

The whole piece of land is rectangular with one corner missing, just enough to open four ridges, three long and one short.

Make a good ridge, sow the seeds, and pour some urine at dusk.

All that's left is to wait for germination.

When he has free time, Nanyi will dig ditches.

Without asking for help, he just dug the trench by himself, and buried more than 60 iron pipes that Xian Yaodong helped to buy in the name of the brigade, one by one, and connected them together.

After repairing the water intake and building waterwheels, a week later, river water appeared in the yard of the Nanzhai.

Another week passed by renovating the bathroom and repairing the sewer.

The bathroom is made of squatting pits, buying a flush toilet is too eye-catching, Nan Yi thinks about it and forgets it. Originally, he wanted to build an electric water heater himself, but he didn't do it because of eye-catching reasons.

Although Wenchangwei was connected to electricity in 1972, the entire brigade did not use much electricity for a year.

If Nanyi bought all the electrical appliances neatly, his family's electricity bill might catch up with the entire Wenchangwei.

When everyone is poor, they must be "poor". Being rich at this time is a sin.

During the day, I go to the field with everyone. After nightfall, Nanyi will go to the river to cast nets, hooks for fishing eels, snakeheads, and turtles, and the ground cages he wove.

You don't have to go every day, the harvest in one day is enough for ten days and half a month.

At this time, every household is short of oil and other seasonings. If the aquatic products are to be delicious, why are they short of oil and seasonings?

Eat it as a meal, the taste is really not as good as rice; as a dish, let's rest.

If the number of people caught is small, the fish will naturally be numerous and stupid.

"Nanyi, Nanyi."

As soon as Nan Yi had set the hook, Xian Weimin called him from the other side of the river.

"For the people, what's the matter?"

"Before dinner tomorrow, follow me to catch weedels. Each person in the brigade will give five work points."

"Okay." Nan Yi shouted across the bank, "I still have shrimp, do you want some?"

"No, it's all small shrimps. I don't like to eat this stuff. I'll get some sea shrimps for you to try."


The word "ah" in Nanyi has a long sound, and it dragged on until the evening of the next day.

Nanyi, Xian Weimin, and Angju walked along the river dam to the reed marsh.

Ang Ju, whose real name is Xian Weiqi, had a high fever when he was young and burned his brain, and his intelligence remained at the age of seven or eight. No need to go to the fields to work, the brigade will also count him a ration.

But Ang Ju likes to work very much, and he can't do other things, such as weeding, picking rice ears, and so on.

Just like today, when Ang Ju came over, the brigade would give his family two or three work points.

"For Qi, do you want to eat candy?"

Nan Yi took out a white rabbit toffee and handed it to Ang Ju.


"What will you eat?"


Seeing Angju peel off the candy wrapper and stuff the candy into his mouth, Nanyi was sure he would eat it.

It seems that his family treats him well.

"For the people, do you want it?"

"No, here's a cigarette, I'm done."

"Well, here you are, I brought two packages, and I'll give you the unopened package."


Xian Weimin gave a thumbs up, then immediately opened the cigarette and handed one to Nanyi.

Nanyi blocked the cigarette back, "You take the first one yourself."


Xian Weimin stuffed the cigarette into his mouth, and shook out another one.

This one, Nan Yi took it.

"We have to catch two sacks to get full work points. I don't know if there are too many weeds this year."

"Should be a lot, right? Wedweeds eat reed leaves in summer, and they smell grassy, ​​and no one would catch them. When I set the hook yesterday, I stepped on several of them."

"It's hard to say. I caught a lot last winter. This stuff doesn't taste good in summer. It hibernates and doesn't eat in winter. There is no strange smell in the stomach, and the taste is okay."

"Why eat this thing, there are plenty of other food in the river, let's keep the fertile fields."

Weedel is actually a kind of small crab. For farmers, its biggest role is to fertilize the field. The weedel dies after being carried back in a sack. Take it to the paddy field and put one among the four rice seedlings. When it rots, the rice seedlings will grow wildly, which is more effective than any other fertilizer.

The three of them came to the reed marsh, and each of them took a reed in his hand and slapped it on the mud, and the weeds would run to the middle when they were frightened. This is just right, after the three people encircle, they can put them in sacks by the handful.

"Fuck, bite me."

"Big man, don't be so hypocritical, what's wrong with biting it."

When catching weeds, it will inevitably be caught by its two big pincers, but as long as the loading speed is fast enough, it can be thrown into the sack before it gets deep.

"It's easy to say, it's bleeding."

Xian Weimin stopped his movements, grabbed a handful of mud from the ground and spread it on the bleeding place.

"What kind of mud is it? Break the root of the reed, peel it off and wipe it with the juice inside to clear away heat and detoxify."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter that much."

Seeing that his hands were no longer bleeding, Xian Weimin continued to grab the weeds and stuff them into sacks.

After rushing three times in a row, it was considered as three sacks.

At this time, the sky was already a mass of red, and Xian Weimin and Nan Yi walked towards the paddy field with a sack on their backs.

They can't rest yet, they have to send the weedus to the field quickly. The members of the commune had to get the weeds to the fields overnight while they were still fresh.

Otherwise, when the weedel stinks tomorrow, it will be enough to drink a pot.

Go down to the field and help weeds down together. When it's done, it's already early eight o'clock in the evening.

At this time, it was just getting dark.

I took a bath in the river, and rinsed the outer trousers and shirt by the way.

After wringing it out, he walked towards home in his wet clothes.

"Brother, it's so late."

"Well, I just finished my work."

"I see that you haven't come back, you just stewed the rice, and the dishes haven't been cooked yet."

"It's okay, take your time, I'm not too hungry."


Holding a ladle in his hand, standing in front of the water storage tank in the yard, Nanyi washed his body, soaped himself from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, and after rinsing, he went back to his room and changed into dry clothes.

When we got back to the yard, Liu Zhen had already set the meals, and there was still a bottle of Wuyang beer on the low table.

Sit down, open the beer and pour it into a sea bowl, a bottle of beer is worth a bowl.

Gulp, gulp, drank half a bowl in one go.

"Phew, it's comfortable, summer really goes better with beer!"

In order to echo Nanyi's emotion, crickets chirped in the wilderness outside the courtyard.

The bursts of tweets slowly merged into a song "Daoxiang".

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