Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 15 The Second Son of the Dragon, Yazi

"Using the barbed wire as a reference, groups of three should move forward in a straight line." Xian Yaoguo ordered when the team reached the barbed wire.

The pace is non-stop, the team changes from a column to a row, in groups of three, with a certain distance between groups.

Watching the two veterans beside him take out bullets from the magazine pouch and reload them, Nan Yi pulled the bolt of the gun and looked inside to see that it was empty. Xian Yaoguo didn't send him any bullets just now.

"Haha, Nanyi, don't look at it, you are a recruit, how could I send bullets to you."

Among the two veterans, one of them is Xian Weimin.

"When will it be released?"

"Just wait, the next time you shoot a target, if your grades meet the standard, you will be given bullets in the future. Not now, but three to five years ago, we could still fire mortars every three to five times."

Xian Weimin was very embarrassing when he spoke.

"Will you still fight after that?"

"Xuan, we haven't had any supplies for a long time, and we need to prepare shells just in case."

"It doesn't matter if there are no supplies, this shows that the situation has become peaceful."

"It's just not fun. I haven't been on the battlefield and fought with the enemy with real knives and guns. To charge the enemy in the face of artillery fire is to die with great vigor."

"For victory, shoot at me!"

The 1970s was a simple and simple era, even the bastards in the brigade had the determination to be a martyr.

When passing through the grass dominated by a few trees, Nan Yi suddenly raised his hand to signal the team to stop.

Stopped and listened carefully.

That's right, it's the movement of people.

Nan Yi pointed, regardless of whether he was a recruit, he pointed to another person, signaling him to go around from the left; he then asked Xian Weimin to go around from the right, and he went straight in.

Both nodded, pulled the bolt of the gun, and tiptoed around.

Nanyi let go of the bayonet, gently pushed it to the front, fastened it tightly, and tiptoed forward.

When the three of them reached the appropriate positions, they made eye contact, and suddenly shouted together: "Come out, come out quickly, don't come out and shoot."

There is no response from the grass!

"One warning, the third warning and we'll shoot... Two warnings... Three..."

"I... let's come out, don't shoot."

Following the sound, two young men stood up in the grass with their hands raised.

"What's your name, what are you doing here?"

"Report, we are chasing hares here." One of them rolled his eyes and said.

Another person also echoed: "Yes, yes, chasing hares."

"You are treating us as fools, chasing hares, I let you chase hares."

Nan Yi raised his foot and poked it on the slippery young man's calf. The young man lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Bullying stepped forward, aiming the bayonet at the opponent's neck, "Don't move around, if you want to move around, I'll stab it down."

The oily young man's face turned pale, "Don't move, definitely don't move."

"Stand up slowly."

When the naughty young man stood up, Nan Yi said again: "Take off your clothes, take off the shirt outside."

"For the people, what do you see?"

"I don't even have a meat vest on my body, either from the city, or I haven't been in the field for a long time." Xian Weimin glanced at the slippery young man's back and said.

Nanyi grabbed the slippery young man's hand, looked at the back of the hand, then looked at the palm, and touched the other's fingers and tiger's mouth with his own hand.

"I've been to the field, but the calluses are still there. They should come from the north. With a southern accent, they come from the north. Needless to say, most of them are educated youths."

"Disgraceful!" Nan Yi spat and asked Xian Weimin, "What should I do next?"

"It's tied up. Send them to the quarry for labor reform. It's considered an attempt for the two of them, three months. Let's go, let's send them there first."


Tie the hands of the two around their waists, leaving one end of the rope, Nan Yi and another person are holding hands, and Xian Weimin is guarding behind with a gun.

Nanyi was leading that naughty young man. On the way, he stopped suddenly, turned his head and said to Nanyi, "Boy, my name is Chen Weiyun, I remember you."

"Radishev once said: 'Society is always divided into classes', thank you for remembering me, when you are targeted in the future, you can recall my sword eyebrows and star eyes, of course, you like the word voice and smile you."

A dog that bites does not bark and speaks harshly, which is a sign of nervousness and cowardice.

Although Nanyi seemed to say it casually, he deeply engraved Chen Weiyun's appearance in his mind. He likes to nip danger in the bud. Since he has spoken harshly to him, this Chen Weiyun can only be barefoot forever. Don't expect to wear shoes.

On the way, I met border guards and handed over people to them.

The three of Nanyi continued to run along the barbed wire, and their training had to be completed.

After returning from training, the gun had to be handed in. Nanyi offered to help deliver the gun to the arsenal, and was lucky enough to meet a few big guys.

"Okay, don't look at it, next time if the militia battalion has a joint training, you can see the anti-aircraft gun." Walking out of the arsenal, Xian Weimin patted Nanyi on the shoulder and brought his reluctant eyes back.

"When was the last time you practiced together?"

"It's been a year."

"That's a pity."

Nan Yi knew that he had no chance to catch up.

"Don't be a pity, follow the toad at night."

"Toad, you know how to cook."

"What's the problem? Isn't it just spraying poison behind the ears? I can do it when I'm three years old."

"Okay, I'll go then. Grab less, this thing eats insects, it will save us a lot of effort."

"It's a good thing to know, but you have to control the amount, food chain, haven't you learned it?" Xian Weimin asked rhetorically.

"Hey, think of yourself as a stinky old nine!"

"Haha, I still want to build the four modernizations for the motherland."

"We are all repairmen, you are a fitter, and I am a turner, repairing the earth every day."

"The earth has said that you don't need to repair it, as long as you don't step on it."

"I can't step on it, I can't fly."

As the sun sets, there are silver bells of laughter, and the cow comes out of the river, mooing, as if saying that some bad boys have disturbed the old man's dream.

It's a pity that there is still a piece of grass that has not been eaten.


The shirt is indeed a good match for Jiefang shoes.

Bah, spit and rub it on your hair.

"Zhen'er, I'm going."

"Well, brother, do you want to save food for you?"

"No need, there is still rice noodle cake in the morning, just help me pack a few."

Kettle, green school bag, put a stack of banknotes in it, and some food stamps in the pocket, and put some rice noodles wrapped in cloth by Liu Zhen.

"I went, we are outsiders, it's not good to not give face."

"Brother, I know."

"Let's go. I'll go to the commune to see if there are any puppies. I'll bring two back to raise. If I'm not around in the future, someone will watch over you. Remember to open the trap."


I went to Xian Yaodong to borrow a bicycle and pushed it to the entrance of the village, where Xian Zilin was waiting.

A shirt with a checkered butterfly collar, a pair of blue Dacron trousers, and a pair of cloth shoes on her feet. Like Nanyi, she is also carrying a green schoolbag.

"Brother Nan Yi."

"Will you jump out of the car?"


"Then I will ride first."

As Nanyi said, he stepped on the pedal with one foot, kicked the other foot on the ground, lifted his buttocks to the cushion, and rode forward slowly.

Suddenly, the car was heavy, and Xian Zilin was already sitting in the car, holding the schoolbag rack in front of her.

A gust of wind blew up behind the bicycle, blowing up a scent and sending it to Nan Yi's nose.

"vanishing cream?"

"No, Yashuang and Lizai Powder." Xian Zilin said with a blushing face.


Nan Yi thought about it, it seems that Xian Zilin attached great importance to dating him.

The skin care products that can be bought at this time include creams, pechoin in iron boxes, autumn butterflies, Shanghai brands, and red plums. Yashuang is considered a luxury item, while creams are high-end products, and the supply and marketing cooperatives sell them loosely.

Generally, girls would grit their teeth and buy a box of Pechoin or Yashuang, and then go to the supply and marketing agency to buy bulk creams when they run out.

Nanyi thought about when to shave his head, and it was quite refreshing to pat the prickly heat powder on his neck and back of his neck.

Regardless of Xian Zilin's generous performance in front of outsiders, she dared not speak when the two of them were alone. Except for the question and answer just now, the two remained silent afterwards.

Creaking, the sound of the chain hitting the fender all the way, the brake was pressed with the right hand, and the car stopped on the square outside the People's Theater of the Commune.

I saw that there were already two moso bamboos standing near the wall of the theater, and a screen cloth with a white background and black border was stretched between the moso bamboos; Fiddling with projectors there.

A bamboo stands beside the projector, and a light bulb hangs on the bamboo, which has been turned on, shining a dark yellow light.

"Zilin, wait here for a while, I'll go and park the car."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Nan Yi pushed the car to the entrance of the theater. Just as he parked the car, an old man walked up to him, "Parking costs a penny."

Nan Yi paid the money, walked back to the original place, and looked at his watch.

It's half past five, it's still early, and it's estimated that it won't start until six thirty or seven.

"are you hungry?"

"No... not hungry."

He took out the cloth package from the green school bag, opened it and took out a rice noodle cake, handed one to Xian Zilin, and held the other in his mouth.

Click it, bite it down, and smell the fragrance.

"What did Liu Zhen do?"

"No, I made it. It's the food in the south of the Yangtze River, and Liu Zhen doesn't know how to do it."

"Oh, from the north, brother Nanyi, how can you do it?"

"My grandparents are all from Jiangnan."


It was silent again, only the sound of two people eating and drinking was heard.

The movie opened and the movie ended. The two still didn't have much communication, but they watched the movie with gusto. The protagonists in it, regardless of gender, were all big stars at this time.

The salary level should also be very high, maybe sixty or seventy a month.

On the way back, a light and shadow split the darkness, and crickets, cicadas, frogs, frogs, and loaches all made noises. Nanyi also joined in and said, "Graduated, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, my mother asked me to take an exam to recruit workers, and the five-star canteen in the county needs to hire a waiter."

"Only one position?"


"That's difficult. This is a good position. Who doesn't have two relatives? Does any factory recruit female workers?"

"Three Textiles has a move, not to go to the workshop, but to be a cultural officer, a trade union and a radio station."

"Then you can try, if you can enter, you will be safe."

"It's not easy to get in. There are so many high school students in the city, plus the children of factory families, it's impossible for me to be a country girl with such a good position."

"It's okay, try it, try your best, even if you don't get in, you won't regret it, right? If you get in, you can find a worker to be your husband's family in the future, become a red seal account, and eat the imperial food."

"Oh, who's looking for a worker." Xian Zilin scolded, "I'm looking for a farmer."


Eating imperial food is the dream of many peasant girls.

If there is a good harvest in the field, but there is no food to eat; if you raise a big fat pig, you don't know the taste of the meat. On the other side, there is food security supply, and there are still a few taels of meat tickets every month.

Whoever changes, also knows how to choose.

How many yellow-flowered girls married disabled people in the city because they had jobs and food.

According to the saying in the 1970s and 1980s, the red seal hukou represents urban hukou, not what it actually represents.

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