On July 10th, all the staff of Shan の Taste Club, led by Uedo Masami, went to Yunnan Province to ensure the smooth progress of the matsutake acquisition. Nanyi was in the capital alone.

"Huiwen, are the two plastic factories stable?"

"It's stabilized."

"Well, go back to Hong Kong and ask Johnny to go to Tokyo with you. This time you have to register two companies, one is Ikeda Real Estate Co., Ltd., and the other is Ikeda Trainee Dispatch Co., Ltd."

"Still registered in the name of a Japanese person?"

"Yes, this time we still need Japanese people to be named. Find someone who is more reliable than Yama no Wei. This time, the two companies have to operate for a long time, so there can be no mistakes."

"In terms of legal provisions, I can guarantee that nothing will go wrong, but if the puppet I find has bad intentions, it may cause trouble."

"That's why I asked Johnny to go with you. You can solve the problems of the regulations. He knows how to solve the problems outside the law. And you, cooperate with Johnny and don't let him fall into the whirlpool of the law. "

"Understood." Liang Huiwen nodded.

"Be careful."

Matsutake, Nanyi has eaten it in his previous life, and it is still the kind of super expensive matsutake. This food is delicious, but he didn't taste the top-notch taste that fit its price.

Ueto Masami sent some samples from Yunnan Province. Nanyi will put the matsutake on a charcoal basin and roast it. As the grilling, the matsutake slices emit a unique fragrance. When it is estimated that they are almost ripe, Nanyi will sandwich Popped a piece into his mouth.

Well, he still didn't taste the expensive taste. According to the current price, in Nanyi's eyes, this matsutake is only worth about one yuan per catty.

"Forget it, I'm not a glutton, and I don't have such a persistent pursuit of food."

Nan Yi muttered to eat the rest of the matsutake, he was reluctant to waste such an expensive thing.

Cleaned up the baking pan, and put out the charcoal basin.

Nanyi sat back in his seat, turning the third-order Rubik's Cube in his hand.

As he turns, boxes of Rubik's Cubes are being transferred from wholesalers to buyers from all over the world on Gaodi Street in Yangcheng and Yifa Street in Yanyu.

As soon as the Rubik's Cube appeared in Yangcheng, it fell into the eyes of people from all walks of life. They keenly discovered that this thing would definitely sell well.

The ex-factory price of the plastic factory is 3.5 Hong Kong dollars [1.07 RMB], and the Rubik’s Cube directly falls into the hands of “big wholesalers” without going through Lan Guidong’s hands. Their wholesale prices range from 2.2 to 3.2 RMB.

The street vendors sell it outside for 4 to 6 yuan, it all depends on how they yell, anyway, if you catch one, it counts as one.

Not to mention, the smart ones directly associate the Rubik's Cube with the development of intelligence, and many parents grit their teeth and buy one.

In such a closed loop, it seems that the profit that Nanyi can get is not high, but this is an illusion, and his real profit is actually not low.

This also has a lot to do with the domestic exchange rate. Due to the unreasonable exchange rate, few people usually recognize RMB in trade with Hong Kong, so those "big wholesalers" usually have a lot of Hong Kong dollars, US dollars and gold in their hands.

They fiddle with things from the outside to the interior, usually paying in gold, followed by foreign exchange.

Whether it's a color TV or a Rubik's Cube, Nanyi has collected a lot of gold in his hands.

The current price of gold in London has dropped from US$599.25 per ounce at the beginning of the year to US$400 per ounce. The gold recovered when the price of gold was low, as long as Nanyi deposits it until the price rises and then sells it, there will be a big price difference. .

Nanyi failed to catch up with the highest market price this year. He only sold about 10 kilograms at $540 per ounce, and kept the rest, including the batch of gold he dug out in Nanzhai.

Before getting a gold mine that can continuously provide gold, the gold in Nanyi's hands will not be easily sold.

If the gold is kept, Nanyi is still of great use.

In the middle of the month, Nanyi went back to Xiangtang again, and took the two little girls who had been on vacation to the capital.

There was no one in the old bungalow, and Nanyi didn't feel relieved to let the two little girls stay by themselves, so he took the two little girls to Shanの味 to work together.

"Dad, is there any work for us?"

"Yes, check the tickets for me. You two work four hours a day, and I will give you three yuan a day."

"RMB?" Fan Hongdou asked.

Once bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well ropes, now Fan Hongdou is much more vigilant.

Nan Yi stroked Fan Hongdou's head, and said with a smile: "What kind of song are you singing on the top of the mountain? We are in the capital, of course it is RMB."

"The wages are not bad, we'll sell you a rich landlord." Nan Ruofeng nodded slightly, imitating Yang Bailao and said.

"Hehe, this is the customer list, and this is the ticket." Nanyi took out a notebook, and took out a stack of tickets and put them in front of the two children, "Check each one carefully, and see if there are any mistakes in the information."

"Father, I can't read all the Japanese characters."

"It's okay if you don't know it, just look at the shape of the characters and the numbers, get it right slowly, and don't make mistakes."

In fact, Nan Yi has already faced each other twice, and making the two little girls face each other is just to give them a sense of accomplishment in labor.


"Find a seat for yourself and start working."

Seeing the two little girls working in style, Nan Yi lowered his head and started typing on the keyboard of the word processor.

The keyboard is too hard, the feel is much worse than that of later generations, and the touch is not so sensitive. Nanyi has to press down every key heavily. After a burst of clicking, Nanyi taps on a key. The sound of zila sounded.

A piece of paper was spit out from the word processor. Nan Yi read it again and found no mistakes, so he started typing the second one...

One morning, Nanyi spent in printing documents.

After lunch, Nan Yi let the two little girls take a nap, took out the Atari 2600 in the afternoon, let the two little girls play games, and he continued to work.

On July 20th, Masami Uedo flew to Tokyo to meet with clients with the tickets prepared by Nanyi.

Inventory, delivery, invoicing, settlement, the time enters the end of July, and a sum of Japanese yen comes into the account of Yama no Wei, ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions.

The accumulation of funds little by little makes more.

Uedo Masami also has good news from Tokyo. Matsutake is very popular in Tokyo. In July, major restaurants add matsutake to their main ingredients. Tokyo has faint signs of turning July into matsutake season.

After a tiring day at work, it has become a fashion for Japanese white-collar workers to go to a restaurant to eat a meal of matsutake mushrooms.

There are four reasons why the Japanese are so crazy about matsutake:

First, Japan used to be a major producer of matsutake, but due to the deforestation of dense forests and the country's modernization, wild people from the mountains of Japan have moved to the cities one after another. The ecological environment of the forest lacks human interference.

The red pine is blocked from the sun by miscellaneous trees, and the fallen leaves are piled up, making it dark and humid. This is not the forest matsutake likes. Coupled with problems such as environmental pollution, pests, and aging, the output of matsutake in Japan has plummeted.

Second, matsutake was once pushed to the top of the list of treasures. It is one of the treasures of tribute to nobles and emperors, and it is also a national treasure in Japan. Eating matsutake among the people can reflect the nobility of their own status.

Third, there is also a legendary story. It is said that after Hiroshima was attacked by Er Tijiao, everything was destroyed and everything was scorched. Afterwards, scientists in Japan discovered that there is a fungus that has become the only surviving plant, and it can grow and reproduce tenaciously, and it is matsutake.

Since then, matsutake has become the focus of Japanese attention.

Japan has invested heavily in matsutake research, and many scientists have conducted a large number of studies on matsutake and found that the reason why matsutake can survive is because matsutake has super anti-radiation and anti-mutation properties.

Fourth, studies have shown that matsutake is rich in protein, various amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, nucleic acid derivatives, peptides and other rare elements.

Matsutake contains 18 kinds of amino acids, 14 kinds of essential trace elements, 49 kinds of active nutrients, 5 kinds of unsaturated fatty acids, 8 kinds of vitamins, 2 kinds of glycoproteins, rich dietary fiber and a variety of active enzymes;

It also contains 3 precious active substances, which are double-chain matsutake polysaccharide, matsutake polypeptide and the world's unique anti-cancer substance-matsutake alcohol.

All these things make Japanese people so fond of matsutake, and the price is so high.

It's just a pity!

Seeing the number in the account increasing, Nanyi was not happy enough, thinking of what he would encounter next year, his head hurt.

Through his slender and fair hands, Nan Yi saw streaks of blood.

"Dad, our seats are here."

On the first day of August, Nanyi took two little girls to the theater to watch the ballet performance of "The Red Detachment of Women". Amidst the singing of moving forward, Nanyi welcomed Scarlett who came back from the country.

"Adam, here is the list. Procure according to the list as soon as possible, and place an order if there is no stock. The response is very good. I have negotiated supply agreements with several art companies. At Christmas, they plan to engage in A special exhibition of oriental art."

Nan Yi took the list and looked at it, and quickly circled a few circles on it, "Others are fine, but these are not good. What you bring over are all high-quality goods, and one piece of work will cost several masters a lifetime." In two years, it is impossible to ship in large quantities before Christmas."

"Out of stock?"

"Yes, but you can't give the goods all at once."

"Hungry marketing?"

"Yes, hunger and thirst marketing, we sell art, not high-end goods from the factory assembly line. We don't provide customers with what they want. They need to make a reservation, pay a deposit, and we will help them place an order, one year or even two or three years later. , we can deliver.”

"Adam, I have to say, you are such a jerk."

"Yes, I'm a bastard, a bastard who can bring you a large sum of dollars. You don't need to worry about ordering. The most important thing for you now is to go back to New York and wait for the delivery of the goods."

"How long will it take?"

"It won't be long before it will all be transported by air." Nanyi replied, and continued: "Do you remember the worries I told you last time?"

"Remember, so, you're going to talk to me about building a brand?"

"Yes, the brand! You have to reach an agreement with the art company, and everyone will work together to maintain the Dabifan brand and establish the noble value of oriental art.

Potential customers should have the awareness that it is not the high value of oriental artworks, but the high value of Dabifan's oriental artworks.

Do you know what to do to achieve this? "

"Adam, since my grandfather, our Taylor family has been in business. Although I have never been in business before, I have always been influenced by the family. I have been fascinated by business. Don't treat me like a rookie in business." Carrie said dissatisfied.

"OK! I will change my opinion of you and my attitude of talking to you. So, what are you waiting for?"

"What's the hurry, there are no planes today, let's go to the restaurant to replenish some energy." Scarlett said with an ambiguous face.

"Well, I can't spend the night here today, and there are two children at home."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Scarlett slapped Nan Yi's butt, and shouted: "Run, horse!"

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